(Trichotomization and Consciousness)
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Trichotomizologists as of Nov. 22, 2024
It is necessary to acknowledge the recurrence of a pattern-or-three over time in developmental biology, which insinuates that human consciousness may also exhibit this pattern; thereby eventually exhibiting the developmental signs of a 1-2-3 consciousness, given the associations of of consciousness to the mind, the mind to the brain and the brain to the evolution of physiology.
Primer courses and texts in Psychology do not introduce the simple observations that the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, the stars, the weather, etc., all affect the behavior that we attribute as characteristics of perception and deduction taking place in the mind, and that life forms without brains pay witness to a perceptual responsivity to the environment to which they inhabit. While such ideas typically are taken for granted as given commonalities of understanding, it also is a characteristic of a species that has a penchant for taking simple observations for granted; frequently skipping them to arrive at some deduction about behavior which can not take such for granted because the primitive nature of physiology has an array of sensory detectabilities because of a retained vulnerability to the presence of very small occurrences, such as one might point out the analogy of a viral or bacterial infection.
While humanity has amassed an enormous amount of biological information regarding the different life forms, as it had done during the time of Carolus Linnaeus in the mid 1700s when collections of different species required the introduction of a system by which they could be classified, humanity has been slow in adopting even an attempted system of cataloguing for a recurrent theme of developmental expression for multiple activities taking place on the Evolutionary scale that we can relate to subject of psychology. While Linnaeus chose a Binomial Nomenclature for the information he and others gathered, a Trinomial model seems more appropriate for biologically relevant information exhibiting a pattern-of-three that has been sustained over billions of years. Necessarily so, ideas in different subjects exhibit basic patterns that we can assign the view that what we are observing is a pattern of cognition, just as it was found that regardless of all the many kinds of life forms, there is an underlying developmental code which is decipherable. This leads us to propose that the attribute of mental activity which we have labeled consciousness, as an emergent property of a biologically based developmental organ called the brain, is itself potentially capable of exhibiting this same 3-step development. We need only to devise a means of detecting and labeling the characteristics, overlapping, missing, mutated or not; that define the different stages.
What I am illustrating is a recurring pattern of human cognition which appears to move along a developmental sequence in an arithmetical fashion, at least for those who have a penchant for using enumeration to catalog different ideas and can see connections... all the while being cognizant of the fact that the human mind has a history of digressing into frivolous correspondences called superficial coincidences without testability. Because we can point out a 1-2-3 maturational development sequence in genetics, biology, and anatomy over time, it is not too far-fetched to make the consideration that the human brain/mind have a potential to do so as well. However, this is not to say the transition is always fulfilled or a one-way street without occasional interruptions occurring with individuals as well as groups or the whole of humanity as well. In attempts to identify obvious transitions, we might well encounter missing links, mutations, regressions, and "spinning one's wheels in a rut". Transitions may be missing or have become embedded so deep that they are difficult to see or disentangle.
Nonetheless, Psychology needs to develop a working sketch of a 1-2-3 sequentiality of overall mental development and recognize that some people have experienced a transition into a higher state of cognitive realization for which there is no current model by which the public turns to for support and advice, thereby requiring individuals to create their own valuations of language/vocabulary/culture; as a means of attempting to come to terms (achieve a relative normalcy) with their personalized development into a higher functionality of consciousness. Psychological theory needs to grow up if it wants to continue in its "big brother", "big sister", "non-punishing listener" and other surrogacies. It must come to terms with its stuck-in-the-muck usage of dualities, and obtain an active realization of Trichotomization and its application to mental development... or find itself set aside an an antiquated irrelevance which is only correct in its assumptions if it can manipulate others into accepting its dichotomous world views.
It should be singularly noted that the currency of Gender Identity obsession is rooted in the psycho-dynamic struggle of attempting to deal with an emerging realization of a developing consciousness that is in transition and can find no relative normalcy being expressed by traditional institutions whose previous ideologies (such as fertility rites, yearly rebirth of plant life...) helped the public direct their "who am I", "what am I" "where, when, why am I" questions along channels to be incorporated into mainstream avenues of acceptance, position and promise; (idealized in the U.S. as "The American Dream"). When almost every subject does not even have the word "trichomization" in their vocabulary, much less as an active philosophy, and yet Nature is recognized by humanity as utilizing this structure again and again; its absence can only be felt and expressed in odd-ball, eccentric, criminal, destructive, or otherwise harmless unconventional activities and ideas for which multiple others may come to identified with... since religion, and several of its associated Eastern philosophies, have fallen short of their propose universal messages to give an accurate account of reality as humanity steps forward into the future.
