Threesology Research Journal: Evolutionary Psychdynamics
Evolutionary Psychodynamics 2
(Realization of Trichotomic Thinking)
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Trichotomizologists as of Nov. 22, 2024

Note: I initially started a page with the intent of entitling it "Psychoanalyzing Psychology" whose contents led me to write the Trichotomization page. However, while engaged in updating it as I thought further along the course of its development, and in midst of dealing with a Covid strain of flu where vivid dreams were aplenty and my mind awash with different bits and pieces of related ideas while updating other web pages, I came across the notion of entitling another page "Evolutionary Psychodynamics", though it was followed by the terms Psychogenetics and Psychogenealogy. In short, all of them (in terms of a threes orientation), can be applied to my intent of showing how the presence of dichotomization in Psychology, is a tell-tale sign of a troubling situation for humanity in light of information culled from different subjects which highlight a developmental trend of human cognition towards that which lays beyond the use of dualities as the primary world view and tool of inspection, dissection, and projectiveness into a different formula of thinking as an adaptation.

Whereas you may want to refer to it as an advancement in human cognition, or even a superior model of brain activity, I would likewise do so if the attribute of egotism is not applied as a gesture of arrogance or "air of superiority". In other words, it is an adaptation to environmental pressures (or lack thereof) as a survival mechanism. If you so desire to call this a superior quality, I should hope you do so without any attached arrogance and expected entitlement of labeling others inferior, whereby you think yourselves enabled to treat them in any manner you please... such as for experimentation or a dismissive genocide.

In order to understand the "Evolutionary Psychodynamics" to which it is being applied in the present context of describing developmental cognition using enumeration as an indicator tool, let me first describe a currency of thought prevalent in Psychology. While the examples are used for the testing of Personality traits, the point I want to stress is the presence of Dichotomies. While the use of dichotomies (patterns-of-two) are widely known and understood by more senior Psychologists as being a problematic persistence, the idea of cognitive expressions of Trichotomization is not. Those who have put together lists of "threes" very often trip over their own feet and fall into the realms of Mysticism, Numerology, and Religion... because they did not use a broad base of science, and in particular, biology, with an applied artistic vision that many Mathematicians use.

At present there are two main models widely used in Psychology (of Personality), both of which rely on the use of dichotomization:

  • The Big Five (Five Factor Model):
    1. Openness to experience (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious)
    2. Conscientiousness (efficient/organized vs. extravagant/careless)
    3. Extraversion (outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved)
    4. Agreeableness (friendly/compassionate vs. critical/judgmental)
    5. Neuroticism (sensitive/nervous vs. resilient/confident)
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) (This typological approach categorizes individuals into 16 personality types based on four dichotomies:
    1. Extraversion/Introversion
    2. Sensing/Intuition
    3. Thinking/Feeling
    4. Judging/Perceiving

(Source: Branches of Psychology)

Delving into the minutia of Personality traits reminds me too much of getting deeply involved in Astrology and its companion use of Numerology. Hence, I want to steer clear so as to stay on the present path of unfamiliarity for many people interested in a discussion of "threes" from a different perspective than those which are mostly tied to urban-legend enculturations (transformations) of superstition, as is suggested by the types of examples being used in most compilations of threes examples. (I say "path of unfamiliarity" since many people are not only unaware of a "threes" orientation, but the word "psychodyamics" and its two companions may not be in their vocabulary... even though my use of the word is atypical of the registered definition. I also do not define psychogenetics in terms of behavior influenced by the development of the mind or Psychology commonly referenced in the manner and mode of Anne Ancelin's The Ancestor Syndrome.

While a study of behavior has research profitability, looking at the lifestyle of a Mathematician, for example, may not tell you the fundamental patterns of their thought processing and in particular, may not even exhibit shared fundamentals with others whose behaviors may be more expressive. Unless self-trained or otherwise, behavior watching can be distracting from one's ability to detect underlying fundamentals, and this is why some prefer to be a psychiatrist instead of just a psychologist. Psychiatrists delve deeper into issues though they too can be distracted without having a firm-but-flexible analytical approach where one size does not necessarily fit all. While behavior has an origin, so does the origin have an origin and it too an origin that many people have sought after and come away with different interpretations such as god, magic, mysticism, aliens, superior force, etc., as some primary point of origination.

