Threesology Research Journal: The Scientification of Philosophy by way of a Threes Model
Origination of the "Three"
The Barcode Model of Evolution
Oh My God!
Pg. 4

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Threesology Research Journal: The Scientification of Philosophy by way of a Threes Model
Origination of the "Three"
The Barcode Model of Evolution
Oh My God!
Pg. 4

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Unconventional Thinkers as of Aug. 23rd, 2024

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I have read and still read multiple serious scientific papers written by experts in different fields. However, none of them are about an investigation into the "threes" phenomena. They may use one or more patterns-of-three in their explanations, but it appears they are either oblivious to such a usage, or use them as a writing technique similar to other writers in other genres who have adopted some variation of a "rule of three" inclusion such as three main characters, three tasks to performed, three possible antagonists, etc... Which to me is a script I see in multiple different kinds of writing including scientific papers whose authors have adopted a story telling formula.

While a few people in the past have made measured attempts to decipher a presumed meaning for the repetition of threes, they typically lacked access to a knowledge base of multiple subjects and even perhaps the examples of others who have pursued an interest in analyzing the recurrence of threes. Most of them, let me presume, may (or may not) have at one time or another encountered negatively assigned labels such as Numerology, Obsessive-Compulsiveness, or even superstition. And let me add that from my own reading experience there are far too many getting sucked into repeating the comments of others who have made a list of threes examples, as the Christian Trinity, Hindu Trimurti, ancient Egyptian triads, Mythological triads, triads from legends, and of course Fairy tales and white or Nature-branded witchcraft, such as the Rule of three in current Wicca orientations, even though some reject the topic for whatever reason, but nonetheless are familiar with it. Yet even those who use the rather benign but infamous Pentagram symbol are engaging in the use of overlapping triangles... as well as being visualized as an abstract human figure with the 3 categories of two legs, two arms and one head. One can not help but note the evolution of the Pentagram from a lone-standing star-like figure to one with a circle around it, sometimes displayed on a square paper, floor, wall, etc... which is a three-patterned setup, even if the square background is not being consciously acknowledged.

Examples of the Petagram over time
Contains: the number three in American Culture

An exception needs to be made when discussing a researcher of the "threes" phenomena when their list not only highlights conventionally listed examples, but those which may be frequently seen but not acknowledged. A case in point is the article by the Folklorist Alan Dundez whose book Every Man His way: readings in Cultural Anthropology, contained a chapter entitled "The Number Three in American Culture". Both myself and Michael Eck of the online Book of threes fame, paid tribute to the article by creating web pages for the chapter. However, I was a bit put out (in the early seventies) by Dr. Dundez'a conclusion that "Trichotomy exists but it is not the nature of nature. It is part of the nature of culture." Yet, his list does not exhibit the wealth of threes in Nature that have since been discovered and collated. Indeed, enough information has been collected to present the threes idea as an hypothesis which involves the ideas of all subjects. It is a major pattern which takes into account multiple other patterns to provide a discernible and viable alternative model of cognitive activity.

There are some papers in Philosophy which do attempt a deeper scrutinization of "threes" when discussing the Christian Trinity, Georg Hegel's use of triads called the Dialectical method and Charles S. Peirce's theory of 3 signs called Semiotics found in different contexts and perhaps with different labels such as Icon, Index, Symbol; though let us also pay service to Aristotle who is said to have originated the 3-sentence format of logic called the Syllogism (that I prefer to call sillygisms since they're actually quite silly.) Take for example the children's phrase: Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy was he? Or how about: All crows are black. Jack is a crow. Therefore Jack is Black... which are simplistic sillyness which some think are incorporated into the 3-line Japanese Haikus, and therefore are expressed sillygisms. Take for example a defined classic Haiku by the referenced master Matsuo Basho:

An old pond!
A frog jumps in—
the sound of water.

