(New Instrument of Threes)
- page twenty one -
(The Study of Threes)
In order for humanity to take full possession of a "threes" landscape realization, it may be that a person must allow their thoughts to mutate into a larger threes appreciation. Such a realization might thus be expressed in a new form of social self-governance (a Cenocracy), not to mention the development of a new education system, economics application, art and music forms, medical intervention, etc... You can not remain with the mind of a primate if you are expecting to fully appreciate the perspective of a "Homo sapiens sapiens sapiens", to be distinguished as the next (third) stage in evolution from the old two-stage "Homo sapiens sapiens", unless you would prefer to start afresh and call a "threes generation" a Homonoid species that is an original formula and not a sub-species).
Whereas some delight in reading honest contemplations, I enjoy writing them since they render a means by which one can review one's thoughts of an earlier moment and then be able to correct them just as one does when they are doing a complex math problem, or putting together an intricate puzzle (mechanical, electrical, etc.,). However, an original composition does not actually present itself as a readily definable finished product if there are no former models in which to compare them with. If I were to keep all my ideas in my head, I would never get an opportunity at some later date for "upgrading" the Threes Research Project; or at least leave it for someone else who has been following a similar line of thinking. Likewise, an original composition can not have a mentor, except in terms of perhaps language usage, sentence structure, punctuation, and the like. While another might be able to point out some content which they perceive to be similar to something else they've encountered, it may or may not be... or else such a comment helps oneself to ascertain that the path they are on is too well worn unless some other turn of the mind evokes a different star by which to steer one's course by.
And speaking of stars, and threes, and a new way of thinking, ancient astronomers of different cultures (Egyptian, Mayan, Arab, Persian, etc.), used the three stars of the Constellation Orion as having some importance by which formulaic representations were created in association therewith. (The three stars signified the belt though such a reference was of a Greek origin and not every culture imagined the same character.) For example, it is thought that the pyramids on the Giza plateau are aligned therewith. We of the present must wonder if this is true or if it is just an example of a present day perspective imposing a "threes" organizational pattern on a past event. No doubt this constellation and others were used for various reasons, we must nonetheless wonder how many of our ideas about them are just made-up conjectures born from our present day form of logic. Rationalizations can be quite elaborate when used to support presumptions.
And by the way, the word "Orion", in ancient Greek, has been interpreted as a meaning that is unknown, but possibly related to Greek (horion) "boundary, limit"... but following such a scent may lead to other dead-ends unless it is used as a walking stick and not a trail itself...
However, interestingly enough, the one Sun had been given three aspects in antiquity, in as much as we of today see the three "moments" labeled Dawn - Noon - Dusk. Here is a reference to this solar "threeness":
The solar orb, like the nature of man, was divided by the ancient sages into three separate bodies. According to the mystics, there are three suns in each solar system, analogous to the three centers of life in each individual constitution. These are called three lights: the spiritual sun, the intellectual or soul-ar sun, and the material sun (now symbolized in Free-masonry by three candles). The spiritual sun manifests the power of God the Father; the soul-ar sun radiates the life of God the Son; and the material sun is the vehicle of manifestation for God the Holy Spirit. Man's nature was divided by the mystics into three distinct parts: spirit, soul, and body. His physical body was unfolded and vitalized by the material sun; his spiritual nature was illuminated by the spiritual sun; and his intellectual nature was redeemed by the true light of grace--the "soular" (solar) sun. The alignment of these three globes in the heavens was one explanation offered for the peculiar fact that the orbits of the planets are not circular but elliptical... by Manly P. Hall Secret Teachings of All Ages: Index of pages |
It should also be noted that the Moon also has three aspects: Full, Half, Quarter. And if we want to add the "sliver" of its appearance as an Eighth, we have a 3 -to- 1 ratio in that the 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 are fractions, with the "full" representing a whole. In other words, there are three fractions to one whole. Additionally, the Sun, Moon and Stars are can be cited as three different "full time" entities as opposed to shooting stars, meteroites, asteroids, eclipses, etc...
