Threesology Research Journal: Evolutionary Psychodynamics
Evolutionary Psychodynamics 1b
(Realization of Trichotomic Thinking)
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Trichotomizologists as of Nov. 22, 2024

This page is a scratch copy of a series of entries I am working on (as seen from a three-patterned perspective) concerning coginitve sequentiality involving the use of enumeration with numbers, number words, number symbols:

  • Patterns-of-One sometimes called Monalities (in relationship to patterns-of-two and patterns-of-three), such as singular concepts (God, Infinity, the Universe, "Plurality as all and all is one", singularity, etc...).
  • Patterns-of Two sometimes called Dualities or dichotomies such as heaven/hell, right/wrong, Nature/Nurture, opposite sides of an equation, binary language, etc...
  • Patterns-of-three which also come in multiple forms such as 3-part phrases, rules-of-three, ternary, triads, triples, trinity, triunity, etc...

Orientations of duality can variably express 2-part opinions such as Monality/Duality or Duality/Plurality, etc., and orientations of "triality" can express 3-part opinions such as monality- duality- triplicity, monality- duality- plurality, etc...

And though some may read this as semantics, I read it as an unrealized observation of a developmental change potential in human consciousness that is "testing the waters" of the prevailing environment to see if it is conducive to promoting a viable place for the emergence of a different type of consciousness that is superior, in terms of its potential propensity for developing ideas which are more conducive to creating a viable living situation in light of the incremental environmental deteriorations taking place. The difference may be as close as stone tool production versus metal tool production, or as far apart as chipped rock tools are from micro-chipped equipment.

And no, this does not mean all people who experience the awakening of a new consciousness will make a list of different "threes" examples. Such a behavior is but one activity (in some people) that could highlight a developmental change, when other considerations are dismissed, such as whether they are engaging in Numerology, or exhibiting an Obsessive-Compulsive act, or as a copy-cat feature (though in doing so, some individuals may trigger their brain into a higher state of functionality that lays dormant within them.).

More specifically, in the present context of "threes" and "psychology" related to what appears to be a progressive expression of evolution and thus might well be called Evolutionary Psychodynamics or Psycho-dynamics explained in evolutionary terms; I want to point out that some presumed mental illnesses may arise not because they are an illness, but because they may become victims of a socially reinforced medical institution which relies heavily on interpreting normalcy and sanity in terms of a person's adaptation towards remaining away from one or both extremes and instead exhibit some happy medium between two defined/assigned positions called a duality.

In other words, our systems of clinical practice and teaching Psychology (as well as other subjects), is based heavily on viewing and living within the perspective of dualities. As such, it is thought that the happy medium between two extremes signifies a greater level of normalcy which does not bring a person into inter-personal or personalized conflict with themselves. The problem with this is that because we have several biologically-based indicators of an evolutionary trek along a 1-2-3 maturational development sequence, the persistent usage and requirement of dualities may be wholly insufficient to accommodate Evolutionary transitions into a ternary (pattern-of-three) type of consciousness. The difference could be as much as that between a doublet DNA code and a Triplet formula. Another analogy is to notice the differences between the life forms which grow from Two Germ layers and those which grow from Three Germ layers.

Psychology and the whole of Society and its many institutions (such as education, politics, commerce...) are woefully unprepared for such a developmental change in human consciousness. It is a change which I believe is already occurring and has been for some time... Much in the manner when the first fish walked out of the water onto the land, which went unobserved by all the many sea creatures living in the presumed normal manner of life. Analogously, these fish can be crudely expressed as those who for one reason or another, seem to lose their way in the conventionalized social sphere of activity and either run away, walk away or end up being separated from a home, and thus find themselves rationalizing the need to explore on their own... And though while some return, many do not, even though they may keep contact with that and those of their former life.

