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~ The Study of Threes ~
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The following are references culled from other websites regarding patterns-of-three that may or may not explicitly nor specifically reference the number 3 as the primary objective with respect to the information presented. Please give all respective authors their due credits. Links to their websites are provided following each section.
- could this be a Universal reflection of Third Force?
Here's a somewhat interesting and very incomplete list of Triads found in nature as well as in human creation. If you have some other fundamental 'threes' to add to the list, send me a note!
- Physics: Protons, Electrons & Neutrons
- Physics: Types of Leptons: Electrons, Muons and Neutrinos
- Physics: Generations of Quarks: Up/Down, Charm/Strange, Top/Bottom
- Color: Three primary constituents: Red, Green, Blue
- Christianity: Holy Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Ghost/Spirit
- Hinduism: First manifestations of God: Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva
- Eastern philosophy: Sat-Chit-Ananda (existence, awareness, bliss)
- Three levels of being: God, Man, Nature (Sri Aurobindo)
- Three 'brains' of man: Moving, Emotional, Intellectual (Gurdjieff)
- Three 'bodies' of man: Body, Soul, Spirit (various traditions)
A general observation: Triads seem to be more commonplace and stable than other naturally-occurring and human-made forms. our day-to-day life we see things in polarity: you-me, us-them, good-bad (and live in a seemingly unstable world). Perhaps seeing the Third Force that's already there would serve to raise human consciousness a bit. And then...imagine choosing Third Force....
Newton described the phenomenon in physics: "For every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction." The action is First Force, the reaction is Second Force.
{...and that between the two might be considered the third force...H.O.B.}
We've all experienced it...
- In a hurry? The traffic gets backed up.
- Project on a tight schedule? The unexpected happens.
- Trying to impress someone? You forget how to speak.
Equal and opposite. If Newton's Law were the whole picture, however, everything would be instantly annihilated. Nothing would happen (for long!). Just like matter and anti-matter - poof!
Action & Reaction | Addition of 3rd Force | ||
First Force |
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First Force |
Second Force |
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Second Force |
No Third Force |
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Third Force | |
Fizzle | ![]() |
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Manifestation! |
Could Third Force be a largely unexplored creative principle that governs ... well ... everything? What an interesting question!
Could Third Force be actively used to mediate or neutralize Second Force, and hence alter the outcome of ... well ... everything? Another interesting question....
You, of course, interact with Third Force all the time ... sometimes you are Third Force! Perhaps you'd be interested in exploring what --- your 3rd force --- is that you bring to situations. You may also be interested in looking at some triads (see above) that exist in nature and in the world - very interesting where this 3-stuff keeps showing up!
BY Michael Begeman
Though the following is not specifically focused on the "Three," its name, usage of a three-part introductory philosophy, and a link to Abe Masolow's "Politics 3" provides the impression that there exists an underlying "three" influence.
Abe Maslow states:
- "The only happy people I know are the ones who are working well at something they consider important."
- "Proper management of the work lives of human beings, of the way in which they earn their living, can improve them and improve the world and in this sense be a utopian or revolutionary technique."
- "What shall we think of a well adjusted slave?"
The purpose of Third.ORG is to introduce eupsychian (Maslowian) engineering to organizations. Pooled human motivation is the engine of all group endeavors, yet over the last several years, the science of human systems has become secondary to mechanomorphic process controls. In the search for highest efficiency, we have turned to spreadsheets and project management software rather than psychological work, and have lost effectiveness along the way and become hollow. Maslow said it best: "If it's not worth doing, it's not worth doing right." This shows up everywhere in increasing chaos and resentment. The fuel can only be so poor; race cars don't run well on ligroin.
Human beings are powered by:
Properly tuning an organization for maximum effectiveness involves not only the mechanical engineering of the physical processes, but also the use of the B-calculus for human side of the house. When organizations are aware of and communicate their unique meaning and value to individuals, communities and society as a whole, they build the B-gravity it takes to attract real fighters and creative drivers.
Consulting and training at Third.ORG is rooted exclusively in Abe Maslow's extensions to Douglas McGregor's "Theory Y" style of management, the:
Even though these assumptions are formidable and challenging, they demand attention, because only when they are fully developed in the culture of the organization can productivity reach the next level and also stabilize at that higher level and beyond. It's like a quantum switch.