However, though we have triangular pyramids, none of the ancient peoples described the solar and lunar paths as traversing a triangular path. While ancient cosmologies may have described a flat Earth and a celestial sphere, they do not describe identifying the path of the Sun or Moon as tracing out a triangular movement from dawn, to noon, to dusk. I guess this should be of no surprise since this is not well known today either. I found out by finding a picture of half the lunar path that was taken by way of time-lapsed photography.
The following image is of the Moon in eclipse, though the picture could just as easily be a picture of the Sun. I inverted the picture in order to show the (almost) complete pathway of ascent and descent. This is an actual picture taken from page 80 of the 10/97 issue of Natural History magazine.
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Here we have a situation where the ancients nor modern peoples consciously acknowledge the presence of an event occurring not only with a celestial body, but has a pattern which is seen both in human behavior and that of other life forms... such as the triangular pyramids, V-shaped flight formation of migrating birds, pryamidal mounds of some termites, Native American Teepees, V-shaped engine blocks, etc... We are inclined to wonder if the triangular path of the Sun and its lighter reinforcement, the Moon, had impressed this image on life forms. Yet, why not all life forms in clearly observable ways? Additionally, if there is an influence taking place, that we might well assume is the case since the Sun causes sunburns, evaporation, etc., then the influence takes place largely on a subtle level, but does not necessarily remain there. The subtle impression(s) may be expressed overtly.
For the sake of discussion, let us label the subtle level a primitive observatory that is used by all or some portion of biology, that is operated on the premise of a primitive cosmology that "sees" a flat sky... just as ancient peoples thought the "Earth" (their land) was a flat disc surrounded by water. The "flat" Earth, flat Sun and flat noon would thus be joined with an idea about flat stars. A flat Sun might well be "pictured" in a flat shield that could be used to suggest to an enemy that the Sun "God" was being carried into battle, just like soldiers sometime pray for God to be on their side... or at least give them protection. This then brings to the fore the notion that there are three realities:
- An actual reality.
- The reality we "think" exists.
- The reality our physiology responds to ("sees").
Whereas we consciously acknowledge the existence of heliotrophism (responsive orientation to the Sun), the existence of a "trophism" with respect to effecting an expressed triangular pattern may be unrecognized. Additionally, the Sun's three "moments" (dawn - noon - dusk) impart their own three-patterned influence. While it doesn't bother us to permit some flowers showing an active movement to the Sun and don't expect the same "behavior" to be exhibited by other plants, the same variation with respect to a "geometric three"-trophism might well be taking place.
Though we recognize that all plants appear to use the Sun for energy production, and that humans use it for the production of Vitamin D, differences are permitted because humans and plants are denoted as being different. Though such remarks are quite elementary considerations, I am trying to point out that we should not be accustomed to expecting there to always be differences. In other words, the presence of a similar three-patterned "triangular" expression in different life forms may suggest a similar solar biological receptor; or at least responder, that does not have to exist in all life forms... or is used differently.
We humans describe and illustrate a circular-like Solar path as is displayed in the following image:
Montana Education: Solar Physics
Here is the same image with a triangular solar path added for comparison:
The first image is how we humans logically see the event, and the second image is how our body sees it and conveys this perception that is then "translated" into various three-based formulas, all of which may not be simplistically portrayed in a triangular pattern. The Sun can have a variety of effects depending on dispositions such as length of exposure, intensity, sensitivity, etc... The same effect may exert itself in specific ways according to the species, and within a given species as well. For example, some humans (living out from under trees), used a triangle-shaped structure called a Teepee or pyramid. One was a stationary monument, the other was a mobile one. But the Sun also influenced other ideas and became part of many stories called solar mythology.
