Threesology Research Journal: Evolutionary Psychodynamics
Evolutionary Psychodynamics 12
(Realization of a 3-Step Consciousness)
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Detectives of the Mind as of Nov. 22, 2024

The idea of a 3rd consciousness undergoing development is a simplistic label which may influence some readers to think in terms of a cut-and-dry event such as a person having one type of consciousness one day and then the next day a new consciousness arises as if one is running a race and if they beat a certain time they will automatically achieve a new status of being able to conceptualize reality with the same type of sensory equipment (eyes, ears, nose...) that assisted them in perceiving their previous 2nd stage of consciousness. And granted that many in the future will be born into a reality where the 3rd consciousness is more fully developed on a collective basis, this does not mean human biology will advance to the point where previous stages of consciousness are not experienced and exhibited, though a person's lifestyle suggests they too are in full possession of a 3rd consciousness. Just because a person is born into the luxuries provided by wealth does not automatically mean they are in possession of a mindset which reflects a modern perception. Some may well exhibit the characteristics of former primitive peoples interests and orientations, such as might be described by an ancient practice of behavior that in the present era is deemed to be expressions of immorality.

The idea about humans having the same type of sensory equipment (eyes, taste, touch, smell, ears...) to provide them with a new consciousness derived from a difference in perception is an intriguing thought, though no one has been able to make a comparison between the senses of today's humans and those of some ancient hominid such as the Neanderthal or earlier specimen of humanity's lineage. While we of today may think that all past forms of human-like creatures including the present day great apes, chimpanzees and orangutans have had the same kind of sensory equipment, we can speculate to some degree that this is not the case, and thus affects perceptions. If not, then we are left with the preliminary conclusion that it is the type of brain a life form has which determines that which we label as consciousness. Although some readers may laugh at this, because they have been endowed with some foremost no-need-to-test knowledge that it is the brain which drives the type of consciousness a person has, then do all types of brains effect some measure of consciousness? Is the brain the sole producer of a consciousness, or should we speak in terms of consciousness types, which may well lead us into metaphysical speculations about types of energy consciousness, including all particle members of quantum physics.

Then again, does more knowledge or that which we call wisdom and insight provide a person with a greater degree of consciousness? And if there are degrees of consciousness, why not overall levels as well as specialized niche's and other types of compartmentalizations and configurations? No less, what about animals who can sense a forthcoming Earthquake while humans are oblivious to such supposed vibrations? Is this a higher or different degree of consciousness? Is perception... then... consciousness? Is a flower conscious of the Sun as it follows its path by way of what we humans describe as heliotrophism? Does a flower need to be aware of other life forms in order to be considered conscious? If a person is not aware of you yet you are aware of them, are they less conscious, or simply less aware?

If one person is aware... is conscious of one reality such as living in a jungle, but is not aware of the reality of living in a city that someone else is, does one have a greater consciousness or are the levels and types of consciousness in this instance to be considered to operate at the same general level, albeit with different knowledge? How then does one measure consciousness if they are to suggest that different levels exist? Since such an exercise in determination requires a tool by which differences can be obtained and measured to show differences, the use of enumeration provides a widely used acceptable method. In keeping with the correlations seen in the development of counting and basic forms of developmental expression seen in biology, a comparative appraisal reveals that a 1-2-3 sequence will fit the bill to fulfill the quest of identifying both uniformity and incremental differences across species and vast periods of evolutionary change.

It is because biology exhibits several expressions of a 1-2-3 succession of development in certain key moments, that the idea of a potential 3rd consciousness comes to the forefront of consideration, when we further note the correlation between the usage of a 2nd step and the usage of ideas which reflect a similar "twoness". For example, as I have previously stated, a look at the three Germ layers arising in the 3rd (Eukayote) point of development in the 3 domains of life idea, provides a clear distinction which can be enumerated for a much easier identification. As such... what appears to be taking place is a higher valuation of biological development occurs after each 3-step grouping, as if Nature is undertaking its own brand of sequential counting, much in the manner that we use a comma as a point of demarcation between sets of three:

Place Value Notation being used by Nature

The use of enumeration is of vital importance in most research. Researchers look for quantifiable patterns even when some other attribute such as color, sound, taste, etc. may be prominent. It is hysterically funny upon noting how many people think that I am engage in Numerology, when their own research actually reeks of it, but because they have like-minded others defined as "professionals", the lack of an incentive towards viewing their own work from the perspective of the very comments they are rendering against others is apparently beyond their comprehension. They act as if someone seeing and commenting on the obvious is a crime... such as was the case for those who spoke of the king not wearing clothes.