However, if a developing consciousness does not follow in the footsteps of this scenario, increased disruptions in the status quo of commercialized and institutionalized inter-activities may well receive a large brunt of the potential conflict between a duality-based orientation and the next, which may not at first explicitly exhibit a conventional "threeness". It may first occur in the form of an "otherness" just like early (primitive) counting themes where the value of "2" was the symbolized cognitive limit and all other counts thereafter were lumped into some designated "Many, More, Bunch, Heap, Pile, Plurality"... (according to the respective language and vocabulary of an ancient people) but nonetheless designating a third step... just as we can see occurring in comparative developmental biology.

Whereas many people have a sense of the "other" consciousness awaiting in the wings of their mind, personal circumstances may formulate and fashion their particular impressions into a three-based activity that others likewise do, or create for themselves some three-part idea, or even adopt a pluralistic theme such as ideas about multiple dimensions, multiple intelligences, multiple factors. The use of Plurality is a composite theme representing a stage beyond "twoness"... duality, binary, dichotomy... etc... In addition, someone may instead integrate a 3-part theme into a singularity, or subdivide it according to their efforts to create an expressed one-upmanship to suggest they are being a creative thinker or even muse upon the notion of having a talent or being a genius.

On the other hand, those experiencing an unrecognized change in consciousness may interpret themselves in a negative way and engage in activities which allow for them to explain their changes in terms of a mental illness, that is if they don't turn to those who accept them as they are so long as they indulge in the use of drugs, alcohol, or some habit or ritual which provides for the occasion of an expressed relaxation of a developing consciousness (perhaps labeled as a person craziness) within a state of familiarity, whether good, bad, legal or illegal.

The Persistent usage of dichotomies in Psychology (clinics and teaching) as well as the varied forms and formulas used by the Justice system, the Political system, the School system, Every Religious system, etc., is like being met with a straight jacket at every turn by those experiencing a developmental change in conscious which is practicing a non-duality, or at least appears to the individual as being a non-duality. While this is fine for many people, I would like to suggest that multiple individuals are exhibiting a transition into a mental state we can tentatively describe as a 3rd consciousness (as a trichotomization), which is coming into conflict with the presence of those who are unknowingly demanding that they live in a world oriented to the particular types, formulas, formulations of dichotomy within a given social sphere.

Trichotomization is a fact of development for individuals and the species, but the cultures of many institutions such as Psychology, linger in a world of dichotomization. (Note: it is not a topic currently acknowledged by those interested in Evolutionary Psychology or, as far as I can tell, Theoretical Psychology.) This dichotomy/trichotomy characterization presents us with a very serious situation we need to address, since the so-called "mental illness" of many individuals may in fact be due to a clash between their developing consciousness into a "third realm" is having difficulty navigating a world obsessed with dichotomization that many professionals are trying to force, mold, trim, prune them into accepting as "reality", as the "real world" (as they see it and have likewise been forced to accept as an indentured servant to one's state, one's religion, or otherwise)... even though many professionals acknowledge the problems with dichotomous thinking and individual differences:

Individual differences have been observed with respect to dichotomous thinking. This type of thinking represents the tendency to think of things in terms of binary opposition, such as black or white, all or nothing, and good or bad (Oshio, 2009). Individual differences in dichotomous thinking include three components:

  1. Preference for dichotomy, which refers to a thinking style leading to a preference for clarity and distinctness rather than confusion and ambiguity;
  2. Dichotomous belief, which represents a thinking style in which everything in the world can be divided into two distinct groups;
  3. Profit-and-loss thinking, which is a thinking style focusing on and for clarifying how things can benefit or damage oneself (Oshio, 2009).

Note: The 3 foregoing criteria are exactly what we find not only in psychology, but other professions as well. For example (in relation to the foregoing):

  1. The Persistence of Dichotomies in the Study of Behavioral Development by Timothy D. Johnston
  2. The mind/Body issue sparks a myriad of debates, particularly in psychology and philosophy (sometimes involving Monism, but rarely Trichotomization).
  3. Professionals are concerned about profit and loss (unless they are government or institutionally funded), particularly when a client or patient base is small, or they are subject to lawsuits.

