(Realization of Trichotomic Thinking)
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Trichotomizologists as of Nov. 22, 2024
The evolution of the human psyche is tied to the evolution of the human brain. The idea of consciousness is aligned with both the brain and that which we call the "psyche" defined as "mind" or more specifically in a general sense as brain activity, whether described as thinking or not. Yet, in describing consciousness as "awareness", we note differences in the types and presumed levels of awareness, particularly if we include all forms of environmental stimuli responsiveness for the entire lineup of life forms throughout the history of Evolution, even when it appears biological growth in some instances appear to have become relatively stagnant such as the "stationary" usage and replication of a triplet code (by not adopting a quad-, quint-... etc., code formula), despite there being a designated three main types of DNA (A- D- Z) and three types of RNA (Messanger- Ribosomal- Transfer). Something is keeping the code in a conserved formula.
In other words, more plainly put, the triplet code does not appear to be developing into an expressed "quadruplet" or "quintuplet" or "sextuplet", etc., code. The triplet code appears to be a type of stop-gap point of reference, even if beneath its presence multiple types of RNA, DNA and amino acids can be seen. It is either acting as a type of primitive mind whose number system has reached a limit of three, even though its application has found multiple uses in the macro-molecular environments it has occurred. This may mean that the "mindset" of Nature is quite primitive or that something in the environment continues to direct an influence as it did billions of years ago tied to a light source, since photosynthesis has played such a large role in the development of life.
We do not see large number constraints, we see small ones. And even though one might cite the doubling of cells to produce billions, the underlying constraint of complexity is two. Hence, volume does not equate with complexity. Though I have previously mentioned this, it bears repeating so that the 64 quantity grid structure of amino acids does not lead one into thinking that biology deals with large complexities. Biology like particle physics uses small enumerations whose large compounds and compilations are not to be confused with complexity.
The history involving the decipherment of patterning associated with DNA is instructive. Before the advent of knowledge revealing a double helix, the idea of a triple helix came to the fore as a consideration. Whereas one might think this is a commonality of cognitive appraising given that the American culture is steeped in the usage of "threes", even cultural anthropologists fail to note that the U.S. is a third born type of European thought. As a third born child so-to-speak, it has developed a more manifest indulgence in using three-patterned ideas not only in literature such as the replication of the "triplet code" in Fairy tales, but in other subjects as well. This is in spite of the fact that many several of its institutions rely heavily on an underlying base of dichotomization. The history of religion in terms of the enumeration of god-like leaderships is a means for understanding human cognitive development to be assigned as a schematic of what appears to be taking place in Nature. For example, we have instances where...
- The idea of a single god or head chieftain is provided priority.
- The idea of a couple, a pair is actually part of a single (it may be called an hermaphrodite).
- The idea of two singular but compiled figures: Male/consort, Husband/Wife, King/Queen, Twins, Antagonists.
- After some notion of "twoness" comes the idea of multiplicity, of plurality, of many such as using a word as "Pantheon" or war council...
- The value of three may arrive in different formulas, such as mother and two sons, father and two daughters, father-mother-child, as triad of singulars, as a trinity of particulars, as a trinity of of one...
As one transitions into a higher consciousness, whether they are conscious of this or not, and whether or not they describe levels of consciousness in some way such as Freud's Id- Ego- Superego or as the Subconscious- Consciousness- Super Conscious (alternatively described as Super-sanity), or perhaps use the terms, sub-human... human... god, etc.; the point to be made is that the transition may involve the person in describing a detachment from their former (or present) level of consciousness with which they interact with others... as a loss of ego, a loss of self, a loss of their identity with other humans and/or a connectedness with some measure of greater universal theme which suggests they are either irrelevant, or a microscopic part, or some miniscule part of a much larger theme they can not fully contemplate nor grasp because of the limitations of language and other forms of expressive communication their human physiology has at its disposal. While they may describe some sense of loss or absence, they overlook their age at the moment they are reviewing such considerations.