So Third.ORG stands strongly for Third Force leadership which focuses on human beings rather than technology. To this end, we have developed the Nidus Group (a variant of the traditional T-group) as the exclusive vehicle for change. We believe that this model is the only rational starting place for re-growing healthy organizations. Nidus Groups build trust, and trust is the universal social lubricant.
As Nidus Groups elect representatives to higher levels, new pathways for growth and creativity develop, because individual strengths and aptitudes are correctly integrated with the objective requirements of objective situations. New networks are "grown" rather than appointed. This is simply B-design. If you haven't missed the spinning logos and "in your face" mechanics (D-mechanics) of so many of the other web pages, you will have personal knowledge of what we mean. We work with thinking people, not monkeys. If you would like to explore possibilities with us, please advise.
--- CONTACT---
...In fact, we are really three people. Sigmund Freud identified them as Ego, Superego and Id. Eric Berne identified them as Parent, Adult and Child. Both of those models are somewhat limited when compared to the model that Dr. J. Wilfred Hahn came up with:
Willie, Wilfred, and Will
To help him understand himself better, Dr. Hahn decided to refer to the serious, intellectual side of himself as Wilfred, and the playful, creative and intuitive side of himself as Willie. And he realized that there is a director at some level higher than either Wilfred or Willie. He calls the director Will.
©2002 by Avlis Publishing and Silva UltraMind Systems, Laredo, Texas
Triangles have always been significant. In Christianity there is the holy trinity, the father-son-and-holy ghost. In politics we find the Roman triumvirate - a three person system of ruling. More recently the framers of the U.S. Constitution created the tripart checks and balances system of the executive, legislative and judicial branches. In medieval European music, three beats to the measure (3/4 time) was called perfect time (whereas 4/4 was called common time). In psychology, Freud's id-ego-superego construct revolutionized the way the individual was conceptualized. Today, the field of family therapy uses the triangle as one of its conceptual bases. One of the purposes of this paper is to review the extent to which the concept of triangles (in their various permutations) is being researched and if there is any empirical support for the concept...
By Dave Gathman
With your favorite newspaper being uploaded daily to a Website and everybody doing Google searches for words they have a special interest in, anything we write about even in a paper as low-profile as The Courier News can attract notice — and follow-up comment by e-mail — from anybody with a Web browser, anywhere from Van Buren Street to Virginia to Vienna. And those e-mails can range from heart-warming to wacky.
Last year, one column saluted the World War II aircraft carrier Enterprise and lamented how short-sighted it had been to turn that treasure of American history into Buicks and razor blades, just to save a few thousand bucks. A couple weeks later, in came an e-mail from an organization of former USS Enterprise crew members and their relatives and supporters, rejoicing that there is someone from a younger generation still keeping their memory alive.
Our recent column about the loss of Branson's original stars brought an e-mail from the 25-year-old leader of a new act there called The Haygoods, whom the column had praised. He probably had searched the Web for the word "Haygoods." Thanking me for the kind words, Timothy Haygood said he has never read an article that so well "nailed it on the head like you did ... Branson has to change and start accepting more modern entertainment and other things besides country music."
Apparently having Googled (it's a verb now) the word "Branson," the exec at Branson Convention & Visitors Bureau wrote that he thought the column was generally a fair look at the changes in his town. But he did object to my describing Andy Williams as "beginning to sound like a weak old man."
But sometimes e-mails roll in about the last topic a columnist would expect. Writing about Hollywood's treatment of religion, I referred just in passing to "the truism that there are no atheists in a foxhole." One reader or Web searcher e-mailed back that there are, too, lots of atheists on battlefields — and he had academic studies to prove it!
(My response: The horrors of war have a hardening effect, so that World War I did more than anything else to make Western Europeans mostly agnostic today, and the Holocaust caused many Jews to decide there is no God. But when the 75mm artillery shells are dropping at random in the general direction of your head, with your life depending on whether the next one blows up 10 feet away or right above your hole, even agnostics are likely to be praying like crazy — just in case.
A Salt Lake City man named Herb O. Buckland apparently searches the Web for mentions of the word "threes." His browser showed him my column questioning whether celebrities die three at a time. A few days later, via snail mail, I received a tube from Salt Lake containing a laminated wall poster headlined:
Mind - Body - Spirit
Science - Metaphysics - Religion
Education - Business - Government
Printed on both sides of the poster, in type the size of the bottom row of an eye chart, were hundreds upon hundreds of examples of the supreme importance of the number 3 in nature. We all knew that the atom has three types of sub-particles, and our planet is the third rock from the sun, and the water molecule has three atoms. But did you know the human ear has three divisions, three nerve-stimulation paths and three theories about how the animals can hear?