At this point let me interject with the reference that it is thought by some there is a great need to hire those with a high "EQ" (Emotion Quotient) in order to deal with a recognized workplace concern of increased occasions of conflict. In other words, a type of in-house psychologist, social worker, counselor, coach, and educator with respect to a given industry is highly valued... despite the requirement for having a working knowledge of different dualities and yet not necessarily being aware that they are engaging in the use of a mental script involving "dichotomies and otherisms". This person must think beyond dualities and yet be able to identify and acknowledge the presence and potential development thereof... even if they do not actively verbalize the presence of dealing with a host of dualistic thinking imposed upon the public by its institutions, because people themselves have no socially or educationally instructed means of thinking in terms other than dualities.

The so-called "happy medium" or "moderation", or "middle ground" or "middle way/path" are still within the boundary of conventional dualities, and do not constitute an actual break from them to be a fully realized 3rd consciousness, that we of the present do not know what it entails anyway... since we are in a transition of developmental consciousness. Psychology, Mathematics, Philosophy, Political Science, Gender studies, Sociology, Anthropology, Medicine, economics, etc., all use formulas of dichotomization, but are wholly lacking in a conversational acknowledgement of trichotomization, without venturing into the antiquated associations of religious triads, trinities and Numerological considerations in Fairy tales, Myths and the negativities promoted by Psychology's adherence to a policy of viewing the world in terms of dichotomization, and expecting other to follow suit... whether consciously acknowledged or not.

When an individual's behavior becomes... let us say... "more expressive" (overtly, covertly, introvertly), intervention is called upon, but mental health professionals/counselors are attempting to assess what is "bothering/troubling" someone from a "second realm" perspective in which dichotomies/dualities are preferenced. However, to be fair, they can't help themselves. Their very livelihood depends on their ability to understand and use a tool of dichotomization for dissection and interpretation to form an opinion called a diagnosis that provides them with the valuation of a prognosis. This is what their colleagues do, this is how they have been taught, and this is how they have learned to navigate a world in which their very profession is immersed in a philosophy that perpetrates and perpetuates an old value of cognitive orientation that many are experiencing various transitional states of moving on from. So what does a society do with a profession that they can rightly claim is crazy, but it is they who are primarily left with the ability to diagnose craziness in others?

Permit me to explain myself... I think the recurring appearance and use of "threes" is a gradient of cognitive processing I am tentatively labeling as "Trichotomization". It is based on the presumption that in some people it becomes more pronounced, but need not necessarily reflect a penchant for "threes" such as I and others have. I think it is an expressed illustration of an Evolutionary adaptation affecting the human brain along a path where generality is the specificity in which a person may be focused with a given orientation, relative to their circumstances. By stating such, I don't want to place myself in the position of claiming I am speaking in terms of an expressed superiority taking place in a person's brain/mind. Instead, it is "superior" in terms of an adaptive requirement like the use of a triplet code in DNA, with its influence of multiple species of life forms which can represent different ideological orientations, but can be further scrutinized to reveal their core patterning to illustrate a preferential cognitive dominance.

In other words, the Triplet code is superior because we of today note how inferior a doublet and singlet code are, and that Environmental circumstances have not issued an "edict" (pressurized constraints [pressures]... like a higher compression engine) for biology to evolve with a more-than-three code {Just as particle physics does not seem to be evolving beyond its basic "three-particle" structuring}.— I say this in light of the fact that contemplations exist about there having been a singlet and doublet code as precursors, though the ideas remain as suppositions to the extant triplet code model in DNA. However, it stands to reason according to other information discovered in biological development, that some "two stage" of development preceded the triplet stage and that the 2-stage was preceded by a 1-stage..., regardless of how they were individually contoured in their respective originating environments which may have required stops, starts, regressions, digressions, re-starts, mutations, etc... all of which can be used as an analogy to represent a developing brain/mind/consciousness... or mental/behavioral events lingering in a non-3rd position of development... though episodic developmental trends need to be taken into account to explain differences.