While speculation can be useful, it is best that we stick with what we know. As such, let me provide an analogy about threes Research:

Like a kid who collects different marbles, I have collected different examples of threes from different subject areas. Whereas in youth I looked upon the collection (as one might do with marbles) and created those distinctions which were pointed out as being valuable to others (snake eyes, cats eyes, boulders, steelies, etc...), I later discovered that such observers were overlooking other interesting patterns within the collection. As my vision matured, I noticed patterns within the overall pattern like finding pearls and gems of different kinds... and though I pointed them out to others, they failed to see the same uniqueness as I did. They were hooked on seeing what patterns interested them most in terms of how the patterns were being used for their orientations. These were then at first arranged according to basic patterns suggested by others in their respective interests, but I came to find them as being too restrictive. In other words, lists of threes are commonly found under the headings such a mythology, religion, fairy, tales/literature, numerology, paganism/witchcraft/wicca, sports statistics, combinatorics, set theory, etc...

I had not else to do but develop ideas to explain patterns within patterns within patterns as I saw them, no doubt much like others in their lives whose persistence in a given area of study requires them to develop a perspective off the more well worn path of investigations. Like those who may use a billiards table to describe some point of quantum particle interaction, the game (as it is played) has its limitations, just as does the conventional efforts of gathering examples of threes, that may likewise we labeled with a conventional (and generalized) title. These hidden-in-plain-site patterns provided pieces (clues) to multiple puzzles from which one may care to spend time putting together; all the while being cognizant that the puzzle can be a puzzle of a puzzle, similar to Russian nesting dolls, and yet the dolls may have a dissimilarity as to suggest a difference of non-connectivity, when actually there is at a deeper level of inspection needed... (such as exotic particles or mathematical intimations of higher functionality) though others may not follow the dot-to-dot, follow-the-numbers fashion of reasoning which is required when seeking out such bread crumbs.

Yes, it is difficult for us to go into deep time in order to get an exact fix on how the minds of ancient peoples worked, though it is generally accepted that human physiology has constraints of development and that these have basic requirements for survival. And it is understood that artefacts provide us with only a glimpse of ancient thinking models, if we are looking for emotional content as our sole criteria for a purposeful explanation of human behavior. By doing so, we can come up with multiple reasons to either reject or accept an idea, particularly if it does not already reinforce what one is thinking about in a given way. Nonetheless, there are some fundamentals we of the present day can consider to be reliable markers of origination. An example, without delving into metaphysical assumptions is to say that life originated on planet Earth... even if precursor-to-life particulates came from outside the Earth.

In other words, whereas one researcher is striving to understand the behavior of Nature (viewing it as a person like many people had once referred to the Earth as the "Mother" and the sky as the "Father" or that their country is the Father/Motherland or they reference their vehicle as a "she"), my intent is to look at nature as a basketball player taught not to be distracted by various gestures, antics, and sleight-of-had misdirection... such as being "faked out" by the hands, eyes and feet, and instead keep tabs on the position of a player's mid-section (stomach). Nature and the supposed nature of human thinking appears to engage in several forms of sleight-of-hand misdirection brought on by misperception such as the old ideas that the Earth has an edge one can fall off and that the Sun revolves around the Earth and different weather phenomena can be attributed to separate gods.

(And let me interject with a relevant distraction concerning behavior in Basketball: Not many today are aware that "palming the ball" at one time was a foul, but since it was used so frequently by Black players whose presence won games and tournaments, it was eventually accepted as allowable since Black players had difficulty not palming the ball like white players. (And it is of interest to note that Evolutionary Psychologists, Sociologists and Anthropologists, (particularly young ones), are not even aware of this behavior... because there is so very much they overlook.)

In basketball, the stomach is used as a stable source of reliable information about the position and eventual dynamics which may follow. And while the analogy to the present discussion is somewhat crude, its relevance has application for the reader to get the gist of what I am describing.

