Threesology Research Journal: Hybrids, Hybrination, Hibridization
God as a Hybrid Mythology
adopted as a legend (acting as an invisible playmate)
page 12

~ The Study of Threes ~

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Playmate God
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The concept of God, along with other religious/sacred/"important" defined entities (Mohammed, Jesus, The Buddha, Brahma-Vishnu-Siva, etc...), and those texts attributed to an explanation thereof, are part of a long process in which humans used the unacknowledged and unrealized strategy of hibridization to create them as they are perceived today. Because the present day conceptions did not appear to those in the past, and the people of the past adopted their own views respected by their own cultures; it is of need to point out that the development occurred by way of hybridization. Metaphorically speaking, past ideas reverberate as echoes on the interior walls of present day brains to produce shadows which dance about like the flames of a campfire that mesmerize and imbue wistful meanderings of consideration assumed to be factual representations of reality as it is perceived in one era to the next. Past ideas are like past lives which come to influence considerations mired in the teachings of a given culture in a give era, however literate or illiterate, however superstitious or not, however logical or not, however self-obsessed (e.g. Nationalism, Racialism, Genderism) or not. The present day concept of (a) God is a hybridated mythology acting... in many cases, similarly to the imaginary friends many children engage in according to the developmental stage of their brain in which they linger for awhile, prompted by the circumstances to which they are subjected. Like a symbiotic creature which evolves with its host, humanity is like a cell which has come to encase certain idea profiles which act like different organelles that prevent the cell from emerging as its own separate entity, because the present thought processes of humanity do not imagine the existence of such a structural being devoid of its present organelles created by conditions of the planet, but not all planets would possibly engage in a similar influence of construction.

Because we can find recurring uses of hybrid formulas throughout the history of humanity in all its endeavors, and its very biological make-up as well, it is of need to acknowledge the usage of hybridization as a functionally distinct exercise labeled with such words as creativity, combination, process, program, mathematics, gardening, biology, religion, politics, sports, entertainment, etc... Each of them is a platform by which hybridization takes place and are themselves creations thereof. If we say that a hybrid is not a label to describe a type of combination but also an expressed representation of an active entity that some may only be able to conceive of as a mental construct, then the entity no longer remains hidden in the shadows and distracted from our full view by present human perceptions trained to see shadows called echoes or concentric waves on fluid or by way of disrupted atomic movements because of unseen forces labeled matter or energy. The different types of hybrids being created are the effects of an entity that has gone largely overlooked and mislabeled by way of a focused-on effect occurring in the presence of a given medium... all of which take place in some measure of the past.

Hence, to label something as a "past life" or "half life" (with or without an additional incremental calculus being applied in a personal philosophy) should not be cause to automatically interpret the presence of some intentioned story-told mystery by those who wish to create a mood of mystique and ambiguity (as an expressed pseudo-intellectualism to make them appear to be smarter than they actually are) to the unfamiliar— who far out-number those who come to appreciate the use of dichotomization which portrays multiple ideas in a "half-full/half-empty" scenario much in the alternative fashion in which psychology, psychology, mathematics, etc., uses various dichotomies.

For example, we find such references in psychology as split-personality, bipolar personality, schizoid-personality, neurosis, psycho-somatic, sane/insane, anti-psychotic medication, etc... whereas in philosophy we see more of a migration towards the impression of seeking out a tripartition by using embellished dichotomies such as the major/minor (premise): conclusion type of compartmentalization. No less, mathematics too is replete with dichotomization though, like the binary code of computers, has adopted a technique for portraying many of its dichotomizations with a functional tripartite imagery similar to the triplet Boolean formulas. Interestingly, all told, what we are faced with is not the truth of nature, but having a facility to wade through the many hibridated digressions of human imagination which used various types of labeling to repeat similar perceptions coined with words and phrases adopted as illustrations that conceal rather than reveal basic truth to most, but allow for a means of camouflaging truth for a few initiates who use the distractions as a means of maintaining some idea of an ideal that they are important and needed as any priestly type of go-between their god called truth and the people who are viewed as either naive, uneducated, or stupidly ignorant.

