~ The Study of Threes ~
Visitors as of 3/13/2023
I have labeled this page with the three-patterned expression "No Reset Button" because it can be applied to many situations, including "Threesology" research. One facet of an attempted reset is to look retrospectively over past events, even if one's memory is faulty, or historical narratives are inaccurate, as many of us have come to appreciate by reviewing different perspectives of a single circumstance, be it a description of a scientific break through, development of automation, early computer research, war, disease, accidents, politics, etc...
With respect to my own life's narrative and interest in "threes" it should be noted that I mentally played with numbers from an early age. Whether it be in counting staves in a fence as I walked by, jumping from one floor tile to the next at a store, or creating a three-way partition between a sidewalk, curb and curb's edge, as I straddled it from step to step as if walking a tight-rope, claiming the gutter was an abyss or contained something ominous, and the sidewalk was a no-man's-land forbidden zone. No less the many other games in childhood in which players were counted, steps to be taken in a game of "Mother May I", or the numerous other occasions in which the usage of numbers is applied, such as adding the numbers in a street address. Recall, whether for reevaluation or some sentimental journey into one's presumed past, often adopts some numerical attribute whether or not a person is aware of it. Time, place quantity and duration all involve the usage of enumeration. Just because a person is not consciously aware of their applied numerological labeling doesn't mean it doesn't have an applied meaning.
For example, when someone says "they always do something" or "they were always like that", the repetition involves quantity. In fact, many of us use a personalized "Reset Button" when we relabel an event, forget an event (or some sequence thereof), or apply some measure of denial as well as reconstruction that may not have actually occurred. And just because one prefers not to actively recall some past event doesn't mean they don't use an unconscious measure of enumeration in diverting themselves away from remembering. In other words, they may actively force themselves away from a quantity of situations which would cause them to take a trip down some lane of memory. Indeed, George Santayana remarked that "those who can not learn from history are doomed to repeat it" (sometimes written as: "those who fail to remember history are doomed to repeat it"), which amongst other things bespeaks of a cyclicity that exhibits a pattern that can be enumerated, if one had an interest to do so.
With respect to George Santayana and his interpretation of the human condition which can be applied to the present context, here is a quote that may serve the interest and appreciation of some readers:
In fact, the whole machinery of our intelligence, our general ideas and laws, fixed and external objects, principles, persons, and gods, are so many symbolic, algebraic expressions. They stand for experience; experience which we are incapable of retaining and surveying in its multitudinous immediacy. We should flounder hopelessly, like the animals, did we not keep ourselves afloat and direct our course by these intellectual devices. Theory helps us to bear our ignorance of fact. (George Santayana)
With respect to numbers, I was not so much interested in the mathematics taught in school, but the proofing patterns taking place behind the scenes and avoided by many a student who don't want to show their work because not showing their work keeps their faulty math thinking from being corrected and interpreted as an expression that they have something wrong with them... to which they apply as a mirror-image representation of everything they do. In other words, they don't want to appear as having something wrong or bad about them. Correcting errors in the thinking skills of mathematics makes many a student feel despondent because they think it reflects that something is not right with them, even if they don't articulate the circumstance in the manner that I am portraying.
For me, mathematics held no great surprises because just about anyone can achieve the expected answer so long as they apply a set order of operations. My problem with math teachers is that they (at least the ones I had, didn't like method of experimenting with formulas. I had to achieve the answer they wanted in the way they wanted a given problem to be solved, and found my excursions into other considerations a type of defiance to their authority. The same was the case for biology classes, poetry classes, philosophy classes, etc... For example, on one occasion I began a test with the last question and moved forward... only to be given a failing grade [believe it or not!] because I didn't "perform" the test in the order in which the professor had written it and expected it to be completed... because the test itself was constructed as an equation with its own sequential rigor that I had deduced but everyone else in the class was oblivious to.