The use of dichotomies (patterns-of-two, dualities, opposites, parallels) is not only an institutional tool of preference in Psychology, it is also one of expectation and identification of normalcy. Whereas you may live in a world of dichotomies, it is normal so long as you do not go to one extreme and stay there too long... though there are exceptions such as those indicated by the persistence of those practicing a behavior which becomes a skill that may later be called a talent or even an expressions of genius. However, the presumed "happy medium" or "middle ground" or "moderation" is not an actual 3rd way. It is part of the duality structure which is being both perpetrated and perpetuated by Psychology and other Institutions like Mathematics, Sociology, Political Science, etc., and to some extent Philosophy, though it should know better than to cater to such a paradigm.

The assumed Middle ground is not an actual 3rd point of cognitive gain, it is much like some central bubble like that seen in many carpenter levels. It is a duality that presents a triality in the form of a desired compromise between two extremes, housed in a singularity... despite its 3-positioned dualities exhibiting the chess and checker boards directions of Horizontal- Vertical and Diagonal. And in addition, let us note the dominant placement (and usage) of a horizontal position. Such a standard brings to mind numerous examples of similar cognitive positioning that strategists, Material logisticians, and other performance analysts should be mindful of. Some simple examples are sleeping positions, placement of support beams, grave positions (we don't bury people standing up, though this would save a lot of room, just like we do with books in libraries and ketchup bottles in refrigerators) etc...

Carpenter's bubble exhibiting a duality shaped as a trilaity in a singularity

If we describe two extremes with numbers, one must describe whether we are referencing which of the following three considerations:

  • Quantity: (one item, two items, three items, etc... and called Cardinal numbers in Mathematics)
  • Quality: (firstness, secondness, thirdness, etc... and called Ordinal numbers in Mathematics)
  • Quaziality: (Word I now coin to express an exotic state of cognition just as we find exotic states in particle physics, mathematics, etc...), but may become the future norm.

However, the Psychodynamic "quasiality" of human cognition ("cognitionality") is a view supplied with more evidence for its existence than when the word "exotic" is being used to contemplate hypotheticals in Psychology, Mathematics, and Physics. With such evidence, the temporary stage of a Hypothetical moves into the realm of the theoretical due to the testability of available evidence... and then into factuality.

Immanuel Kant's Table of Judgments references Qualitative and Qualitative juxtaposed with the term "Relational" which means its representation as a 3rd category is actually an embellishment of the first two in how they are related... Which is a carpenter's level trying to measure dualities from different angles, but still uses the same "system of duality". It is not a "higher" or alternative idea which supplants the two. Hence, he engages in the use of embellished dualities framed in trichotomies. Where his brain was striving to go beyond dichotomization, he used a methodology much like the ancient Chinese in their adoption of triads in the I-Ching. The use of the term "modality" in the simplest sense is how the ideas are modeled in application for in the context of different subjects. Please note the dualities in the following tables, along with the implied trichotomies:

Kants Trichotomies are embellished dichotomies

Permit me to interject an analogy: In the tribe/clan of thinkers called the Masons with their Masonic rituals said to involve the use of the Number three, we can find an emblem others refer to as a well-known symbol which include the square and compass and a large letter G (standing for God, Geometry or as the 3rd letter in the Hebrew alphabet). One must wonder what was used for leveling, and why it wasn't important enough to be considered an emblematic reference. In other words, why did they take leveling for granted and place the idea into the realm of some metaphysical called God? You would think that men of such practicality would have had the greater retrospective sense to be more intelligent. In a modernized version that I put together as an illustration, a present day level with its 3-directional servicing has been added to illustrate a generational step in cognitive thinking and expression needs to be introduce and spoken of in order to promote the Masons into a closer approximation to the idealized "3rd realm" of orientation and not simply continue to use the embellished dichotomies of their predecessors. Suggestively, this is what Philosophers and Psychologists need to do also.

The so-called middle between two extremes does not represent an actual different type of cognition in terms of an Evolutionary stage of cognitive development beyond the duality. It is a referenced Embellishment of a duality being touted as a 3rd placement... a 3rd alternative. While it does indicate an effort by the human mind to exceed its use of duality, as a means of showcasing human potential; yet this potential may not be a fore-ordained probability unless we can create an intellectual atmosphere of distinction between dichotomy and trichotomy, and allow for its development... just like we humans are making an allowance for the development of a new generation of quantum computers with a trinary/ternary language instead of a binary language which strives for becoming a trinary one with the use of Boolean Logic and its attributions of the three basic gates called AND, OR, NOT... which serves as a tool of embellishment for the duality commonly referenced as binary code. The addition of Boolean Algebra is a supplement attempting to create a condition of triplicity and thus is exercised as an artificiality, whereby an embellishment can be surmised... a situation of "embellished duality" to give the impression of exceeding duality just as those who think to suggest a superiority by referencing a "middle way" or "non-duality" or some other such reference to suppose that by doing so one has achieved an actual 3rd way when they have not.