Here are some other past-life illustrations which can be viewed as hybrids:

We also need to consider that so-called invisible child playmates as well as vivid imaginations could be instances of repeating some portion of a previous life which is differentially remembered as best the mind of a child can recall before it is filled with the nonsense of adulthood in a given era of rebirth. No less, since the topic of how one might effect a memory of a past life is a topic of considerable interest, let me introduce the notion that trauma might occur which creates past lives to emerge in a way that present day mental health professionals might define as a split personality or someone have multiple personalities. Loneliness may also be a means by which one makes themselves susceptible for allowing a past life to emerge, though we of today have contoured and resigned our views to align with the interpretations of so called professionals of one or another field. With respect to playmates in childhood, here is a typical rationale for describing the occasions. And please note that the idea of a past life representation is not even on the radar of such "intelligent" perspectives, though such people may from time to time cross over the path of an "old soul" (though most people do not conceptualize a three-part distinction of young, old, and ancient soul); and neither do such people consider the topic of a vivid imagination as a means by which the environment in which a past life lived can be vividly recreated in the visual perspectives of a child:

Imaginary friends among children is surprisingly common. Most people either know someone who had an imaginary playmate as a child, or had one themselves. Some studies have found that as many 65% of children play with invisible companions.

Children typically start inventing imaginary friends between the ages of three and five. And they have been reported in children around the world from English speaking cultures, to Kenya, Japan and Nepal. And not just typically developing children have them, those with Down Syndrome and children diagnosed with autism also enjoy playing with fantasy friends.

Children make up imaginary friends for many different reasons, and each fantasy friend is unique and special to their creator. But a common reason is simply to relieve loneliness. If you think up an imaginary person, you have someone to play with at all times. This is one reason why children who are first born or only children – who don’t have siblings – are more likely to play with imaginary friends.

How imaginary friends could boost children's development by Paige Davis, Lecturer in Psychology, Saint John University, December 12, 2018 7.09 am EST

Questioning anyone, much less children on a given topic in a given setting by a given person can lead to "false positives" in that a person may have some experiences that they most often have some sense of, but the sensations do not routinely have a specific orientation other than what the person (child) may be most familiar with. If during an experience a person is questioned with labels which may or may not have some conclusive understanding except that conveyed by the questioner, then the person being questioned may we be inclined to convey the very ideas being presented to them and answer in a one-or-the-other dichotomous fashion such as seen when asking a child a question which has been given the required yes or no response. The order in which the yes or no... or no and yes question is asked, may decide which of the words will be chosen by the child. Routinely, I have found that very young children frequently reply with the last word in the order. If no is the last word (following "yes"), then it is this word which is reported as their preferred answer. If "yes" is the last word supplied, then this is what is chosen. Adults are frequently not too different in some instances. If they have some impression for which they have been wrestling with in a attempt to define and thus label, a suggestion by an authority figure may be accepted, if it disposes the person towards the direction they are leaning, whether good or bad. Susceptible, suggestible, and vulnerable individuals can unknowingly be channeled along a course to provide a given reply, no matter how well a researcher attempts to keep all influences to a minimum so as not to bias the outcome, though the routine of questioning an individual under routine circumstances is a bias which can transform an individual into a performing animal, and not as a human able to keep their own preferences intact. Personal inclinations can be easily swayed if they do not have an appreciable understanding of the content of the questions being asked and obligingly use them to label and define that which is sought by an investigator. Many reports of both children and adults are unreliable... made so due to the efforts by a given researcher who is able to convince themselves enough with materials and arguments which satisfy the views of those who review them.

If an adult's frame of mind is predominantly oriented towards a given subject and the language most often used to convey the truths registered by the collective of those who share this interest, then questions being posed from the perspective of another subject by those who use a different language of labeling, may well have to skew the answers provided along those routes which they best understand. If instead of playmates we use the labeling system of friendly ghosts, then that which a person understands about ghosts will no doubt infiltrate the composition of the narrative they supply. If instead of ghosts we say spirits or shadows, or echoes, or dark matter and dark energy, the context in which the words are most often used will be accompanied by the views being typically attributable and requiring translation through a series of analogies and metaphors to accommodate the desired result, either negative, neutral or positive, and yet not be at all what the person is actually perceiving... it is the perception by those who describe it in terms which best fit their inclinations. In every single subject we can see examples of this. All information from all individuals is being used to converge towards a consensus of those in authoritative positions to best fit their views, though the views of those in authority can differ. Truth then, is a facsimile composite frequently tested by thought experimentation based on personal rationales supported by like-minded supporters. Others may readily come to accept a point of view based not on any expertise of their own, but their reliance on a stick of measurement which may prefer to side with someone with a pronounced degree or length of service in a position, or attachment to an institution, or some other variable that they typically assign more believability to; and may come to double-down on a falsehood or person voicing a falsehood as a learned protective measure... where to stand one's ground is somehow a desirable tactic of defining a reliability commensurate with an underdog scenario such as a David against an over-whelming odd.