Buckland sent three copies of the poster, of course. I measured it, and it's 27 inches high. Could that be because 27 is 3 inches to the third power?
Listen to Buckland and you'd think God Himself came in three parts. ... Whoops, come to think of it, most Christians do believe that, don't they?
Perhaps also in response to that "three die at a time" column, after John Ritter and Johnny Cash died on the same day, some anonymous reader sent me a blank e-mail headed "What John Is Next?"
I began paying extra attention to the obit (obituary) page. Sure enough, a man named John W. Andresen, 74, of West Dundee, died just five days after Ritter and Cash. So people named John really do die by threes. Spooky and mysterious, isn't it?
Since they live way off in other states and undoubtedly don't subscribe to The Courier News, I probably should mail clippings of this column to all these people I mentioned.
But somehow I don't think I need to.
Gathman is an editor and critic for Fox Valley Living. Contact him at Box 531, Elgin, IL 60121, or e-mail to
Here is my response to Dave after reading the column on 11/20/03 (via E-mail) And yes, I did come across it simply by chance while browsing the web for examples of threes.:
I just came across your article "E-mails teach us about atheism, and Branson, and threes," and wanted to let you know that I was quite entertained. Thank you for mentioning my efforts to collect examples of threes.
A lot of people have made the observation about the small size of the text until I explain that it was either this or write a book (which the printer suggested), but I didn't have the funds for such a project that needs a great deal more investigation. As for the size of the poster, the overall size was dictated by the size of the printing plate that was available at the printing shop I was doing business with at the time. In fact, they bought a plate for my specific project because they did not customarily use such a large size. The 27" is just a coincidence...(I think).
Initially, I started with an 8 X 11 sheet for my project but was convinced it was not large enough because I was unable to place many examples on it. I then went to an 11 X 14 and discovered the same problem. I could have made the type larger but then I would have had to leave off too many examples. If you think the type on the poster is somewhat difficult to read the first time around, you should try your hand at proof-reading such a project.
I wrote the three wise-men poem as a response to a few theologians who spoke of the number "7" as having "THE" prominent place in the Bible. I wanted to show them first-hand that a pattern-of-three is a predominant theme in the New Testament, which is a later- born occurrence related to an underlying development in human cognition. In other words, I wrote it not because I am particularly religious, since I prefer science over religion, but because it was a project that I thought I had to do, since I could not find any other reference to the recurring threes in the life of one of the Bible's most important characters.
***Though not included in the short message to Dave, for those readers now reading this, the last (P.S.) comment is in regards to another poster (containing, in a poetic form, a list of threes in the life of Jesus) which was sent along with the "threes" poster. It can be read on Introductory page 2 (
(The Roman Piso Forum, 02/14/2000)
We have told you many things that the average person does or did not know, but that the masters of manipulation did know, do and use. However, there are still many other things. One of those is something that is called "the (secret) rule of three."
Some persons who did or do know about this tend to think that this refers to a 'style' preference in literature and do not know what it means fully. Nor do they know or realize that it is also something that is used in the area of "hypnotism".
If you have read through the New Testament, you may recall encountering the same things being talked about or the same themes being used several times. In fact, you can compare the Gospels and find many similarities. This was not done by chance and without purposeful reason. The authors were well aware of the secret rule of three.
Many have thought that "3" stands for the "trinity" - when in reality, it is the other way around. The trinity stands for or represents the number "3". And the reason is that because these authors are saying that they knew about and were using the secret rule of "3".
The secret rule of 3 is something that is used by master manipulators, and by authors, as well as professional hypnotists. It makes use of "suggestion" by embedding thoughts into the mind of persons who it is used upon. What it is simply is just writing or saying something to individuals at least 3 times. It sounds very simple and even harmless. But what happens is that it does have an effect upon the mind because of the way that the mind works.
Since the invention of religion as a means of control over the masses, suggestion (i.e. auto-self-hypnosis) has played a part in all of this. They knew about this and made use of it even in ancient times. It is obvious to us now, knowing what we now know, that ancient Egyptian rulers knew this and used this same thing then as well. And so, it makes the most sense to us that this was NOT something that was known to anyone other than royals of very high rank such as the rulers themselves and their immediate family, which, would include the High Priests who served in much the same capacity as those that we know of in later ages as "ministers of propaganda."