It is not that no one experiences a transition to a presumed "higher" consciousness in younger years, it's just that such experiences are forced upon them to be defined in terms of some practiced duality such as Western religion, or Eastern philosophy or be applied to some field of academia which typically revolves around the use of some dichotomy. If on the other hand they reject such avenues, they may turn to some application which brings them into conflict with authority that ultimately decides if the person is correctable... that is, able to be directed into living relatively peaceful in the world of dichotomization that many institutions force them into compliance with, be it Psychology, Politics, Education, Mathematics, Sports, Medicine, Philosophy, Religion, Economics, Work places, Military organizations, etc... Then again, they may act out their attempted transition into a different consciousness with self- or externally destructive ways.
It should be noted that though humanity has the potential and apparent biological inevitability to progress into a "higher" (other) model of consciousness; that the human brain is capable of achieving, this does not mean the transition is like that of a cacoon from which a butterfly or more mature existence will automatically assume shape. It is likely that the current form of the overall environment is itself in a crude state whereby the developing consciousness will reflect the environment to which it emerges. As the environment "matures"... (increases in the sun, earth and moon deteriorations in presence and functionality), so will the transitioning consciousness of humanity. One can not expect the next generation of consciousness to exhibit some angelic or god-like illumination or eminence when it may actuality be in the form of a wailing infant, squirming puppy, or groggy insect.
Since we as a society are not prepared to think in such terms of a developing consciousness, we have no standards of expectation nor how to engage in a formative development that will exceed the currency of value being used by applications of duality. We humans are not prepared for trichotomization, We are just as ignorant of a developing consciousness as were sea creatures who were oblivious to the first fish that walked on the land.
Let me give an example of a "threes" orientation having ventured into the realm of considerations involving a higher consciousness. And let me also mention I like both videos and would love to create expansive versions of both if I had the funds to do so. The First video describes a world of threes:
The Beauty of three by Aperture
The Second video describes their take on Consciousness, which is a view that is more common than people think, though most people do hot have the production skills or expressive language in order to illustrate. Please note how the author(s) describes a higher consciousness in terms of some eventual loss of ego... loss of the human self as a means of achieving some super-position of consciousness... much like one might view as an analogy to a higher state of energy in particle physics:
Consciousness: The Fundamental Reality by Aperture
Granted that the foregoing topic of Consciousness is not presented with the formula I have in mind related to an Evolutionary expression along the lines of an identifiable sequentiality, but there are elements which do correspond with the fundamental perception many of us are striving to find the language for expressing our opinions of our impressions.
However, I think that the potential for developing a higher, next stage of consciousness is already underway and that our interpretations at this point concerning what we believe to be is an explanation of consciousness are the expressions one sees in newborn infants... though some explanations of consciousness involving time, space, matter, spirituality, etc., may be an expressed babbling stage of elocution. Nonetheless, we of today do not know how to best guide the development so that it may reach its greatest potential... particularly when we do not recognize basic patterns of development occurring on fundamental levels without being distracted by our concerns for the emergence of the baby's "first word", "first step", first tooth".
Yes, we can well expect that a developing consciousness will have its analogical "firsts" descriptively portrayed in the ideas of a baby's first word, first step and first tooth, though other families in different cultures may have an assigned list of "firsts" which differ from these. Nonetheless, we should not expect a development in consciousness to occur as a collective expression where everyone on the same day at the same time has an evolved consciousness which appreciably alters them into a state of being a superior being. While biological changes can occur as an all-at-once mutation or change by way of accident, injury, or disease... it may well be a much slower developmental processes, albeit occurring in a person's individual life time. Nonetheless, we have no standard by which to perceive its emergence or development, or for that matter, what sort of overall diet is best for it to develop into its fullest potential. How is it possible to recognize a supposed 3rd consciousness if we don't even think in terms of having developed with a first and second one?
Indeed, what is the first word of this budding new consciousness? In which direction will be its first step since society is not cognizant enough to realize that the initial direction may determine later explorations and that the emergence of a first tooth signals the beginning of a later 3-stage maturation analogous to our usage of the terms childhood- adolescence and adulthood... each of which may be further subdivided depending on who is doing the interpretation under what conditions where they are to be applied.