Correlation past lives and play mate age originations.

God as a Past Life Imaginary (play) Mate

Whereas a link between the range of ages when children give reports of having had a past life can be compared to the age range in which they have an imaginary friend can be correlated, we also need to compare this to the ideas of ancient adult peoples who developed fairy tales, mythologies, legends, etc., which in some ways are now describe with fanciful stories described in literature, movies, television, journalism, science fiction, science journals, religious texts, government reports, etc... The overall description of such museful perspectives otherwise noted as lies, fabrications, embellishments, tall tales, fish stories, confabulations, etc., which on individual basis have their own inclined methods for attempting to establish validity by assailing some word such as truth, official, scientific, sacred, honesty, SOP (Industry standard), scientific rigor, mathematically illustrative, etc...

The topic of one or more gods exemplifies different models of hybridization created by a human brain which repeats itself, like an Alternating Current or some biological construct of developmental cyclicity. From a multiplicity of gods with a singular ability to fewer or just one god whose character incorporates more, most or all god-like qualities of attribution which humans can conceive of and are inclined to attribute to a supposed god entity. Whereas we of today might well view the ideas of ancient gods as an expressed model of superstition and created fantasy to deal with a given peoples interests, concerns, dispositions and overall conditions, be they good, bad or perceived indifferently; those in the past cling to them as actual entities that in many cases acted as a severe and dominant parental figure who could dispense punishment or reward, depending on how the leadership of a given group was inclined to interpret a person or event in one or another situation. If authority felt threatened, to their person or their position, they might well interpret a situation or person as an enemy set to depose them by way of some evil and wrongful intent that the population needs to be joined together and fight against.

Nonetheless, the point to be made is that the idea of a god and gods is something created in the past life of human civilization; often in the mind of a single individual whose brain enabled them to access and create a syllogistic outcome that the populace viewed as preferable and profitable as a concensus, though the majority of people did not have the facility of language to convey what they thought they were feeling and attempting to develop into a mental construct which they could come to wield as a tool to improve their lives. Hence, we have the notion of God being a past life image. In addition, in the sense of a god acting as an imaginary playmate and construct of mythological standards, we see this more plainly in the modern day descriptive interpretation of ancient gods, than we do with respect to monotheistic religions whose criteria generally describe their preference reference as being Omni-present (present everywhere), Omni-potent (all powerful), Omni-scient (all knowing). The present form of the One God is not commonly described with having human emotions or other human-like qualities, unless someone projects their own feelings and thoughts upon the entity.

God can be viewed as a past life play-mate (study-mate, companion, guidance counselor, etc...) for billions of people who are fearful, desperate, hungry, lonely, injured, sick, impoverished, etc., or simply practicing behavior taught to them by social peers. In some instances this God idea plays the role of an imaginary parental figure, a guardian, a weapon, a strict overseer, Others use an active memory to create a disposition to conversationally interact with a dead parent, relative, friend, spouse, lover, co-worker, neighbor, celebrity, etc., as an on-going play mate (intellectual/emotional) companion. Billions of people look to a supposed God as a living entity, just as much as children claim a playmate is real. The playmate of a child is just as real as the god-mate of adults. Trying to extricate the idea of a god from the adult psyche is just as difficult as trying to get a child weaned off of its imaginary playmate, both of which can serve as forms of pacification or incentive to carry out an idea. Whereas a god figure and playmate figure are rendered into some human-receptive form to communicate with, this does not limit the types of companions humans develop. We see other forms of companions in the shape of substance abuses, beverage habituations, books, theater, music, math, mechanics, physics, cooking, gardening, biology, architecture, etc...

