(New Instrument of Threes)
- page nineteen -
(The Study of Threes)
There is no serious, highly funded "Threes Phenomena" research. Perhaps because there are several problems which need to be surmounted:
- Previous interest in "threes" (research) was steeped in religious and alchemical superstitions which continues to bathe it in muddy waters accompanied with a stench most people want to avoid and view as some sort of disease which suffuses it with antagonisms.(People have difficulty getting past their own inclinations to associate religion, occult, and other so-called pseudo-thought processing.)
- Current investigative parameters utilizing inductive, adductive or deductive organizational methodologies are parsimonious in execution though each may pay lip service to one another while posturing an individual ego of superiority in one regard or another. (People have difficulty getting past their own paradigms of thought which predisposes them to look at all information from an either/or perspective. Such that a topic is either factual and/or rational, or it is fanciful and/or irrational.)
- Comprehending the "phenomena of threes" requires a new philosophical perspective with new investigative and experimental approaches. (People who see things in one way and revolve their way of life around such thinking, have difficulty in seeing things another way because it might well create conflict in the way they live.)
For example, if you took a trip into the past during a time and place that held and practiced a belief in witchcraft, sorcery, demonic possession, etc., you might not be able to convince them of their irrationality, because everyone, at least publicly, believes the same way. Their "irrational" beliefs from our perspective is the reality of truth in their social environment. Taking them out of their living context might or might not help in "changing their mind", since nutritional imbalances may well play a part. Psychiatrists deal with this situation on a daily basis when attempting to discern the root of someone's "illness", as defined by our present standards. They attempt to correct a condition of insanity ("un-sanity") by identifying whether the "mental imbalance", as defined in the present era, is due to circumstances arising from chemical and/or social/family- extended family situations, and/or physiological formations brought about by injury, disease, or genetics... sometimes a person doesn't want to be "cured" if it means returning to intolerable circumstances.)
It might also be of interest to note, since I have not encountered such a reference one way or another, that the Inquisitional Witch hunts in Medieval Europe, and the Salem Witch Trials in America, were not and did not replicate in other parts of the world such as in Asian, African or South American countries; at least none that were recorded to the extent we find amongst Indo-Europeans. This is not to say that there weren't any, but they may have been interpreted and thus described differently. In some instances, take for example in Meso and South America amongst the ancient Aztecs, Incas and Mayans; such cultures incorporated irrationality in socializing sacrifices of the innocent. Whereas we don't call such killings a witch-hunt since even the victims may have "willingly" (drugged into) going along because of some attached patriotic, divinely chosen, or otherwise honorable title; such practices none-the-less describe a wide-spread insanity, when compared to the morality of present day standards.
In providing such an example as the sacrifice of innocents as a phenomena of social acceptance, I am trying to point out how an irrational form of thinking can be accepted as wide-spread truth. Again and again and again throughout history we find such irrationality as a product of religious contemplations. And even though modern religions do not practice witch hunts, or the socialized killing of innocents, this does not mean the collective belief is rational. The whole of religion is a representation of socialized madness. It is an unrecognized insanity collectively practiced.
Analogously, it's as if religion is a blood seeking mosquito (or flea) carrying a disease that can sometimes manifest itself into a wide-spread feverish plague called insanity, whether or not it is recognized as such by the majority, authority, or an erudite minority. Entire cultures can practice insanity... to which we must consider that the present day presumed rationality amongst all the cultures of the world is a collective irrationality whose authority practices its own varying forms of witch-hunting. In order to see a "greater progressive truth" beyond one's focused on form of insanity (since there are various forms), one must think differently. But in so doing, their ideas may come into conflict with the presently accepted truths of authority that are, for the most part, supported by the common throng who might single you out for dispersing their anger against when you don't participate in validating the conceptions of their insanity that they may define as not only sanity, but an enlightened form thereof. History is replete with references to those who were imprisoned, enslaved, or killed because they held and professed beliefs defined as heretical.
The hysteria of witch- hunting as described in those accounts of early Salem,
Massachusetts in America and those of the Middle ages, were centered amongst particular
Indo-European communities which should be food-for-thought for those interested in
the differences of "heightened" perception from different time periods...
