The Barcode Model of Evolution
Oh My God!
Pg. 3
Unconventional Thinkers as of Aug. 23rd, 2024
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
Most of those who make a list of threes or some other pattern have not developed an interconnecting philosophy in which to provide a more comprehensive explanation as to the recurrence of the "3", very often in conjunction with one or more other patterns. Clearly, at this stage in the development of a working and workable "threes" philosophy, there are multiple forms and formulations which need to be addressed. Much in the manner we find Evolutionary theory today, some reject it outright. Instead of using the term and ideas associated with Evolution as if it were a dirty word, some prefer to make a counter-proposal called Intelligent Design.
The intelligent design (ID) movement promotes the idea that many aspects of life are too complex to have evolved without the intervention of a supernatural being — the intelligent designer. Promoters of intelligent design generally accept that the Earth is billions of years old and that evolution has occurred, but maintain that, in many cases, especially with regard to the origin of complex characteristics or new taxa, the work of an intelligent designer, not an evolutionary process, is responsible. Backers of intelligent design frequently misrepresent or disregard aspects of evolutionary theory, the results of evolutionary research, and the nature of science in order to promote their agenda and sway public opinion against evolutionary biology.Overwhelmingly, the scientific community regards intelligent design as unscientific and without merit. Since intelligent design makes claims based on the existence, characteristics, and powers of a supernatural being — and since science focuses exclusively on the natural world and the natural forces that operate within it, intelligent design is not science. Further, the ID movement has failed to generate any productive research program meeting scientific standards. Because of the movement's history, proponents, and substance, many interpret it as an attempt to insert another version of creationism into science classrooms.
Some people see what may be called "gaps" or "lapses" in Evolutionary theory, just as they do in any attempt to approach the study of "threes". In both cases the notions of religion or spirituality or divinity are used as explanations. In other instances, we can see arguments from one or more sciences attempting to use the language of their subject area to discredit any view other than that which has already been used to describe the recurrence of the "three" or otherwise. For example, Cultural Anthropologists like to sued the term "culture" to explain a given pattern, if the same pattern is not seen by them to occur in a similar manner in multiple other cultures. We find the same application of term specificity being used by all professions such as Mathematics, Psychology, Sociology, etc... To think outside the conventions of a given subject;s box sometimes requires the use of a different language to provide an adequate characterization. However, many people realize this as they make an effort to gain insight into their own field and enable it to grow beyond its typical parameters of regard so as to make applicable discoveries. Such is called a cross-discipline approach. But such an effort requires a given researcher to think that they are engage in a level of complexity worth their time, or that such a behavior has become an established topic of conversation among colleagues. Because "threes" research appears to be extremely simple, it is disregarded by many an observer who have chanced by the acknowledgment thereof. In other words, seeing that the number 3 is present in many instances can easily be understood like playing checkers or the child's card game Old Maid. Hence, when they encounter multiple instances where lists of threes are predominantly exhibiting items from religion and mythology, it is no wonder they conclude some non-scientific attribute as an explanation.
For many, threes research is viewed as a simpleton's exercise in collecting triples commensurate with making pairs in some card games, unlike the presumed sophistication of pairs seen in military antagonisms, political debates, and multiple other conflicts and complements. Such an attitude is frequently the result of the lists of threes which a person has encountered, typically featuring gods and goddesses arranged in some triadic configuration and otherwise labeled in accord with the language of a given culture. However, it goes without saying that multiple others would come to disparage threes research if their sole information was derived from religion and mythology and we did not live on the 3rd planet, there was not a recurring segment of threes in particle physics and all of life did not carry with it a triplet code. In other words, making pairs in a child's card game is not the same as making pairs in amino acids or acknowledging a Binary Star system. While the same basic underlying brain pattern of matching is being undertaken, the comparison is not viewed with any importance except for perhaps by some in the field of cognitive psychology, where similar patterns of basic thought processing in different subjects in different terrains under different circumstances is thought to be a basic formula of the human brain's interactivity with the environment. Threes research involving lists of examples from a small selection of subjects such as religion and mythology would necessarily cause some to think in terms of religion/spirituality or mystery and mysticism, or otherwise reject that any importance at all is to be garnered since they too can create a list using a different pattern... and even though it too would be limited in is depth and scope of explored subjects. Since some people have no respect for religion or mythology, it necessarily follows that an encounter with a list of threesomes in these subjects would be interpreted with a similar level of disregard.