On the one hand, like the innocence of infants used in research, we often resort to testing children, thinking they will not be intentionally directed towards lying or making "stuff" up and thus skew the reliability of a test. On the one hand adults use the children to help reach some semblance of truth, so long as the adult brain of a given era can shoehorn the information into the standards of a framework which is acceptable by a given community so as to ensure a given report will be given serious consideration and therefore assist with a reporter's attempts at eventually achieving some useful measure of life sustainability. Motivations in one era to the next may be predominantly focused on ensuring one's present or future livelihood over the cost of venturing to propose the presence of a truth that may at the present be untestable, but may nonetheless serve as a trail blazing tool.

The idea that some people go learning "learning who they are" (people trying to practice the old adage of "know thy self") phases of development at different periods of their lives may well be accounted for by circumstances which trigger memories from one or more past lives to come to the fore and "translated" or configured into relatively acceptable expressions for the era in which they live... unless for some reason they came to be substituted at some point in their life. Then again, if a person is born as themselves and lives with themselves as they grow older, it seems rather silly to think that a person needs to find out who they are... unless they weren't themselves, but someone else during their development... or the "self" of later years is an entity that differs substantially from the person of younger years. It's almost as if a person was in the practice of being someone else... that their true self got displaced and was replaced by someone else... just like a past life having come to dominate them in one or more aspects, though we have various ways in which to interpret and describe the wild behavior of youth compared to the so-called "settled-down" life style of one's later years. Such references may be little more than rationalizations which keep us from recognizing the presence and practice of a past life.

This then suggests, at least to some degree, the past life, or at least memories thereof, are malleable, are flexible and not fixed to a particular pattern without some measure of adaptability needed by the past life and the person through whom they come to be expressed. ... as would be the case for someone finding themselves in a different time period by way of a time machine. They might well attempt to blend in as best they could, even though they remain a bit odd. If mental illness was looked at through a "previous life kaleidoscope", many of the observed abstractions might well make easier sense not only through the personal prisms of professionals, but the person actively experiencing the memories themselves. One can have active memories which play out in functional behavioral roles, and those which play out more subtly in ideologies or a person's poetry, music, stories, math equations, speeches, legislation, etc... No less, premonitions of good or bad events may well be instigated by memories which portray overlaps of similar (and not necessarily identical) history... unless one prefers to interpret such foreknowledge by an ability to discern subtle indications whose end-result is interpreted correctly, if not a viable approximation (more often than not). While it is difficult for some to accept the notion of a past life, it is also difficult for those thinking in terms of a past life to consider that their orientation may be the result of stress, trauma, or some mental illness manifestation cause by some unrealized intoxicant, be it food poisoning, drug illness, bad social environment anti-thetical/ anti-ethical to one's consciousness, etc..

Illustrations used fo describe past lives

Using color preferences to determine past lives

Like most views, there appears to be a limit as to how many past lives one can remember as well as a limit as to how many past lives are themselves repositories of their own past lives memories. It is otherwise foolish to believe just because we have a memory of a past life that the past life being remembered did not itself have a past life memory and that too had their own past life memory, etc... With respect to how many or what kinds of past lives one may have lived, one must be very Leary about those claiming multiple or unlimited past lives... particularly when it revolves around the person making money off of you or setting you up take advantage of you physically, emotionally, financially, property or simply making an acquaintance of you for some future exploitation, Some may get you to join a group that will come to convince you to part ways with money, property or some other item that enhances the life of the person you initially made contact with or one of their confederates. Extortion and manipulation can take many forms. If a person makes a living off of their interest in past lives perspectives, quite often you find exaggerations or contractions which they use as tools of manipulation to fool your ego, emotions and other energies for their own purposes.

How to test for past lives?

Considerations for interpreting the meaning of one's life in terms of being one or more expressions of a past life... with or without compounded instances of having lived multiple times, says nothing about the possibility that some people act as conduits for the expressions of past lives having occurred with both relatives or non-relatives. For whatever reason(s), the idea that someone can be a conduit for the past life of another person is not a topic that has generated enough consideration. Such a possibility adds another variable to those experiencing "other than originating in themselves" episodes of experience for which no one in the past of the individual actually existed. When a person who has had one or more past lives is experiencing that which prevents them from being able to represent some past life expression yet the past life is in need for being able to breathe openly, then someone else who may or may not have a past life might be used to channel another's past life(s) without recognizing that the past life is not someone from their immediate heritage, but that they are predisposed to become a conduit for them because they are receptive to such an influence.