With respect to mathematics, the numbers and symbols were (are) pretty straight forward (so long as you don't engage in mixing and matching for fun), because there is no great mystery about conventional mathematics. It doesn't require originality of thought and creative intuition because everything is known about the set rules which are applied. While this is not always true about "pure" mathematics in terms of developing complexities and insights in uncharted mathematical realms, it is true for much of mathematics because it involves numerological themes that need only to be remembered and put into an expected order like placing chess or checker pieces on a playing board... though those engaged in an attempt at "creative accounting" or "fudging tax return numbers" may think of the themselves as harboring some especial talent commensurate with a rare and enviable acumen. For those pursuing a Mathematically asserted abstraction there is an expectation that some level of proofing take place so as to avoid being viewed as a mere belief in some supernatural entity created in episodic (or spasmodic) sojourns into imaginative realms based purely on emotion-harnessed reflexes to perceived subtleties that are opportunistically applied according to some quixotic whim as is sometimes found in art, music, poetry and other creative impulsivities.
In mathematics, a proof is an inferential argument for a mathematical statement. In the argument, other previously established statements, such as theorems, can be used. In principle, a proof can be traced back to self-evident or assumed statements, known as axioms, along with accepted rules of inference. Axioms may be treated as conditions that must be met before the statement applies. Proofs are examples of exhaustive deductive reasoning or inductive reasoning and are distinguished from empirical arguments or non-exhaustive inductive reasoning (or "reasonable expectation"). A proof must demonstrate that a statement is always true (occasionally by listing all possible cases and showing that it holds in each), rather than enumerate many confirmatory cases. An unproved proposition that is believed to be true is known as a conjecture. Proofs employ logic but usually include some amount of natural language which usually admits some ambiguity. In fact, the vast majority of proofs in written mathematics can be considered as applications of rigorous informal logic. Purely formal proofs, written in symbolic language instead of natural language, are considered in proof theory. The distinction between formal and informal proofs has led to much examination of current and historical mathematical practice, quasi-empiricism in mathematics, and so-called folk mathematics (in both senses of that term). The philosophy of mathematics is concerned with the role of language and logic in proofs, and mathematics as a language. (Mathematical Proof)
Yet, interpretation of mathematics differs amongst those with different levels of mathematics skills. While some approach the usage of numbers and symbols as an artistic expression, others apply their value of a scientific (or practical) intent. The latter may not be at all interested in "playing with numbers" like an experimenter who likes to "reset" an equation's parameters (algorithm) to see if the boundaries of logic can be advanced by the adopted usage of some relative positioning, relabeling, or application to the imaginary. The same goes with those who come across "threes". They simply take stock of a list of threes and label it "numerology" or "coincidence", because their mind's can not detect any mystery or they simply have other interests. Threes research not only permits me to indulge in many different subjects, but also requires that I take a look at even those that may be labeled in less than a favorable light to one or another professional. Thus, not only "must" I collect threes examples from divergent subject areas, but recognize the absence of threes, the presence of one or another (number and non-number) pattern, but the dominant presence of a presumed non-three pattern such as the usage of "twos" as in binary stars, cell division, various dichotomies, bipedalism, etc.
For example, if someone tries to explain the presence of "threes" in Fairy Tales as being due to culture, mythology, the Christian Trinity, or similarity in human cognition occurring over large expanses of time; it is necessary to ask why these things do so, and not some other pattern. In other words, what influenced them as an influence of threes? If we then say it is because our anatomy shows a recurring usage of this pattern, we again must ask why does our anatomy do so? If we say it is because of the triplet coding in DNA and RNA, we are again faced with the same query. If one simply wants to dismiss the question by saying God made it this way, we are still left with why God didn't choose some other pattern, when there are so many available to choose from. And if we continue to retrograde the origin to mentioning Earth as being the third planet from a Sun or that physics is radiant with various three-patterned organizations, we are still left with an unanswered question. Dismissing it as an irrelevance just because we don't want to consider how many and what kinds of examples there are, is little more than an excuse that amounts to a variation of a grade school child not "showing their work". Instead, they use various tactics of concealment so that no one can see their method of thinking, even if they are intuitively able to come up with the expected answer for a given problem in a given situation. In other words, conclusions about the "threes phenomena" are devoid of efforts to provide proofs.