The Sun is not always directly named, and has variations as well as descriptions which allude to the Sun without explicitly describing or labeling it. For example, the Christian Jesus has been described again and again and again as having been transformed to conform to images of pagan ideology, into another form (of mobile monument) reflecting hopes and dreams stirred by harsh terrains coupled with horrific experiences which were aligned with the presence of an image of good called the Sun... which at times portrayed with a surrounding aura. The Sun, as a worshipped entity in the past, became anthropomorphized into a living monument in the figure of Jesus who became called the "Son" (Sun) of God.
In the twisted logic of old and new, the Sun was a God being reflected in the embodiment of a man (and not a woman even though they give birth to all males), because this enabled men to claim a connection to god themselves either because of a blood relation or because a blood relation said so. Naming Jesus as the Son of God was a means of describing that God had grown to be larger than the Sun... The mentality of humanity was changing. Soon to come was the development of the word "Trinity" with an associated three-patterned concept that would later be used to describe the existence of three gods in different cultures, even though the cultures themselves may not have thought of the gods as representing a trinity, triad or Trimurti.
Jesus is used as a (reflecting) shiny shield against the perceived existence of a many-headed evil presence in the world. This idea, in various formulas, is intentionally perpetrated by religions and used by governments and businesses as a means of instigating fear amongst the public that they can control for their selfish interests. But such a reference about Jesus as a solar image should not be construed to mean he didn't exist as a real walk-about-town man, nor be used by those seeking some excuse to engage in lawlessness or immorality. Then again, there are those who claim Jesus never existed and he is a figure configured from different related ideas into that which could be used to convince the people of a given time and place about a saviour that was uniquely their own. Divorcing the concepts of God and Morality from religion is a new way of thinking when applied as a distinct thought to be considered as a practiced sociological philosophy in place of all the rituals of religious preoccupation.
Additional ideas can be found here:
Evidence that Jesus never existed
The Flat-Earth Bible Robert J. Schadewald
Just as different people see things differently in terms of interpretation, we might what to say that our physiology does as well. (Different physiologies "interpret" differently.) Whereas ancient peoples described the Sun "going across the sky" in a linear-like fashion, it was also described as "going over the sky" in a circular (dome, vault or arch)-like manner. Instead of saying the planets go around the Sun in circular orbits, we now say they travel in elliptical paths. And despite all the evidence portraying a circular Earth, there are those who claim the Earth is flat. Yet, they are both wrong because it is actually a tri-axial ellipsoid... like a squatted pear. But old ideas linger. Despite all the education and information available, old ideas are believed in even when there is evidence to the contrary. Whereas we might superficially analyze this and say old ideas provide some psychological form of security, old ideas are held on to as if the information being provided to show people "the error in their way of thinking", is not convincing enough.
To the idea of "roundness" associated with the Earth, I recall a professor saying she didn't believe atoms were round. But I have never heard anyone refer to atoms with a "roundness" label. Atoms are frequently referred to as particles, but I don't recall anyone, or even reading anywhere, that atoms were viewed as being round. I didn't get a chance to ask her where she got the idea. She taught courses on writing and literature. I always thought of her views as being rather simple-minded.
The three figures below comically illustrate the flat, circular and tri-axial ellipsoid Earth forms, even if the flat model does not actually portray a flattened sphere in reference to early Cosmologies ( 3's Hypothesis page 2):
![]() Flat Earth View |
![]() Round Earth View |
![]() Triaxial Earth View |
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![]() The Earth is flat! |
![]() The Earth is round! |
![]() You're both wrong! |
The head image was adapted from the website of Phil Lawson & Robert Lindstrom whose conceptual drawings are by Geoffrey Moss.
(One must wonder if the "celestial dome" of early cosmologies was due to a projected image of a bald head onto the world, from which was also derived the idea for a domed coliseum. And imagine what form the ancient cosmologies would have taken if most people were cross-eyed!)