Simple used in I Ching ideology

Permit me to give you another example. This one from the ancient Chinese who were in many respects ahead of all other cultures, but due to multiple reasons, fell into a cyclical cognitive pattern. The example to be looked at comes from the I-Ching which relies heavily on the duality of the Yin and Yang. Specifically, the so-called Trigrams (3-part combinations of lines), are actually Bigrams. In other words, they are dualities masquerading as trialities. I say this because if you look closely, you will see one and two-line configurations being repeated, but there is not application of an actual 3-part configuration. This is the expressed practice of an embellished duality.

Another example comes from Philosophy in the form of a syllogism (that I nickname "sillygism" because they are so cognitively silly): Major Premise- Minor premise- Conclusion. While it looks like a triad, (a pattern-of-three), it is a duality distinguished by a "middle ground" compromise... even though both you and I might argue (due to our cultural indoctrination), that it represents a cognitively stated 3rd option result. Nonetheless, it is like counting from 1 to 2 and coming up with some decimal point in between, though one might argue it is a decimal point at a distance from an actual 3. Duality might even be describe as a perspective that is symbiotically attached to the human mind as a framework imposing itself on our physical existence in three dimensions, though it can not survive on its own in such a landscape. It piggybacks and affects us like an infection which suppresses the development of that which can displace it as a minor adjunct of consideration.

I Ching Triads are actually embellished Biads/Dyads

There is no question that Psychology is deeply immersed in the use of dichotomies. The use of such is its bread, butter and jam in clinics and teaching. The problem is that as they perpetuate, they also perpetrate the idea that a developmental society must exhibit and participate is this same orientation as a standardized pattern of normalcy in which they have carved a niche' for their livelihoods and their dualistic philosophies act as game rule brochures recognized by law... even if the majority are wholly oblivious to this. However, none of us are prepared for the emergence of a different type of consciousness which exceeds dualities, even if the developmental gesture is little more than a complex duality masquerading as a labeled triplicity. Not only are we as a species, but we as a collection of institutions working together with a dominant reliance on dualities in which efforts to express a developmental change are arising as defined triads, triplets, triunities, threesomes, etc.,, many of which are nothing more than relabeled dualities, but are nonetheless marking a developmental change trying to find a means of emergence which is an attempt to create a sustained viability... sometimes in the reference of a three, third or even plurality, when the development of enumeration is taken into view.

The use of the Mathematical Notion of Place-Value... where a higher order of functionality is achieved after each 3rd set (marked off by a point of demarcation called a comma), can be quite useful in my attempted explanation of differentiating a developmental trend of consciousness from a world where dualities play a major role of world view orientation as opposed to an orientation that recognizes the value of considerations involving Trichotomization. Each phase of evolutionary development is marked by what can be described as a segmentation of three events, a singular 3rd event, or some triad whose presence may not even be recognized as a recurrence on an ongoing scale which can be enumerated. Those who initially identify the course may not even use any term or symbol referencing a "three" or they may use the three so often as to take it for granted without realizing its participation in a larger unfolding of a developing Evolution causeway:

Let us use a simple graph in which we will say that life began at a point of origin called zero which itself originated on a "3"-labeled site called planet Earth. (Where planet Earth played the part of the "hundreds" place after tens and ones, after-which a new set-of-three arose in the form of a 1-stranded, 2-stranded, 3- stranded model of life followed by a 1- 2- 3 domains of life scenario, that was followed by a 1-2-3 Germ layers development, and now we can see a 1-2-3 developmental scenario in human consciousness.):

Sciences and religions getting caught up in the minutiae of life.

