Threesology Research Journal: Socialized Dispensing Machine of Spirituality
Oasis of Spirituality

Oasis of Metaphysics

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Vistors to Ye Old Water Hole as of Aug. 20th, 2024

Please purchase your desired Small- Medium- or Large Trinity of a Cup, Straw, and Lid before your "Checkout" (slang for "die"). It is a rather difficult process to collect fees from those who have absconded into a nether world of higher and expansive consciousness, inter-dimensional sanctuary of superior truth, or spiritual plane of transformative existence; all of which are humorously compared with the "Bad Lands, Mexican border, and Hole-In-The-Wall" escape routes of the Old U.S. West.

What does it Cost? Indeed, what is the cost you are Ready, Willing, and Able to pay for your selected spiritualized narcotic elixir? Shall it be One of the standard coinages you seek to gather into your pockets, lunch box, briefcase, or backpack (aside from the juggling acts of coffee, tobacco and texting), or perhaps one of "The Others" such as Immortality, Knowledge of the future, Fame, or some Psychic ability?

Or perhaps you prefer the sometimes sought after beverage which is the result of indulging in a bit of experiencing all the flavors, and that some adolescents refer to as a suicide drink?

Yes! Step right up and choose your inebriating spiritual elixir... with or without ice, unless you prefer to call it by its alcoholic intoxicant name of poison. In such a venue of perception, then step right up and pick your poison... that you may choose to sip, to drink, or to gulp down in measure... with your accustomed-to pleasure.

Page Developed on: Aug. 19th, 2024... 6:15 AM
Initial Posting: Aub. 19th, 2024... 7:15 AM