It stands to reason that when we see a pattern emerging from a collection of data, we need to point it out... to the point of slapping people in the face or upside their head if necessary, in order to point out a recurring sequence that others are using on a smaller scale of applying their efforts of perception to in their individualized research that many think has no comparison and is as unique as the researcher(s) think themself(s) to be. Here is another example of a first, second, third developmental occasion of the brain occurring across different species. Let me ask again, is Nature engaging in a type of Numerology we do not yet grasp the true Nature of, or is Numerology (In its broader sense of correlative comparisons), the product of a human mind projecting a reference about a formula of development we are all overlooking?

Is Nature engagin in a type of Numerology humanity doesn't grasp?

Origin of the Triplet code in DNA is viewed in terms of having followed along a 1-2-3 pattern. Please note that the use of (let us call it) a double doublet code, can be interpreted as a type of developmental "lingering" that is analogous to a cognitive preoccupation with dichotomies. (However, for those who are curious, this model does not describe 1, 2, or 3...? types of precursor to the singlet code.)

Triplet code origination from a singlet code.

The triplet code in DNA appears to be unchanged for billions of years, making it easy for us to say it is an adaptive functionality which can also be seen in the 1-2-3 serialization of strandedness:

  • RNA world emerges with a SINGLE strand, (Today it has a triplet code.)
    • 3 basic types of RNA: Messenger- Ribosomal- Transfer
  • DNA world emerges with a DOUBLE strand, (Today it has a triplet code.)
    • 3 basic types of DNA: A- D- Z
  • DNA to RNA bio molecular communication influenced Protein world to emerge with a TRIPLE helix strandedness.
  • DNA to RNA bio molecular communication influenced a major important protein called Collagen to emerge with a TRIPLE helix strandedness.

In short, a 1-2-3 development of strandedness occurred. And the "3ness" keeps being repeated by Nature, including a list of threes in human anatomy. Is Nature then a Numerologist? No less, more importantly, let us note the 3rd position as being a type of train, bus or air depot, though the more common word is "station". From this station a wide variety of forms blossom to take and create different niches.

And as the different life form species began to take root, a further biological development took place with its own exhibition of a 3-part increase in complexity, featuring what we call Germ layers:

  • 1st: Single (Ectoderm?..."monoploblastic") Germ layer animal life forms emerge (The sponge is sometimes referenced as a representative model.)
  • 2nd: Double (Ectoderm/Endoderm)..."diploblastic" Germ layers animal life forms emerge (Jellyfish, corals, sea anemones and comb jellies.)
  • 3rd: Triple (Ectoderm/Endoderm/Mesoderm)..."triploblastic" Germ layers animal life forms emerge (From earth worms to humans.)

And now, we have a working model of an idea involving 3 domains of life labeled Bacteria- Archaea- Eucaryotes, though others have proposed different category counts.

As a last example, let me reference the generalized use of the three-part phrase "One- Two- Many", when speaking of the attempts by early humans to develop a counting system, which may have initially occurred by a 1 to 1 correspondence. However, please note that though the phrase does not give any indication of how long it took for the idea of counting to take hold and adopted as a standard. And neither does it imply that the development was easy without stops, starts, and regressions. The point is that somewhere, by someone(s) the notion of the quantity "1" was established. Any count greater than one may not have at first even crossed anyone's mind until a change in cognition allowed for the idea that everything beyond the "1" was (in their own language) called Many, or Heap, Or Pile, or Bunch, or a lot, or a few,... etc. Then this reference changed into a number value we today call "2". Any notion of a greater quantity may not have had a name, since the previous names were allocated to the "2". Hence, anything greater than the "2" may have at first had no specific label of reference except for a wave of the hand or arms indicating "way out there".

The point is, which occurs in infant babbling as well, is that afterwards, after the third position in a language evolving environment, an increased complexity of enumeration took place... yet, as indicated by the use of a comma after every third digit in place-value notation, the same basic cognitive pattern is being used (123,456,789,+...).

