(Page B)
(The Study of Threes)
Here are two internet source selections containing more examples of the "Seven" Phenomena, with some as a repetition of those found on the first page in this section.
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The Greek author Antipater of Sidon, who lived in the 2nd century B.C., was one of several writers to list the greatest monuments and buildings known to the classical world. He settled on seven because that was considered a magic number by the Greeks.
Seven A mystic or sacred number. It is composed of four and three, which, among the Pythagoreans, were, and from time immemorial have been, accounted lucky numbers. Among the Babylonians, Egyptians, and other ancient peoples, there were seven sacred planets. The Hebrew verb for "to swear" means literally to come under the influence of seven things; thus, seven ewe lambs figure in the oath between Abraham and Abimelech at Beersheba (Gen. 21:28); and Herodotus describes an Arabian oath in which seven stones are smeared with blood. There are seven days in Creation, seven days in the week, seven graces, seven deadly sins, seven divisions in the Lord's Prayer, and seven ages in the life of man; climacteric years are seven and nine with their multiples by odd numbers; and the seventh son of a seventh son was held noble. Among the Hebrews, every seventh year was sabbatical, and seven times seven years was the jubilee. The three great Jewish feasts lasted seven days; and between the first and second were seven weeks. Levitical purifications lasted seven days; Balaam would have seven alters, and sacrificed on them seven bullocks and seven rams; Naaman was commanded to dip seven times in Jordan; Elijah sent his servant seven times to look out for rain; ten times seven Israelites went to Egypt, the exile lasted the same number of years, and there were ten times seven elders. Pharaoh in his dream saw seven years for each of his wives; seven priests with seven trumpets marched round Jericho once every day, but seven times on the seventh day. Samson's wedding feast lasted seven days; on the seventh he told his bride the riddle, he was bound with seven withes [sic], and seven locks of his hair were cut off. Nebuchadnezzar was a beast for seven years. In the Apocalypse, there are seven churches of Asia, seven candlesticks, seven stars, seven trumpets, seven spirits before the throne of God, seven horns, seven vials, seven plagues, a seven-headed monster, and the Lamb with seven eyes. The old astrologers and alchemists recognized seven so-called planets. According to the Muslims, there are seven heavens. Benét's Reader's Encyclopedia (Siepmann, 1987)
Seven Champions The mediaeval designation of the national patron saints of England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Spain, and Italy. In 1596 Richard Johnson published a chap-book The Famous History of the Seven Champions of Christendom. In this he relates that St. George of England was seven years imprisoned by the Almidor, the black king of Morocco; St. Denys of France lived seven years in the form of a hart; St. James of Spain was seven years dumb out of love for a fair Jewess; St. Anthony of Italy, with the other champions, was enchanted into a deep sleep in the Black Castle, and was released by St. George's three sons, who quenched the seven lamps by water from the enchanted fountain; St. Andrew of Scotland delivered six ladies who had lived seven years under the form of white swans; St. Patrick of Ireland was immured in a cell where he scratched his grave with his own nails; St. David of Wales slept seven years in the enchanted garden of Ormandine, and was redeemed by St. George. Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (Evans, 1989)
Seven Deadly Sins also called cardinal sins. Any of the sins originally identified during the early history of Christian monasticism and grouped together as early as the 6th century by St. Gregory the Great. The traditional catalog of the seven deadly sins is: (1) vainglory, or pride; (2) covetousness; (3) lust, understood as inordinate or illicit sexual desire; (4) envy; (5) gluttony, which usually included drunkenness; (6) anger; and (7) sloth. The classical discussion of the subject is in the Summa theologiae, by the 13th-century theologian St. Thomas Aquinas. The seven deadly sins were a popular theme in the sermons, morality plays, and art of the European Middle Ages. Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature (1995)
Seven Heavens A concept of ultimate spiritual bliss based upon some verses in the Koran and further elaborated by Muslim commentators. Muslims believe that Allah created seven heavens, on above another, and that the Prophet Muhammed was carried there on his horse Borak. Benét's Reader's Encyclopedia (Siepmann, 1987)
Seven Kings of Rome In its earliest days Rome was ruled by a succession of seven kings. According to tradition these were Romulus (founder of the city), Numa Pompilius, Tullus Hostilius, Ancus Martius, Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tullius, and Tarquinius Superbus. The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature (Howatson, 1989)