So, they knew that if one says or states in some way to persons the same general idea at least 3 times that the mind could not help but retain that thought and that it would in fact become a part of their subliminal thought. Persons would have those thought concepts or ideas in their head (mind) and they would manifest those thoughts by incorporating them into things that they already know of and that they would in fact not be able to help but DREAM thoughts around those ideas. This process is what enabled the manipulators to actual 'create' a synthesized reality for the persons whom they were manipulating.
It was/is, in fact, a method of hypnotizing persons - simply put. They knew just how sensitive and receptive the human mind is to 'suggestion' and they knew how to use that to the fullest. Again, this is why we see recurring themes in the Gospels. It is why we were made to believe that there were three or more different persons saying to us basically the same things. This was a form of manipulation of the reader, and it also explains just why so many cannot help but 'believe' in this religion. They are, again, as we have already stated... "hypnotized."
We wanted to let you, our readers, know about this now. But we will most certainly try to tell you more and more about these things so that you can let others know as well and will be able to explain this fully. Please remember that so much of what we tell you about on our Forum and in our works are things that others DO NOT want you to know about! Once these things are KNOWN to the general population, they cannot be used to manipulate them. And this is our goal.
by the The Roman Piso Forum
--- Elizabeth Pennisi ---
Finding genes that have evolved in humans among our genome's 3 billion bases is no easy feat. But now, a team has pinpointed three genes that arose from noncoding DNA and may help make our species unique.
Most genes have deep histories, with ancestors that reach down into the tree of life, sometimes all the way back to bacteria. The gradual increase from the few thousand genes in a bacterium to the tens of thousands of genes in a person came primarily through genome- and gene-duplication events, which created extra sets of genes free to evolve new sequences and new functions. Much of this duplication happened long before humans evolved, though some duplications occurred in the human lineage to create exclusively human twins of existing genes.
But in 2006, geneticists showed for the first time that they could identify truly novel genes. In fruit flies, they came across five young genes that were derived from "noncoding" DNA between existing genes and not from preexisting genes. As a result, other researchers started looking for novel genes in other species.
Meanwhile, while looking for gene duplications in humans, geneticists Aoife McLysaght and David Knowles of Trinity College Dublin kept coming across genes that seemed to have no counterparts in other primates, suggesting that new genes arose in us as well. To determine which of these genes with no counterparts were de novo genes, McLysaght and Knowles first used a computer to compare the human, chimp, and other genomes. They eliminated all but three of the 644 candidates because their sequence in the database was not complete--or they had equivalents in other species.
Next, they searched the chimp genome for signs of each gene's birth. "We strove hard to identify the noncoding DNA that gave rise to the gene," McLysaght says. Only by finding that DNA could they be sure that the gene wasn't already present in the chimp genome but was somehow unrecognizable to gene-finding programs. At three locations where the chimp and human genomes were almost identical, telltale mutations indicated that it was impossible to get a viable protein from the chimp DNA sequence. In contrast, the human version of each sequence had mutations that made it a working gene, the researchers report online tomorrow in Genome Research.
The researchers were able to verify that the genes worked by checking messenger RNA databases and protein surveys done by other scientists. They are now using antibodies to find out where in the cells these proteins are active and are trying to disable the genes in cells to tease out their functions.
The researchers analyzed only a subset of the human genome. Extrapolating to the full genome, they think humans have evolved at least 18 new genes. That's a small number compared to our total of 24,000 but nonetheless an important one. "The distinction between humans and other apes must lie somewhere in the small genetic differences between the species," says McLysaght.
Unlike duplicated genes, these are genes that "they really knew are human-specific," says Laurent Duret, a molecular evolutionary biologist at the University of Lyon in France. When he first heard about this project, he was skeptical, but not anymore. "It's the first convincing evidence of a real innovation in humans."
These three young genes join several hundred other uniquely human genomic features, including gene duplications, that provide tantalizing hints of what makes us human. But, says evolutionary biologist Gregory Wray of Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, researchers still have no clue what most of these genes do.
1 September 2009, 12:00 AM
Latest Updated Posting: Saturday, 17-June-2007... 4:13 PM
Herb O. Buckland