In my much younger years when I acknowledge the recurrence of the "three pattern" and encountered examples from non-religious or mythology-related subjects, I often wondered why such easily identifiable examples were never included. They either didn't see them or there was an expressed prejudice of wanting to buttress a given belief about religion and mythology... typically associated with a sales pitch for a person to make a purchase of one or another item. Far too many are dogmatically convinced that the recurrence of "threes" is an indication of that which is superior to all of humanity, but affords humanity an opportunity of getting closer to some erudite knowledge typically referred to as a higher consciousness. The common notions of a "higher consciousness" are quite laughable when it is considered that most people today enjoy an expanded consciousness compared to those in the deep past. We of today are in fact an Enlightened Civilization despite all the remaining problems due to a lack of interest in solving the issues with a different mindset. Indeed, Einstein said something to the effect that problems can not be solved by the same minds which created them. Hence, we need to lose such a state of mind and find a better one to replace it... beyond business/commerce, government/politics, and religion/spirituality.
In addition, all too often when one speaks of religion and spirituality, they speak of some associated glow, radiance, illumination attributed to someone or something labeled as being divine, and yet do not readily correlate this with the Glow of the Moon or the luminous Sun and its three "moments" (aka "phases": dawn, noon, dusk). While the emanating glow is considered a recurring fundamental attribute, the idea is not taken outside the confines of religion or mythology in an effort to seek some possible external environmental influence. Let us also note that the idea of a trinity is easily understood just as it is easy to discern the origin of the Swastika as a symbol representing the position of the Big Dipper during the two Equinoxes and two Solstices, with the "tail" or handle of the dipper at the four yearly intervals placed end -to- end. Sometimes in understanding the past, one must think like a primitive but assess it with the logic of later centuries. Letting religion or mythology be the sole (soul) standard by which one makes comparisons and interpretations keeps one's larger appreciation in a pit of quicksand if not a pile of manure. While little different than those immersed in some money oriented occupation who likewise often exhibit a form of OCD (in this case defined as "Occupational Culture (of) Distraction" (cultures of personalized and collectivized occupation create and perpetuate distractions) and not the OCD of Psychology), a distinction can necessarily provide for 1 or more of the 3 models of objectivity which can be distinguished from a view of there being three basic types of objectives:
3 (presumptive) Basic Models of Objectivity sometimes referred to as vantage points:
- Endo: Internal/Internalized; [Socialized]
- Meso: Medial/Medialized (aka "Double Agent" Domestication)
- Ecto: External/Externalized; (Feral, outlier)
Here are some other variants of the 3 Types of Objectivity:
- Ontological- Mechanical- Aperspectival; Neutral- Impartial- Disinterested, (3 Kinds of Objectivity)
- Incipient- Advanced- Comprehensive (Objectivity, perceptual constancy, and teleology in young children[such as 3 year olds])
- First-person, Second-person, Third-person (Objectivity applied to embodied subjects in health care and social security medicine:)
- First, there is objectivity or subjectivity in what is called the semantic sense.
- The second concept is known as metaphysical objectivity, wherein the objective-subjective dichotomy is a matter of metaphysical truth.
- The third and final concept is discourse objectivity; a certain class of statements is objective in this sense if it makes sense to ascribe truth values to statements of that class. (Three Concepts of Objectivity)
3 Basic Types of Objectives:
- Process objectives. These are the objectives that provide the groundwork or implementation necessary to achieve your other objectives. For example, the group might adopt a comprehensive plan for improving neighborhood housing. In this case, adoption of the plan itself is the objective.