...But a distinction needs to be clearly pointed out even though many have seen,
but not consciously acknowledged: that the hysteria of earlier periods was
predicated by the thoughts of adults, such as those incidents of Salem which were
stirred into a socially expressive form by young girls that adults "took charge
of" as a means of wielding social power to instigate and manipulate situations that
could become profitable... such as having someone condemned as a witch whereby their
property then became available to them. The young girls in Salem were used as a
means of corroborating the ideas manufactured by adults, just as the kids played
out the earlier roles exhibited by adults when they participated in their own Children's
Crusade. It was adult madness inflicted on the young. It was not the "craziness"
of adolescents playing with a Ouija board and trying to convince one another that
the pointer actually moved under some possession by an unseen force.
Such was the similarity when men had their wives, sisters, daughters (etc.,) committed to an insane asylum (whose head authority figure may have participated in the confinement in order to receive some form of compensation)... whereby they could take charge of endowments, property and associated funds. Another similarity took place with the Indo-European government of men in the early years of the United States confined the Native American "savages" to reservations so it could take possession of their land. Such a mentality persists in the law called "right of imminent domain" in which the government has a right to take charge of land it f eels is needed for a larger goal. Various forms of this irrationality take place in the actions of present day businesses, governments, and religions. Part of this irrationality is to condemn those who see through their activities and point out their lies with a greater truth.
However, such maniacal inclinations might be concealed in behaviors such as war... and do not necessarily have to be expressed in traditionalized "witch hunting" ways— though the insanity of the European Crusades (along with the killing of Joan of Arc), might well be included. We might also consider, for example, the social conditions which promulgated the Black Death may have been due to a widespread distorted way of thinking expressed in particular living conditions. While most readers might claim it to be ignorance, we might also want to consider the situation to be brought about by a wide-spread insanity. It doesn't matter if "everyone is doing it" and it is described as normal behavior. So-called everyday normal behavior can be an expression of collective insanity. You may not be able to see it because you are likewise participating in the same routines. Such "collectivities" of insanity can exist amongst educated as well as uneducated people. Whereas we typically view a "witch hunt mentality" within the scope of a set of expressed behaviors, it might be more advantageous to be more broad-minded.
Also, we of today are no doubt engaging in our own forms of nonsense that future generations will look back on and wonder how humanity got as far as it did. There is a lot of insanity being practiced by the business, political and religious communities... yet they all think of themselves as being quite rational instead of psychotic. It is well-known amongst analysts, both in and out of the F.B.I., that some of the behavior of Corporations is psycho-pathological.
From the perspective of the public, different agencies of the government are similarly "out of kelter" with the reality of the public; and force the public to "see things their way" by developing programs, polices and eligibility standards that maneuver the public like cattle into chutes of like-minded thinking and then places cattle guards behind the public in order to keep it from retreating into a sustained rationality. However, if a normal, everyday person were dressed into a straight jacket, they would become insane. Yet those who are psychotic might find them quite comfortable and a "good fit" like a tailored suit.
Imagine the horror experienced by someone who wakes up one day and realizes they have been living in insanity and all their social contacts are very much insane. There may be no place to go and they must "play" at being just as "insanely normal". As the old saying goes, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." However in America, it is sometimes difficult to figure out from one day to the next what "politically correct" insanity is in vogue... particularly if you go from one state to the next as I have done in recent years.
Indo-Europeans might well be said to have a predisposition towards intermittent expression of hysteria. If it is more wide-spread in the New England states, for example, then the government would be right in instigating fear there first and foremost, so that it can spread outwards... that is, if it wanted to create support for a military conflict or substantiate its claims for extreme measures such as Marshal Law, develop a Homeland Security, or concealing other events that would be easily seen if the country (and reporters) weren't preoccupied with a manufactured fear. But such thoughts are a-whole-nother topic and is being herein used to highlight how presumed normalcy of thought may be an unrecognized camouflaged attempt at concealing distortions of perception and comprehension.