Seven Lamps of Architecture Book-length essay on architecture by John Ruskin, published in 1849. According to Ruskin, the leading principles of architecture are the "lamps" of Sacrifice, Truth, Power, Beauty, Life, Memory, and Obedience. The noblest style of architecture was Gothic, but in time medieval architecture had lost the power to resist innovation. This loss of vitality was the result of the spiritual decline of Christianity during the materialistic Renaissance. The essay took the studies of a generation of medievalists and provided them with a general framework and a moral flavor. Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature (1995)
Seven Last Words The Seven Last Words are the last utterance of Christ on the cross... The words are "My God, why hast thou forsaken me?" ...recorded in Mark 15:34, and Matt. 27:46. Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins (Hendrickson, 1987)
Seven Liberal Arts A loose classification of the subjects comprising the educational curriculum in the West during the Middle Ages, from the late fifth century AD onwards. The name 'liberal arts' seems to originate with Aristotle who in the Politics talks of eleutherai epistemai, 'brances of knowledge worthy of free men', the basic knowledge needed for a properly educated citizen... They were divided into the trivium, namely grammar (i.e. literature), rhetoric, and dialectic, and the more advanced quadrivium, namely arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy. The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature (Howatson, 1989)
Seven Names of God Of the many names the ancient Hebrews had for the deity, the seven names of God were those over which the scribes had to take particular care, the names being: El, Elohim, Adonai, Yhwh (Jehovah), Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyer, Shaddai, and Zebaot. Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins (Hendrickson, 1987)
Seven Natural Wonders of the World 1) Mt. Everest. 2) Victoria Falls. 3) The Grand Canyon. 4) The Great Barrier Reef. 5) The Northern Lights. 6) Paricutin. 7) The Harbor at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Seven Sages Name given by Greek tradition to seven men of practical wisdom--statesmen, law-givers, and philosophers--of the seventh and sixth centuries BC. The list of sages is variously given in different authorities, but generally it comprises Solon of Athens, Thales of Miletus, Pittacus of Mitylene, Cleobulus of Rhodes, Chilon of Sparta, Bias of Priene, and Periander of Corinth. The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature (Howatson, 1989)
Seven Seas The Arctic and Antarctic, North and South Pacific, North and South Atlantic, and the Indian Ocean.
Seven Senses According to ancient teaching the soul of man, or his "inward holy body" is compounded of seven properties which are under the influence of the seven planets. Fire animates, earth gives the sense of feeling, water gives speech, air gives taste, mist gives sight, flowers give hearing, the south wind gives smelling. Hence the seven senses are animation, feeling, speech, taste, sight, hearing, and smelling. Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (Evans, 1989)
Seven Wise Masters also called The Seven Viziers, The Story of the Seven Sages, or Sinbadnameh...("The Book of Sindbad") A cycle of stories, presumably Indian in origin, that made its way through Middle Persian and Arabic into Western lore. In the frame story, an Oriental king entrusted the education of his son to a wise tutor named Sindbad (not to be confused with the sailor of The Thousand and One Nights). During a week when the prince was ordered by Sindbad to maintain silence, his stepmother tried to seduce him. Having failed, she tried to accuse the prince before the king and sought to bring about his death by telling seven stories. Each of her narratives, however, was confuted by seven sages, who in turn told tales of the craft of women. The prince's lips were at last unsealed and the truth made known. The oldest surviving text of the story is in classical Arabic and is included in The Thousand and One Nights Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature (1995)
Seventh Heaven The Muhammadan Seventh Heaven, is said to be "beyond the power of description." ...In the Islamic graded concept of Heaven, which also prevailed among the Jews, one goes after death to the Heaven he has earned on earth, and the Seventh Heaen, ruled by Abraham, is the ultimate one, a region of pure light lying above the other six, the Heaven of Heavens. Anyone in Seventh Heaven is thus in a state of ineffable bliss, having the greatest pleasure possible. Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins (Hendrickson, 1987)
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son Seven is the most mystical and magical of numbers, and in the lore of folk magic, the seventh son of a seventh son is believed to be born with formidable magical and healing powers: he is clairvoyant, capable of casting powerful spells, and possesses the ability to heal by a laying on of hands. Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft (Guiley, 1989)
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
Seven Wonders of the Middle Ages 1) The Colosseum of Rome. 2) The Catacombs of Alexandria, Egypt. 3) The Great Wall of China. 4) Stonehenge. 5) The Leaning Tower of Pisa. 6) The Porcelain Tower of Nanking. 7) The Mosque of Hagia Sophia.