- Behavioral objectives. These objectives look at changing the behaviors of people (what they are doing and saying) and the products (or results) of their behaviors. For example, a neighborhood improvement group might develop an objective for having an increased amount of home repair taking place (the behavior) and fewer houses with broken or boarded-up windows (the result).
- Community-level outcome objectives. These are often the product or result of behavior change in many people. They are focused on change at the community level instead of an individual level. For example, the same neighborhood group might have an objective of increasing the percentage of people living in the community with adequate housing as a community-level outcome objective.
Source: Creating Objectives
As with anything, such as the three, one must deal with objectivity and whatever objective one cares to itemize. Hence my momentary departure from the initiated discussion of the threes phenomena.
During and over an extended period of time when gazing at the stars was "THE" entertainment and source of Knowledge providing presumed secrets to be guarded, the swastika made its debut as a wondrous (good/auspicious) symbol created by some creative thinking individual(s) taking the time to carve out some later refined crude image of the Big Dipper during different times of the year and placing them together (in a particular way) like a collage. Hence, though Anthropologists have largely over looked it, the seven stars of the Big Dipper during the four yearly events produced a count of "28". This count can be seen on Tally sticks that I describe here: Tally Stick Interpretation. Instead of being an expression of some suggested early accounting, tally marks (in some instances) are little more than a reference to a personal count. While it is an "account" of a person's view, it is not an expression of a mathematically oriented early accounting system being used as a reference by some to bolster some notion of early mathematics... which is a variation of the "ancestry claim game" to provide evidence of some supposed entitlement to greatness defined by oldness. Oldness meaning firstness and thus suggesting more importance.
Show me a branch of mathematics and I will point it out in hopscotch or its later variants called Tattoos and Grafitti... if not nail polishing, telephone pad doodling, and chess played with checkers pieces on a board constructed of dominoes laid out in a marbles pit aligned as a skittles game arranged as bowling pins described as atomic particles falling like snowflakes on a 3-flavored 2-stick Popsicle coated with peanut butter and jelly. Mathematics is only as valuable as humanity makes it up to be. While humans claim mathematics is evident in spider webs, beaver dam construction, honeycombs, arrangement in leaves, and multiple other natural events, what then is mathematics from the perspective of spiders, beavers and bees? While human arrogance claims all life forms use a crude form of Arithmetic/Geometry/Algebra...; centuries of pursuit by thousands of people "playing at the game of mathematics" shows itself to be quite crude when most mathematicians and philosophers have not recognized nor acknowledged the underling structure of repeating dichotomies as an expression of human cognitive development with parallels in other subjects.
Here are 3 examples of how I see the state of Mathematics:
Ma and Pa Kettle math |
Abbott and Costello in the Navy Abbot and Costello Math |
![]() Laurel and Hardy doing math |
Yep, quite comical. Especially when motion picture screen writers take it upon themselves to describe human mathematics as representing some Universal theme of higher intelligence that all sentient species elsewhere in the Universe would necessarily use the same type of thinking. This is nothing but human arrogance that has convinced itself to claim that Mathematics is a profoundly definitive expression of some purported Universally aligned intelligence that we need to enforce in public schools so that the currency of commerce in this era enables the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer, with education as a 3-headed dog used as a policing unit. While this is not to say that mathematics isn't a useful language applied to multiple subjects, it is not the only useful language. Art, Music and Philosophy are example of other useful languages in different contexts; but they are not used to brow beat students with at the earliest of ages. In other words, as an analogy, just because someone is not musically inclined does not make them a failure in other subjects, though learning particular levels and types of mathematics is used to eliminate and define the ability of a given student for a mathematics- required field of study. What nonsense to think that Mathematics is the purest model of logic which humanity can contemplate into fruition and a functionality surpassing Mathematics with its antiquated adherence to an underlying reliance on dichotomies! Whereas we have thousands upon thousands of students pursuing some supposed "Higher" mathematics only to find that some of them step back and take a look at themselves and realize that mathematics is a labyrinthine structure requiring a monk-like or nun-like level of devotion in order to be nearer some supposed pinnacle state of purpose and consciousness being brought about by sacrificing multiple other potential qualities one might pursue as an exploration of a truer self that is multi-dimensional. Yet, let's be honest, the pursuit of some supposed greater truth or accomplishment often requires sacrificing one's self from its other potentialities, much in the manner trees are trimmed to accommodate a given perception and display. Unfortunately, life appears to be much too short to do otherwise, despite those believing in reincarnation or ethereal after-life attainment used to mollify presumed disparities.