Why is it that when the word "consciousness" is used, many a person acts as if they have heard the utterance of some sacred word being used in preparation for some soon-to-be followed incantation attributed to some solemn and ceremonialized seriousness presented as a rite-of-passage into a secret cult? Nonetheless, throughout history the birth of a child was viewed in a similar manner, particularly if the occasion of a boy... a son, was more unusual than that of a girl or daughter who was not looked up as being able to fulfill the roles assigned to men. In addition, though it is not customary to think of consciousness in terms of gender, we tend to assign males and females as having a different type of consciousness. Does consciousness run in pairs such as twins or triplets? Or does it grow in terms of an enumeration such that the 1st type of consciousness was male (or female), the 2nd type was/is female (or male), and the 3rd is one or the other, neither or both?
And yet, for those who think the highest achievement of humanity is to become the form of godlike figure which they may label pure energy or pure consciousness; let us not be deluded into thinking this is the best illustration even if provided by someone or a group of well-respected thinkers or investigators; and instead incorporate a guarded cautiousness into such revelatory exercises of proposed denouement of their life's performance on a Universal stage; by being wary that we may well be dealing with the reactions of a mind that views its presence in the universe in a very immature, and egotistical way... regardless of how sincere they are to themselves and others or the presumed depth of their belief and life-long practice thereof.
When we think that many a people in past civilizations once believed deeply in a given idea, only to find them, their civilization and their belief no longer existing; we should also consider that they were wrong. Duration and depth of conscientiousness about a belief or custom is no guarantee it has value in the future... for so very many were but trial and error mechanisms of survival for a past era which are unsuitable for future events, no matter how they are packaged in whatever language and symbolism is being practiced.
With respect to consciousness being related to brain activity, a person can be very competent in executing mathematics, a musical score or memorization and yet be unable to carry on a conversation or take care of basic needs. However, it should be noted that such idiot savants must still learn the basic rules for effectively exhibiting what others define as exceptional skills in these areas. They do not appear to be born with the basic rules of socially accepted expressions of mathematics, music and memorization... all three of which effect some measure of a balancing act between the use of dualities and trichotomies.
Differences in awareness may also show up as what are believed to be compensatory activities such as a person losing their sight and yet have an increased facility for hearing, touch, and/or smell. Sometimes there is the reference of someone having a sixth sense while others claims humans have more than the generally stated five senses of smell, taste, sight, hearing, touch. In short, let us describe a difference in consciousness between those who are aware of their different senses and those who use them but are not aware in terms of labeling them as an acknowledged reference. Hence, knowledge may well assigned as a presumed level of conscious awareness as well.
However, with the foregoing in mind, so too then should the difference in realizing one uses a particular pattern of thinking and those that use such but don't recognize that they are. Furthermore, the recognition that consciousness can be described in terms of identifiable levels, though the initial characterization of the categories is crude and one may fumble about with trying to decide which label may be most informative to oneself and/or others; a drawing board approach to the development of a new idea need not be impulsively interpreted to designate the idea is false just because it exhibits some rough edges or has some measures of incompleteness or even wrong-headedness for a select portion of a budding hypothesis.
When it comes to defining consciousness as brain activity, it is common for humans to place themselves at the top rung of consideration for most activities, though humans often take cues and clues from different life forms of how to construct some particularity applied to human concerns (food, and considerations, clothing, shelter...) such as silk from silk worms, cotton from cotton plants, medicine from herbs, ideas of flight from birds, swimming flippers from frogs, etc...
When it was initially discovered by Early explorers of the mind, there was a general tendency to describe human awareness as a product of perception, and later thinkers included emotions or temperaments into their respective formulations which frequently used dichotomies such as morality/immorality, mortality/immortality, form/formlessness, etc., that some may prefer to use the word personality as being better suited as a label to indicate the idea that consciousness and personality are distinctly different... even though such a notion might have seemed quite foreign to the sensibilities of early thinkers if it ever cropped up within the confinements of their era-specific philosophies and vocabularies. Nonetheless, regardless of how you may want to assess the historical changes in ideological conceptualization of mind, brain, consciousness, volition, instinct, etc., it can be recognized that there are differences and we of today would assign the different characteristics along a developmental gradient, just as we use the word "milestones" to indicated developmental changes in a give persons personal life of maturation.