It is easy to be dismissive of a discussion about "threes" if you encounter a list with random examples, and in particular, a list which appears to contain the same examples as multiple other lists and the author not being able to provide any substantive difference in their articulation of the repetition as a point of interest with a wider application. It is worse if one is providing a list of threes but do not attempt to give any reference to those or that from which their examples were derived. The argument an item being "in the public domain" and "fair use" of someone else's work is fine, but you should at least make an effort to mention where the examples and associated ideas came from. If I were to encounter a list of threes about cartoon characters and having had no previous introduction to the "threes" idea as a topic of discussion, I might view it as little more than some deliberate attempt by cartoon illustrators to follow in the footsteps of those who write Fairy tales or jokes, both of which frequently exhibit a penchant for displaying a dominant three theme. And let me add, if I were someone who read a list of randomly assorted examples of threes and did not recall any that I had experienced in my own life that millions of others have encountered as well... some on a daily basis, then it is easy to be dismissive and call anyone's effort at doing so an act of Numerology, Obsessive-compulsion, or as one guy told me as I recited about a dozen examples, I had way too much time on my hands.

It is astonishing to find commentators about a list of threes who add to the list with their own variants, not including the obvious examples many children learn in school such as being on the 3rd planet from a source of solar energy, three layers to the earth, three body parts to insects, 3-patterned grade system (A+, A, A-, three basic types of tests (true/false, multiple choice, essay), ending sentences with a period- question mark- exclamation point, holding a pen or pencil with three fingers, library searches; Author- Title- Subject, 3 bells signals used by school administrators, 3 ships of Christopher Columbus, 3 upper right corner computer page options (minimize- maximize- close), 3 non-motorized cycle riding: unicycle- bicycle- tricycle, 3 colored street lights, 3 flag colors (US, Britain, Russsia, France), 3 divisioned govermnent (U.S.: Legislative- Judicial- Executive), etc...

Sometimes I agree with the findings while at other times I neither have the education nor experiences in life to provide an honest assessment of what is being conveyed. However, in all cases I fully admit I am biased. No matter how diligently I read a paper forwards, backwards and sideways, I will always interpret what is written through the prism of my own education and experiences. As such, I am guilty of glossing over content even if I read each and every word out loud at the speed of a 3rd grader in elementary school. While some authors write fast and want their content to be read slow, other authors write slow but want their content to be read fast. Some authors, such as Musicians, Artists, Poets, and Mathematicians use abstractions and symbolization, which can make their often simple ideas appear cryptic and difficult to grasp, while others have the ability to take complex ideas and make them available to the inexperienced and uneducated. In this instance, dichotomization can be used to illustrate examples for multiple people to understand what I am saying. They understand opposites because their education experiences are filled by content used by different instructors who use dichotomies with great frequency.

Some people deliberately start at the back of a book and read forward, chapter by chapter. Other people want to play music backwards or take tests by starting at the last question and move to the beginning of the test. Some people may try to write a poem with the opposite words such that instead of "sweet, beautiful and smart", they say "sour, ugly and dumb". Such are the cases for imaginative thinkers trying out different cognitive strategies. In some instances using a different strategy to convey an idea can be useful, though fans of a given formula may find the approach strange. Yet, more often then not, a person is not consciously aware of their use of dichotomies; nor for that matter, can the make a distinction between a dichotomy and trichotomy. The have not been taught to recognize such patterns nor have they learned of such on their own.

In my efforts to share my ideas with others who are educated in other fields, I often find that their first response is to claim I am engaged in Numerology, which then provides them with the excuse for being disinterested. Indeed, if you don't come across with an introduction that you like another's work and then ask for some clarification of a point (you may fully understand already), they will measure your worth less because the content of your contact is not a confirmation of what they believe is right. Indeed, if you have 9 or more experts agreeing with ideas that they co-authored, there is no reason not to believe in one's views. There is no reason not to even think that what you have come up with is an educated guesstimation that warrants inclusion of additional information simply because we humans do not know enough. The situation is made worse if your efforts to discuss the "threes" is with someone who gets paid for not being interested because they are paid to be interested in something else. In other word, one tends to adopt the position that "it's not my job" to give an alternative idea any consideration... and this is what occurs whether or not someone disagrees with this assessment. A more common colloquial refrain is when we hear "its not your job to think" or "yours is to do or die, not to reason why". Alternatives exist, but the point is made.

