In using a "threes" tool to analyze different subject matter, we discover that it alone is not enough. We are forced to include other number patterns which may or may not accompany it in a given instance. Likewise, there are numerous instances of other number patterns which occur but there appears to be an absence of the "three". It is therefore necessary to keep an account of these instances as well, in order to develop some idea of frequency. However, patterns of numbers by themselves or in association with other patterns (numerical or otherwise), is not enough.
Anthropologically speaking, if we were an extra=terrestrial explorer gathering information of different planets and came across Earth that provided the remnants of television commercials of a given era such as the 1950s, how very little this would tell us about the many different subjects which the inhabitants studied. While compiling the different number and geometric patterns of television commercials may provide us with a statistic of the material being survey, it wouldn't necessarily give us any information about the state of medical knowledge, mathematics, physics, music, art, philosophy, mechanical engineering, etc... In other words, the information would provide us with patterns, but not a comprehensive list of all things related to humanity. It is like those who attempt to understand the "word of god" or "god's plan" by limiting their research to a given text or even a limited set of artifacts labeled "religious artifacts". If we provide a list of religious texts and influential books such as the following, no matter how many number and geometrical patterns that can be extracted, these patterns alone would not give us information about the state of geology, weather patterns, nuclear warfare, virus research, population density, political affiliations, birth deformities, etc. Regardless of our sincerity and the most modern tools being applied, the following texts are not revelations about chemsitry, physics, mathematics, nutrition, etc...
Scripture(s) | Group |
Old Testament (Tanakh) | Judaism; Christianity (different compilations for Jews, Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants) |
Talmud | Judaism |
Midrash | Judaism |
New Testament | Christianity |
Qur'an | Islam |
Sunnah (from hadith) | Islam: Sunni |
Nahjul Balagha | Islam: Shiite |
Avesta | Zoroastrianism |
Vedas | Hinduism |
Upanishads | Hinduism |
Bhagavad Gita (in the Mahabharata) | Hinduism |
various Puranas (Vishnu Purana, Shiva Purana, Skanda Purana, Linga Purana, Garuda Purana, Matsya Purana, etc.) | Hinduism: newer movements, Vaishnavite, Shaivite |
Tantras (including Kularnava Tantra) | Hinduism |
sutras, and their commentaries | Hinduism |
Vachanas | Lingayats (Virashaiva) |
Adi Granth | Sikhism |
Purvas (12 angas including Acarangasutra and Sutrakritanga, 34 angabahya including Uttaradhyayana Sutra and Kalpa Sutra. Also: Upasakdasanga Sutra, Dashavaikalika Sutra, and Nandi Sutra) | Jainism: Shvetambara |
Purvas (small number; reject most Shvetambara Purvas) | Jainism: Digambara |
large number of scholastic expositions (anuyoga): Samayasara, Niyamasara, Pravacanasara, and Pancastikaya; Anupreksa; Samadhishataka of Pujyapada; Tattvarthasutra of Umasvati | Jainism: Digambara |
Tattvarthasutra | Jainism (minor differences between Digambara and Shvetambara versions) |
Other separate books of Jain Canon: Sanmatitarka, Gomattasara, Jayadhavala, Adipurana, Dvatrimshika, Aptamimamsa, Mulacara, Ratnakarandasravakacara, Sagaradharmamrita | Jainism |
Pali Tripitaka | Buddhism |
Jataka stories (semi-cannonical) | Buddhism: Theravada |
Visuddimagga or Path of Purification (semi-cannonical) | Buddhism: Theravada |
Questions of King Milinda (semi-cannonical) | Buddhism: Theravada |
Chinese Tripitaka | Buddhism: Mahayana |
Tibetan Tripitaka | Buddhism: Mahayana |
Lotus Sutra (Saddharma-Pundarika) | Buddhism: Mahayana |
Sukhavativyuha Sutras | Buddhism: Mahayana: Pure Land |
Meditation on Buddha Amitayus (Amitayur Dhyana Sutra) | Buddhism: Mahayana: Pure Land |
Garland Sutra (Avatamsaka Sutra) | Buddhism: Mahayana: Kegon/Hua-yen |
Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand Lines (Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita Sutra) | Buddhism: Mahayana |
Sutra of Hui Neng (Platform Sutra) | Buddhism: Mahayana: Zen |
Lankavatara Sutra | Buddhism: Mahayana: Zen |
Mahaparinirvana Sutra; Surangama Sutra Buddha; Golden Light Sutra (Suvarnaprabhasottama) | Buddhism: Mahayana |
writings of Nagarjuna, Shantideva, Aryadeva, Vasubandhu, Dharmakirti, Gyalwa Longchenpa, Sakya Pandita, Milarepa, and Lama Tsongkhapa | Buddhism: Tibetan |
Mulamadhyamaka Karika and Precious Garland | Buddhism: Tibetan |
Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life (Bodhisattvacharyavatara) | Buddhism: Tibetan |
Hevajra Tantra; Kalacakra Tantra; Guhyasamaja Tantra | Buddhism: Tibetan |
Tibetan Book of the Dead (Bardo Thodol) | Buddhism: Tibetan |
Five Classics: Book of Songs; Book of History; Spring and Autumn Annals; Book of Ritual; I Ching (Book of Changes) | Confucianism (I-Ching is also cannonical for Taoism) |
Four Books: Analects; the Great Learning; the Doctrine of the Mean; the Mencius | Confucianism |
Tao Te Ching | Taoism |