Along the steps of maturation we encounter ideas of gods, demons, someone watching and of course own observations of dreams, as if dreams could well represent an early stage of consciousness and the observing self as that which waits on the sidelines of brain potentiality. Hence, the idea of a watchful god is an impression of a larger embodiment of knowledge which comes with a "higher" level of consciousness, with the word "higher" referencing an approximation of position of a budding consciousness in the developing brain. If the analogy of an onion or coiled shell are used to illustrate the brain's development with a budding degrees of consciousness to be potentially active, then the successive layers are... simply put, "higher" in position though the circularity of appearance also evinces consciousness at side and bottom positions. Nonetheless, the analogy is a generally accepted model of growth and is used to describe energy states in atomic particle behavior as well, such as when describing a model of shells, sub-shells and orbitals, which deals with valency involving the addition, subtraction or transfer of electrons.
However, far too often we see the different sciences diverge from an overall analysis of human development in evolutionary terms to describe some specificity of human activity and disregard the active propensity of the species to evolve beyond what they are and what they are currently involved with as a day to day struggle and interactivity with others that they may refer to as a personal interest. In many instances it is like paying witness to the social and personal interests of those in a primitive tribe, and yet such activities are not at all an issue when we look at a group of more modern people. In other words, while the activities of a Neanderthal group may be of some specialized research or entertainment interest to observers, the whole of their interactivity is of no importance to those not involved in the social culture, despite comparisons which could be made. Likewise, the very many social activities taking place today will be of no consequence to those with a developed consciousness, no matter how badly psychology and very many other institutions want society to keep hold onto their version of a reality steeped in a use and orientation of dualities. In a sense, many of us are in a Cro-magnon state of transitioning into a new ideological perception that is being forced by a Neanderthal state of functionality to suppress the development in order to give the Neanderthals enough time to create some situation which will better enforce their way of life on everyone else.
Ideas about the mind, about thinking, about consciousness are overlooked as having their roots in earlier perceptions of Nature... which includes one's own body as being distinct from another. I can well imagine how astonished a very distant primitive person may have been upon discovering their ability to discover some perception which at the moment became impressed upon them as an illumination, as a revelation.. though they did not have the vocabulary to express their moment of Eureka! While not everyone may become excited upon discovering something new to the extent they want to share their discovery with the world in which they live, some do, though they may become chastised by one or more in the group for exhibiting that which a leading social member thought to keep to themselves as a believed in hidden power or message from some supposed god or universal essence.
Those who have looked into the history of counting are providing us with some measure of cognitive development that we might also call an increased awareness or consciousness... that is if the word "awareness" is aptly applied as a proper reference to the term "consciousness". In any event, I shall use it as such in the present context and proceed further along this course of thinking.
The development of counting, as herein being described, is to denote quantity, though early humans may well have attached some measure of paired quality as well. Generally, we of today think that the concept of "1" (one) at sometime in the distant past arose as a signifier of one object contrasted to another, even though the other may not at the same time merit any signifier itself. It may have been unassigned with a number value but nonetheless consciously recognized as some sort of "other", whether labeled or not. As time went on there is no telling whether or not the idea of "oneness" was kept in mind and set into motion as a concept to be shared with future clans people, or if it was forgotten and reemerged later on by someone else as an original thought to them as well. The stops and starts, regressions and mutations of ideas like biological development itself, are not always clear. Nonetheless, they are clearly an option of consideration.
From the position of "one" it is thought that the conceptualization of one or more other objects (in addition to the one) may have at some future time received the label of "much", "many", "heap", "pile", etc., that is, whatever notion was consistent with the particular persons's or their group's vocabulary. Later on, it is further conjectured, that the previous others (that which were described as not being assigned the value of "one") became differentiated and some referential singularity was adopted, whereby the notion of "2" came into being. How long it took, how many hands (minds) it required, and under what circumstances, is anyone's guess. Nonetheless, a 1- 2 counting sequence was underway, however it may have been used in whatever contexts and by whom. Indeed, it may have been viewed as a point of superior thinking among primitives and used only for very serious activities of "cogitation" by the leaders of a tribe who may have claimed some superior understanding.