It is not that the threes idea is wrong, it is simply being confronted by those who have lived a life without it as an actively subscribed-to ideology. If it were found to be useful for making money, acquiring political power, or providing a means to reap multiple other social rewards, people would be breaking down the door to know more. The threes idea is not a business, it is not a government, it is not a religion, though I can accuse myself of engaging in its content quite "religiously", in terms of consistency. I do not wear a cloak with a hood nor a tin foil hat, though some may see me this way because they don't actually understand the presently regarded esoteric nature of a Threes study that most people haven't even heard of. There are no books or films or documentaries that I am aware of that treats the "threes" from an objective perspective without resorting to some conventionalized negative definition as an explanation of its recurring presence as a sustained cognitive pattern.

Attempts to explain the recurrence of threes, or for that matter multiple other patterns, are often grabbed on to by some established subject area whose practitioners want to exploit the pattern and attach some magic, mysticism, or mystery to it, for the purposes of manipulating those who have been attracted, typically in the sense of leading them to make a purchase of some worthless product akin to some old snake oil remedy. Religion, Numerology and Astrology are examples. Other disciplines feel more secure in their academic foundation that they may resort to ridicule, name calling, and out-right arrogant models of dismissiveness... the very attitude their fledgling developments had endured. If I say that the topic of "threes" is a poorly studied, poorly explored topic of mathematics, cognitive psychology or linguistic variant, it may garner some momentary attention from those interested in such fields but they will eventually turn away if the content does not then explicitly begin to voice standardized ideas within a threes framework from which they can derive a complementary supplementation to their own interests and possibly provide a higher branch to bolster personal efforts.

I fully understand I am a collector of items that to others may appear to be bits and pieces of knowledge gathered from far and wide. Yet, this is how a fire in a resource sparse landscape is made. A twig here, a twig there. A berry here, a berry there. A rabbit, bird or lizard here, a fish, turtle and snake there. I am much like those who collect Baseball cards, coins, seashells, glass figurines, automotive performance decals, baseball caps, cook books, stamps, bones, old books, butterflies, etc... and like many a collector who first begins a collection as a sideline activity that develops into an interest and then a study, I have pursued a journey whose initial items were based on a simple formula referencing a "3", pattern-of-three, or a 3rd position. Later efforts have begun to include the gamut of basic arithmetical contours (3 minus, 3 plus (add), 3 divide, 3 X (multiply) and even a "higher mathematics", though I am now aware that Mathematics sits upon a mantle of persistent dichotomies. Over time my collection has expanded to collecting variations that I would not have thought of when I first started out. Whereas in the very early days I had only a few examples, I now have thousands from multiple subjects. However, the issue with collecting is that when you have a few examples it is rather easy to keep track of them such as putting them on a shelf or in my case, a small notebook. But as the collection grew I found I needed a method of putting them in some order that I could easily find and reference. To be honest, my present methodology is far from perfect, particularly when it comes to images and the need for cross-referencing. Using the standard 3-part Author- Title- Subject card cataloguing system of a library book collection could work, but only if I returned to each example and relabeled them according to the usage of such a system. If I had started my collection with the foreknowledge that I would eventually need some system of collation, this might have made the present day task of finding items more simpler, but I had no idea I was going to find as many as I have.

There not only is an enormous array of "threes" examples, but an apparent absence of such a pattern that also piqued my curiosity. If the "three" pattern is as important as one might be inclined to think, then its absence in some cases needs to be a part of one's collection also. This entails being quite conscious of non-three patterns which in my case has helped to increase the overall knowledge of threes as a possible participant in a much larger configuration of perception and mental processing. Indeed, it has help to identify the presence of a 1-2-3 sequence where one or more of the assumed steps are vacant, symbolized, or having evolved into a vague or almost indiscernible presence. Fortunately however, the behavior of collecting, collating and analytically dissecting different items of interests have provided suggestions as to how one can go about studying the topic of "threes". Multiple subjects have multiple practitioners, who seek to unravel the origins of their subject. Take for example Language. The efforts of Linguists in pursuit of understanding connections as led to an appreciation of their being root words that extend back into depths of time that are quite astonishing. Similarities, dissimilarities, and almost imperceptible nuances have been identified and given a surprising level of deduction that one might explain by applying the review that certain individuals are gifted... if not geniuses when it comes to grasping the minutia of details that others of their ilk overlook or misinterpret. Indeed, upon the discovery of multi-lingual inscriptions, only the assiduous deftness of a gifted linguist was enabled to decipher the contents for others to grasp a bit more understanding of human thinking and societal concerns in ages past, with the intent of using the knowledge so humanity could move forward and not have to repeat the errors of the past.