While ancient correspondences (such as pairing) byway of using symbols— eventually led to basic arithmetic and geometry, the advent of what we of today refer to as Mathematics has spawned many an offspring. All the offspring share an undeniable basic structure, but if we were to ask those engaged in mathematics to name a fundamental, you may be hard-pressed to find anyone expressing the word "dichotomies" (or its variants such as patterns-of-two, compliments, etc...). But such thinking (about dichotomizaton as a precursor to trichotomization) in terms of Mathematic's Evolutionism is foreign to the mindset of instructors and students alike. Much less is the case for any of them then making the comparison with the fundamentals of other models of cognitive exercise (commonly called thinking) such as the ancient Chinese Yin/Yang and present day computer language. Understanding the development of human thinking necessarily entails a comparison with other cultures to note both similarity and disparity. However, when most people undertake a comparison of Mathematics in search for fundamentals, they tend to primarily look at the mathematics of other cultures and not other models of thought. No less, the idea that mathematical thinking has and does follow a similar expression of patterning to biological development does not lead them to recognize the recurrence of a 1- 2- 3 sequencing event... especially if the event is truncated in some measure (such as missing an expressed "1" or "2" or "3" value.) Hence, the absence of a single- stranded or triple- stranded model of RNA and/or DNA inclines most to overlook the presence of the 1-2-3 sequencing event as a fundamental, though it occurs in the Triple structured Germ Layer formula, despite there being an accepted overt expression of a life form with a single Germ layer, except for perhaps sponges. No less, though there may well have been a distinct 1-2-3 development of atomic particles, the notion that this event occurred maturationally is not conventional, though some do believe in a sequential appearance billions of years ago. Lack of evidence does not automatically imply an idea is incorrect.

Though Basic Arithmetic has spawned multiple offspring called fields or inquiries of Mathematics, the Evolutionism of such is not viewed in a similar way as one does Biology. Whereas in Biology we pay witness to multiple life forms, this does not distract us from acknowledging fundamental similarities found through comparative anatomy such as the Pentadactyl limb configuration and the more basic ubiquity of DNA with its Triplet code. We do not see a similar behavior of dissection among those seeking out the origins of Mathematics as a cognitive enterprise. If there was, we would see a standard currency of references to the underlying dichotomization of Mathematics in relation to other models of conceptualization such as the ancient Yin/Yang and today's Computer language... but of which express easily identifiable fundamental patterns.
A limb with five digits, characteristic of tetrapod vertebrates (amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals). It evolved from the paired fins of primitive fish as an adaptation to locomotion on land and is not found in modern fish. The limb has three parts (see illustration): the upper arm or thigh containing one long bone, the forearm or shank containing two long bones, and the hand or foot, which contains a number of small bones. This basic design is modified in many species, according to the function of the limb, particularly by the loss or fusion of the terminal bones... (Pentadactyl Limb: Oxford Reference)

(The 3-part Bone configuration noted above can be referenced as an early counting theme of "1-bone, 2-bones, Many-bones".)