For example, a past life that was a poet may find a means of living again through a person who writes poetry and comes to feel that someone else is writing through them. Hence, a writer, a scientist, a whore, a police officer, a metal worker, a carpenter, a seamstress, a laborer, a politician, an auctioneer, a blacksmith, a hunter, an explorer, a military general, an educator, a butcher, a thief, a doctor, a mercenary, etc., may in fact channel a previous life that had a similar activity as they now practice... or are particularly susceptible to expressing because of some similar or contrasting feature, though they would not claim to be a poet, farmer, soldier, etc., and do not actually attempt to actively pursue such crafts or associated activities. Keeping one's sanity intact while allowing a previous life of one's own heritage (personal or professional) or that of someone else's past life history to express themselves through a receptive person, requires great strength of character and control so as not to be overtaken by the negative aspects a former life entity may try to engage the person in.

In this sense, a person can be the conduit for someone else's past life because their immediate blood-line predecessor has something (illness, injury, coma, inebriation, cowardice, etc...) which prevents the past life from being able to adequately use them as a means to arrive and arise. For example, a person who is in prison may not be an adequate conduit for a past life that needs freedom. Or a person in a wheelchair does not provide enough mobility for a given past life such as a dancer, actor, or someone who likes to walk. Who and why a person becomes a conduit for a particular past life that may not be in their immediate blood-line is a topic that has not been appreciably studied. All too often present day interpretations start on a negative footing as if the person is either afraid of disappointment or afraid of being swallowed up by a given experience because they neither have the necessary depth of humility nor the strength of character fortitude which enables them to keep themselves intact while letting a previous life an opportunity to be reborn for a given pursuit that is beneficial to the conduit as well as the past life. Those past lives who have revenge or other nefarious intentions must not be permitted to take control and cause a disruption in one's life or the lives of others. You must be strong enough to banish them to the realm best befitting their dark existence. However, the idea of a past life should not be used by those trying to define and design a means for understanding activities and ideas which are clearly the result of chemical (optimal nutritional) imbalances and environmentally induced stresses acting on emotional/psychological and physiological vulnerabilities.

At present, the topic of past lives is largely focused on egotistical aspects of a person's personality and not humility; such as the need for great humility when being a conduit for past lives which were meek and timid... or were themselves experiencing a past life expression such as some consider Jesus, Mohammed and the Buddha experienced—, as well as others in different subject areas, and those who are not well documented by a given subject's history. Some people become a conduit for either expressing the will of their God, or the will of their Devil. Far too often a person gets confused and thinks that their particular Religion is THE one and only true conduit for expressing God as they imagine God to be, or how they imagine a Devil or Demon to be. Whereas history has provided examples that different individuals become a conduit for expressing a particularly sensitive representation being focused on by several members of a given religion, such conduits are temporary... even though humans may designate them as saints or inspiring religious leaders. While some religious perspectives start out being a conduit for the perspective of a given peoples' god orientation, this does not mean it continues to be, even though it becomes defined as such by established traditions. Like so many technologies, religion too is a type of serviceable entity that has become outdated and needs to be upgraded or replaced so that all the world's peoples will enjoy a greater standard of living without resorting to the usage of self-defeating past life obsessions which do little more than act as a form of self-entertainment that others might share and relate to and thus be entertained as well, but never accomplish anything beyond self-entertainment acting as a pseudo-form of personal pat on the back as if having made a significant accomplishment.

With respect to someone stating that they perceive a tunnel (instead of recognizing a rotating, revolving and reversing object), we have the following idea as an example. Others who have focused primarily on the rotating and revolving aspects of the Earth have been appreciably distracted from paying witness to effects suggesting the presence of a tunnel-like condition, and those who now focus on the perceived tunneling circumstance, are appreciably distracted from seeing the rotation and revolution need to be coupled with the view of reversals. A two-patterned perspective (rotation/revolution) can cause some to create what they perceive to be a third condition, when in fact it is the product of three activities, where "reversal" is not presently in view.