Eventually, however, particularly those researchers who may (or may not) fully appreciate that they stand at the precipice of making a discovery not yet recorded, a crossroads may be encountered. While an adventurous spirit inclines one along lines of boldness to push on with only a moment's reflection, this is not the case who come to meet the spectre of doubt who pushes them into a crevice of uncertainty and binds them to an imprisonment which suffocates their creativity along those avenues of exploration which were once eventful, but now serve as an unwieldy distraction. This becomes particularly troublesome when faced with measures of self-doubt reinforced by encounters with one or another person (or inanimate perception) whose philosophical embodiment is negativity. Instead of a person being their own cheerleader, they play the part of a trickster which affords the necessary excuse which eventually creates an impediment quite difficult to surmount, though several people in history have done so, and do so everyday they arise from bed.

Like all subjects, they have their beginnings. While some are fret with stops and starts over multiple generations, others appear to have a more continuous ascension, though the path may be fraught with several moments of retracing one's footsteps. Like any person in a combatant sport (including politics), they know all too well how the path to achieving their goal can also be undermined by those who are jealous and prefer that they or someone they prefer reach the same goal first. But chasms must be crossed, if for no other reason than to get to the other side. Irrespective of the means of doing so, those who seek to pass over into a new realm want a viable means of passage, though they may not care who or how the stated passage was created. We see multiple examples of this in religion and spiritual philosophies; with none of them providing any substantive construction. While they do have blueprints and call such outlines as sacred, such brochures of the possibility have no actual contractor to build an actual bridge. You can have the sacred documents... for a price, and join in a group to speak,or sing, or hum, or chant of the possibility... for a price, but you nonetheless remain on the same side as everyone else except for those for one reason or another, have plunged to their death... all in the name of a possibility, but not a probability. Religion and spiritual philosophies do not build actual bridges, they erect roped in sign posts for you to be guided in whichever direction benefits the edifice of a conviction created in the imagination of those who are not actual contractors. They are like political lobbyists, used-car sales personnel, and wholesale driven retail advertisers who sale you the illusion of what you think you need and desire and not an actual product with any real value.

Threes research examines every single subject there is. While many are copycats of others, a few are genuinely insightful. And far too many insightful adherents in the different subject areas go unheard and unrecognized, because conventional journalists don't grasp what has been discovered and those who would understand, are incredibly busy foraging their own trail(s). What they have to say and what you might contribute to their consideration must take place along their journey. You must step to the beat of their drummer... at least for the moment it takes you to grasp whether they are truly foraging a new trail or merely chasing their own or another's tail in a round-a-bout way. You may find that while a person has indeed made a step further in a given segment of a give subject, they are stuck there due to an unrecognized system of reward and punishment which produces a routine that is not right for you and your efforts of exploration... whatever that may be. My path is studying the threes phenomena, regardless of how someone might want to psychoanalyze this within the scope of their life experiences and education.

While it is much easier to start a collection based on the system of labeling and collation already established that is used by multiple others such as the Binary Nomenclature used in biology and elsewhere, but an examination of the different models reveals what can be categorized as three types: Strict Binomial- Strict Trinomial- Polynomial (Loosely bound but with more than two words). Interestingly, the Chemical Elements have been subjected to a "threes" idea called the Döbereiner's triads, which are viewed from a later perspective here: In praise of triads by Eric R. Scerri.

A basic example of a Binomial system of arrangment

An example of a Nomenclature system used in Chemistry

While binary thinking is a common currency of thought in computer language, Mathematics, Psychology, etc., the use of a Binomial Nomenclature seems rather silly when discussing a topic of threes. While patterns-of-three can be viewed in a two-patterned frame of reference, an effort to create a new model of categorizing should be attempted, if for no other reason than to add it to the list of "almost a three" examples. I make mention of such a category because other threes will arise at a future time from present values of a two and a one, like many a 1-2-3 developmental theme. Whereas you presently see a two pattern, this is not to say it won't eventually take on a "three" appearance, or that a present three example won't be subjected to pressures which make it retreat to a two-pattern.