And even though the entire Universe may exist as a 3-shaped construct which the human mind has unknowingly deconstructed and created Three possible scenarios as to the shape of the Universe, and even though the ideas are speculations derived from Mathematics, we don't know if these considerations are factual... much less my imaginative foray into the associated correlation of the paper-rock-scissors game.

3 geometries of the Universe

Using a "Threes" methodology as a tool, however crude or simplistic you might initially view it, we can nonetheless map out a developmental trend which in some cases explicitly exhibits a 1 -2- 3 maturational sequence such as the 3 Germ layers. Take a look at the following handful of examples and visually project them into a working memory of chronological appearances over time with respect to being expressions of a developing cognition/consciousness. Yes they are human created categories, but look at the numerical value we humans have assigned to the ideas, as if we think like primitives whose developmental usage of a number sequence is limited.

The phrase "one-two-many" can be used to highlight the mind of primitive peoples in their assent of developing a sense of enumeration. The 3rd position is the point of demarcation similar to that seen in the modern sense of arithmetical notation where we mark off the hundreds place from the thousands, (ones-tens-hundreds -comma- thousands...) and continue to use groups of three delineated by commas. (Perhaps analogous to the 3 stops and 1 start codon in genetics.) You may claim it as Numerology, but you're missing the point in connection with human cognition. If it is so simple to recognize, why isn't everyone doing it? Why isn't it common knowledge? I submit it takes a change in consciousness and that some are transitioning into this but are being met with opposition from their culture and professionals such as mental health workers, counselors, teachers, work place bosses, family, friends, etc...

Indeed, if one reacts combatively to a list of "threes" presented to them and claims they can see other numerical patterns such as twos, sevens, etc., then why doesn't the majority see this? For example, why is it that only a few researchers have noticed the persistence of dualities in psychology, and yet how many of you have not come to find someone speaking of the many underlying dualities in Mathematics, similar to those found in the Binary code of computers and the old Chinese yin/yang idea? A "threes" tool can be used as a means of dissecting human cognitive development from a different perspective.

It may be helpful for some to read the following examples as if they are viewing groups of three numbers presented on consecutive lines, but are in actuality groups of numbers on a single line of counting. In other words, if we write the value 3 trillion, 333 billion, 333 million, 333 thousand, 333 on consecutive lines of reference without referencing the accompanying words, we have the following lineup, and you never think to view it as a simple mathematical division of higher ordering, even though the events take place in terms of an historical order of development:

  • 3
  • 333
  • 333
  • 333
  • 333
  • 3 geometries of the Universe derived from mathematics: Flat, Spherical, Saddle-shaped (which may actually represent 3 perspectives of the same Universe which has a 3-in-1 ratio value)
  • 3 dimensional reality: Width - Height - Depth
  • 3 most commonly cited "forces of nature": Gravity - Electromagnetism - Strong nuclear force
  • 3 forces corresponding to Standard Model: Electromagnetism - Strong nuclear force- Weak nuclear force
  • 3 forms of matter on Earth: Solids- Liquids- Gasses (plasma outside Earth)
  • 3 families of fundamental particles
  • 3 main large particles: Protons- Neutrons- Electrons
  • 3 quarks/3 anti-quarks
  • 3 quarks to protons and neutrons
  • 3rds fractionation used to describe Energies of particles
  • 3 atomic radiations: Alpha- Beta- Gamma
  • 3 laws of motion
  • 3 laws of planetary motion
  • 3rd planet: Earth
  • 3 basic divisions to Earth: core- mantle- crust
  • 3 domains of life: Bacteria- Archaea- Eucaryota
  1. RNA world: 1-strand, triplet code
    • 3 main RNA types: Messenger- Transfer- Ribosomal
  2. DNA arrival: 2-stands, triplet code
    • 3 Main DNA types: A- B- Z
  3. 3 Stranded collagen arrives
  • 3 folding strands of basic protein structure (secondary- tertiary- quaternary) + 1 non-folding primary
  • 3 types of protein in the human body: Globular- Fibrous- Membrane
  • 3 laminar appearance of cell membrane (trilaminar appearance, but called bilipid)
  • 3 germ layers: Ectoderm- Ectoderm- Mesoderm (developed along a 1-2-3 sequence)
  • 3 basic divisions to insects: Head- Thorax- Abdomen
  • 3 body types: Ectomorph- Mesomorph- Endomorph
  • 3 basic fingerprint types: Loop- Whorl- Arch
  • 3-patterned Anatomy: List of 3's in human anatomy