However, many people do not actually know how they come up with a conclusion. It may sort of "pop into their head", which may then subsequently be used to imply some standard of assumed genius, talent, or "god given" gift that they are not permitted to analyze or they may jinx their ability. Heaven forbid they should discover that they presumed quality requires an undisclosed amount of mental elbow grease and the wearing of dirty coveralls because of all the behind-the-scenes intellectual and emotional scavenging required... much less the many hours of practice (including mistakes) involved in fine-tuning their efforts.
If your interest is in using some aspect of "threes" research to make money or manipulate some situation for personal gain, you may likely find the research I do difficult to understand since my interest is otherwise directed. In fact, several decades ago when I was reciting numerous threes to a fellow worker at a second job I had, he wanted to know how I could use the information to make money. "Pure Threes Research" held no interest for him unless it could be applied for financial gain. The same goes for many, many, many other people with whom I have spoken to about the threes phenomena. They want the research for their own immediate short-term interest and have no inclination to apply it in a larger context, because it doesn't pay their bills, put food on the table, get a job, become the center of attention in a social group, etc...
An analogy of this is those who study religious texts in a "pure", unapologetic sense, as opposed to those who use the context of religious events because it provides some social advantage where personal livelihoods are affected. Those who are interested in the purity of religious studies are concerned with archaeology, psychology, sociology and numerous other subjects that come into play in their analysis. They use cross-cultural examinations and devise ways of keeping themselves from being fooled by delusions and the "madness of socialized acceptance" which frequently involves groups that entertain a given conclusion without proof... or use "proofs" contoured by one or another emotionalized personal experience that may involve superstition. However, the term "God" in their equation is often placed as a central (enumerated "one") figure within parenthesis and should more appropriately be applied as a flexible variable. Some "purists" refuse to rewrite the algorithm they are using because they prefer basic math over complex equations they have difficulty grasping. Others prefer complexity where simplicity is best applied. Still others do not know what equation to use... like a person asked to count but are confronted by a word problem they don't know how to convert into a numerical identity.
An analogy with computers may be helpful: Whereas computers do not come equipped with singular reset buttons when a person encounters a problem and are instead expected to use various function keys (such as f2, f8, f12, etc.), to obtain access to behind the scene tools in order to address a problem that is not easily identifiable. Computers are not built sophisticated enough to tell a person that a hard drive is about to fail, or that there is some software conflict, or memory issue, etc... Computers are not built with a sophisticated diagnostic system with a reset button so that everyday people don't have to chase down some resolution or take their computer to someone for repairing a simple issue, because those designing software do not think sophisticated enough and still retain a "middle man" orientation of job security for computer technicians. While there are tools, one must be skilled in such tools. There is no overall reset button that doesn't require someone having to jump through various hoops after spending who knows how much time trying to uncover the solution on the internet as described by those who frequently make a circumstance more difficult to understand because the way they are explaining something is much like a scribbled form of "showing one's work". Present day computers are actually quite primitive, despite all the technical jargon being tossed about to give the impression of sophistication. Computers need a reset button that doesn't require having to chase down a recipe or remedy like having to type in "reboot", "restore", or "re image", to give but three examples of backdoor applications. While some computer operators think of themselves in terms of being "in the know" with respect to following procedures which will evaluate and correct computer issues, most people simply want to have a "reset button" as simple as turning on and shutting off a computer. They don't want to be technicians and don't want to be bothered having to deal with those who think of themselves as being specialized... thus enabling them to charge whatever they want for a computer repair that is actually quite simple.