Different efforts by different people throughout the ages have been made in an attempt to get others to see the light, see the errors of their ways, see the truth, identify lies, etc., etc., etc... Some try to do so from the pulpit, lectern, soap box, stump, or conventionalized podium. Others do it with books, pamphlets, songs, articles ("papers"), films, or theatrical performances. While some choose peaceful protesting, others choose more violent "social statement" ways and may thereafter be referred to as a freedom fighter, terrorist, or anarchist. While some want to shock, others want to manipulate, and still others want to persuade with what they think is logical argumentation.
As for myself, the "Novum Organum Threesiarum" is a type of portrait picture whose subject has eyes fixed straight ahead and makes you think you are being watched as you walk by in a dimly lit corridor of your mind. And upon closer examination you see the figure holding a match in one hand and a fuse in the other. The fuse is connected to a roll of caps (those used in cap guns), that is connected to a fire- cracker, that is connected to a timer attached to an "Omega and Alpha" bomb. (I reversed the common expression of "Alpha and Omega", meaning from 'beginning to end', so that it can read from 'end to beginning'... In essence, the end of an old way of perception to the beginning of a new way of thinking.)
Let us say for example, after collecting numerous "threes", we want to know what may be the origin(s) thereof. In attempting some conclusion, we must first direct our attention to some caveats that Francis Bacon highlighted in the Novum Organum.
Novum Organum, as suggested by its name, is focused just as much on a rejection of received doctrine as it is on a forward-looking progression. In Bacon's Idols are found his most critical examination of man-made impediments which mislead the mind's objective reasoning. They appear in previous works but were never fully fleshed out until their formulation in Novum organum: I Idols of the Tribe (Idola tribus) “Idols of the Tribe are rooted in human nature itself and in the very tribe or race of men. For people falsely claim that human sense is the measure of things, whereas in fact all perceptions of sense and mind are built to the scale of man and not the universe.” Bacon includes in this idol the predilection of the human imagination to presuppose otherwise unsubstantiated regularities in nature. An example might be the common historical astronomical assumption that planets move in perfect circles (when such paths are now cited as typically being elliptical). II Idols of the Cave (Idola specus) “Idols of the Cave belong to the particular individual. For everyone has (besides vagaries of human nature in general) his own special cave or den which scatters and discolours the light of nature. Now this comes either of his own unique and singular nature; or his education and association with others, or the books he reads and the several authorities of those whom he cultivates and admires, or the different impressions as they meet in the soul, be the soul possessed and prejudiced, or steady and settled, or the like; so that the human spirit (as it is allotted to particular individuals) is evidently a variable thing, all muddled, and so to speak a creature of chance...” This idol stems from the particular life experiences of the individual. Variable educations can lead the individual to a preference for specific concepts or methods, which then corrupt their subsequent philosophies. Bacon himself gives the example of Aristotle, “who made his natural philosophy a mere slave to his logic.” III Idols of the Market (Idola fori) “There are also Idols, derived as if from the mutual agreement and association of the human race, which I call Idols of the Market on account of men's commerce and partnerships. For men associate through conversation, but words are applied according to the capacity of ordinary people. Therefore shoddy and inept application of words lays siege to the intellect in wondrous ways.” Bacon considered these (three) "the greatest nuisances of them all". Because humans reason through the use of words, they are particularly dangerous because the received definitions of words, which are often falsely derived, can cause confusion. He outlines two subsets of this kind of idol and provides examples. First, there are those words which spring from fallacious theories, such as the element of fire or the concept of a first mover. These are easy to dismantle because their inadequacy can be traced back to the fault of their derivation in a faulty theory. Second, there are those words that are the result of imprecise abstraction. Earth, for example, is a vague term that may include many different substances the commonality of which is questionable. These terms are often used elliptically, or from a lack of information or definition of the term. IV Idols of the Theatre (Idola theatri) “Lastly, there are the Idols which have misguided into men's souls from the dogmas of the philosophers and misguided laws of demonstration as well; I call these Idols of the Theatre, for in my eyes the philosophies received and discovered are so many stories made up and acted out stories which have created sham worlds worth of the stage.” These idols manifest themselves in the unwise acceptance of certain philosophical dogmas, namely Aristotle's sophistical natural philosophy which was corrupted by his passion for logic, and Plato's superstitious philosophy, which relied too heavily on theological principles. H.O.B. note: I want to point out that Sir Frances Bacon used a three -to- one ratio in the division of these typically counted "four" Idols. For those unfamiliar with applying a three -to- one ratio pattern to "exhibits of thought", such a reference might appear to be a digression instead of pointing out a pattern of thinking that has been taken for granted as an identifiable contour of the mind, like the threes research in general. You can find additional examples on this page: |
"The Empirical Method" can describe a type of reasoning that "induces" (introduces)
a generalization based on specific results produced in a practical experiment...