Although the reader may not view Science related themes as being cultural, they nonetheless represent the current state of Human culture in thinking about Natural phenomena. As such, any mindset proclivity, whether described as patterns-of-one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, etc..., will impose such a frame of mind upon their perceptions and created whatever type of validation is necessary in order to preserve a particular mental orientation. If it is a singular god idea, then that is the rationale adopted to explain multiple, if not all perceptions. The same thing goes for those using a duality, dichotomy, pair, or other type of "two" mental framework. The same goes for three and any other value as well. However, it just so happens that I (and other threes enthusiasts) have been born into the present era which falls on the heels of those who were, for one reason or another, captivated by the "3" in one form or another, very often seen in religion, mythology, and fairy or other types of confabulated tales such as legends.

In acknowledging those predecessors of the "threes" orientation, however small and singularly focused they might been, we of today are nonetheless tasked with arranging the increasing collection of threes into some workable formula to be shared and used for further research by some of us in the present era who strive to be more open-minded and objective than those in the past, and very many in the present day and age as well. It is very often the case today that you will encounter someone(s) who use some variation of the "three" in the context of increasing their wealth, be it money, property, control of others, or something else they are interested in. Some are rather devious while on occasion you may find a deviant, where an interest in having sex with three people is considered a mental illness dealing with a primivity (regardless of their education) just as those of the LGBTQ+ persuasion who sometimes define themselves as a 3rd species.

In an effort to track down the possibility of an originating "threes" influence, a collection of threes must be arranged in order to create a system of being able to observe the collected items in a desired perspective of objectivity that one might define as a w-holistic approach. By arranging the examples under various subject headings such as the typical Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Language, Music, Physics, Physiology, Psychology, etc., we can come up with a before and after grouping of occurrences related to history, but this does not mean they were the 1st of all firsts. Hence, from those initial subject groups we gather this and that example which we think occurred in the order of appearance since the origination of the Universe, despite our limited knowledge and gaps which may occur in out listing. Nonetheless, as a precursor to a larger discussion involving the origination of the "three" which can take us on a wild ride of exploring individual threes developments in a given subject, let me propose a short list, though variations of it appears on the 1st poster and two smaller one's dealing with biological development in terms of the Earth's changing rotation rate:

The Beginning of the Universe.

  1. 3 Geometries of the Universe have been postulated: Flat (linear)- Spherical (round)- Saddle-shaped (triangular).
  2. 3 Spatial dimensions established. Time dimension is discussed metaphysically. (Giving us a 3 to 1 ratio.)
  3. 3 basic atomic particles are now defined: Protons- Neutrons- Electrons.
  4. 3 most common types of radioactivity:

3 most common types of radioactivity
  1. 3 X 3 Matrix of quarks make up Protons and Neutrons, but not Electrons. 2/3rds charge: Up-Top-Charmed, 1/3rd charge: Down-Bottom-Strange.
  2. 3 Families of fundamental particles is established.
  3. Einstein developed 3-part formula: Energy = Mass X (times) the Speed of light squared.
  4. Life is established on the Third Planet called Earth.
  5. The development of the Moon has 3 basic theories of origination: Fission- Fusion- Co-evolution. (Different labels are sometimes used.)
  6. 3-patterned strobe-light effect of Sun caused by an accelerated rotation of the Earth.
  1. RNA world established; Single helix structure; triplet code.
  2. DNA follows with a Double helix structure; triplet code.
  3. Collagen follows with a triple Helix structure.
  1. 3 Domains of life established; (1st) Bacteria- (2nd) Archae- (3rd) Eucaryote.
  2. 3 basic shapes to bacteria: bacillus (rod-shaped), coccus (spherical-shaped), and spirillum (spiral-shaped).
  3. 3 Germ layers succession starts for 3rd (Eucaryote) Domain;
    1. "Monoploblastic" (one germ layer; tube sponges? feeding type: omnivores ) [Simpler animals, such as sea sponges, have one germ layer and lack true tissue organization.
    2. Diploblastic (two germ layers; sea animals such as jellyfish, corals, sea anemones and comb jellies (feeding type: Carnivorous) (Cnidaria and Ctenophora ).
    3. Triploblastic (three germ layers; all animals from Earth worms to Humans, feeding type: omnivores).
  4. Multiple threes examples are skipped for the moment so as to highlight the recurring patterns-of-three in Human Anatomy, as described by Dr. John McNulty and Associates. It is of interest to note that out of all the anatomists on the planet, It is only McNulty who appears to have made a reference to the "remarkable frequency of threes". There may be others, but I am not aware of them. I can not over stress that this can colloquially referred to as a Big Deal.