It is not customary to look upon Earth as an archeological or anthropological site of biological development, where historical events occur geological stratifications... particularly when the artefacts are still being deposited today. Nonetheless, we can see gradations and seemingly out of place occurrences because we are not taking into account some human using a bulldozer to dig up a portion of the site so they can put in a swimming pool, condo, strip mall, or neighborhood subdivision. Too many ways of doing business in the sciences (and mathematics) has created a condition of blindness.

At what point in the above list of facts does the idea of Numerology enter your mind? The first item? The second? The third? How far did you get with your penchant for thinking in patterns-of-two, before reacting negatively to it? Were you intellectually taxed? Over-whelmed? Then heaven forbid I present you with a hundred or more examples. Granted I would agree it is Numerology if I presented a list of examples from religion, but even Religion has engaged in using this value to represent superior ideas or attributes of a superior person, such as the Trinity and threes in the ministry of Jesus. However, forget the religious part of it and look at the pattern as an expressed effort of the human brain attempting to exercise a developmental "urge" (environmental influence) within the context (time period, education) of a given individual.

If you grew up among ancient humans, you might well express the "three" in some geometric form such as a triangle-shaped tool or use of a pointed stick, if your clan's accepted grunts were an insufficient vocabulary. If the 3 is but an emblem of a brain trying to evolve, then the conditions it occurs in a given individual in their respective era and environment will determine the way in which it is illustrated. Religion has its own, Architecture its own, Music its own, etc... One example from the LGBTQ+ crowd is that some refer to themselves as a Third, and superior species, despite the low intelligence needed for a sexual and/or gender orientation/identity so many are obsessed with.

The occasion for the development of a singular, double and triple perceptual orientation gives the impression they are occurring as transitional stages of perception that some people can get appreciably stuck in one or another, or slide through the spectrum under different circumstances. While there are regressive moments seen in biological development, and we see a version of this when an old person with senility becomes like an infant or child, and a middle aged person acts like a teenager who never grew up; the point is that differences in the development of human cognition/consciousness might well be identified by patterns which we can enumerate. Historically for example, the modern use of the words "triad, triunity, three, trinity" etc., were not used by ancient peoples when they displayed three-patterned characterizations in worshipping gods, many of which are now called mythologies. The triple structure for them in their time represented a super or higher state of realized consciousness exhibited externally. The same goes for Hitler's 3rd Reich, that not everyone believed in, but he did. In genetics we see this described as a triplet code. In anatomy we see this illustrated in the numerous 3-part structures which many anatomists see, but do not acknowledge as a recurring pattern worthy of making a comment about or pursuing it with any further interest as an expression of an environmentally influenced Evolutionary development in human cognition.

We see the same thing in the use of three colors for street lights the world over. Also In the description of three fundamental families of particle physics. We even see the need for a Trinary language for a quantum computer to go beyond the present Binary language of computers, to which we presently use Boolean logic to provide us with the 3 basic gates of And- Or- Not, so as to extend the possibilities and potentialities of limitation inherent in the use of a binary code. We see this again in the use of Three Germ layers which superseded the use of two for less complex life forms. With so many examples of transition taking place in multiple subjects, it seems rather silly we have not applied this to the development of consciousness which can express itself in different ways (like multiple species), but the core design appears to be immutable in the use of a triplet code. How that code expresses itself in different people, different cultures, in different eras requires the use of a different type of comparison that we might initially reference as a bio-psycho-social tool of examination, but not limit ourselves to a strict observance of this set-of-three applications.

A good example of a "3" consciousness showing up in Philosophy can be seen here: Triadism and the Universal Categories by Charles Sanders Peirce. In his era and profession, his penchant for "threeness" was exercised with the language and knowledge available at the time. However, while his expressions of 1stness, 2ndness, 3rdness have been studied and discussed; the present day field of cognitive and neural psychology do not know what to make of the "3" as an expression of human consciousness. When you strip away the current application of quantity and symbolism, what is it referencing in terms of an evolutionary exercise of developmental cognition, when we can see multiple exercises of the the same mental expression in every subject... albeit not as elaborately expressed by most people as we find in peirce's philosophy. Why this route and not some other number pattern? And why hasn't anyone pursued some other singular pattern with the same intensity?