whether or not you are directly involved in the experimentation. Hence it is referred
to as inductive reasoning and might well be viewed as a statistical variance.
reasoning is said to make broad generalizations from specific observations. In
other words, it's like a single beam of light focused on a prism that produces a
general array of colors. Analogously, the word "Empirical" may or may not bring
to mind the word "Empire" such as a Monarchial empire which sprouts a king or queen
as the single head of a country whose rule is thus dispersed to all the subjects.
Deductive reasoning on the other hand, flips this around and
"deduces" a particular or specific reasoning from a generalization frequently called
an hypothesis or theory. While we might want to suggest that this form of
thinking is more in tune with a Democracy (People Rule) in that the general public's
collective view is amalgamated into a singular representation such as a President
who is answerable to the people, this is not what takes place in reality. This is
despite the fact that Democracy is sometimes called a social "experiment" in self-
governance. Governments, businesses and religions practice whatever form of reasoning
(or not), in order that those in the upper echelons maintain themselves in some
sort of lineage. Revolutions are acts of inductive reasoning professing a deductive
reasoning on those or that practicing an absence of reasonableness.
Present governing structures are not based on rationality, but an irrationality where everyone is forced to participate in and thus call it a logical rationale. Because of this, the mentality of the overall public is suffused with a type of thinking which fashions all systems of logic in accordance with; in order that one may participate, to some extent, within a given social structure, or find themselves mentally (if not physically) ostracized from the larger public. To such an end, many people avoid prolonged forms of socialization which might afford the opportunity of one or more others bringing them into a question of social "deviance". On the other hands, many seek out similar expressions of "deviance", in terms of exhibiting what is defined to them as being non-normal, rebellious, unique, different, special, etc... And yet, that which they resort in response with, might well be just another example of irrationality and is not superior, enlightened, or original thinking as they might assume.
However, it should be noted that the usage of "practiced experimentation" such as a particular governing formula can lead to the expression of "practiced results" expressed by a repetition of a bad situation being exercised by different players who may or may not wear different styles of clothing ... something that is not always considered by all researchers (or revolutionaries) because such a consideration was not born out in the method by which they routinely conduct (thought) experiments or arrive at their conclusions. You do not often find conclusions subjected to the same rigor of experimentation to validate them. People can get lazy and energy levels can wane.
But most people don't want you to know what is ON their mind, like many a primate concealing some fruit they want to horde or use as a means for manipulating another with; and becomes a problem for many a math instructor who tries to get students to show their work in order to assist them with their errors. If you could see what is ON peoples minds, you might then realize how simple-minded most people are. Then again, if you could see the collections of "facts" (impressions, etc.) people have IN their memory, you might in fact find yourself in very many different surreal landscapes... like many a social worker, police officer and furniture deliverer has encountered when entering some peoples living quarters.
Please do not misunderstand my usage of "simple minded". A person can have a measured high I.Q. and still be simple minded. "Simple minded" in the present sense is being used to convey mental routines that might well appear to be idiosyncratic or even crazy to one or more others if they could trace out a person's mental path as if it were a dot-to-dot game. It's like someone claiming that "their" baseball, basketball, or football team are "World" champions, with the word "world" defined very narrowly, if not selfishly and egotistically. People with high I.Q's. can have narrowly focused mental routines for which they might be recognized as a genius for, but if they tried to engage in the routine tasks of someone else, such as gardening, mowing, working out crossword puzzles, playing cards, etc., might be felt to be a chore for them.