When making comparisons in Biology, the word "Homology" crops up as a means of identifying similarities among seemingly disparate life forms:

- In biology, homology is similarity due to shared ancestry between a pair of structures or genes in different taxa. A common example of homologous structures is the forelimbs of vertebrates, where the wings of bats and birds, the arms of primates, the front flippers of whales, and the forelegs of four-legged vertebrates like dogs and crocodiles are all derived from the same ancestral tetrapod structure. Evolutionary biology explains homologous structures adapted to different purposes as the result of descent with modification from a common ancestor. (Homology (biology))
- In mathematics, the term homology[a], originally developed in algebraic topology, has three primary, closely-related usages. The most direct usage of the term is to take the homology of a chain complex, resulting in a sequence of abelian groups called homology groups. (Homology (mathematics))
It goes without saying that numbers have a shared history. While some numbers, for example, show a similarity with some numbers such as the "3" with some letters such as the E, W and M and the "7" with the letter L, and the Zero (0) with the letter O; and many a cryptogram have used a number with letter pairing to create codes (not to mention the 1s (ones) and 0s (zeros) used in Binary computer code), the point to be made in the present discussion is looking at numbers as if they are different species and identifying a supposed underlying similarity of cognitive intent. Whereas we might look to the past concerning the development of number usage and identify a three-patterned theme of "1"- "2"- "Many", with stop gaps in human mental activity indicating separations in time which exhibit the evolution of the human brain in developing what might be referred to as a "higher consciousness" related (in this sense) to a developing sophistication in mental activity due to extant environmental and social pressures aiding in the configuration thereof; we make note of pairing as the initiating model of comparison. While we are not ignorant that leaps in knowledge and understanding can take place without a seeming precursor, the development of numbers as a sequence appears to have a straight forward developmental appearance, though on an individual level the idea of enumeration may be interpreted to have suddenly appeared with considerable clarity. They may not be able to explain why, but the idea and usage of enumeration came about without an inkling as to why. Be this as it may in our moment of speculating about the development of rudimentary numbers, the fact that it occurred to different peoples living apart from one another seemingly without contact among themselves, at least provides us with an Homology... a similarity.
Dependent on the level of comparison, four types (a 3-to-1 ratio [3 specficity/ 1 generalization]) of homology are identified by the author Gerard Haszprunar:
- Iterative ( = serial = homonomy),
- Ontogenetic (The development of an individual organism or anatomical or behavioral feature from the earliest stage to maturity.)
- Phylogentic (The evolutionary development and diversification of a species or group of organisms, or of a particular feature of an organism.)
- Di- or polymorphic
- Supraspecific (Generalities)
Source: The types of homology and their significance for evolutionary biology and phylogenetics by Gerhard Haszprunar
Table 1. Comparison of the Various Types of Homology: | ||||
Type of Homology: | Iterative Homology Serial H., Homonomy |
Ontogenetic Homology | Di-Polymorphic Homology | Supraspecific Homology (Generalizations) |
Comparative Level | Same individual at the same time | Same individual at different times | Di-polymorphic individuals (clones) of the same species | Different species |
Mutations *] | Homeotic mutations | Heterochronic mutations | Sexual Chromosome mutations | Atavisms |
Examples |
Importance for phylogenetics | Individualization | Paedomorophosis, progenesis, neoteny, etc. | Basis for speciation | Obvious |
*] see text 1] see Waren (1990) 2] see Robertson (1985) |
For those unfamiliar with the word "Homology" and its definition expressed with examples from everyday terms, a few examples might provide some easily understood clarity of identifying a recognizable recurrence of patterning using different criteria for matching:
- There- Their- Their, Wether— Weather— Whether, Sight— Site— Cite, etc... (2 and 3-word Homophones)
- Legal Doublets and Triplets
- Me- Myself- I
- Cinderella- Drizella- Anastasia
- Papa bear- Mama bear- Baby bear
- Gold medal- Silver medal- Bronze medal (Olympics)
- 3 item fast food restauratntcombo meal
- Knife- Fork- Spoon
- Christmas tree- Decorations- Presents
- Head- Thorax- Abdomen (insects)
- Major premise- Minor premise- Conclusion
- Single point free-throw, Double point Conventional- Triple point long distance (basketball)
- Kings- Queens- Jacks (playing cards)
- Horizontal- Diagonal- Vertical (Chess/Checkers moves)
- Add 1 number to a 2nd number to get a 3rd number
- Sine- Cosine- Tangent
With respect to "3s" Research, origination and usage are similarities we can add to the foregoing Homology list of shared characteristics. For example, numerous people like to make a comparison of 3-person (or functions) assemblages of gods and leaders. However, in claiming that the "3" or the 1- 2- 3 or some other series is a fundamental characteristic of all numbers related to the human type of cognitive activity; whether numbers, or other symbols, or other types of expression are cultivated... is a "philosophicated" supposition that may not need to be addressed in the present context when a basic arithmetical algorithm of Homologic characterizations will suffice. In other words, use of basic observations such as the following list are enough of a tell-tale sign to illustrate not only the presence of some numbers such as the "3" as having more importance than others at least in the present era, but that it is linked to an identifiably testable causal factor that can change over time and thus affect the presence and usage of this number by humans living on:
- Atomic particle Neutrons- Protons- Electrons, 3 quarks/3anti-quarks
- Earth is in the 3rd position from a solar object
- DNA has a triplet code
- Animals (from earthworms to humans) develop from triploplasticism (3-Germ layers); less complex life forms are derived from diploplasticism (2-germ layers.)
