Threesology Research Journal: The Scientification of Philosophy by way of a Threes Model
Models of the "Three" in Videos

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of the "3" idea
occurring in Videos"
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The Beauty of Three by Aperture:

The Beauty of three

Introduction to Concepts in threes by Michael Eck

The topic of "threes" occurs in different forms and perspectives depending on one's subject interest and personal inclinations for which they may memorize a particular type of example. It could be called a pattern-of-three, a triad, a triunity, a triple, a treble, a trinity, a triptych, a triplet, Combo-meal, group, few, some, etc., or be represented by some symbol, word + symbol combination, not to mention those groupings unacknowledged to the extent of ever reaching a point of being described. For example, a person may wake up several mornings within the 3 o'clock period but never speak of it and dismiss it when the episode vacates to the point of not creating any lasting conscious orientation thereof. Another example is that a person may hear a succession of 3 knocks and retain it in memory, but never vocalize nor bring it up in a conversation. A person may have several three-patterned events occur to them on one or more channels of physiological perception, but do not actively catalog them in some fashion... in a journal or mere memorization... unless they do so unwittingly by placing things in a three-patterned order and overlook that they do.

3 drug cocktail

In comment after comment I encounter those who appear to be intoxicated with the three drugs of Religion/Spirituality, Mysticism/Magic, and Mythology (story telling), which includes Fairy Tales. Reading the comments of those who follow on the heals of an article or video about an author's rendition of the "3" in whatever context it may be, it is customary to find people providing examples of "threes" from one or more of the three drug cocktail. It is surprising to see the lack of examples from science... even simple ones that were taught to grade school kids such as the Head-Thorax-Abdomen of insects, Earth is the 3rd planet, the Earth is provided a generalized division of Cord-Mantle-Crust, Land-Sea-Air, etc... The fact that most people apparently resort to providing some example from one of the three drugs and not some other subject speaks to how our education system is not a dominant an influence as it would like to believe it is. We can find people readily speaking of three-patterned ideas from religion, fairy tales, and mythology, if not Astrology and Numerology..., but not sports and atomic physics. Multiple items become common knowledge while others... even though they are recognized after being mentioned, do not come to the forefront of being offered as an example.

We have people speaking of the Christian Trinity, and some doing so in relation to presumed religious triads in other cultures, but they see... or at least are not willing to correlate such examples of three to biological and environmental examples as possible sources of influence for the generation thereof. Most people apparently stick with one or more of the three drugs, while others pursue an interest in sub-categories such as Numerology and Astrology, as well as inferential connections to the perceived magic and mysterious that may have initially been formulated due to poor nutrition, inadvertent food poisoning, disease, deformity, fears, superstitions, etc., that others may describe as curiosity, adventurism, trial and error, etc...

As you watch one or more of the following videos, browse through the comments. Granted some videos are a topic about one or more of the three standard cognitive drugs being routinely used by some people. And please note, in several contexts I have tried to leave a comment but they typically are removed... that I assume is due to my insertion of ideas not explicitly attuned to the authored topic. However, if and when an author asks "The Big Why" concerning the recurring phenomena of Three and I attempt to answer it from a perspective which is quite uncommon, the comments are removed. Though the information is read by the authors who may necessarily extract information for some future video, the author(s) do not want to provide credit for the source. Widespread plagiarism occurs on the internet... particularly by those who seek a following which provides them with an income.

The Following of examples is a small collection of different styles of videos referencing the "3" in word form, numerical form, or some allusion thereto.

Here's a short video on Speech Writing By Dr. Craig Engstrom:

The Rule of 3 Explained

Three is Everywhere, by Numberphile:

Three is Everywhere by Numberphile

Arith Härge's discussion on The Number Three and Nine in Old Norse Mythology is excellent:

The Number Three and Nine in Old Norse Mythology

Jack White's Obsession with the Number 3
by Polyphonic

Jack White's Obsession with the Number 3
by Polyphonic

This is a rather humorous video on the Number 37. It is evident to me that it is a coupling of the "3" and "7" value:

Why is this number everywhere? by Veritasium

Here are the comments I left after reviewing the video.

Thanks for the video. It is quite amusing. I was actually looking for a video on the number 3. While the correlations made are interesting, a look at Tom Magliery's 37 Heaven website exhibits the deficiency it holds for human conceptualization. it would be better to view the 37 as a compilation of the 3 and the 7, though one must ask the question if the same number would have arisen if the span of numbers in the query was between 1 and 1,000, 1 and 2, 000, etc... Since most people accept mathematical inquiry as a given, they are not used to questioning its validity as a cognitive construct. In order to do this so as to place the rationale for investigating the number 37 by using mathematics, one must fully understand that Mathematics is a dichotomous based view of reality, much like the dichotomous based Yin/Yang and the present Binary code of computers:

By looking at Tom Magliery's list of science-related examples, we must necessarily contrast it with both threes and sevens. Since I prefer threes, I can offer an example of threes in science by saying we are on the 3rd planet and not the 37th. Nor do we have 37 fundamental particles in particle physics. Nor do most people hold a pen or pencil with 7, much less 37 fingers. In addition, for example, let us look at an absence of 37 structures in the human body by perusing a list of threes in human anatomy:

Again, I think the 37 is a composite of the 3 and 7. My interest in threes begins here:

After pointing out the video to a colleague, he replied that his late Mother mentioned that the number "137" had cropped up frequently in her life. I had also sent the video link to another colleague who replied with a link to this Big Think commentary on the 137. Hence, let me add the three-numbered value in a video format (though there are multiple others to choose from):

Why is 137 the Most Magical Number in the Universe?