...Years ago, while working part-time for a furniture warehouse, I assisted with the delivery of a television to a home owned by a man who didn't want anyone to walk on his new white rug. None of the family members were allowed to wear shoes and they where forced to sit on a stairway while we entered the house. When we refused to take off our shoes [incase the large TV slipped and landed on a toe], he tried to impress upon us that he was an important retail store owner and that we should do as he wanted... just like his family was obviously being subjected to his demands... like many a tyrant expects of their subjects. He then put towels down for us to walk on. Upon ready to leave, I looked at his wife and kids and could hear their silent screams for help to be freed from their imprisonment.
...On another furniture delivering escapade, I walked into an apartment which made me feel as if I had time-traveled to the 1960s and 1970s where the height of the Beatles generation was in vogue. The doorways had curtains made out of long strings of beads, the two young couples had colored "granny" glasses on, wore tie-dyed clothing, and gave us a two-fingered (V-shaped) "peace" sign. One of the Beatles songs was playing in the background and above one of the doorways was a sign which said "penny lane". There was a picture of a yellow submarine as well as other Beatles memorabilia on the walls, shelves and table top. All of which was an example of a miscellaneous collection of facts with a particular focus in mind.
I have been in social circumstances where someone remains quiet and doesn't offer any information when a conversation is taking place. Sometimes it is because the person doesn't really understand what is being discussed, or agrees with everything being said, or has thoughts that those having the conversation wouldn't be able to grasp on their best day. In other instances, I have been in social circumstances where one or more are dominating a conversation and try to convince everyone they know what they are talking about, when they are actually as dumb as a bag of rocks that have turned to silica and is seeping out the bottom. Others, play a variety of "head games" in trying to get you to divulge information, manipulate something out of you, confirm some belief, or sincerely seek advice.
Some people gather lots of facts simply because they are facts that can have either specific or general application depending on the context. Some facts, such as a "threes" list, may appear quite weird or unusual to a person not familiar with this "singularity" of focus if it is not presented in a context they are used to, such as an educational setting and presented by someone who is assumed to be an instructor...
This reminds me of the time I was attempting to relay information about the "threes phenomena" to a co-worker (at a bank) who had a bachelor's degree in English and a boyfriend whom she said had a PhDs She returned the next day to tell me that her boyfriend wanted to know where I got my facts from! Without knowing what she said to him, (nor exactly what he said to her), I can't imagine anyone wanting to know where I got my information from... such as that we are on the third planet from a Sun. She was very pretty, and good at her respective job in the bank, but she didn't have much "extraneous" knowledge in order to carry on a conversation outside her job, her religion, or her degree field. And she became particularly irritated with me when I wrote a sequel to a poem which she had shared, and everyone like the sequel better. While I don't at the moment have a copy of her's, which I believe she wrote, I do have the one I wrote:
To write English thus, for all purposes tried where in later years find words are more mystified like the singular fox becomes more with es, yet the baseball team Sox is 1 or more, no less. But are two horses a herd, if not, then how many and when does more change to much then called plenty- if two sheep are a fold are 3 a flock as I've heard... with my party of ears, can a flock be one bird? Oh! when two's a couple, three becomes a crowd or sometimes called family with 4 or more allowed to some tis a tribe for whatever reasons why, still to others tis a clan, see how words can belie! Not the lie of the lay that was lain when we laid for when truth is true, it thus becomes real certainly your heart has seen these thoughts I feel, and have felt to think of a better language unmade. Surely you look to see what was seen when saw that is to eye the view of a vision in the raw bringing many to blush when speaking of a naked truth, whereby they try to conceal by clothing in a baby suit! Like peeping toms at a keyhole or fingers spread apart before language can mature, we must have a change of heart so if we've chosen to choose what was chose when selected, the decision to decide thus decided must be directed. When does a lake become a sea become the ocean by the by or a stone become a rock becomes a boulder my oh my or a brochure becomes a pamphlet, becomes a book for keepsake, no less, where is Heaven, if Hell is below standards we partake. To understand is not to overstand that standard is never sittard and though a fan may be fanned, no kid is ever kiddard- what then is the use of belaboring such folly, unless tis like