Two versus Three conflict of perception

Here is a short excerpt which not only speaks to the development of a number system by primitive peoples, but can also be used as a developmental trend to a 3rd consciousness:

*** Laozi (author of Tao Te Ching [Daodejing]): Dao produces one. One produces two. Two produces three. Three produces the ten thousand things. (In classical Chinese, the "ten thousand things" means "everything." Commentators have long disagreed over what the "one, two, and three" refers to, usually plugging in their favorite cosmological, cosmogonic, or metaphysical model.)

While context and era can explain the use of multiple triads in ancient religions as expressions of some "higher" cognitive realization in an illustrated form (many of which are called mythologies today), why does nature apparently use the same pattern... or are the examples we cull from nature mere human created substitutions of an ongoing process seen in the triplet code and three germ layers, representing a survival mechanism in an incrementally deteriorating planetary system? Is trichotomization linked to the species' attempted acknowledgement of responses to a deteriorating environment within its physiological sphere of sensibility for doing so, which means more people in the future will be sensitive to an acknowledgment of Trichotomization and psychologists/psychiatrists are going to have their hands full of patients in the dichotomy/trichotomy transition mode?

A high level of intelligence does not appear to be a prerequisite for experiencing a developmental change in consciousness, but it is a requirement for the identification and utilization of differences in controlled exploratory excursions so as not to panic if one gets the feeling of having lost a recognizable point of orientation by which to navigate... unless one is truly adventurous and severs whatever intellectual umbilical cord they are using.

Please note we have a recurring triplet code from which the majority of life arises. And we have a recurring 3-Germ layer setup. As far as we can see, there is no further numerical development for either process. They remain at a "3" station like a fundamental requirement. If this is true, then the use of "twos" (dualities, dichotomies) by human consciousness may be a precursor to a "three" model of consciousness with variable transition rates and expressions (having to navigate in a dichotomously oriented business, government, and religious terrains... not to mention the ideological constraints used by duality oriented mental health/counseling professionals).

If I include examples of "threes" from religion and mythology, let us note that in the context of an ancient mind, such triadic/three-some models were ascribed to gods and leaders as a type of super-awareness, an enhanced connection... a fundamental pattern that we might today called a higher consciousness. The "3" is used as both a label and definition of some ultimate achievement, which is more than mere quantity, which is an idea well known to those who study the anthropology of enumeration. In other words, we of today use the "3" and words like triple, triad, trinity, etc... but in the past they did not. There mind created a pattern which defined an expression of a consciousness trying to exercise an effort to move beyond... even though the word "consciousness" is a modern term and what the human brain is doing may be something altogether different in terms of its potential for an evolutionary-like development.

Something is clearly taking place and the recurring "3" indicator provides us with a shadow, an echo, a reverberation, a tell-tale sign, a sense, a tip-of-the-brain allusion, or whatever label you want to apply to point it out. However, the actions of very many professionals prevent the trial and error efforts of the human brain from developing in this direction. It imposes its preference for dichotomization by calling it normal, sanity, and in all versions/variations... in touch with reality... THEIR reality taught to them in a school system that is oblivious to a bio-psycho-social idea involving a developing consciousness wrestling with a transition between a dominantly taught dichotomous reality and the reality of a fledgling trichotomous one.

You may call the above list Numerology or an obsessive-compulsive disorder (despite it being particularly ordered), but if someone comes to you and speaks of it as an indication that it may be a tell-tale sign that human cognition/consciousness is developing along a different channel than the dichotomous standard being used by psychologists, how are you to counsel them? How does a Neanderthal Shaman thinking in terms of dichotomies counsel a Cro-magnon thinking in terms of trichotomies? Will the dominant Psychology institutions of Neanderthals who use dichotomies try to gang up on the trichotomous thinking Cro-magnons and force them to retreat from their supposed delusion and get back to the reality of duality that the Neanderthals are most comfortable with? While the analogy may appear humorous to some, it is actually quite serious. More serious than the presence of a dominant right-handed society imposing its preferences on left handed people.

