9th page
Progressive Thinkers as of 12/1/2022
The Uncertainty Principle is presently an active position of Extremism that we may label as the "1" or "Many" or use whatever terms you want to such as A and Z, etc... and so long as we comply with the current philosophy of a structured "1- 2- Many" edifice being articulated in Physics at the moment, this model of the "1- 2- Many" theme will not be replaced... thereby effectively creating a whole new philosophy of Physics. As long as we agree with the particular three-patterned mantra of a structured 1- 2- Many theme being presently used, we can not break the chains of our thoughts and attain a "higher consciousness" of perception and realization. In the above Britannica article the above sentence is followed by "The very concepts of exact position and exact velocity together, in fact, have no meaning in nature." While some readers will readily buy-into such a statement to be used as an expression of their own limits of thinking, I do not. I want to scramble the whole philosophical foundation of physics in order to take humanity into a "higher realm" of understanding Nature. But then again, so do Physicists. They too want to find some path whereby the whole of Physics is turned on its head. The same goes for every single philosophy, every science and religious belief, etc... there is someone seeking to overturn ideas in order that humanity may progress.
In some cases one of the 3 extremes will be labeled "God" and "Satan" will be the other. For a central extreme someone might accept the word "Purgatory". In politics one extreme might be labeled "Far Right" and the other as "Far Left", while some may view the term "Independent" as a non-extreme centrality, but it is an extreme in the sense it needs to be in an extreme centrality. Still others may prefer some measure closer to one or another extreme such as off-center right or off-center left, whereby this is their centrality because they are measuring it by having two extremes. In other cases one might use the terms "Republican and Democrat" as their extremes... and yet if asked, may well deny both as being extreme... yet, in functionality, that is exactly how they are being used, whether a person labels them or thinks of them as such or not. It is much like asking a person if they are scared to walk anywhere but the center of a road at night. They might refuse to accept that they are scared and will offer an excuse to be used as a rational explanation as to why they are walking down the middle. In another context their "1- 2- Many" (the 3 extremes) cognitive profile will be adjusted to fit the language, the vernacular, the jargon of the environment they are occupying, whether it be in a church, school, job, store, fishing with friends, etc... Yet, if analyzed, they will have a 1- 2- Many profile of thinking, of acting, or emotional activity, etc... One or the other extreme may not be apparent or be camouflaged, but they are there in some fashion.
If your are in a philosophy class for example, a professor might intentionally use a style of teaching which uses one or multiple types of the "3 extremes" with words or symbols in contexts which might well obscure and easy identification of the "triple alliance". While in many cases there is a "detente", or happy medium or truce, in some cases their may be a flaring of tensions due to which words or symbols are being used, their definitions and context, but the 3 extremes are there nonetheless. Let us for the moment change our hats and look at the 3 extremes (1- 2- Many) formula in terms of energy. Say for example between a negative and positive either bonded or split apart in a situation where relative calm exists or some potentially explosive condition where a "negotiator" is able to keep the peace... at least for the moment. If the negotiated is killed or distracted or diminished in its capacity or presence, there may not be an explosion, but instead a retreat of the two oppositions. The Negotiator was a third wheel which in some fashion allowed the two extremes to function together (to get along), but that the Negotiator was in fact in some instances an instigator of maintaining tensions kept in check, but not able to dissolve or dissipate. The labeled "Negotiator" is like some supposed "gluon" in particle physics that needs to adopt a different language of terminology in order to gain a greater level of objectivity being held in check by the labels presently employed and sound more like the language of kids in a clubhouse practicing different types of secrecy, which acts as a shielding effect from their own minds.