Another analogy is the application of a reset button to the U.S. government, in light of the events in which an idiot like Trump is permitted to effect the position of being a world leader. Because there is no reset button to correct so many political errors, only shows the deficiency of the U.S. political system just as it does computer systems. Computer technicians like political technicians (referred to as politicians), are not as sophisticated as they want others to think. No matter how much money is put into a computer design or political campaign design, the underling software of computers and the government is extremely primitive. The same goes for the "software" (philosophy) of every single subject being practiced in and out of the University arena. Whereas billions can be spent on constructing equipment like the particle reactor for CERN, the underlying philosophy of the research involves orientations focused on very primitive ideas. And it doesn't matter how sophisticated those involved appear and the logic used to defend the direction of research, all of it amounts to rationalizations which conceal multiple agendas, even if the original one has been concealed from the public. CERN Physicist: We Have Done Something Evil & It Is Being Hidden.
Imagine what might be achieved if we spent billions on poverty elimination, peace education, threes research, cycling development, water purification, prison reform, etc... But many of those in positions of approving billions of dollars funding don't have any interest in a given subject other than as a potential means of acquiring some profit. If I could show that threes research would lead to a super weapon or some ultra powerful energy source or to interstellar travel, I would be buried in funding. Or if I could get multiple influential educators interested in the topic of threes research to the point of permitting its presence as a subject to be studied in College, it might well acquire the necessary social prestige of earning a degree status. No less, if threes research garnered the interest of the public who repeatedly asked for information and education on the subject, this too might provide the incentive for the subject to gain acceptance as a genre of philosophy. Perhaps one day it shall, long after I am gone from the scene.
As for now, let us reset the present conversation so that it is restarted to display current efforts of cataloguing various threes examples in overlapped considerations as an experimental inclination to see whether or not a given compilation provides fruitful perspectives.
One method being applied to threes research is the application of a "Big Data" profile that the following excerpt about Big Data may be helpful for some readers:
In the life sciences, data can come in many forms, including information about genomic sequences, molecular pathways, and different populations of people. Those data create a potential bonanza, if scientists can overcome one stumbling block: how to handle the complexity of information. Tools and techniques for analyzing big data promise to mold massive mounds of information into a better understanding of the basic biological mechanisms and how the results can be applied in, for example, health care. Big Biological Impacts from Big Data.
Using a "threes" approach to handling vast amounts of information from different subject areas requires a great deal of intellectual flexibility for trying to establish a working equation to be used as a foraging, compilation, and assessment tool... but is not bound by the assumption of having reached a definitive be-all/do-all expression. In other words, we permit ourselves the ability to return to the drawing board an rethink our assumptions in a type of mental reset. For example, if a person has only one example of a three as they might own only one book (such as the Bible), it is very easy to place it in a given spot and refer to is as the central means of evaluating every situation. However, if a person has one thousand examples of threes from different subjects, including some involving non-enumerated representations, the difficulty is increased when they attempt to create a library type of cataloguing system... particularly if there is no readily discernible three-patterned "author-title-subject" ensemble nor a readily applicable Dewey decimal system formula. While an animal that collects shiny objects may collate them with respect to reflective surface, small-to-large sizes, etc., how do we humans distinguish this pattern if a bird doesn't articulate it nor is even conscious of this? Moreover, what is the pattern humans are doing with all the information they are collecting if the methods being used amount to a lumping-together system that has limited application beyond the method being used for a given circumstance?
Whereas we can create an encyclopedia of threes ("Triclopedia") or Book of Threes (by Michael Eck), is the usage of an alphabetized or subject-center approach of value beyond a general reference interest? And what about a specialized list such as a List of Three's in Anatomy (by Dr. John A. McNulty Ph.D.)? While both approaches are useful for individualized research and entertainment purposes, is the standardized approach of compilation the only value of threes research, or do they represent two different types of cognitive patterning that is typical for those who compile Big Data? While one may think of approaching the circumstance of compilation and therefore analysis and application in alternative ways, such ways are not typical. Non-typical approaches such that I attempt to use may seem strange and even out of touch with the familiar realities most people traverse in most social circumstances such as when in a classroom or foraging information on the internet or in a library. In addition, does compilation create an "emergent property" such as a budding consciousness, or merely create a heap of trash or salvaged materials that one or another may pick at in search for a particular item?