- Human anatomy is replete with patterns-of-three
- The Ear has multiple 3-part structures
- Language has a 3-part Word ordering involving Subject- Object- Verb
- Basic family unit is Father- Mother- Child
- Basic Social division is upper class- middle class- lower class (multiplicities have been created based on these three)
- Governments may have a 3-part structure such as the U.S. practiced Legislative- Executive- Judicial
- At present, the world hovers at the brink of a 3rd World War conceptualization.
Let us also interject three examples of the basic dichotomous (2-patterned) configurations of thought processing and indicate attempts by practitioners to supersede the basic pattern and achieve a 3-pattern illustration:
- Ancient Chinese Yin and Yang; followed in time by an attempted Triadic structure seen in the I-Ching; except that its usage of the male (1-line) and female (2-line) configurations were not supplemented with an actual 3-line character. Hence, this is an expressed embellished dichotomy labeled as triads.
- Later, but still Ancient mathematics is a largely unrecognized display of basic dichotomies from which attempts to reach some semblance of a "3" have surfaced with such names (and functions) as the Pythagorean theorem (A2 + B2 = C2), and Trigometry.
- More modern Binary computer language system has been supplemented with Boolean logic with its And- Or- Not gates, and there is an attempt to create a Ternary/Trinary language for a proposed advanced Quantum computer.
However, such a realization of repetition appears to be confined to the Earth, particularly when we note that the apparent dominant configuration of observations made by Astronomers is a Binary Star System. If this is correct, and not due to some quirk of Astronomy in our present era, then the "3" we identify on Earth is an expressed survival mechanism due to the incrementally deteriorating planetary system:
- The Sun is burning out and is on a course of expansion. (The 3 dawn- noon- dusk "moments" will fuse, as felt/seen on Earth.)
- The Earth's rotation is slowing, effecting a "test tube sedimentation" change. (The Earth viewed as a scientist's centrifuge.)
- The Moon is receding, causing changes to the "washing machine effect" of tides.
However, the use of an idea as evolution leads some to think that evolution has no stopping point and there should therefore be an eventual 4- 5- 6- etc., patterning as well. Unless of course one shows the presence of an influence which confines development to a given quantitative design, even in the presence of attempts by Nature to undermine the cookie cutter implementation that Earth's environment presents us with. In other words, it is not that Nature and our minds can not grasp beyond a given pattern such as the "3", but the structure of the Environment requires a recurrence of an observance as a survival mechanism... that is having to adapt to a change in the environment and planetary structure involving the Moon and Sun as it continues on a course of incremental deterioration.
Mathematicians are a silly breed with an over-riding arrogance of using symbols as sidewalk-drawn (loosely labeled) artistic expressions, where schoolroom black (or green or red or white) boards are the sidewalks and we find chalk (or dry erase markers) being used in variations of mathematically described hopscotch. Mathematics shouldn't be funded by Universities or government grants, but by those industries in which it is applied. So called "Pure mathematics" is like a religion and because there is supposed to be a separation of church and state, its funding... as a study involving monk-like characters, needs to be seen and treated for what it is.