Chuang-tzu | Taoism |
Treatise on Response and Retribution (T'ai-Shang Kan-Ying P'ien) | Taoism: popular religious Taoism |
Tract of the Quiet Way (Yin Chih Wen) | Taoism: popular religious Taoism |
Kojiki | Shinto |
Nihon Shoki | Shinto |
K-oki | Tenrikyo |
Ofudesaki | Tenrikyo |
Mikagura-uta | Tenrikyo |
Michi-no-Shiori | Omoto |
Johrei | Sekai Kyusei Kyo |
Goseigen | Mahikari |
Nectarean Shower of Holy Doctrines | Seicho-no-Ie |
Song of the Angel | Seicho-no-Ie |
Holy Sutra for Spiritual Healing | Seicho-no-Ie |
Divine Teachings of Kyososama | Shinreikyo |
Chun Boo Kyung | ancient Korean |
Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah | Bahai Faith |
Book of Certitude (Kitab-i-Iqan) | Bahai Faith |
Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah | Bahai Faith |
Epistle to the Son of the Wolf | Bahai Faith |
Book of Mormon | Christianity: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Doctrine and Covenants | Christianity: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Pearl of Great Price | Christianity: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures | Christianity: Christian Science |
Dianetics | Scientology | Major Scriptures, Religious Texts and Influential Books
Even if we were to include every single text ever written and compile every single number pattern, geometric pattern, etc., this would not tell us, for example, about life on other planets. In other words, the information derived and the questions posed, would be limited... if we limited our appreciation to the texts themselves. For example, if someone studies chemistry to be used only for the study of chemistry as it is presented in the text, and not apply chemstry to circumstances not covered in the text, how very limited would be the use of chemisty unless the text provided instruction that it should be applied elsewhere as a tool... but that it is not the only tool.
Likewise, the "three" pattern is a tool of dissection and comparison, but it is not the only tool. Granted it can provide a lot of information and its usage can lead to the accumulation of many different types of information, if we do not look at the information as a tell-tale sign, a hint, an impression that occurs because of environmental influences upon a biologically-based subtrate, the information can not be interpreted accordingly. Using the "three" as a tool of dissection and comparison must not cause us to created a functional fixedness of its design. While it is a tool, it also provides us with a ladder, a scaffolding, a stepping stone to other information, questions and derived appreciations.
The very fact that different patterns repeat themselves in all subjects and interests, tells us that there is a repetative influence. Understanding the nature of its own design limits provides us with a clue as to how stable, unstable or highly unstable the repetative influence is, and whether or not there are multiple influences that work together or alone. If the repetative influence is (for the most part) stable, but incrementally disentegrating, the patterns we uncover will assist us in determining future conditions related to the particular patterns under investigation. Like wise if we discover that the patterns yield indications of intermittant volatility or extravagaces in design. For example, let us say that a compilation of threes (or whatever pattern being examined) from a single text indicates an undulating pattern on a graph. And that the graph is a compilation of one pattern (whereas other patterns are labeled as extraaneous "noise" that need to be filtered out) over a long period of time. The length of time would be like the counting of tree rings and the pattern(s) would be an indication of social conditions that inturn would be an indication of environmental conditions, if we knew how to interpret the "message" when faced with distortions and information that is incomplete or missing.
If we have a library with a million texts and the texts are only on one subject, or written by a handful of authors, how little this might well reveal about the population. However, even when we have many millions of texts on a variety of subjects written by millions of authors, this information is lacking in information about humanity in that a comprehensive analysis is not taking place by enough of us, or those in positions of authority who might use the information to benefit humanity.
If you have one individual or a group of individuals who have read all the above texts and can recite them verbatim (word for word), and that this was their sole knowledge, they would be very ignorant about multiple subjects. But if you value the information in the texts above all information, you might well consider the group or individual to contain the complete word of God, as revealed in the texts. The person might not be able to tie their own shoes, fixed a stuck toliet, tune up a vehicle, prepare a meal or numerous other practical activities, you might well consider their erudite knowledge to be most important and you would offer yourself as a servant and means of support. Such is the case for many academics who may be at "the top of their game" in their respective field, but are otherwise not much help in many everyday practical matters.