...Whereby such individuals seek refuge in a part of themselves which provides an easily accessible common point of reference for many who are likewise experiencing their own realization of moving or having moved into a functionality of brain activity that is commonly referred to as a higher consciousness or increased intelligence, or awakened sensibilities to a greater truth. Because sexuality throughout history has been celebrated as a rite-of-passage into an adult reality of perception and acceptance of one's physical changes, it is easy to understand why it is used by some as a means of marking and explaining changes taking place in their developing consciousness as well, without realizing the former changes are based on age-related changes and the latter on species-related changes of an emerging higher consciousness. Sexuality is so basic a refuge to secure, occupy and claim ownership to, it does not require much intelligence to identify or be identified with, since it can be used to reflect a different image of oneself, (which is often exploited by nefarious characters they come into contact with).
But using sexuality as an attempted means of expressing a development of self in terms of a larger unrecognized higher consciousness occurring with the species (but not as a collective transformation) is an obvious regression, not a progression. It is but a step away from sucking one's thumb and soiling themselves.
It should also be noted that the instigated and contrived complications of genderism portrayed as an evolving dynamistic (dynamism) calculus, are aligned with the very simple arithmetical position of a person/transpersonal duality that could be... but is not used to trigger the necessary cognitive links to arrive at those contemplations for achieving an even "higher" or newer, or extension of one's present consciousness that is fumbling around with childish themes of sexuality shown in the old Piagiatian (Jean Piaget) lineup of developmental milestones that enumerated as four, but can be enumerated as a 3-to-1 (or in this example a 1 to 3) ratio. And though he argued for a Genetic Epistemology, no one at the time or in today's many fields of psychology has come to the realization he was unknowingly speaking of a quantifiable and applicable identification of biological events involving a 1-2-3 maturational development sequence of an evolutionary model of cognitive development. Here is a short Britannica excerpt:
Piaget saw the child as constantly creating and re-creating his own model of reality, achieving mental growth by integrating simpler concepts into higher-level concepts at each stage. He argued for a "genetic epistemology," a timetable established by nature for the development of the child's ability to think, and he traced four stages in that development.
ONE: Not defined in terms of being "Operationals"
- He described the child during the first two years of life as being in a sensorimotor stage, chiefly concerned with mastering his own innate physical reflexes and extending them into pleasurable or interesting actions. During the same period, the child first becomes aware of himself as a separate physical entity and then realizes that the objects around him also have a separate and permanent existence.
THREE: Preoperational- Concrete Operational- Formal Operational
- In the second, or preoperational, stage, roughly from age two to age six or seven, the child learns to manipulate his environment symbolically through inner representations, or thoughts, about the external world. During this stage he learns to represent objects by words and to manipulate the words mentally, just as he earlier manipulated the physical objects themselves.
- In the third, or concrete operational, stage, from age 7 to age 11 or 12, occur the beginning of logic in the child's thought processes and the beginning of the classification of objects by their similarities and differences. During this period the child also begins to grasp concepts of time and number.
- The fourth stage, the period of formal operations, begins at age 12 and extends into adulthood. It is characterized by an orderliness of thinking and a mastery of logical thought, allowing a more flexible kind of mental experimentation. The child learns in this final stage to manipulate abstract ideas, make hypotheses, and see the implications of his own thinking and that of others.
Source: Piaget, Jean. (2013). Encyclopædia Britannica.
When you have major proponents of normalcy relying on philosophies of old which do not incorporate a practice or even the vocabulary of recognizing a state of Trichotomization in consciousness development, it is no wonder that some people in the LGBTQ+ culture are unknowingly trying to incorporate the idea of Trichotomization by referring to themselves as a 3rd species. It is also no wonder why many non-members support them because they too are using the LGBTQ+ as a vicarious means of illustrating their own realization of a developing consciousness that all religions, governments, businesses, and philosophies of ulterior exploration have failed to provide insight into. Yes, members are moving into a new realization of a higher developed consciousness and have no one to help them make a transition without having to resort to some basic identification of self by regressing to the usage of a very old orientation.
In many cases when we see such two-patterned (dichotomous) ideas, one is thought to be more favorable than the other. However, the fact that two oppositions can be viewed together in a negative light of representing an undesirable condition of a person's mental health, needs a little bit of an elaboration as well as a follow-up with examples.
I submit for the Reader's consideration, a definition involving a variety of mental illnesses:
What Is Dichotomous Thinking?
(This type of thinking is common in borderline personality disorder)
by Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhDDichotomous thinking, also known as "black or white thinking," is a symptom of many psychiatric conditions and personality disorders, including borderline personality disorder (BPD). Dichotomous thinking contributes to interpersonal problems and emotional and behavioral instability. When people engage in dichotomous thinking, they see things in extremes—it's all or nothing; black or white; this or that. It's a common feature of borderline personality disorder, but it can also take place in other conditions like anxiety, depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and some types of eating disorders.
Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault is a clinical psychologist and associate professor of psychology at Eastern Connecticut State University. Updated on March 11, 2024
The following phrases can be included as examples of dichotomous thinking, otherwise known as dualities or even polarities:
- "all or nothing"
- "my way or the highway"
- "all I want to see are assholes and elbows" (when I tell you to do something)
- "do or die" (sometimes expressed in a 3-part way as "Ours is not to reason why, Ours is but to do or die")
- "nothing ventured, nothing gained"
- etc...
Needless for me to say, and you will shortly discover, there is a preponderance of evidence&mdash: based on an enumeration of examples which themselves express an internalized quantity, that Psychology has an underlying philosophy based on patterns-of-two, commonly referred to as Dualities, and Dichotomies, though some readers in a different context may view them as pairs, binaries, doublets, contrasts, polarities, etc... In fact the first selection from the now retired Dr. Warren Street, referenced the phrase Persistent Dichotomies.
Here are a few lists of dichotomies used persistently in Psychology, with credit provided to their authors.
HISTORY AND SYSTEMS OF PSYCHOLOGY, DR. Warren R. Street (Warren Street retired from Central Washington University in 2008.) |
Here is a short excerpt viewing dichotomies in the context of a psychological system which are part of a larger course in Theoretical Backgrounds in Psychology
With regard to the problem of what is ideally entailed by a psychological system, Marx and Cronan-Hillix dealt with Robert Watson's "prescriptions" and with a study by Coan who had psychological theories assessed on a number of bipolar dimensions. In an attempt to make up for the lack of a psychological paradigm, Watson (1967, p. 436; 1971, p. 315; Fuchs & Kawash, 1974) isolated eighteen themes or prescriptions:
(H.O.B. Note: prescriptions 5, 10, 14 have been quoted in reverse order.) The list is a little unsystematic, it will be noted. Contentual, methodological, and philosophical prescriptions have been stated in no apparent order, and some seem to overlap. Moreover, concepts such as rationalism and staticism are used in more than one sense while the meaning of the first prescription in particular leaves the present author in the dark. In Coan's study (1968, 1973), six bipolar factors were found in a factor-analysis of 34 variables. The list is conveniently short compared to Watson's but its general similarity with the prescription is easily grasped:
Recently, the same number of dimensions was found by Kimble (1984). In an attempt to describe "psychology's two cultures", (cf. Schopman, 1989, Stagner, 1988) Kimble came up with the following list:
(Edited by Hans V. Rappard, Pieter J. Van Strien, Leendert P. Mos and William J. Baker) |
(J. E. Bogen)
Left Hemisphere | Right Hemisphere |
Intellect | Intuition |
Convergent | Divergent |
Digital | Analogic |
Secondary | Primary |
Abstract | Concrete |
Directed | Free |
Propositional | Imaginative |
Analytic | Relational |
Lineal | Non-lineal |
Rational | Intuitive |
Sequential | Multiple |
Analytic | Holistic |
Objective | Subjective |
Successive | Simultaneous |
The Foregoing lists have the underlying intention of pointing out patterns-of-two as a fundamental thinking formula quite prevalent in psychology, though other subjects have their own variations. And it should be noted that the lists were not generated because the examples were taken out of some otherwise perceived context as a juxtaposed dominating contrariety, since they were actually used in an attempt to diagram a distinction within the context of thinking. It might well be presumed that the authors genuinely thought they were providing an insight into some dominant fundamental pattern. Yet, the lists do not likewise generate the distinction concerning the recurrence of Singularities and Pluralities, with the dominant plurality appearing to be Triplicities.
Since religion has been studied by many different people interested in a variety of subjects, it is no doubt the situation in which they have amassed some working memory of basic patterns regarding the different hierarchies of dominant characters:
- The concept of a singular god (typically as a projection of a group's own arrogance and egotism).
- Of twin gods such as the Sun and Moon... with a transition of cognitive change expressed with the word hermaphrodite or soul mate.
- Of triple gods such as the three phases of the Sun which we label as dawn- noon- dusk; though other types of triads are evident.
- Of plural or a pantheon of gods.
Let us further note, that like primitive attempts for developing a counting system, there was a problematic issue dealing with multiplicity. Hence, we do not have a historical lineage of gods ascribed to with different enumerations such as we might count to ten, or twenty, or more. Human cognitive activity, like the three families of particles in physics and the triplet code in DNA, are conserved expressions. So too is the quantity of elements in the periodic table and our alphabets as well as number lines, which have ten separate symbols, but require a repetition in order to cognitively express that which we seem unable to develop. (Even the number 10 is represented by the two symbols of a zero and one. It does not have its own identity as a symbolized entity.)