While I have compiled a list of threes from different subject areas, compiling the lists into some coherent "picture" requires the assumption that the examples represent bits and pieces of yet another compilation that can only be seen once large amounts of information have been compiled and are remembered enough to reset one's considerations of application and supposed meaning. For example, does it take a large expanse of threes examples to identify a common origin which provides us with a predictive ability and application beyond the patterns being surveyed? In other words, does a "threes" approach at compiling information force us to restrict ourselves to the pattern as a sentiment or fidelity? Does it act as a tether to straight-jacket us or a safety line from which to explore new territory and prevent us entering into realms where some semblance of a localized sanity remains as a respite and sanctuary during moments when our intellectual sojourns traverse into non-typical landscapes of consideration... with respect to the multitude of divergent information aligned by what some may perceive to be the superficiality of an enumerated pattern?
As an example, let us review a sojourn I have taken from time to time. Let me use a bullet ordering system as a method of expressing how one three-patterned reference can lead to the next consideration has more and more information is combined into an aggregate whole. By excluding one or another example, we can see how the lineup could be altered and even dismissed. Needless to say, compiling the separate threes examples without some type of applied ordering system of inter-connectedness, leaves us with a heap of information that makes little sense except for as a compilation of generic examples that may be used as a means of sustaining and supporting some conventional idea or belief that distracts us from resetting our minds to rethink how and why we are thinking the way we do.
- Three patterned ideas and expressions require language.
- Language requires hearing.
- The mechanism of hearing involves multiple three-patterned processes which spills over into grammar, punctuation and sentence structure, which involves various elements of three-patterned organization.
- Audiology (Hearing) involves physiology/anatomy.
- Anatomy requires biology... requiring genetics, involving a triple coding system in DNA.
- A Triplet DNA developed on the third planet from a Sun, along with RNA and Proteins (representing three major bimolecular substances).

RNA and Transcription
DNA and RNA have "four" amino acid bases which can be viewed as three-to-one ratios: Each has Adenosine-Guanine-Thymine (DNA has Thymine as its addition and Thymine has uracil.)
In addition, DNA is typically double-stranded, RNA is typically single stranded, and proteins can be triple stranded such as in the case of Collagen.
With respect to the development of the triplet codon system in DNA and RNA as reflecting some three-patterned environmental event which imprinted itself on malleable biological processes, we encounter the situation in which most amino acids exhibit a left-hand chirality (layout). If this occurrence is due to some pristine biological influencing environmental event, does this mean the Earth spun counter-clockwise in the hemisphere where amino acids originated... that is if they originated on Earth? Or perhaps the mixing of early biological substrate materials occurred in left-turning pools like the action of a blender? Then again, since we are dealing with optics, the "direction of rotation" (so to speak) may have been due to an after-image effect produced by sunlight and then "darklight" (like the image of a light source such as a television creating an after-image if the light is abruptly turned off and the after-effect is sustained for a bit.) If this is the case, then amino acids may not have been able to develop their full profile without light and surrounding reflective and magnification properties of water. If amino acids developed in an environment in which light occurred in a counter-clockwise direction, amino acids with a dominant left-handedness is a representation of early events that will be needed to replicate the development of early biological processes as Stanley Miller and Harold Urey attempted several decades ago, and others have followed suit with their own experimental variations.

Life's 'Left-Handed' Amino Acids Still A Puzzle
Chirality and Stereoisomers
Chirality and Optical Activity

- The Sun has three "moments" called dawn-noon-dusk... each of which affects different life forms such as flowers, insects, reptiles and mammals which respond to different times of the day related to varying intensities of irradiation, coupled to circadian rhythms embedded in rhythms with larger and longer planetary and galactic cycles such as the 26,000 year precession.