While many ideas which foster a three-pattern formula did and do have an influence from Religious sources such as the Christian Trinity, Hindu Trimurti, and the 3 gates/3 jewels (etc.) of Buddhism; it is seldom that we encounter someone asking what is/are the originating influence(s) of these ideas. In other words, what is the originating influence of those influences which generate one or more other similar patterning?
Yet in discussing the fundamental origination of "threes" in ideas, we sometimes encounter the phenomena of duality and singularity as precursors to the 3 value. This is not to say that all human ideas actually reach some epitome of three, but that there can sometimes be whole are part of the sequence. Take for example the cognitive idea of duality as expressed by the ancient Chinese in the Yin/Yang formula. And to this let us make a comparison to the later born cognitive development of cognitive activity with a similar penchant for duality creation called Mathematics. And later on, we find this same orientation in the Binary model of a computer language based on the on/off properties assigned to electrical activity in this day and age.
In all three foregoing duality examples we see later attempts to reach a third cognitive step, yet in none of the cases is the duality overshadowed by a complete three. There are three-patterned expressions which can be quite elaborate at times, and even persuade some viewers to claim that the previous two-patterned organization has been supplanted by a three-pattern... but a closer look may well describe what I label as an embellished twoness and not a threeness:
Formulated Dichtomies | Attempted Trichotomization |
Yin/Yang | I-Ching Triads (are actually Biads) |
Math dichotomies | Pythagorean Theorem, Trigonometry |
Computer Binaries (zeros and ones) |
Boolean Logic (and/or/not gates), Trinary/Ternary language for (quantum computers) |



The Psychological Scaffolding of Arithmetic
by Matt Grice, Simon Kemp, Nicola J. Morton, and Randolph C. Grace
Source: Persistent Dichotomies
The originating influence of "Threes" seen in Biology (such as the triplet code in DNA and the three Germ layers), as well as encountered in Philosophy, Anthropology, Anatomy, and every single other subject, is the three-patterned strobe-light effect of the Sun. However, it must be understood that this three-patterned effect does not occlude the ability of Astronomers to describe the apparent dominance of Binary star systems, which thus gives us an indication that the "3" pattern is localized... much in terms of what we might describe as a cultural usage. In other words, if we view the Earth as a global culture, we can more easily entertain the realization that the "3" may not be a Universal theme, despite those arguments from atomic physicists who would claim that the recurring "threes" in particle physics suggests otherwise. All the ideas being generated in all subjects is from an Earthly perch by human organisms deeply steeped in a wide-spread usage of "threes" variations. An ides such as their being multiple dimensions gets its impetus in contrast to the idea of three dimensions. The idea of multiple intelligences (looking past the personal motivations of those who agree with this idea), has in part been influenced by the idea of a Triune brain... whether or not the reader agrees with the idea of a three-part brain generality.

The Triple strobe-light effect of the Sun is due to the Earth's rotation. If the Earth did not rotate on its axis, there would be not daily exposure to a triple irradiation effect. The fact that so many life forms are photo-sensitive/receptive... along with the Pineal Gland (sometimes called the 3rd Eye) which is situated in a near-middle brain position, testifies to the statement that a patterned-irradiation effect plays a role in life's processes that is widely taken for granted. Life's development has been subjected to a dynamic light exhibition in contrast to a stationary one, which is sometimes thought of when experiencing long summer days. Light energy has a well-known effect on life, but in multiple cases this is studied in reference to plant development which exercises a focus on a duality of night and day, though the three-patterned view of short day- day neutral- long day intervals.
Understanding how life has been subjected to a three-patterned strobe-light effect requires an understanding of the Earth's rotation rate since before life apparently originated on Earth. And despite the view that life's building blocks (one or more) came from outer space does not change the fact that such building blocks themselves fell prey to the three-patterned solar lighting effect. However, different mathematical models taking this or that information to buttress the argument of one or another mathematician doesn't change the fact that the Earth was spinning faster and continues to slow down, along with the incremental expansion of the Sun which causes the Sun's three "moments" (phases) to fuse together. Hence, the three-patterned solar "expression" is on a course for influencing a 3-to-1, 3-in-1, 3-from-1, 3-and-1 (etc...) scenario. Examples of this can already be seen such as the Christian idea of 3 persons in 1 godhead. Another example is the use of 3 engines in the 1 space shuttle. Or the use of three fingers to hold 1 pen or 1 pencil. The recurring advertisement of "Buy three tires get one free" is another example. There are multiple examples depending on context, for which I have gathered a few: 3-2-1 ratios.