Seven-year Itch The seven-year itch has been synonymous for sexual desire since 1660. Seven-year itch had no sexual connotation when first recorded in 1899, simply meaning "a type of itch allegedly requiring seven years of healing." Influenced by the sense of itch as sexual desire, it came to mean a married man's urge to roam after seven years of marriage, a meaning widely popularized by the Marilyn Monroe movie The Seven Year Itch (1955). Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins (Hendrickson, 1987)
Seven Year's War (1756-1763) The war against Fredrick the Great of Prussia waged by France, Austria, and Russia. England aided Fredrick with subsidies and Hanoverian troops. The war ended with the treaty of Hubertusburg, by which Frederick retained all his dominions. The war carried with it the struggle between France and England overseas, which was settled in the Peace of Paris of 1763, leaving England predominant in India and America. Benét's Reader's Encyclopedia (Siepmann, 1987)
The following selection is from the:
[Topics]: The Number Seven and Scripture
And Abimelech said unto Abraham, What mean these seven ewe lambs which thou hast set by themselves? And he said, For these seven ewe lambs shalt thou take of my hand, that they may be a witness unto me, that I have digged this well. Wherefore he called that place Beersheba; because there they sware both of them. Genesis 21.29 |
From the Seven days of Creation to the Seven Seals of Revelation, Scripture is saturated with the Number Seven. Just listing all the occurrences would take several pages. Essentially all biblical scholars, regardless of their stance with respect to the meaning of numbers in Scripture, have recognized the special symbolic use of this Number. It is simply impossible to miss.
The discovery of the symmetric sevenfold Canon Wheel and its corresponding representation in the form of the Menorah is like a capstone to the study of the Number Seven in Scripture. We now can see this number emerging from all levels of the Biblical revelation. It is found in the microstructure of the text (e.g. the seven words and 28 letters of Genesis 1.1), in the plain message of the text (as mentioned above) and now with the advent of the Canon Wheel we see it shine in the large-scale structure of the entire Bible. The question now is this:
Why did God do this? What is the meaning of the Number Seven? Why did He indelibly mark his Word with this Number?
Hebrew | Sheva |
English | Seven |
German | Sieben |
Old Saxon | Sebun |
Sanskrit | Sapta |
Latin | Septem |
Greek | Hepta |
The answers to these questions yield great insight into the Mind
of God, His Wisdom, and the Promise revealed in His Holy Word. I
begin with the meaning of the Hebrew word for seven,
(Sheva), and roots that are closely related to it. This word is often
transliterated as Sheba, with a hard Bet (b), but as far as I
can tell, the soft Bet (v) is more accurate. The sidebar compares
the word for Seven in various languages. Note that words with both
the hard Bet (b) and soft Bet (v) appear in the list. The phonetic
resemblance is striking, especially since there is a strong
similarity between the Hebrew and Sanskrit which are supposedly
independent language groups.
Sheva is closely related to two other triliteral roots spelt with the same three consonants that differ only in vowel points. Thus, there are three Hebrew roots that look identical. Here are three representative entries from Strong's Concordance:
Strong's #
(links) |
Meaning |
S# H7646 | saba: satisfy, fill, full, plenty, satiate |
S# H7650 | shaba: sware, charge, oath |
S# H7651 | sheba: seven |
The triliteral root
(Shin - Bet - Ayin) therefore carries three fundamental meanings:
- Seven
- Full/Complete
- Oath/Sware.
