Threesology Research Journal: Socialized Dispensing Machine of Spirituality
Oasis of Spirituality

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Oasis of Metaphysics

And after a life-time of offerings, you are still required to wait until death.

Please purchase your desired Small- Medium- or Large Trinity of a Cup, Straw, and Lid before your "Checkout" (slang for "die"). It is a rather difficult process to collect fees from those who have absconded into a nether world of higher and expansive consciousness, inter-dimensional sanctuary of superior truth, or spiritual plane of transformative existence; all of which are humorously compared with the "Bad Lands, Mexican border, and Hole-In-The-Wall" escape routes of the Old U.S. West.

Religions and Spiritual Philosophies alike sometimes exhibit the mentality, attitude and characteristic remarks of children who think they are privileged and that the world revolves around them: Because. Because I said so. Just wait and see. You'll see. You can't make me. I'm going to tell my dad on you. My dog is bigger than your dog. So! You're not supposed to. Can I have some?...

What does it Cost? Indeed, what is the cost you are Ready, Willing, and Able to pay for your selected spiritualized narcotic elixir? Shall it be One of the standard coinages you seek to gather into your pockets, lunch box, briefcase, or backpack (aside from the juggling acts of coffee, tobacco and texting), or perhaps one of "The Others" such as Immortality, Knowledge of the future, Fame, or some Psychic ability?

Or perhaps you prefer the sometimes sought after beverage which is the result of indulging in a bit of experiencing all the flavors, and that some adolescents refer to as a suicide drink?

Yes! Step right up and choose your inebriating spiritual elixir... with or without ice, unless you prefer to call it by its alcoholic intoxicant name of poison. In such a venue of perception, then step right up and pick your poison... that you may choose to sip, to drink, or to gulp down in measure... with your accustomed-to pleasure.

It is not a Crisis of Spirituality that humanity is experiencing, but a Crisis of Consciousness brought about by an entangling web of Spirituality that is suffocating a central yearning, an inner voice, that "something there" invocation deep within the recesses of mental acuity... which is gnawing on the inexplicable core feeling that there is something greater than ourselves which awaits us, if only we could find the true signpost, the true path, the true measure of a territorial gain... and so the heart, mind and soul of humanity seeks out some discerning orientation by what is made available to choose from among the many religions, philosophies and alternative perspectives called New Age, pagan, or otherwise— which for some appear to be far enough away from mainstream collectivities of belief that a greater purity of consciousness can be permitted to flower and blossom into that "never-before-experience(d), yet talked often about in different ways and different tongues of expression conducive to the physiological aptitude of human ability.

When we encounter dwindling memberships in the many faiths of the world, yet those faiths claim their numbers are increasing and thus exemplify a validation for a given belief, it is a practiced sleight-of-hand adroitness which conceals a very stark and dark reality of truth which shadows their supposed sincerity behind the cloak of an invisibility instead of being due to cultural enforcements by different leaderships in business and government throughout the world. Yet, millions upon millions are not fooled. If one's culture enforces a given belief and to do otherwise is to commit a type of social suicide, what can one do but comply in ways and means that do not bring unwarranted confrontation to oneself and one's familiars who would be counted as guilty by association. History has shown us that the currency of today's religions are the socialized prefigurements of humanity's ability to construct bottomless pits of impoverishment, suffering and despair, all for the sake of perpetuating false doctrines which chain human weaknesses to endless recitals of privation and fruitlessness.

But the long awaited Day of Reckoning will soon be among us, as a Universal expression we can take no more and must once and for all shake the dust of antiquity from our bodies, minds, and spirits.

Yet, as of now, millions escape into a quiet realm of retreat and thus more-so burden the desire for an expansive consciousness to gain a firmer footing to fall into dark channels and corridors of introversion where myriad models of substitute realms of enlightenment are created. Yet, in quite moments of reverie, of that self-reflecting immutable honesty, they know that such routes are due to despair— to a falsification where the idea of a New Savior emerges in order to release them from their life-long bondage... those debilitations of cultural servitude. And thus they pray for salvation from the world's entanglements of Spirituality which bind the spirit of their consciousness in making its way to the higher ground from which a greater acknowledgement of an embodied reality awaits them and that they must make a pilgrimage to... but not those current places and times glorified by contemporary views of the sacredness or some inner sanctum for which only a chosen few are said to be welcomed because of a practiced contriteness to prevailing belief systems.

It is a New Pilgrimage to a New Place, a New Perspective, a New and much better Future which awaits humanity. Render your faith to the greater purpose and be not fearful of the task you will be asked to perform, because you are chosen. Open your heart, your mind, your soul to the New Awakening. It is about to begin... in its own measure and pace. One by one your senses will become aware, but not too fast or you would be overwhelmed. Let the stages of preparation for you begin... I bid you welcome to your new Beginning.

Page Developed on: Aug. 19th, 2024... 6:15 AM (MST)
Initial Posting: Aug. 19th, 2024... 7:15 AM
Updated Posting: Oct. 7th, 2024... 12:42 AM