The "3 Extremes" of the "1- 2- Many" profile may not be the language preferred by some reader because they automatically assume the word "Extreme" means something to be avoided... as if it were a cuss word, a racial slur, or an act of vomiting on oneself in public or spitting at someone. In such a situation the words denoting some extreme position will be tailored to the sensibilities of the person in a given environment, thus unwittingly (or intentionally) used as a concealment, a subterfuge, a camouflage, a deflection, diffraction or distraction. Yet, the problem of reaching some higher position of knowledge, of consciousness, of humanity, is not in the pattern itself, but the labels we use and how we respond to them. The pattern exists through out Nature, at least what human perception can discern. Yet, why does the pattern exist? If we say that it is a fundamental force, does it have its own directive, and is simply using all of life, all of existence as a vehicle? When we cite DNA and Particle physics as being different examples of the pattern, we necessarily ask where does the pattern originate, without using any standard profile for explanation such as is found in Religion, Eastern Philosophy, etc. By not defining one of the 3 extremes as "God" and the other some word such as "Non-existence" nor the central position as "life" or "living", can we not find more suitable terms to be used for expanding our consciousness of realization? We don't have to use standard religious or philosophical terms nor forced to define such in some terms of practicality designed (and defined) by business or politics. For example, a politician... a government... a group in government or an external group which can influence government policy, may want the public to define the 3 extremes in terms of a War and Peace situation, whereby they are enabled to exercise their own ulterior motives such as producing one or more situations that increase their financial or territorial standing. Then again, it may be someone who simply wants to disrupt the government, the stock market, the whole of society as a personalized game... just to see how fart they can and not get caught.
In studying the phenomena of "threes" I uncovered the "1- 2- Many" theme which I now refer to as the "3 Extremes". And yes, there is a "very much many" different types of organization taking place in different subjects. Different labels, different applications, different time periods, different languages, etc., exist for the researcher to decipher. However, in those subjects which routinely make no excuses for using extremes as a means of explaining their beliefs, we can find rather naked examples. Such subjects as religion and philosophy frequently exercise what believers describe as different orientations expressed in some fashion of extremism as The Way- The Truth- The Life, of only you would believe. All the while overlooking their particular style of using the "1- 2- Many" cognitive profile. For example, one form of extremism is expressed in such words as Apocalypse, Armageddon, Ragnarok, Ragnarök, Heaven/Hell, Oneness, Nothingness, Eternity, Universe, Goal, Fundamental, Basic, Mother tongue, Universe, Cosmos, Finality, Death, Birth, Star (Performer), Key, Root, bottom up/top down, zeros/ones, Champion, Uncertainty Principle, Ultimate Principle, Infinite Principle, Unifying Principle, First Principle, Love as Ultimate Greatness, Fusion, Death as the Ultimate Sacrifice, Alienation, Disenfranchisement, space, time, past/present/future, The Word, The Logos, Divine essence, Witness, Fission, Infinity, Love, Peace, War, violence, Wealth/Poverty, etc... In some cases a person might not have a commonly used opposite such as with the word "Oneness" or "Nothingness", though the reader may have already encountered such a situation and chose some label acceptable to themselves. Some minds do not routinely exercise a playfulness in thinking about Antonyms/Synonyms.
Being able to identify the presence of the "3 extremes" by unraveling a particular ideology is more difficult in some instances than others. Some beliefs may want to express non-extremism by asserting a "middle ground" or "moderation in all things," but such an assertion is an extreme position by its insistence of not being an extremism! Because the idea of extremism in any form or flavor or facet is distasteful to some, they will use some extreme intellectual and/or defense to asset they are not engaged in any extremism! They might well want to adopt the idea of a "1- 2- Many" scenario but not correlate it to any mention of a "3s extremism". Again, only because the word "extreme" makes them uncomfortable, and may be the very thing that another reader comes to emphasize as a tool (or weapon) by which they can assert themselves over those who either fight against it, run from it, or cower in (become entrapped by) the presence of. It will be of value to see how the 3 extremes can be used, even if only one of them becomes prominently expressed in a belief.
From the idea of multiple "Nature gods" we see a dichotomous flip-flop occurring in the idea stressing a (singular) God of Nature. In other words, the multiple gods of Nature became compressed into a singular God and not as a Pantheon with a major or dominant god such as Zeus (Greek), Jupiter (Roman/Italian), Odin (Norse). All multiplicity becomes defined in terms of a singularity... just as is the idea in some philosophies requiring its believers to seek a "oneness" as an ultimate achievement from some multiplicity, without realizing they are espousing the 1- 2- Many theme of cyclicity that takes on different labels in different contexts, like DNA being expressed in different life forms, but whose basic formula remains the same. Like a system of reproduction which creates one generation of a life form after another, the 1- 2- Many theme may be thought of as a complex development having begun with more simplified forms of cognitive activity, for which we might want to idealize that no true metamorphosis has taken place, yet many of the ideological life forms created (and differentiated by culture and language), have learned how to conceptualize the notion of some evolutionary drive... some evolutionary advance with the view of seeking some higher state of being, some higher consciousness or development. What this sounds like is a left over echo or impression from biological development that is displaced onto the transformation of a next line of biological expressions.