These three ideas are found associated throughout the Bible. For example, the reason for seven angels with seven final plagues is explained in terms of fullness in Revelation 15.1:
And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous, seven angels having the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God. |
Thus we have one very obvious answer to our question:
God marked the Bible with the Number Seven because it is the fullness of God's revelation! |
Yet there is more, much more. The relation between the Number Seven and the idea of an oath is explained in the passage from Genesis 21 quoted at the head of this page. This is especially insightful because these passages reveal the etymology of Sheva/Sheba in the surface text of Scripture. Here, the Bible is serving as its own etymological dictionary.
21, which corresponds to Shin within the chapter
sequence of Genesis, gives a detailed introduction to the
various meanings of the Shin KeyWord
(Sheva/Saba). I begin with the question posed by the verse itself
"What is the meaning of these seven ewe lambs?" The next verse gives
the answer:
And he said, For these seven ewe lambs shalt thou take of my hand, that they may be a witness unto me, that I have digged this well. Wherefore he called that place Beersheba; because there they sware both of them. |
The name Beersheba means Beer (well) of the Sheba (Oath). Thus Scripture clearly displays the Number Seven with its associated meaning of Oath, and we have another very obvious answer to our question:
God marked the Bible with the Number Seven because it is His Oath! His Promise! His Covenant! |
This further integrates with gematria. The fundamental Greek word
for Scripture is
(graphe). Its numerical weight
coincides exactly with that of the
fundamental Hebrew word for Covenant
(B'rit). We have the identity:
(Graphe, Scripture) = 612 =
(B'rit, Covenant)
The depth of this relation is greatly amplified by this phrase that appears four times in Scripture (e.g. Numbers 15:39):
All the commandments of the LORD Kol Mitzvoth YHVH |
= | 612 |
These are the fundamental terms used throughout Scripture for
All, Commandments, and LORD. The word
(Kol, All) is particularly interesting because it is geometrically
integrated with the Aleph and the Tav on the Wheel.
Yet this is but the beginning! The phrase seven times is used frequently in Scripture to mark the work of God. The Levitcal Priests were told to sprinkle the blood of the sacrifice seven times, Joshua was ordered to march around Jericho seven times, and Namaan was told to wash in the Jordan seven times to be cleansed of leprosy. In all these cases, the phrase used is:
Seven Times Sheva Pawmim |
= | 612 |
The word
(Pawmim) is the plural of
(Pawm) which
carries the meanings of stroke, beat, foot, step, anvil, or
occurrence. It is best understood as the sound of a foot
striking the ground, or the "pawm pawm pawm" of a drum. It is
translated as "anvil" in Isaiah.
Thus Holy Scripture - God's Covenant - is numerically equivalent to this central phrase which may be interpreted as Seven Occurrences, Seven Beats, or Seven Anvils. We have therefore a fourfold identity based on the Number 612 which reveals the Number Seven as the heartbeat of Scripture!
The Number 612 |
Scripture |
Covenant |
Seven Times |
All the Commandments of the LORD |
I particularly enjoy the meaning of Sheva Pawmim as Seven Anvils in view of the symmetric sevenfold Canon Wheel upon which countless scholars will undoubtedly break many of their hammers!
These identities are further amplified by the explicit statement of the Word concerning itself (Psalm 12.6):
The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. |
Yet for all this, we have not come close to exhausting the richness found in the Number Seven. One of the most significant uses of the phrase seven times is found in these words of the Lord Jesus (Matthew 18.21):
Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven. |
There is a an entire constellation of reasons why the omniscient Lord Jesus Christ chose the number 490 = 70 x 7 to represents the perfection of forgiveness. First, there is the immediate, double integration with the meaning of Seven as Perfection and Completeness. The duplication emphasizes the meaning, as when Jesus says "Truly, Truly" to emphasize the importance of what He is saying. But the integration goes much deeper than this.
Returning to Genesis, we find that the seventh
occurrence of the name Noah is used in the phrase (Genesis
6.9) "Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations." The word
translated as perfect is
(Thammim). We have the identity:
(Thammim, Perfect) = 490 = 70 x 7
Consider the degree of integration represented here: The Hebrew word Thammim literally means perfect, which is the symbolic meaning of Seven; Thammim first appears in conjunction with the seventh occurrence of Noah's name; the numeric weight of Thammim is both a multiple of seven and exactly equal to the value the Lord chose to represent the perfection of forgiveness! There is no end to the wonder of God's Wisdom!