The lists also do not themselves venture into an attempt to provide the supposition of pristine influence other than to align differences with different brain structures, though Dr. Street's list does not make any such suggestion one way or another. As such, it is rather curious that while the two brain hemispheres can be used to suggest a role in the development of dichotomous ideas, the idea of a triune brain as outlined by Paul D. MacLean has not received an equal weight of organizational influence on three-patterned ideas.
However, I do not want to give the impression that the above two-patterned examples are in any way representative of a limitation having been reached in supplying the reader with examples. There are multiple other examples, but once you have surveyed them as well, you will then be able to describe for yourself that a limitation does in fact exist not only for "twos" in their multiple forms, but all number patterns being used. Let me provide a few more examples of two-patterned groupings, though many of them are aligned around or has some precursor arrangement/relationship to the yin/yang (or yang/yin) concept even if this is not implied.
The following list of dichotomies labeled "dualities" comes from: Wiikipedia: List of dualities, though there is another page described as Wikipedia: Twins in Mythology, as well as other two-patterned collections. We might also want to include: The 35 Greatest TV Duos of All Time by Adam Vitcavage, January 8, 2012, 8:15 am. However, the range in which dichotomies play out in the behavior of gangs and gangsters, political systems, religious systems, economic systems, military leaderships and campaigns, science teams, sports teams, male/female relationships, biological development, atomic particle interactions, planetary events (such as twin stars), language expressions, selective hearing, thinking, etc., has not actually been explored very deeply. Present humanity is pretty superficial, superstitions, and supercilious (or shall we say, engaging in a range of super silliness).
- Alexander duality
- Alvis-Curtis duality
- Beta-dual space
- Coherent duality
- De Groot dual
- Dual abelian variety
- Dual basis in a field extension
- Dual bundle
- Dual curve
- Dual (category theory)
- Dual graph
- Dual group
- Dual object
- Dual pair
- Dual polygon
- Dual polyhedron
- Dual problem
- Dual representation
- Dual q-Hahn polynomials
- Dual q-Krawtchouk polynomials
- Dual space
- Dual topology
- Dual wavelet
- Duality (optimization)
- Duality (order theory)
- Duality of stereotype spaces
- Duality (projective geometry)
- Duality theory for distributive lattices
- Dualizing complex
- Dualizing sheaf
- Eckmann-Hilton duality
- Esakia duality
- Fenchel's duality theorem
- Hodge dual
- Jónsson-Tarski duality
- Lagrange duality
- Langlands dual
- Lefschetz duality
- Local Tate duality
- Opposite category
- Poincaré duality
- Poitou-Tate duality
- Pontryagin duality
- S-duality (homotopy theory)
- Schur-Weyl duality
- Serre duality
- Spanier-Whitehead duality
- Stone's duality
- Tannaka-Krein duality
- Verdier duality
Philosophy and religion
Science: Engineering
- Duality (electrical circuits)
- Duality (mechanical engineering)
- Observability/Controllability in control theory
Science: Physics
- Complementarity (physics)
- Dual resonance model
- Duality (electricity and magnetism)
- Englert-Greenberger duality relation
- Holographic duality
- Kramers-Wannier duality
- Mirror symmetry
- 3D mirror symmetry
- Montonen-Olive duality
- Mysterious duality (M-theory)
- Seiberg duality
- String duality
- Wave-particle duality
We could also include words with the "bi" prefix, which stands for two: (Prefix
However, the following list is quite brief when we take in the stock of examples from:
Category: English words prefixed with bi-
- Biangular
- Biannual
- Biaxial
- Bicameral
- Bicapsular
- Bicarbonate
- Bicentennial
- Bicephalous
- Biceps
- Biconcave
- Biconvex
- Bicuspid
- Bicycle
- Biennial
- Bifocals
- Biform
- Bifurcate
- Bigamy
- Bilabial
- Bilateral
- Bilingual
- Bimanual
- Bimonthly
- Binaural
- Binocular
- Binomial
- Biography
- Bipartisan
- Biped
- Biphenyl
- Bipinnate
- Bipolar
- Biracial
- Bisect
- Bisexual
- Bivalve
- Biweekly
- Biyearly
If we then attempt to provide a list of words prefixed with the alternative "di", we run into the situation that it requires multiple pages, so let us hope this link is sufficient for those who are curious: Category: English words prefixed with di-
Page Initiated: Saturday, 14th December, 2024... 7:05 AMInitial Posting: Tuesday, 17th December, 2024... 2:11 PM
Updated Posting: Friday, 3rd January, 2025... 4:26 AM