Here is a History Channel Rendition of the Number 3: (Image source: istockphoto)

History Channel Rendition of the Number 3
Ancient Aliens, S6 E1, The Power of Three,
44m, Aired on Sep 30, 2013, TV-PG, CC

1 Point, 2 Point & 3 Point Perspective

3-Point & 2-Point Turns: & When You Can't Do a U-turn!

1-point, 2-point, 3-point Slings

Rifle Slings - 1 Point? 2 Point? 3 Point?

(3-patterned) 2- 3- 4 crutch gaits

Beetle (Insect) Tripod Gait

Bipod, Tripod, Hexapod Gaits

Comparison of Tripod Gait and Gallop

Tripod, Wave, and Ripple gait
Gaits: (not all options considered: walking, running, climbing, descending, etc... )
  • 6-legged Arthropods The sequence R3 R2 R1 or L3 L2 L1.
  • 8-legged life forms (Gait?)
    • Octopi and some Starfish have EIGHT ARMS, not legs
  • 10-legged (Lobsters, 2 are small) [gait?]
  • Multi-legged (millipedes, centipedes) [you count the steps]

  • While on the subject of gait, there are some interesting enumerated parallels to be made between the evolution of the horse's hoof and how we humans come to hold a pencil:

    The Third Toe in the Evolution of the Horse's Hoof
    Source for chart
    Source for five toes discussion

    Development of pencil grasp as a portrait of evolution
    Source for image

    Developmental usage of the Primate hand
    Primate Hands

    Prominent, 3rd finger expression
    3rd finger meaning in multiple countries

    3rd Finger Gesture as a protest
    A Very Large 3rd Finger Gesture
    By Garret Harkawik

    Hand Signs Percentages, part 1

    3-Point (football) Stance
    (Two other stances are the 2- and 4- point.)

    Eastern vs Semi Western vs Western - Forehand Grips

    Here is another video by Dr. Craig Engstrom tailored to Writing Speeches:

    The Rule of Three in Writing Speeches

    Here's is Rule of Three video by Frelancer Emma Cownley:

    Using the Rule of Three; Persuasive Writing

    Here's an example of the Rule of Three in Radio Sweeping by Mike Russell:

    Rule of Three for Radio Sweepers

    The Number 3, Why it's considered Sacred. (By Chasing Gods)

    The Number 3 - Why It's Considered Sacred, A closer look in religion, math and more

    For those familiar with Marvin Minsky, here is his take on "threes":

    Marvin Minsky - The philosophy of thinking in threes

    This image is a link to a beginning discussion about Group Theory in Mathematics. Time frame is about 12:56:

    The value of three used to describe 3 best Martial Arts Styles:

    3 Best Martial Arts Styles

    MMA Striking: 3-Count Punching Combinations

    3 Basic Kicks for Beginners
    by Black Belt Samery

    Muscle training with weights:

    I could not find any training videos focusing on all three enumerated groups of Muscles.
    • Biceps, referring to 2
    • Triceps, referring to 3
    • Quadriceps, referring to 4

    Discover the 3 Ranges of Sword Combat With Kirk McCune

    Three-Section Staff demonstration
    Master Leon Zhang's 3 Section Staff

    Ft. Benning 3-Gun; Shooting USA

    I regret fighting MMA After Training 30 Days
    by Jesse EnKamp

    3 initial patterns in the video:
    • NAP (knocked out)-
    • SNAP (break somethimg) -
    • TAP (end the match) -
    3 lines of defense:
    1. Distance -
    2. Framing/Sprawling -
    3. Take-down responsive maneuvers
      • (Involving Movement- Rhythm - Footwork)
    • drill, drill, drill
    • 3 rounds to the match

    Here is the value of 3 being played out in Mathematical Group Theory:

    Group Theory in Mathematics featuring a comment about the 3
    Group theory, abstraction, and the 196,883-dimensional monster

    In the following video about the "Third Man Phenomenon", Shackleton's reference to a "4th" person amongst his group of three, can be viewed as a 3-to-1 ratio expression, so long as the reader doesn't overlook the fact that a so-called "fourth" person (or entity) is a creation due to the presence of the three in the group. Much like those who claim there are more than three dimensions, they do so by using three dimensions as the primary focal point from which their ideas seek a departure. The fact that the "third" is the quantity being referenced says something about culture, Nature, the culture of Nature, the Nature of Culture, or that which we have as yet to name and define as a possible explanation. In other cultures such as the Native Americans, the Third Man concept might well be described as an animal spirit guide. In past cultures we might encounter reference to a god, or demon, or ghost, or monster, or witch, or even Extra-terrestrial.