Using a "threes" tool as a means of compiling a diverse array of information is much like collecting any number of items as a hobby. And if you get others who are interested in the same type of behavior, you might well get them to associate together, pay dues, contribute to a magazine and write books, and give lectures on the subject... yet the subject remains as an overall superficiality that is defined as a speciality. An academic institution may or may not make room for including the subject as part of a curriculum, depending on whether or not it will prove to be a money making venture. Yet, even if there is little interest in it if left to the selection of individuals, an institution can force people to pay to attend classes by developing a rationale that makes it a required subject... like Latin used to be because of its former usage in written texts.
In order to keep a Universtity curriculum viable, many subjects have to be made into required studies. And as ideas change, the old ideas have to either adapt or collated as a branch, root, stem, bud, or some other biologically referred to appendage. For example, if we look at the subjects of philosophy, mathematics, physics, geography; sociology, psychology, political science, chemistry, etc., we might well come into contact with one or another representative list:
Wikipedia: Glossary of philosophy
Wikipedia: Index of philosophy
ThoughtCo: Branches of philosphy
Wikipedia: Lists of mathematics topics
Wikipedia: Glossary of physics
ThoughtCo: What are the different fields of physics?
ThoughtCo: Branches of Geography
Outline of Sociology
UTSA: Subfields of Psychology
Wikipedia: Political Science
RACI: Major fields in Chemistry
The point to be made is that we could look at all the major fields and their subfields with the intent of making a collection of threes, twos, etc., including non-number patterns, and still come away with nothing but a very large body of statistics that would require the development of a statistical methodology in order to analyze them. For example, let say that after analyzing all the texts of a given subject we find that the most dominant number occurrence is three, or even some other number. While it is hard to surmise the reasons for number occurrences other than the conventions such as one, two, three, four... up to nine or ten, though instances of 12 and 13 are noted, such an occurrence might be labeled a statistical deviation with or without an accompanying reason. In fact, one might simply make a note of it and all other non-conventional pattern occurrences.
Nonetheless, the recurrences or absent there of are patterns which reflect a causal factor. The explanation that I am presently using to delineate the reason(s) for particular patterns showing up again and again, is that because we can find conceptual models of biological processes that exhibit a relatively small set of numbers, is that this represents an environmentally imposed limitation... a conservation that suits survival needs under current environmental conditions. If we recognize a shift in the patterns, this suggests a shift in the influence(s). For example, if we were to recognize the development of a pattern-of-five or seven or nine or more in the coding of DNA and RNA, we might well say that there is an instability in the triplet pattern, or that the environmental influence of the long-standing pattern is or has undergone change. Interestingly, despite the incremental deteriorations which are taking place with the Sun, Earth and Moon complex, the triplet coding remains stable, but not necessarily all things related to developmental genetics, since we have chromosomal mutations. While the base code remains stable, this may not always be the case in future generations.
The triplet base code may not be a viable prospect on planets that are not in the third poisition of a source of solar energy. An alternative life-form made from an alternative code may be what is required elsewhere. If we say that "threes" do not occur because of the triplet coding influence or because we are on the third planet, then we might want to claim that "threes" are the result of some three-patterned atomic particle organization, or even some unseen three-patterned law such as the three laws of planetary motion or three laws of motion. However, some readers may not want to conclude all three-patterned ideas or notions are the direct result of such fundamental occurrence, but are the result of the many threes occurring in our anatomy, as pointed out by Dr. McNulty whose site is provided through the link above.
If we say that collecting various examples of ideas with a pattern-of-three or some other number pattern is "numerology" and that this is based on superstition and superficiality (numerically rationalized superficial correlations), what does this say about those who create an idea which displays a given number-related pattern? Could be not say they are practing a social, cultural or anthropological form of collective numerology even if they are not consciously putting a list together... yet are contributing to it nonetheless? Just because a person is not aware of the many times and instances that a given pattern is used by others over a long span of time, does not mean they are not part of the linked process by which the pattern (s) is/are perpetuated. In other words, a person who collects and collates various number-relatable patterns might be viewed as someone practicing a form of numerology, yet a person who repetatively uses one or more such enumerated patterns is excused from being viewed as practicing a form of numerology. It is rather hypocritical to indulge is such a definition.