It is not known when the idea of much, many, heap, pile, etc., was added to the notion of 1- 2, giving us a three-word phrase of "1- 2- Many". It is this phrase which I have adopted as a general reference to the idea of developmental enumeration and cognitive development, for which we can find parallels in biological development.
The notion of consciousness having followed and still following a developmental trend which can be identified and labeled in numerical terms may suggest to some that quantification refers to limitation, despite the idea that enumeration contains the present day concept of infinity. This can be unsettling for them because if humans are made in the image of their god, then there should be a similar model of limitlessness... at least in their way of thinking. However, I do not want to get in the quagmire of discussion at this point.
If there are distinct "1- 2- 3" points of development which can be differentiated by enumeration, then accounting for the myriad of ideas between the points needs to be addressed with a similar model of enumeration. We can do so with a very simple scale of reference involving fractions and decimal points, much in the manner that the Dewey decimal system is used in libraries the world over. While variations of thought occur, we need to place the variations within a scale that will assist us in differentiating the larger process of Evolutionary changes in cognitive development. For example, let us say that basic biological life forms receptive to environmental stimuli such as in the assigned tropisms, can be associated with the number 1. AS such we then apply the idea of life's emergence along this same scale as well as the different changes in rotation of the Earth over time.

Examples of Tropisms:
- Phototropism (response to light).
- Geotropism (response to gravity).
- Chemotropism (response to particular substances).
- Hydrotropism (response to water).
- Thigmotropism (response to mechanical stimulation).
- Traumatotropism (response to wound lesion).
- Galvanotropism, or electrotropism (response to electric current).
And even though we generally place numbers on a line, this does not mean the development of counting nor cognition appeared as an uninterrupted straight line expression. Counting, like life, and let us assume cognition, occurs with stops, starts, reversals and mutation that can well emerge, but eventually a type of equilibrium is obtained, even if it is only sustained for a period of time that gives the impression of permanence, though it may not be.

Let us not forget that the human body retains a primitive design and responsivitiy to the multi-variate environments it may come into contact with, be they natural or artificial. This primivity influences the supposed higher intelligence we attribute to the growth of the human mind. Yet, the human mind is not an isolated mechanism separate from the influences which the rest of the physiology is exposed to. And though we may think that all humans enjoy the same type and level of consciousness development in their lifetime, this is false, even though all of humanity is now in a stage 2 scenario of consciousness development.
However, like children who ascribe to themselves increments of an increasing numerical designation when comparing ages, consciousness has a similar functionality of expression. The difference being the way in which the graph is aligned. Typically vertically and not horizontally as in the above example of emergence valuations. In any event, both incremental variations in both height and age are used as indicators of a presumed superiority, just as they are when discussing the minutia of presumed intelligence, talent, consciousness, wealth, beauty, etc....
The mental state of humanity remains very childish, despite all the embellishment of language to suggest otherwise.
When we attempt to see "beyond the 3rd phase" as if in so doing we will be better able to step more comfortably into the 3rd phase as if jumping into a lake as opposed to creeping slowing from a shoreline and thus escape any notion of chickening out like some primate lurking in the shadows peering out onto the landscape of a Savannah from a forest's edge. Yet, what happens as we further explore this phase and have no means to escape it, as if being followed by a stampede of animals or insects, forest fire or a rising tide? What happens to the world in which dichotomies proliferate by way of institutions such as Psychology? Will such a society become extinct not because of problems with resources or pollution or plagues or warfare or any other typical doomsday scenario, but because that which we find instrumental to our survival today may not fit in with the paradigm of thinking that a different type of consciousness requires?
Are the problems we see throughout history due to changes in consciousness whose increments can be measured and the cause of such highlighted if we would only get past the distractions of emotional and mental minutia? How do we distinguish the larger phases from the internal variations? How do we differentiate the consciousness of an early hominid from a later one when there is so little to tell us of how they thought? Would a supposed more advanced consciousness fair better in terms of life skills if they were planted in the deep past where Neanderthals live with their presumed less superior consciousness? (I say "less superior" instead of "inferior" in order to point out they are superior in their own right due to their adaptations and the idea that a person with a modern consciousness might not actually be able to adapt as quickly in order to profit more from their knowledge base, if it included survival skills.)