    While different people in different subjects have exhibited an interest in using three-patterned references, or conducting experiments with three subjects or three collaborators, or use some measure of "three" as a preparation, testing, evaluation scenario which may take 3 hours, 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years, etc..., they typically are not noted as such. Some may even exhibit a number, sign or symbol other than a "three" and yet present it with a pattern-of-three that is overlooked by thousands of people over several decades. Take for example the now called classic paper of George A. Miller entitled The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information. Everyone and his dog will reference the "Magical Number Seven" and overlook that it actually expresses three numbers: 5-7-9. Granted that some have recognized the triple set up, but it never got registered in their brain as a pattern to be correlated with other three-patterned ideas in and out of psychology. The problem is made worse by a methodology of teaching Psychology in which their is a use of Persistent Dichotomies. It is a topic I have since expanded and compared with other ideological orientations to uncover a recurring cognitive deliberation connected with an environmental degradation whose enforcement as a survival requirement inclines us to rationalize an accommodation by altering our mentality to accept the confluences and disregard anything suggestive of the contrary.

    From the foregoing short list of "threes" cropping up as a type of developmental lineage, it is evident that we are dealing with a situation that we can shrug it off, define it in traditional religious terms, define it in adopted scientific rationales, view it in terms of alternative ideological interests based on superstition, or formulate a better approximation that may upset the apple carts of every single set-in-stone dogma our societies revolve around.

    In this series, I wanted to be more direct in my approach towards unraveling what can be described as a hunt for a supposed singular influence from which all three-patterned ideas arose, much in the manner as others have tried to unravel the past of the human species, birds, fish, flowers, insects, language, etc... Though many are clearly the offspring of other ideas... and not necessarily three-patterned ones, since in a developmental scenario we find a 1- 2- 3 maturational development theme being played out. In other words, before a "three" is reached, they went through a "2" stage which came after a "1" stage, even if there are no easily identifiable examples of a given stage. As such, it may be the case in some instances that if we encounter a two or one expression, and there may have been a "three" or third development that met with some retrogressive pressure(s). Here are a few examples of 1-2-3 developmental occurrences:

    • The three Germ layers (endoderm - mesoderm - ectoderm ["Monoploblastic"- Diploblastic- Triploblastic]).
    • The line up-of structured helixes: single (RNA)- double (DNA)- triple (Collagen).
    • 3 cellular energy sources: AMP (adenoine-mono-phosphate)- ADP (adenosine-di-phosphate)- ATP (adenosine-tri-phosphate).
    • 3 Evolved stages of symmetry: Asymmetrical- Radial- Bilateral. (Stages which evolved independently?)
    • 3 large animal feeding types: Herbivore- Carnivore- Omnivore.
    • etc...

    As opposed to a 1-2-3 sequence, in some instances we find multiplicity "devolving" into a singularity, with the "singularity" expressing the usage of a "three" or third:

    The Third Toe in the Evolution of the Horse's Hoof
    Source for chart
    Source for five toes discussion

    Development of pencil grasp as a portrait of evolution
    Source for image

    Primate Hands

    Prominent, 3rd finger expression
    3rd finger meaning in multiple countries

    3rd Finger Gesture as a protest
    A Very Large 3rd Finger Gesture
    By Garret Harkawik

    Hand Signs Percentages, part 1

    Source: Three in Videos
    Date of Origination: Aug. 9th, 2024... 4:30 AM
    Initial Posting: Oct. 17th, 2024... 11:01 AM