A rule of three can be seen in place-value notation

An increasing complexity in enumeration is not difficult to be understood as an indication of a change in human cognitive activity, whether you describe it as a higher consciousness, higher intelligence, or simply exchange the word "higher" with "different". Nonetheless, we can see a change, for good or ill, due to what we believe to be an alteration in the macro and/or micro environment... whether we can itemize specificities or not.

In addition to the above points, is it a coincidence or Numerology to note that the a trend in the cognition of humanity has developed the idea of three models for the Universe by way of Mathematical assessments labeled Flat, Spherical, Saddle-shaped? Or that we have three primary theories for the Evolution of Human Migration which appears to coincide with the 3 types of evolution?

3 Major types of Evolution

Evoltion models paired with Human origin theories

Those readers who have a preferential orientation towards the use of dichotomies (such as seen in Psychology and Mathematics), may well take exception to the use of three" model of comparison.

However, not every person... just like not every culture, develops with the same cognitive result, even if they have the potential to do so. Like primitives, some people can be stuck in what can be described as "one" world of cognitive activity, or even somewhere between a one and two, if not at a two or between a two and the 3rd position. While some try to elaborate and create a calculus relevant to their mindset, this does not mean they have actually attained what some might call a "higher" knowledge, truth, perception, understanding, insight, etc... To themselves and like-minded others they have, but not in terms of an actual "advanced" state of cognitive activity relevant to environmentally influenced alterations which others are experiencing. but may have no formally recognized social standard for realizing the full potential of their cognitive changes. The situation is worse and more serious when it becomes known that many professionals exist in a "two" world of functional cognitive activity alternatively described as dualities or dichotomies. Hence, the idea of a cognitive development called "Trichotomization" will be an unknown, and they will want everyone to live in their world of duality.

Not everyone comes to the realization of "threes" as a peaceful transition from one mindset to another. While in school the "loss of mind" (so to speak) is expected and accepted as one progresses in knowledge. Hence, it is of necessity to lose one's mind in order to gain a better one. However, if a person is no longer attending school... and in fact hasn't gone to school for quite awhile and for some reason they begin experiencing the perception of a particular repetition, it can be unsettling to the point of becoming an increasing distraction... if not regressing to a mindful act of wrestling with dichotomies. Some may attempt to convey their repeated experiences to others in their social sphere... be it family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, strangers at stores, etc... Yet, if the conversations do not reveal enough information, they may seek out other sources such as magazines, books, the library and the internet.

Others on the other hand may begin to create a written collection as a means of judging how many and how often the repetitions appears to them, either as a singular, a few, or group of examples. If they are young, like I was so many decades ago, they might appear to be a person becoming consumed by the activity of spending more and more time in a library with a desk filled with different types of encyclopedias. Because religious and Mathematical texts did not offer a variability of examples, (at least I couldn't find any when I was young)... what they offered was either too cryptic or so simplistic as to create a useless boredom. The sciences and technology were the most fertile ground from which to discover thousands of different perspectives from different writers who saw patterns which they sometimes expressed with a numerical value, that I gladly added to my list. Sometimes writers will use number symbols and at other times number words, or place ideas into three-part groupings such as bulleted points or even questions. The point is, I want to point out that the same sort of activity may be occurring today in different parts of the world. We do not know how many people have developed a penchant for "perceiving patterns -of- three."

If a person's interest is sincere yet their knowledge base and experiences are few (but may seem like a lot due to intensity of emotion for a few repetitions occurring over extended periods of their life according to their repetitious type of interpretation), they may find themselves discovering multiple references to Numerology or Religion, because society has not created a wide-ranging commercial exploitation for the idea of trichotomization.