In short, there are differences we can detect between how early peoples thought and those of today, even if in many cases there appears to be no demonstrable difference. And this is where we can begin to discuss the presence of a measurable type of thinking called an acknowledge Dichotomization which occurs in Psychology and the use of an unacknowledged Trichotomization occurring sporadically, but quite profoundly in other subjects.
Though many are aware of dichotomies sometimes called dualities, they are not familiar with them also being designated as patterns-of-two. Here are a few examples:
- Nature versus Nurture
- Heaven versus Hell
- All versus Nothing
- Right versus Wrong
- Inside/Outside
- Etc...
A short handful of trichotomies sometimes called triads, which can also be described as patterns-of-three, can be helpful, so long as that in both dualities and trichotomies, a distinction between quality and quantity needs to be observed.
- Here- There- Everywhere
- A2 + B2 = C2
- Protons- Neutrons- Electrons
- Head- Thorax- Abdomen
- Energy equals Mass times the Speed of Light squared (E = MC2)
- Etc...
While we can argue that both lists come from the same consciousness, what if we instead argue that they arise in different states of consciousness with an overlapping variability, like the emergence of a new growth among the predominant vegetation? While some may accept the list of dualities as normal and natural like man and woman or light and dark, they might refer to the list of threes as a type of weed they call Numerology or an expressed Obsessive/Compulsive act. In their view, the dualities are like a lush lawn while the presence of threes represent weeds such as some claim dandelions are.
And yet, as the environment heats up and water becomes scarce, there is an inclination for people to adopt the use of landscape fauna best suited to a change in climate conditions. And this is where the use of threes comes in. It too may signal a change in the landscape of consciousness due to environmental changes which make the use of threes more viable; just as we see there exists three different types of plants suited for different global regions noted as:
- C3 plants
- Found in all photosynthetic plants
- Forms a 3-carbon compound
- Normal Leaf structure
- First staple product: 3PGA
- Single CO2 fixation
- Example: Maple leaf
- C4 plants
- Found only in tropical plants
- Kranz anatomy (plant structure)
- First stable product: Oxaloacetic Acid
- Double CO2 fixation
- Example: Sugarcane
- Cam plants
- Found in plants growing in semi-arid conditions
- Xeromorphic, meaning external features
- First stable product: Oxaloacetic Acid
- Double CO2 fixation
- Example: Cacti
Source: Photosynthesis
- Stage 1: Energy is captured from sunlight.
- Stage 2: Light energy is converted to chemical energy, which is temporarily stored in ATP (adenosine-tri-phosphate) and the energy carrier molecule NADPH (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate).
- Stage 3: Chemical energy in ATP and NADPH powers the formation of organic compounds (sugars) using carbon dioxide.
Whereas we denote changes in biology based on environmental differences, and these difference can vary, the view about the need for adaptability is no longer a question but seen as an inevitable need, no matter how we alter our behavior in an effort to maintain some status quo of desirability. The incremental changes in the Sun, Earth and Moon are having an effect on biological development to which human consciousness is sensitive to, just as we see in the behavior of animals in their detection of forthcoming weather events. The changes in consciousness are a tell-tale indication of a change underway, and no amount of adjustment on the part of humanity can alter the course of a dying Sun, receding Moon, or decrease in the Earth's rotation rate. There is no Conservation method to implement. If humanity wants to preserve what it recognizes as humanity, it must take collaborative steps in combining all of Earth's resources to create a fleet of space vehicles with its history; to move away from the Earth into a new domain... and eventually a new species with a new name.
Psychology, with its persistent usage of dualities is an old landscape that is coming into conflict with the development of consciousness beginning to use patterns-of-three as one type of acknowledged repetition in mutable subjects and day-to-day activities.
Page Initiated: Saturday, 7th December, 2024... 6:12 AMInitial Posting: Monday, 9th December, 2024... 11:00 AM
Updated Posting: Monday, 30th December, 2024... 730 AM