When the hippies of the 1960's began wearing colored "granny" glasses, a commonly occurring remark later on was to describe a person's view that was different from one's own, by saying they were looking at the world through rose tinted glasses. While it was meant at times to convey a wrong or bad view, at other moments it was to suggest that a particular person had a very naive or romanticized perspective of another's presumed "real world" appreciation about a given topic. What is not generally appreciated is that just because a person is a human and performs similar activities as many others do, does not mean they have an ability to think for themselves, or will act coherently with information that may be contrary to those in their particular social sphere. Many everyday tasks are learned simply by practice and are expressed in a conveyor belt-like manner... given the appropriate social signal like an operator turning on a particular switch. Pavlovian and Skinnerian operant conditioning are not well recognized or understood as to the larger extent which they are in usage... be it by nature, or unconscious nurturance. In short, people can live out relatively so-called "normal" lives and still hold notions that might seem more fitting in an ancient age.
However, this is not to say that an exploration or research into older or more ancient ideas is wrong, so long as when your mind ventures backward in time you don't remain there in terms of perspective. Quite often we find that those that retrace the steps of those who have catalogued information from the past, dwell within those concepts without applying it towards a re-interpreted formulation coupled with ideas of more recent date. While they may share their views with like-minded others, they do so primarily to acquire some measure of confirmation that what they see can be seen by others. Many lack the confidence to go forward into a new realm. They remain where they are quite satisfied with what they have discovered... as if they are too old to intellectually travel any further or are afraid they may become lost and no one will be around to pull them out of some imagined quicksand.
There are many different explorers sharing some similitude of cohesive appreciation who persist in approximating a modern day version of an ancient tribal clan sitting around a campfire telling tales. And each of them has a reason used as an excuse not to venture forth and to persuade others to stay behind with them to keep them company. Explorers daring to venture forth may not find a like-minded companion, but they may find those who would nonetheless like to join them in the adventure. As an explorer, your trail may be so very new that there aren't any guide-posts anywhere. You in fact may be originating something that is years ahead of anyone's ability to comprehend as you do... and this may be a circumstance that may never change for a thousand years. You may truly be one of a kind.
It may even be difficult for you to live amongst other humans since you might well be like an extra-terrestrial visitor who has adopted the clothing, speech and some mannerisms of the particular human environment to which you have "awakened" in. I use the word "awakened" to illustrate what might be described as an awakened consciousness that may have take either a short or long period of time to mature. But instead of letting your ideas soar, you keep them cacooned to an extent so as not to bring attention to yourself. Yet, every now and then you permit your wings to flutter about when you seem to chance upon someone who gives the impression of being the same sort of breed. Nonetheless, experience has taught you to be cautious since previous flutterings have produced one or more unwanted social effects that have served to be more of a hindrance than a supportive scaffolding.
You may have been particularly disappointed to find that someone whom you thought would be as open- and quick-minded as yourself are not as you expected them to be. Whereas they are open- and quick-minded, they are not in the manner you were hoping to find in terms of reflecting the same sort of intellectual or at least creative thinking image. And you are also fearful of expressing your ideas because there are those who would want to steal your views and use them for some pecuniary or manipulative interest for which you are neither compensated for, but may be blamed accordingly if they are misused. Yet, you are also a little afraid that if your ideas are thrust into the light of day, you yourself may see them as being less large than the shadows they cast upon the trail which you have been following.
No one should pretend to know your ideas as well as you. But nor should you expect them to mimic your ideas with the very same language. No one is your parrot. I have seen this all too often in the classroom, amongst church attendees, and during meetings amongst so-called educated adults. You see this at sports events and various other social gatherings. You can see this at retail stores and people alone. People mimic expectations and are surprise when someone doesn't respond under a given social prompt. To not respond is often viewed as being unresponsive instead of as another type of acceptable response... albeit unconventional. Those expecting a given response may find it disorientingly disconcerting if you don't respond. But when you learn how not to, you are also consciously learning how to. Such is an impetus for developing a new type of thinking. In the present respect, it is about the "threes phenomena".
Your Questions, Comments or Additional Information are welcomed:
Herb O. Buckland