For example, whatever triggers cells to multiply can be viewed as a driving force which makes an impression... is imprinted on the most complex portion of a life form's structure. As evolution takes over, the next higher stage of development, let say from plant to animal which may take millions of years and experimental conditionings for the right combination of pressures to take charge in creating a suitable blueprint; the initial driving from unicellular (single celled) life to multi-celled life leaves its mark as an indelible tally sheet, which the next life form utilizes like some required building code. As life evolves into a more complex expression, such as from two germ layers to three, with no observable presence of that which we might label a one germ layer life form, each successive life form... in their own way of expression, expresses the basic floor plan of a one- two- many stage construct. Whereas in some cases one of the steps is obscured or perhaps exhibiting a negligible form to the point an observer claims it is missing or absorbed or convoluted into some other measure, the basic sketch nonetheless remains. Whereas in identifying the underlying presence of DNA has been worked out, the 1- 2- Many theme has not been realized enough by multiple researchers to test this hypothesis. Whereas we have comparative anatomy and many other traditions of comparing subject materials, the 1- 2- Many theme may appear to some to be too general, much like the interpretations created by Astrology or other arbitrarily sensitive subjects.
Let us take for example the study of comparative religion, it is an area of research that can take into regard both general and specific patterns which on some level can be enumerated. For example, their have been cultures which believed in one god, multiple gods, and in some cases a "diving couple". These three represent a pattern of one- two- many, even though some cultures may have one or more of these items missing. In some cases an ideological construct arises which specifies a particular number, and may have been created to reflect the number instead of the number resulting from an idea. Because several later religious stories show a remarkably similar idea being conveyed in an older religion, the same theme is frequently used to attest to some sort of veracity of the story, instead of the story referencing some basic cognitive pattern. The effort of some is to establish support for a belief and not that the belief is an embellished rendition of some more basic cognitive pattern having nothing whatsoever to do with religion. Religion is just a life form created by external conditions on a mind that is appreciably ignorant but has a sociological history of growing towards the direct of ideas which reference or are thought to reference some cognitive reach of a greater light, which is a metaphor for people accessing the lights of the sun, moon, and stars... if not meteors, as a god to which later ideologies have transformed into elaborate systems of beliefs which no longer remember their fundamental roots of origination.
While some people claim to be able to remember their time spent in the womb, it is not a well-established certainty that everyone could if given the proper teaching of what to look for in our cognitive activity, though our sleeping position may be a symbolic representation thereof. Along this same line of thinking about memories and expressed representations taking on a rationalized theme for the era one lives in, I included the following information in an old page back in May of 2018. I was intentionally trying to capture some semblance of being "born" from inside a womb with a light at the end, without being too explicit. I was trying to convey the idea that being born was in effect, the realization of a higher state of consciousness, but I did not have the language with which to describe my experience, and the language which I did have was being misinterpreted to represent preconceived notions.
Are the Alien Abduction Scenarios, (whether you believe them to be true or false), symbolic representations of a new, 3rd type of consciousness, or merely someone's consciousness awakening into what many of else realize as normalcy of mental activity that we take for granted? Are the scenarios have a type of "cultural currency" that, if such a person experienced a similar mental process in a different age, would use alternative types of "fringe" images in an attempt to convey some semblance of acknowledging a personal consciousness alteration for which there is no particularly set vocabulary for?
Alien Abduction Memory
It was about 3 AM in the morning
when they came for me through the walls
I tried to cry out a warning,
but no one seemed to hear my muffled calls.
For a time I felt I was floating
my body was weightless all about
and all the while I was hoping,
if only the weird sounds to figure out.
There was a bright light as never seen
it blinded, but did not burn a bit
I was being pulled along this single beam,
which made me gasp and throw a fit!