The same goes for those who may never mention a given number at all, yet relies on a physiology that is suffused with repetative patterns which can be enumerated. In effect, the process of physiology are a pratice in numerology, since once they are enumerated, there is an identifiable sequence which can be quantified. Yet, other instances in different ways occur, such as when a cook uses particular measurements of ingredients over and over again. Just because they don't make a mental record of the numerical repetitions they use, does not mean they are not engaging in a form of numerology. The same goes for bankers, muscians, artists, landscapers, etc... Mathematicians are those who engage in various forms of numerology, that may be compounded by additonal layers of numerological content such as how many of what kind of problem(s) they engage in. The same goes for many of us. There is no telling how many times a given writer repeats themselves with respect to a numerological analysis. Yet with this said, it is not that all of us don't engage in some form of numerology, but how we interpret what such a pattern may or may not mean.
Some readers may not like looking for patterns except for those which will help them gain, sustain, or refrain from a given practice... such as in the case of a desired or undesirable form of employment. Cataloguing a given pattern that is not encouraged by an employer or instructor, might well be interpreted in a negative light, unless they can present the idea in a way that coincides with rules, patterns or ideas that are already supported by some rationale. Unless threes research can be incorporated into another's phsychology, philosophy or mathematics of conceptualization... or find some wide-spread public appeal, it will continue to be looked upon as a hobby. By cataloguing the different patterns in different subjects in order to indicate a similarity of human cognition, patterns-of-three expressions of adults might be better understood as an extension of an infant's three-patterned babbling. But if researchers of infant vocalizations are unable to hear enumeratable patterns, comparisons such as the one's I have been pointing out will be overlooked. However, in asmuch as one researcher may well identify three-patterned infant babblings, if their research is not duplicated because researchers who follow them are unable to recognized a given pattern, the idea may well be lost or overlooked, like Gregor Mendel's pea plant research in which he discovered a 3-to-1 ratio law. And yet, even though the law is well-recognized, the "3-to-1" ratio pattern is not seen in DNA or RNA... much less proteins:

The Father of Genetics, by Sean D. Pitman M.D.
Item | --- Three the same --- | --- One is different --- |
DNA = | Adenosine- Cytosine- Guanine | Thymine |
RNA = | Adenosine- Cytosine- Guanine | Uracil |

Principles of Cell Biology
And this series of pages provide additional comments and examples:
- 321 A Various three "to" one ratio examples
- 321 B
- 321 C
- 321 D
- 321 E
- 321 F
- 321 G
- 3- 2- 1 FForces Fundamental Forces
Delving into threes research requires alternative thinking. And yes, you make connections between different subjects that are not publicly cited by experts in their respective fields, but who nonetheless speculate very widely in undisclosed ideas of their own. Some of their ideas are no doubt already considered by others who are years beyond their own consideration... even though they are not known or published. Yes, some ideas are very unconventional. Indeed, discoveries are sometimes the result of musing or dreams that might well be condemned or argued against as having any value, if they were known before the dreams or musings took place. To tell someone about a creative process that they might try to apply to themselves may or may not be helpful, just like any number of philosophical approaches to achieve some imagined enlightenment. If a person can not sell the method of how they become creative, then they want to keep it close so that someone else can not use it and stake claim to an idea that both may be in the running for to discover. Intellectuals, creative individuals and even geniuses can be quite selfish. They will take information from others and not give credit to them, and if they are a known figure in their field and someone unrecognized comes up with a good idea for them to use, they might well take it and let others defend them as the originator... all because the other person isn't known, or has not shown any previous prowess of development in a given application. Just becaue a public figure or expert in a field says they are honest (forgetfulness not withstanding), doesn't mean they are. They simply do not want to be caught with a lie... which can be tantamount to a felony, and may well get others to assist them in covering up the truth... that is then buried in the sands of history, and history becomes developed on one lie after another lie after another lie... like so many falsehoods now seeping in the halls of the U.S. Government.
Sometimes you may gather information for years and not realize that the answer to some unasked question sits right before you. Then again, the answer may be so easy that it is disregarded because it doesn't take much effort to comprehend it. Whereas Einstein said to simplify, he had to back up the simplification with complexity in order to satisfy those who don't believe in anything unless they exert a type and amount of effort over a give period of time. Thus, in some instances I simplify, and in other instances I complexify. Everyone seems to have a bit of a different taste.
In answering the question of the title of this page, whether threes research is of value or valueless, one might remark that one person's junk is another person's treasure, or that one person's mountain is another person's molehill, the actual answer for the reader's specific interests may be no, because they don't know how to use it, or that there is not yet enough information to make an honest assessment. Thus, let us hold judgement for the momenet.
Page initially created: Tuesday, 5-Sept-2017... 5:14 AM
Initial Posting: Tuesday, 5-Sept-2017... 1:52 PM
Herb O. Buckland