However, let us look further into the past and recognize that in the processes from which life emerged, the same pattern holds true:

3 steps in the strandedness of macromolecules:

  1. RNA = 1 strand.
  2. DNA = 2 strands.
  3. Protein/collagen helix = 3 strands.

To understand the concept of Macromolecule, the following excerpt from the Britannica may be helpful:

DNA and protein as informational macromolecules

The advances of molecular biology have made possible the comparative study of proteins and the nucleic acids, DNA and RNA. DNA is the repository of hereditary (evolutionary and developmental) information. The relationship of proteins to DNA is so immediate that they closely reflect the hereditary information. This reflection is not perfect, because the genetic code is redundant, and, consequently, some differences in the DNA do not yield differences in the proteins. Moreover, this reflection is not complete, because a large fraction of DNA (about 90 percent in many organisms) does not code for proteins. Nevertheless, proteins are so closely related to the information contained in DNA that they, as well as nucleic acids, are called informational macromolecules.

Nucleic acids and proteins are linear molecules made up of sequences of units—nucleotides in the case of nucleic acids, amino acids in the case of proteins—which retain considerable amounts of evolutionary information. Comparing two macromolecules establishes the number of their units that are different. Because evolution usually occurs by changing one unit at a time, the number of differences is an indication of the recency of common ancestry. Changes in evolutionary rates may create difficulties in interpretation, but macromolecular studies have three notable advantages over comparative anatomy and the other classical disciplines:

  1. One is that the information is more readily quantifiable. The number of units that are different is readily established when the sequence of units is known for a given macromolecule in different organisms.
  2. The second advantage is that comparisons can be made even between very different sorts of organisms. There is very little that comparative anatomy can say when organisms as diverse as yeasts, pine trees, and human beings are compared, but there are homologous macromolecules that can be compared in all three.
    • Homologous definition: having the same evolutionary origin but not necessarily the same function (wordweb dictionary)
  3. The third advantage is multiplicity. Each organism possesses thousands of genes and proteins, which all reflect the same evolutionary history. If the investigation of one particular gene or protein does not resolve the evolutionary relationship of a set of species, additional genes and proteins can be investigated until the matter has been settled.

(Source: "evolution." Encyclopæædia Britannica, 2013.)

[Hence, the more examples of "threes" the larger the pool from which to cull supportive, antagonistic, or neutra] comparisons, as well as perhaps identifying key patterns within the patterns. The use of a "three pattern" organizational methodology provides us with a taxonomy, a history, and comparativeness.]

And before the Macromolecules highlighted above, let us look at the 3 steps of Photosynthesis... though it too no doubt had its precursor(s):

  • 3 Requirements for Photosynthesis: Carbon Dioxide- Water- Sunlight
    1. Energy is captured from sunlight-
    2. The energy is then converted to chemical energy;
    3. The chemical energy is stored in organic molecules.
  • Photosynthesis in plants 1) oxidize water, 2) release oxygen (dioxygen) and 3) fix carbon dioxide.

Cellular respiration consists of a 3-step metabolic process:

  1. Glycolysis
  2. The tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle; also known as the Krebs, or citric acid, cycle).
  3. Oxidative phosphorylation (respiratory-chain phosphorylation).
3 step process of Photosynthesis

And let us not fail to point out the "3" in relation to its attachment to the position of the Earth.