3 strange beings were near to me
one stuck something into my nose
none of them would set me free,
nor let me have any clothes!
I was placed onto a shiny table
with metallic instruments here & there
I screamed and screamed as I was able,
yet not a one of them seemed to care!
They examined the whole of my body
I felt violated through & through
and when I needed to potty,
I did it there for them to view!
I was surely being used for an experiment
to breed a hybrid of two different kinds
and yet in a hypothetical sentiment,
perhaps I'm already of two different minds!
They then placed me into a room
where others like me were laying down
inside glass cages, or so I presume,
all unconscious with a faceless frown.
I seemed to lay there for an eternity
watching as one by one was taken away
and then at length, they came for me,
crying out loud!...as if to pray.
Twas surely a new dimension ventured in
having been chosen for some special role
to bring forth a message from there & then,
a place transcended by body & soul.
Somehow I know I was tagged & marked
perhaps for some unknown larger inventory
and this is why my thoughts are arc-ed,
towards some higher reality...
(Some form of advanced consciousness
quite different from what I knew
though some may disbelieve all of this,
as best memory can,... I tell it true.)
I know not when I left their keep
or so I thought...perhaps, just maybe
finally awakening from this alien sleep,
only to be called someone's newborn baby!
Note: I honestly wrote the poem about the connection between birth memories and UFO/Alien abductions prior to having any knowledge about the Birth Memories Hypothesis written by Alvin H. Lawson, PhD and discussed in varying details by others.
Alvin H. Lawson Thesis: Alien abductions are archetypal fantasies involving belief or deception, in which the subject's birth memories play a central role.
Alien Abduction Memory page 1
Even though our brain is sometimes described as having developed from a very basic past of cognitively primitive life forms, it is not certain whether this developmental pathway has left an indelible impression that is cognitively expressed in some symbolic form, though some artists may claim individual pieces of their work are suggestive of such and they gain valuable inspirations from such influences that their work attempts to express some decipherment thereof. Indeed, when a psychologist or psychiatrist tries some therapy of helping a person regress to an earlier part of their life, it is not known if such a process actually gets to the most pristine root of the problem since it may in a deeper past of their so-called subconscious predating their human birth. Whether one views this as being speculative or not, the fact remains that when we look for the origination of language or consciousness or reasoning, such attributes may predate the mental construct of humans... if only on a very simplistic level.
In many, if not all Pantheons we see one dominant leader, some representation of duality such as a half god- half human, and of course the presence of Many gods. In all corporations including governments, we find a leader, multiple forms of "Many" such as many people on a corporate board of executives, or many departments, and some expression of duality either involving gender, race, religion, division of functions, etc... And yes, I can hear those readers who say they see some other pattern and want to use their perspective as a wrench to throw into the present works of the 1- 2- Many ideology, but when we look at and count the number of patterns being used, we find some that are dominant and that overall, there are only a few. Then again to mention one alternative pattern or two or many, is just another example of this basic cognitive pattern. This cognitive pattern can be elaborated with the attendant idea of seeking some "oneness" (typically with multiplicity such as having numerous abilities or powers). It's like the germ or single cell of an idea which may pass through some fashionable dichotomy or "twoness" to reach a multiplicity of expression (a growth, an expansion) in the form of a story (legend, myth, fairy tale, religion, law, science, mathematics, philosophy, sport, etc..) and may even become established as a traditional belief whose origin is not even known by well-intentioned historians who do not understand how basic cognitive structures can take, or be attached to different external forms just like the Pentadactyl limb being used as a foundation for multiple life forms. Whereas I speak of a "1- 2- Many", this does not mean numbers or even words will be used in all contexts, and neither does it mean that all of the composite representations will be present. One or more might be hidden or missing or even be expressed as a fraction or multiplicity, such as 2- 4- 1,000. Alternatives exist. As a rule of thumb, I am not sure that the "2" or second position will always show up (when it is present), as a doubling (or pairing) of the 1. Differences in the ideological usage of numbers or quantities exist.
As with magic and witchcraft using symbols, words and phrases as if they have some secret and great power to conjure up something even more powerful like a god or demon that usually (at least in some motion pictures) is just another go-between to some even greater power... thus revealing yet another three-patterned occurrence.