hide-n-seek, where all kids look for olly. Thus we see tis not only words but ideas themselves called fairies, pixies, and sometimes little green elves where, with intelligence, become some ancient rule-of-thumb, till we sit back and think how really dumb we've become. Call it religion, call it science, or a metaphysical truth and then by adding numbers declare it's absolute proof put it in a book whereby you'll need no apology, especially if made-up words end with ism, ence, or ology. If language speaks of thought, then we are all confused made deliberately more so by so many tongues used but to have a single language for all to speak... or maybe all should stop talking, a golden silence for a week! Thus, tis not at fifty-five nor at a century's close and not grasped so effortless by a child as some suppose but by daily trial and error while at serious play, in a sandbox, on a playground, or skipping stones day by day. For a child's world drums a different measure of time's pace recall your own when summers were without a journey's end- how a child uses language from there to this moment's place, determines in later years, a foe, stranger, or friend. Sunday, 6:30 AM 08-17-1997 |
When, I started putting a list of "threes" facts years ago, I didn't have a theory other than that there was a numerically quantifiable similarity in the items being collected. Whereas the first examples had the word "three, third, triple" or the symbol "3" being represented, I later found I had to expand the list to include words such as "trinity, triad, triangle, triune". I later discovered that such indicators were not always present but that there was an underlying organization of three items such as nouns being a person - place - thing. Later on it became quite obvious that many people use three-patterned structures to reference ideas but are not aware that they do so. In fact, many people are not aware how often they use patterns-of-three references on a day-to-day basis, in speech, mannerisms or organization; such as a woman who organizes bathroom towels in a small - medium - large array.
Later on, I came to realize that a pattern-of-three doesn't have to occur in the same sentence. The "three" may be three sentences or an overall structure such as the Title - Body - Conclusion used by instructors to teach writing composition. It was a subject I wasn't very good at because the teachers wanted me to write something they chose or approved of, and not what I wanted according to how I saw things. Having an imagination was ok, but it had to be structured into a frame-work with information they were familiar with and that which they approved of. My experience with English teachers is that they may have knowledge about literature, but they don't really have a knowledge about a lot of different topics or styles of imagination. The topics chosen for me to write about were always incredibly boring. And to write on my own restricted me to the teacher's limits of knowledge and imagination.
As time went on in my collecting efforts, I had reached a point that I needed to find some means of presenting a list because without some form of "evidence", conversation with others about the "threes phenomena" typically went right over their heads. Not because they couldn't comprehend the subject matter, but because they were not used to memorizing large amounts of information to be recalled in order to be utilized during the conversation. So I created a small list and had some booklets made up at a Kinko's copy center. But this didn't help. So years later I decided on making a poster. While this format is a great improvement, at least from my perspective, it made me realize that even though the "three" formula is a very simple means of organizing disparate forms of information, it is not a typical brain construct.
When some people are confronted with such a large array, a few will attempt to disparage the accumulation with remarks about some other number pattern, or as one person did on one occasion, say that I had way too much time on my hands. He was of course excusing himself from having any conversation which involved a topic that did not specifically focus on his superficiality of efforts towards making money by way of working at a job and doing what he was told to do. Yet, because I have encountered various arguments involving other number patterns, I have looked into these as well. Some have an origin in the past with respect to the seven stars of the Big Dipper, and others are biologically based such as the recurrence of two eyes, ears, arms, etc...
A person that collects disparate information from different subject areas can not eschew numerous, or even single items just because they don't appear to readily fit a pre-formed list. Just because one expends an enormous amount of effort in a particular effort does not mean the effort is automatically justified. To me, the accumulating evidence of another numerically identifiable pattern's presence has made me reconsider earlier assumptions about the "three". The initial ideas had to be enlarged to include not only the "two", but also the "one" since it frequently accompanied the "two" such as in the three-patterned array of Mono- B (or Di)- Tri. I thus including instances of a pattern-of-three involving instances of one and two.