Some references to the effect of the Sun at different positions:
Diurnal, crepuscular, nocturnal, matutinal, vespertine; what do these mean and how do they impact my pet's life?
Effects of diurnal variations in phytoplankton photosynthesis obtained from natural fluorescence
The physiology of circadian rhythms in plants
- The Sun is one of three planetary bodies involving a trio (Sun- Earth- Moon) complex.
- The Sun, Earth and Moon are undergoing incremental deteriorations.
- The three solar moments are "fusing" together (creating a three-to-one ratio) due to the combined deteriorations (loss of solar energy and expansion, slowing rotation of Earth, Moon is receding).
- Biological and non-biological substances are forced to abide by the changes wrought by the deteriorations, as an adaptive characteristic we can describe
as an "adjustable rationalization". (The body as well as the mind indulges in the usage of rationalizations as an adaptive tool to changing events.)
- These three deteriorations may affect the processes under which the triplet pattern of genetics is altered to the point of diminishing adaptive responses.
- Changes in the quantity and types of three-patterned examples may indicate to what degree adaptive biological processes are managing to keep pace with the changes, or failing to do so.
And if we wish to apply a further retrograde approach to the above model, we can entertain particle physics, unless we think that all "threes" ideas are made-up constructions, including physics. Then again, why have we routinely resorted to the usage of "threes" as a formula for many and from many perspectives? For example:
- Synopsis: Particle Families Come in Three
- Why are there three families of elementary particles?
- Elementary Particles
In addition, the so-called four fundamental forces can be viewed as a three-to-one ratio:
Three forces within the Standard Model:
- The strong force (It holds the nucleus together.)
- The electromagnetic force (It causes interactions between charges.)
- The weak force (It causes beta decay.)
One force outside The Standard Model:
- The gravitational force (It causes interaction between states with energy.)
Particle classification
Elementary particles
Interestingly, the idea of a "reset button" as a theme title intimating a method of research, has the distinction of being related to the concept of revisiting an earlier period of time, and projecting the presumption of a predictable future. In fact, the lack of such a method of predictability may be that which presents itself as an obstacle to traveling backwards in time because we are unable to establish correct coordinates since our present methods use a model that revises too much of the past into disparate rationalizations. Whereas analogously we think that a problem with teleportation will be the correct re-sequencing of proteins (as one issue), this is because the mathematics has not been worked out and can not be, because present mathematics is "robust" with integrated adjustments of rationalization we are currently oblivious to. We are using too many faulty thinking skills and refuse to "show our work" because our presumed logic interferes with time-annotated events that require a different timing (measurement) methodology. Temporal events are too filled with human relevance to be an accurate representation of time that doesn't require human consciousness for being existent. The silliness of the current thinking about time travel is displayed in stories (found in books, television, radio) which focus on particular historical events of a given culture according to described occurrences interpreted by those whose information is largely hearsay... though even accounts of personal experience are relative to the person's abilities at describing what they think occurred.

If biological information is unidirectional from DNA to RNA to Proteins, does this mean time is unidirectional... or that time travel requires a different type of genetics? Is time travel a physics problem or a genetics one... or both... or is not possible on Earth because Earth's environment does not support some basic requirement? Perhaps we might start by redrawing the old two-headed snake motif used in the medical symbol with a three-stranded version as one means of indicating we are resetting our perspective. Then again, we might have to do this with all symbolism in all subject areas.
Page initially created: Sunday, 24-Sept-2017... 1:09 AM
Initial Posting: Monday, 25-Sept-2017... 7:19 AM
Updated Posting: Monday, 2-Oct-2017... 6:55 AM
Most Recent update: Monday, 13th, March 2023... 2:45 PM
Herb O. Buckland