In other words, there are multiple references for explaining repetition in a favorable way being offered by religion, Eastern Philosophy and Numerology (which includes gambling), but all others such as Psychology and Mathematics and multiple scientific venues, engage in the use of negativity when confronted by someone expressing a repetition of threes... even though both of these institutions of supposed higher learning have a repeating base of duality, like computers and the old Chinese yin/yang idea (though the idea of tonal/non-tonal languages remains as well, even if subjects themselves are not described in this manner):

Dualities comparison between two subjects

Dualities in basic Computer Language
Example of the Dualities code used in Computer language

Examples of duality in Psychology

Group of Optical Illusions illustrating duality of contrast

Psychology, Mathematics, Religion, and computing can only take us so far not only because of their reliance on a limiting duality base, but because they force all of humanity to adopt their underlying dichotomous orientations, reinforced by Education systems and government policies (From Abortion, through Climate concerns, Equality, Poverty, War, Xenophobia and Zoomorphic characterizations.) The current standard is for Human thinking and consciousness to submit (like a slave, indentured servant or devout/groveling worshiper), or to drug/distract/dement itself into compliance, or engage in socially acceptable forms of sacrifice/suicide (for one's country, one's religion, one's job, one's marriage, one's social group, etc...

Indeed, we have a serious problem that may well culminate in an intellectual battle between those who see and think within the boundary of dualities/dichotomies (where they remain almost entirely ignorant of/oblivious to trichotomization or express it in individualized traditions and rationalized over-valuations expressed in enculturations assumed as a legal or sacred indemnity) and those who see and think within the boundary of trichotomies (who are very much aware of their perennial state of a dualistic oriented mind.)

Due to this situation, it is of need to consider that we are dealing with an on-going Neuroses which has infected Psychology, Religion, and Mathematics, but computer experts are striving to minimize its effect on them by developing a quantum computing -trinary language, perhaps in the fashion of a three-part (subject- object- verb) word order, to supersede the use of Boolean logic's three basic gates: And-Or-Not. (As a footnote: Which I am using as both an analogy and metaphor, though in retrospect it appears to be another example of an embellished duality similar to that found in Syllogisms such as the well known "Major Premise, Minor Premise, Conclusion", but also displayed in the I Ching with its triads that are actually biads/dyads.)

Nonetheless, what I eventually encountered was negativity for my collection by some who used the word "Numerology" as a weapon to discourage and inflict pain on my efforts. But I resisted their insults and assaults which brought me into conflict with multiple authority figures who insisted I toe-the-line by complying to what I did not recognize at the time was a perspective and behavioral regime of duality. The same thing could be occurring in multiple places around the world. If a person lives in a highly religious community with a socially enforced opinion that they turn their energies towards a religion, or some other subject, the person may do so... however reluctantly, and as well... suppress their interest in "getting to know the nature of threes." Both the Sciences and Technology are best for this, even though there are numerical patterns in Nature, they are too few... with the largest ones being the Fibonacci series and the associations to the Golden mean (ratio). However, neither mathematics or religion or eastern philosophy provides adequate information on the variability of patterns in Nature such as the Origin of the triplet code, the recurrence of tripartition in developmental cognition, and how this relates to the ongoing deteriorations of the planet and planetary system.

Another weapon that might be attempted against someone interested in the threes phenomena is to label it as an Obsessive-Compulsive disorder. How ridiculous! Since the large collection of threes a person may ultimately have includes numerous examples from tested and testable facts, this speaks of what can be viewed as a chronology of events related to changes in human cognitive activity illuminating the vagaries of existence in recurring patterns that every single subject attempts to chronicle in its own way. In short, a compilation of threes provides us with a history of cognitive activity concerning the development of perceptions related to reality. We simply need to put them on a time-line. And though you can see different religions providing their perspectives of reality in a chronological manner such as is stated by the old phrase: "In the beginning" ..., it is a wholly ignorant account of so very many discoveries. If you wish to remain ignorant and teach such ignorance to others, then by all means, teach your religion.

Note: This page is an introduction to a short series I am presently working on dealing with the Dichotomization/Trichotomization issue. It is a problem not adequately being addressed by Psychology or Philosophy.)

Date of Origination: Friday, 22nd November, 2024... 4:31 AM
Initial Posting: Friday, 22nd November, 2024... 6:29 AM
Updated Posting: Sunday, 8th December, 2024... 5:41 AM