What if society wakes up one day and is confronted by large crowds of trichotomous thinking individuals who want equality in educational instruction, counseling, and every other aspect of living? Even though the U.S. government is in three parts (Legislative- Executive- Judicial, but often functions as one or two) and colleges routinely have three degrees (Bachelor's- Master's- PhD) with 3 distinct Latin awards (Cum laude, Magna cum laude, Summa cum laude) and we use a 3-drug cocktail for some executions... we have a Psychology standard of duality, a Mathematics standard of duality, a computer language standard of duality... with each of them displaying efforts to exercise some effort of developing a "three" structure... and yet nobody is thinking in terms that this is a tell-tale sign that the human mind is making an evolutionary transition towards a trichotomization standard that is coming into conflict with the present usage of duality standards of thinking by different professionals.

When we can see genetic and biological (as well as ideological) expressions of a 1-2-3 developmental sequencing, so why are we stubbornly sticking to a refusal to recognize the dichotomy/trichotomy transition, or its absence and an attempt to revive that which may be buried under a layer of imposed dualities?

When we have thousands of psychologists who are not even aware of the dichotomy/trichotomy situation and they come from schools invested in teaching dichotomies, increased occurrences of trichomotization in consciousness may be the cause of multiple conflicts... being exacerbated by an outdated system of medical intervention using dichotomization as its standard tool of diagnosis and prognosis. The same goes for the currency of politics and leaderships.

But the same goes for Mathematics, despite it very much greater utility. It too is a repository of Ignorance, and can only take humanity so far by relying on an underlying orientation of dichtomization. Particularly when millions of people are not taught there is a persistence of duality underlying it operations akin to the simplistic two-patterned mental associations seen in the old Chinese idea of the Yin/Yang. Oh, heaven forbid that I exclude the mention of a similar persistence in Psychology and that the Persistent Dualities are a keynote in the identification of mental illness: What is dichotomous Thinking and that it is recognized as The persistence of mind-brain dualism in psychiatric reasoning about clinical scenarios:

Despite attempts in psychiatry to adopt an integrative biopsychosocial model, social scientists have observed that psychiatrists continue to operate according to a mind-brain dichotomy in ways that are often covert and unacknowledged and suggest that the same intuitive cognitive schemas that people use to make judgments of responsibility lead to dualistic reasoning among clinicians. The goal of this study was to confirm these observations.

This three-part "Bio-Psycho-Social" model requires the acknowledgement that Trichotomization is very real, and may well signal an Evolutionary expression of a developing "higher" consciousness, which is having difficulty to unfold because the standard orientation of reality amongst many professionals, their institutions and multiple other social entities such as government and education... is towards an out-dated use of dichotomization... because such institutions and their professionals have failed to recognize their own fledgling attempts to permit Trichotomization to unveil. For example, while education systems teach mathematics, it does not teach students to recognize it is based on dualities while several of its attempts have been to create three-patterned math models such as Trigonometry and Boolean Algebra applied to the limitations of Binary logic used in computers, by way of the And- Or- Not gates. Teaching professions the world over do not recognize nor teach the value of Trichotomization as a conceptual paradigm. Ideas which stress a "rule of three" is on the level of a kindergarten show-and-tell instruction. Psychology classes around the world are teaching its students to profess a usage of dichotomization but remain ignorant of Trichotomization.

Many of the so-called mental problems and social issues involve differences in perception which are changing from a practiced dichotomization to a surfacing trichotomization either finding cryptic ways of expression or ways to suppress the realization.

However, instead of incorporating a new idea with an actual view of Trichotomization, we find that the idea of a 3rd option is to reframe duality, such as in this example which embraces duality: How to improve your mental health through duality. The word Trichotomization and its related Bio-Psycho-Social model appears not so much as being a taboo subject, but as an unrealized reality among professionals who have been taught to think in dualistic terms, such as the ancient Mind/Body issue more commonly stated as a problem.

Page Initiated: Tuesday, 3rd December, 2024... 4:25 AM
Initial Posting: Saturday, Dec. 7th, 2024... 4:26 AM
Updated Posting: Sunday, Dec. 28th, 2024... 8:25 AM