Multiple instances of the "3" are magnified and otherwise subjected to arithmetical or more complex mathematical structuring. For example, the 3 combined with a one can reveal a 4 or a 2. In another variation we see a multiplicative factoring of the 3 to produce 9, while addition provides us with 6. The multiplied 3 to produce a 9 is exhibited by the Mythology of Nordic peoples, particularly in the context of a Matriarchal perspective where nine figures worshipped by females supplanted the 3-figured triads of gods/leaders observed by men. We see a linguistic variation of this play out in a present day form when we look at the pantheon lineup of figures in the LGBTQ+. Whereas there are six symbols in this configuration, one can not overlook the placement of the "L" in the top totemic position. Lesbians would not dream of placing themselves in last place whereby we would see a configuration such as GBTQL+. Lesbians, as a matriarchal psyche want to be first and foremost. They would argue vehemently against placing Gays, or men before them.
Along with the 3-pattern we find the Sun, as well as the Moon, exhibiting triangular-like pathways. Some commercials show a truncated version with the Sun or Moon in ascent or descent. One must wonder whether the photographer of such time-elapsed composites are cognitively aware of the underlying triangular pattern of influence. However, don't overlook that the triangular impression may not be as easily or poignantly influential on all parts of the Earth, thus describing a potential limit as to where and when and what early life forms fell under this triangular-pattern's spell to imitate it, such as the triangular mounds of "higher" termites, triangular-like Teepees, Pyramidal structures, mound structures, V-shaped engine blocks, V-shaped bird migration patterns, etc....

Human perception is clouded, is biased towards the "three" because of Humanity's development and upbringing on the third planet. Despite all the ideas and views which offer a more-than-three example, the ubiquity of different examples, like those seen in life forms, does not remove the underlying three-patterned structural influence. Whereas one may speak of diversity, an d diversity is to be equated with a "more-than-three" quantity... if not quality, the fact remains that DNA's triplet code exists under all the layers of adaptation. Yes, there are multiple life forms just as there are a multiplicity of ideas which in some cases take on a life of their own, they none-the-less owe their origination to some model of a "three", or are in the developing stages which do not readily exhibit a "3-pattern" because they are in a one or two-stage variation.
Whereas one or another three pattern in one or another religion have influenced the generation of other ideas as a type of offspring, some of those offspring may not explicitly exhibit a "3-pattern", but they nonetheless owe their existence to a previously occurring pattern-of-three, whether any of the examples are acknowledged or not.
Just as the seven stars of the Big Dipper and Pleides influenced multiple representations in alternative ideas featuring a "7-patterned" structure to be called sacred or otherwise, the "7-pattern" is not as wide-spread as the 3-patterned or 2-pattern. In other words, different perspectives can focus on other patterns, even though the underlying physiology and genetics exhibits a recurring "3-pattern", many of which arose and arise along a 1-2-3- maturational sequence of development. In some cases, the development has not yet been completed, and may never be, just as we find the case in some biological circumstances which exhibit what one might describe as a "stunted growth" or in more human terms, that they never grew up. While this might describe a hint to some that they are on the trail of immortality, the point is we can not expect the "three" to be reached, despite one's energy and efforts. A case in point is the realization of a Thousand year 3rd Reich by Nazi Germany. And because such a position is not reached, does not mean the underlying influence for attempting to create some variation of the "three" is not real or is not an actual "three" itself.
Date of Origination: Aug. 9th, 2024... 4:30 AMInitial Posting: Aug. 23rd, 2024... 5:35 AM
Update: Aug. 26th, 2024... 6:44 AM