An old idea revised about the Earth being in a tunnel

Instead of Earth in a tunnel, let us say it is a wormhole.

A similar situation (recalled from a personal experience when I was a young teenager) is felt when one is slowly falling backwards while trying to balance on the two back legs of a four-legged chair. (I actually felt as if I were "floating" in suspended time... or at least a suspended time frame.) There is a sensation of slowing time (that is —as time is perceived as a forward motion). Since both the Earth and yin/yang objects co-exist with humans that can be viewed as (oscillating) wave-like patterns whose paths do not routinely circumnavigate the Earth; unless one views humans as unidirectional static points proceeding in a spring-like motion through space as the galaxy drifts as if going down a drain; the Earth and yin/yang objects viewed as particles are thus traveling through the orifice of dimensional space creating a view of a wave-like property, unless we humans have created a simplistically standardized double-slit experiment perspective due to a dichotomously oriented wrong (backward)-headedness. Analogously, one might want to include the ideas associated with dreams about falling, suggestive of previous experiences of the actuality, though occurring at a very young age.

The sensation experienced as one falls backward

Let me note that I am looking at the yin/yang collection of dichotomies as a singular object... like the Earth with a North and South Pole and its various motions. In several instances we can find someone who places the word "Yin" first and "Yang" second, while others do the opposite (or reverse) of this. And though this perspective of a reversal is easy to spot, those arranged in a linear model such as a syllogism, may not be cause for some to pay witness to the presence of a reversal. Clearly, a static (non-moving) Earth moves through space differently than a moving one. Where "moving" refers to daily axial spin and the yearly revolution about the Sun. If the Earth did not rotate on its axis yet revolved around the Sun, Its overall position through the galaxy would be different. Analogously, a linear idea may be difficult for some to visualize as a round... much less moving object, whereas the yin/yang symbol because it typically is portrayed as a round object, is a step nearer such a visualization if one would then see the list of associated dichotomies as an oscillatory effect. Yet, a linear idea that is not typically portrayed as a round object of observation may not strike the minds of most people to see it as a revolving object, even if its contents such as for example in the phrase: Major premise- Minor premise- Conclusion does represent a collected oscillation, though a person reading it may see it as a uni-directional thought process. However, such a 3-part collection does indeed require an oscilllative (meditative) thought process.

The cycle of learning or teaching is much like a forward transition leading to a reversal, much in the manner in which Alternating Current functions. Even Direct Current has a reversal from the perspective of a circuit being closed that is reopened... otherwise labeled as being switched on and off during different occasions. Though some may view this as a linear event, it cannot be since it occurs in a dynamic situation involving the Earth's multiple motions. Viewing such linear perspectives in isolation gives the impression of non-recurring successions, but repetition from one person to the next and one generation to the next, positions the events as a dynamic occurrence. In this sense, history can repeat, but not exactly since the time and place of the first occurrence occurred in a previous time and place which the Earth, Solar system and Galaxy no longer occupy. Successive hybridizations take place.

A linguistic representation of a circular thought process which was influenced by an environmentally influenced predisposition to portray biologically induced geometries subjected to incremental changes of deterioration, may well exhibit a centralization along with polarities. For example, the linguistic portrayal of circularity, if not a triangulation, would thus describe a major-versus-minor notion and a supposed conclusion which references some centrality such as an "equatorial" result. Indeed, how does a biological species such as humans portray a geometry of thinking if no geometric form is actually portrayable with words alone to suffice as an explanation without some non-word visual aid? How does one illustrate a circle with words if no circle has ever been graphically illustrated and labeled as being round? Hence, linguistic portrayals of other-than simple geometric forms may be possible yet our lack of an adequate vocabulary is an impediment to both recognizing the existence of and providing some semblance of an image thereof except for in such an account as this reference attempts? Whereas it is noted we have linguistic dimensions of number and "word-problems" used for simple math problems, so too is the case for geometric orientations as well as a model of calculus defining an ongoing incremental deterioration in both the external planetary and internal physiological environments.

Geometry of expression is not always straight forward. Reversals can occur.

Date of Origination (initial 1st page): Friday, 30th July, 2021... 6:38 AM
Date of Initial Posting (this page): Friday, 29th October, 2021... 8:13 AM