In numerous religions, spiritual purification may be sought through the verbal or mental repetition of a prescribed efficacious syllable, word, or text (e.g., the Hindu and Buddhist mantra, the Islamic dhikr, and the Eastern Christian Jesus Prayer). The focusing of attention upon a visual image (e.g., a flower or a distant mountain) is a common technique in informal contemplative practice and has been formalized in several traditions. Tibetan Buddhists, for example, regard the mandala (Sanskrit: "circle") diagram as a collection point of universal forces, accessible to humans by meditation. Tactile and mechanical devices, such as the rosary and the prayer wheel, along with music, play a highly ritualized role in many contemplative traditions.
Most meditative practices concentrate attention in order to induce mystical experiences. Others are mindful of the mental character of all contents of consciousness and utilize this insight to detach the practitioner either from all thoughts or from a selected group of thoughts—e.g., the ego (Buddhism) or the attractiveness of sin (Christianity). Meditation may also serve as a special, potent preparation for a physically demanding or otherwise strenuous activity, as in the case of the warrior before battle or the musician before performance.
Although the primary purpose of meditation is the realization of truth, the doctrinal and experiential truths claimed by different practices of meditation are often inconsistent with each other. Hinduism, for example, asserts that the self is divine, while other traditions claim that God alone exists (Sufism), that God is immediately present to the soul (Christianity and Judaism), and that all things are empty (Mahayana Buddhism). ("meditation." Encyclopædia Britannica, 2013.))
If we step away from religion and philosophy for a moment, I can provide an instance of the "1-Many" theme in developmental biology, where the "2" takes place on the overt structural "bilateral body plan" as well as the cellular level:
Single-phase and Multiphase development:
The most familiar organisms, including man, undergo a single-phase development; the organs that appear at early stages persist throughout the whole of life. There are many kinds of animals that develop one or more larval stages adapted to a life different from that of the adult. Perhaps the best known of these is the common frog. The egg first develops into a tadpole, which is provided with a large muscular tail by which it swims. The tadpole eventually undergoes a change of form, or metamorphosis. This involves the regression and resorption of the tail and the growth of the limbs. During this time the rest of the body of the tadpole undergoes less profound changes; the organs persist but undergo relatively far-reaching progressive changes. In other animals, the alteration between the larval and the adult forms may be much more drastic. The egg of a sea urchin, for instance, at first develops to a small larva (the pluteus), which is completely unlike that of the adult. During metamorphosis nearly all the structures of the pluteus disappear; the five-rayed adult develops from a very small rudiment within the larva. In other groups of marine invertebrates, there may be successive larval stages before the adult form appears.
Plants in general appear to exhibit a type of development related in a general way to the multi-phased development just discussed in animals, although rather different from it in essence. This is called the "alternation of generations." The majority of higher plants possess two sets of similar chromosomes in each of their cells, that is to say they are diploid (2n), as are most higher animals. But in sexual reproduction, diploid cells undergo a reduction division so as to form precursors of the sex cells, which are haploid—i.e., they contain only one set of chromosomes. In animals these cells develop directly into the sex cells—egg and sperm—which unite in fertilization. In plants the haploid cells undergo some developmental processes before the functioning sex cells are produced. The products of this development are spoken of as the "haploid generation." In most higher plants the haploid development is quite reduced, so that the haploid individuals contain only a few nuclei—those associated with the pollen tube on the male side and a few associated with the egg on the female side. In some lower plants, however, such as mosses and ferns, the haploid development may be much more extensive and give rise to quite sizable separate plants. In such cases a species contains two kinds of individuals, produced by different types of developmental processes controlled, however, by the same genotype. This may be compared with the multi-phasing development of larval forms in animals. The situation in plants, however, is characterized by the two forms of the organism having different chromosomal constitutions—haploid and diploid—whereas the larval forms and the adult of an animal species have the same chromosomal constitution. ("biological development." Encyclopædia Britannica, 2013.)
Date of (series) Origination: Saturday, 14th March 2020... 6:11 AM
Date of Initial Posting (this page): 1st Jan 2023... 11:23 AM, AST (Arizona Standard Time); Marana, AZ.