Yet this is but the beginning. My database has a huge set of identities relating to large prime multiples of seven which are semantically integrated with the idea of Perfection and Completion. I begin with these verses from II Corinthians (vss. 12.7f):
And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness . Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. |
The word translated as "weakness" is
(asthenia). We have the identity:
The Number 281 is prime. This number and its associated idea of weakness further integrates with the symbol of Christ as the sacrificial Lamb of God, as in Revelation 5.6:
And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. |
The Lamb represents the perfection of weakness that Almighty God accepted when he went to the Cross. We have the identity:
These ideas are inextricably integrated with the power of God . The word translated as "power" is dunamis. It is used elsewhere (e.g. II Corinthians 13.4) in the essentially equivalent phrase "the power of God." In the nominative case, we have the identity:
The Power of God![]() Ho Dunamis tou Theou |
= | 1967 | = | 7 x 281 |
Interpreting this with the associated concepts, we have this relation:
The Power of God = 7 (Perfection) x 281 (Weakness)
- The root of the name of the Number Seven means Perfect, Complete, or Satisfied.
- Thammim means perfect, and its numeric weight is 70 x 7, which is the number the Lord used to describe the perfection of forgiveness.
- Thammim first occurs in conjunction with the seventh occurrence of the name Noah.
Thus we see the explicit message of Scripture encoded in the intrinsic alphanumeric structure of the Greek language! Such is the Wisdom of God.
Many other highly significant, deeply integrated, and self-reflective identities based on the meaning and value of the Number Seven may be found in the article Multiples of Seven. (shown below)
[GR] > Multiples of Seven |
Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. Genesis 2:1f |
The Number Seven has two fundamental symbolic meanings in Scripture: |
1) Completeness, Fullness, or Perfection |
2) To Swear, to Vow, to make an Oath |
This is discussed at length in the article called Seven and Scripture. (shown above)
The identities below are but few of the more spectacular examples of how the Number Seven modulates between a concept and the manifestation of its perfection or completeness.
Root Concept | x 7 = | Perfection/Completion of Root Concept |
3 Trinity |
x 7 = | 21 I AM ![]() |
58 Grace ![]() |
x 7 = | 406 Tav (Cross) ![]() |
60 Trial ![]() |
x 7 = | 420 The Lord The Judge ![]() |
63 Prophet ![]() |
x 7 = | 441 Truth ![]() |
64 Truth ![]() |
x 7 = | 448 The LORD hath sworn ![]() |
70 Purity ![]() |
x 7 = | 490 Perfect ![]() |
281 Weakness ![]() |
x 7 = | 1967 The Power of God ![]() |
499 Hosts ![]() |
x 7 = | 3493 The Fulness of the Gentiles ![]() |
911 Grace ![]() |
x 7 = | 6377 The Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ ![]() |
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~ Links and Key Links ~ | |||
Links and KeyLinks | Modular Notation | Three Levels: Self-Similarity over Scale | |
Projective Links (1) | Projective Links (2) | ||
~ The Number Seven ~ | |||
The Biblical
Meaning of the Number Seven |
The Sevenfold Light of God's Word | The Bible Sealed with Seven Seals | |
Seven and Scripture: → | The Bible as Menorah | Mathematical Derivation of the Sevenfold Symmetry from First Principles | |
Word Distributions | Correlation Coefficients | ||
First Occurrences: → | Coordinated Debuts in Genesis and Isaiah | Names, First and Last in Joshua and Hosea | |
~ Advanced Topics ~ | |||
Inner Wheels Introduction: | The BW pattern manifests on all levels in the Biblical text. This section traces out correlations between the large-scale structure of the Bible and the chapter sequences of various Books. | ||
World History Introduction | Amazing correlations suggest that God guided the course of History in accordance with the design of the Wheel. |
Note: The "~ 'I AM' God ~" concept is explored beginning on page:
Herb O. Buckland