    The Third Man Phenomenon

    The "Third Man Phenomena" is an interesting topic since in my own experiences I have on multiple occasions spoken of in my private journals about a "spectral presence" that is at sometimes accompanied by three knocks. Or the 3 knocks will occur alone, being heard at a door, window, wall, ceiling, floor, cupboard, etc... I have also encountered it in terms of a "voiceless voice" providing brief commentary that some might want to describe as a guardian angel, externalized generation of one's higher consciousness potential, dead loved one watching over them, etc... In any event let me add a few more remarks at the bottom of the page.

    The Power of Three
    by Mark Moore

    The Power of Three, by Mark Moore; TEDxHardingU

    Here is a Hindi portrayal of the "3". It was necessary for me to view it with sub-titles;

    Exploring the mystery of number 3. Griva Pandey. Hindi. by Technical Giva

    Here is a Video which attempts a philosophy of practicality using three simple elements of conceptualization:

    The Significance of Number 3 In Your Life by Sadhguru

    Beware Ye Sinners who violate the Sacred Oath!

    The number of the counting shall be...3 by Moshfits

    Three Main Components of Any Astrological Chart:

    How to Read a Birth Chart... in Minutes

    3 Evolutionary Stages of Each Zodiac Sign

    The Different Stages You Go Through Life, According to Your Zodiac Sign

    Three is my Favorite Number... Sesame street children's show:

    Three is my favorite Number, Sesame Street, Joe Raposo (1972)

    Additional commentary on the 3rd Man Phenomenon, sometimes called Third Man Factor or Third Man Syndrome:

    Referencing the spectral phenomenon as a "Third Man" appears to be a modern creation. It is of interest to note there is no similar pronouncement of a 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, or otherwise entity, despite Shakleton's journalistic account of his experience. His usage of a "4th person" description was not influential enough to create a sentimental following of others who might relate a personal experience along the same lines. What has been generated is a reference using the "3". It would be of interest to know whether the others in the group thought in terms of a collective "4th" or did they see it as an adjunct "other" to be counted as a separate and singular distinction. In some situations a person may not sense the presence of what they or another might describe as a presumed sentient person, but their encounter with something unusual, or vague, or nuanced; like that which might be described as a "something there", eeriness, subtle energy, etc... Accounts by some that describe a shining light that may or may not be interpreted to be some angelic or otherwise spiritual entity may in fact relate to an emergence of a underlying developmental biological characteristic that not only is showing itself in some era- or situation- specific psychological phenomena like a tip of the tongue recurrence; but is not quarantined to life threatening situations.

    While the psychological dispositions of some may require life-threatening circumstances before the phenomenon "kicks in" to some level of awareness... much in the manner that some people require nightmarish formulas of psychic content instead of mere dreaminess to evoke some overt response; reactions to their situation which often extend outside themselves (like a person who typically monitors their own dream like a spectator); are typically confined to underling dominant states of emotional inclination and thought orientations. If a person is not inclined to interpret multiple experiences in a religious/spiritual/metaphysical "otherness" sense nor interpret heightened sensory data in terms of some brightness like a light, glow, shimmering, etc..., then inclinations towards descriptions, interpretations, and explanations with some science, pseudo-science, metaphysic, philosophical, mathematical, etc., encapsulation will be that which they ascribe to... whatever their level of artistic, musical, literary, speaking, etc... is practiced at.

    If Nature experiences a similar phenomena, then the presence of DNA's Triplet code may be an expressed formula of that which emerged from a previous Doublet Code which previously followed a singlet code. Likewise for the development of the three Germ Layers which may have experienced their development in epi-phenomenal terms where,... when the 1st Germ layer developed, there was an eventual "emerging presence" of a 2nd layer occurring over time that— once established, began to experience the "vague" presence of a 3rd layer due to an ability of using increased photo-responsive properties which in human terms might be described as an angel, or spirit, or god, or light at the end of a tunnel, etc...

    If the early biological materials in the development of life had the ability to express itself in a human language with human symbols, the descriptions might well mirror our own interpretations of further biological development expressed in different models of psychological phenomena which are all too often push people into the quicksands of religion, spiritual or metaphysical descriptions which are quite limiting and constrained for more clearer illustrations of consciousness expansion occurring as a result of humanity's life threatening situation in an incrementally deteriorating planetary, solar system, and galactic environments. Whether fact or fiction, humanity's frequent illustrations of some future doom infect the mental and emotional states of Billions of people. If not some nuclear, biological or chemical war, then some war with god-like figures or extra-terrestrials, not to mention the multiple conspiracy theories thousands of writers are trying to exploit to make a buck... and needless to mention all the nonsense forms of coming destruction perpetrated by religions.

    A short discussion about the 3rd Man Syndrome on a Law and Order Episode:

    What Is Third Man Syndrome? Law & Order: SVU, NBC

    A small sampling of Third Man links:

    Page Originated: Sunday, Aug. 4th, 2024... 4:35 AM
    Initial Posting: Sunday, Aug. 4th, 2024... 4:42 AM
    Updated Posting: Friday, Sept. 6th, 2024... 9:03 PM