I then found myself exploring yet another variation of the three which involved an expansion of a developing idea, particularly when instances of the one - two- three were reflections of development over long periods of time such as the three Germ layers, three domains of life, and philosophical conjectures consisting of a topic which referenced Monad - Dyad (Duad) - Triad. This signaled that the "three" was part of an out-growth... a maturational development; and made me wonder if the "three" itself was not to have an out-growth... I later on came to realize that such an out-growth did not necessarily have to be reflected in a "four" pattern, but could none-the-less be called a fourth item, if someone's perspective insisted on such a label.
On the one hand the one - two - three out-growth gave evidence of an expansion, and yet gave evidence of producing a three-to-one ratio effect. Reflectively, it appears analogously similar to a microcosm of a macrocosmic effect such as a Big Bang explosion that collapses in on itself like a black hole. But, what may be taking place are multiple rippling effects that exhibit such an eventuality. In other words, there are similarities of appearance occurring in a succession. For example, the Big Bank expansion is followed by an expansion of the Sun with three "moments" (Dawn - Noon - Dusk) that are "fusing" into a singularity, which has and does influence a pattern-of-three schematic in our biology and mental concepts which are like-wise fusing. An example of a fusing mental construct is the adoption of the word "trinity" to represent the notion of 3 persons in 1 godhead. All the emotion and cultural labeling we ascribe to such a notion belie the underlying fact that it represents a fusion that may be linked to an environmental event that is linked to an ongoing cosmological event.
What all of this is getting at, and is the point for this page, is that the collection of miscellaneous facts can lead to research. If not the person who has done the collecting, than one or more others who come across the information. While the initial basis of the research, from my perspective, was the simple exploration into finding out how many things came in "threes", it has evolved to produce very imposing questions. One question has to do with the origin of the first "three" such as what made DNA, RNA and Proteins develop with a triplet codon (coding) system. If you, like me, see these are projecting three-to-one ratios (DNA and RNA both have Adenosine - Cytosine - Guanine but have, respectively, the identifiers Thymine and Uracil; and Proteins develop a Quaternary structure from a composite of the primary - secondary - tertiary structures); then we must still ask what originated this particular formula and not some other type?
If a particular pattern is characteristic of a certain culture, then let it be noted as such, but we must also ask where the culture got it from. For example, currently, physicists of the present age describe all the known particles into a collection called the Three Families of fundamental particles, that can generally be described as:
- Stable particles (in terms we humans recognize stability).
- Unstable Particles (which 'decay' to stable particles).
- Very Unstable Particles (which 'decay') to unstable particles.
These three references are generalizations useful for everyday conversation like the clothing sizes of Small, Medium and Large. Unlike a person's body that may be of a type which sits at a stage in between two sizes, a person is forced to wear one or another size unless they can afford tailored-for-their-body clothing. Whereas a particle may exist for a period of time (relative to its existence) at a stage of development that is in-between one of the above categories, it usually "grows" into another stage until it achieves some measure of stability or "disintegration" (in relative terms). Yet, these three clothing sizes are not universally used as the preeminent sizing. Nor is the metric system such as in the case of America where both the inch and metric systems are used and well as the ounce and litre fluid capacities. In short, there are different ways of looking at things and the dominant one is usage does not necessarily mean it is the best.
Are there actually Three Families or is this model of categorization merely a representation of a cultural "threes" orientation whose usage has more to do with an unrecognized cultural proclivity than a comprehensive understanding of particle physics? In fact, is it a detriment to a further realization which in fact may exist but we are as yet unable to see through the veil of our cultural mind-sets as might be described by a "threes" usage even if most people are not aware of such a usage? Also, for example, are there actually three Quarks and three anti-quarks as well as three large particles (Electrons - Neutrons Protons), or is this just another representation of a particular mindset born from a like-minded cultural disposition to see things in a particular way... that does not necessarily reflect actuality in the larger Universal sense?
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Your Questions, Comments or Additional Information are welcomed:
Herb O. Buckland