A living cell contains relative proportions of three nucleotides which provides an index of the energy state of the cell:

  1. Adenosine- Mono- phosphate (AMP)
  2. Adenosine- Di- phosphate (ADP)
  3. Adneosine- Tri- phosphate (ATP)

Biological development occurs from simpler, less ordered processes to more order and greater complexity. (metabolism., Encyclopaelig;dia Britannica, 2013)

Three early ecological roles of animals were as filter feeders, predators, and scavengers. (animal., Encyclopaelig;dia Britannica, 2013). Later on in biological development, we can cite 3 types of feeding among animals: Herbivore- Carnivore- Omnivore... and some consider that these three can be further subdivided into three categories such as those experimenting with some type of diet where they exclude specifics from what they consider to be a generalized diet. In other words, they come to define different types of Herbivore diets, different kinds of Carnivore diets and different kinds of Omnivore diets to fit within the scheme of their health rationale and exercise routine from which are constructed a participated dream that they might sell to others.

Before the chemistry on Earth began to make its way towards creating life, what types of elements and environmental conditions which followed the origins of the Solar system and Galaxy are perused differently in those whose investigations seek to unravel a means to identify the popcorn (or bread crumb) trail that life's origination took, though in reality there may have been several paths out of which different biologically prominent precursors arose, but circumstances didn't allow them to prosper. We don't know, and most of us do not have the inclination, knowledge and skills to experimentally practice and catalogue the results... though the knowledge may well help us to understand how our present lineage can be improved upon or even replaced with a better life form that doesn't have to rely on some silly religion or Eastern philosophy, or sports, television, politics, inaccurate and falsified history, orientations and practices of dichotomy, misinterpreted anthropological and archeological sites, etc...

An interesting "two versus three" orientation can be seen in the following excerpt, which speaks to a much larger issue of the same problem occurring in Society with respect to Psychology and Mathematics, both of which rely heavily on dichotomies:

...Another apparent problem with cladism is that it seems incapable of capturing certain kinds of evolutionary relationships. First, if there is change within a group without speciation—a direct evolution of Homo habilis to Homo erectus, for example—then it would not be recorded in a cladistic analysis. Second, if a group splits into three daughter groups at the same time, this too would not be recorded, because the system works in a binary fashion, assuming that all change produces two and only two daughter groups... (Source: "biology, philosophy of." Encyclopædia Britannica, 2013.)

If we think of the "three" as a discrete number representing a quantity or even process of three variables, some viewers may think that because I intentionally look for events which exhibit some "three", that I disregard what others believe it to be... which is a randomness that has been selectively targeted. However, they may not perceive and interpret their own intermittent or occasional observation of a given pattern as being random nor as representing a pattern with any expressed frequency which highlights a recurrence in biology or some other subject, that has been overlooked. They either prefer non-randomness in terms of multiple number patterns (though the idea of a quantity may never come to mind), or a selective enumerated pattern that they themselves repeat by way of discussion. This idea comes to mind when thinking in terms of the well known "random walk" idea found in probability theory:

In probability theory, a process for determining the probable location of a point subject to random motions, given the probabilities (the same at each step) of moving some distance in some direction. Random walks are an example of Markov processes, in which future behaviour is independent of past history. A typical example is the drunkard's walk, in which a point beginning at the origin of the Euclidean plane moves a distance of one unit for each unit of time, the direction of motion, however, being random at each step. The problem is to find, after some fixed time, the probability distribution function of the distance of the point from the origin. Many economists believe that stock market fluctuations, at least over the short run, are random walks.

Markov Process: sequence of possibly dependent random variables (x1, x2, x3, …)—identified by increasing values of a parameter, commonly time—with the property that any prediction of the next value of the sequence (xn), knowing the preceding states (x1, x2, …, xn - 1), may be based on the last state (xn - 1) alone. That is, the future value of such a variable is independent of its past history.

These sequences are named for the Russian mathematician Andrey Andreyevich Markov (1856–1922), who was the first to study them systematically. Sometimes the term Markov process is restricted to sequences in which the random variables can assume continuous values, and analogous sequences of discrete-valued variables are called Markov chains.

Stochastic process: in probability theory, a process involving the operation of chance. For example, in radioactive decay every atom is subject to a fixed probability of breaking down in any given time interval. More generally, a stochastic process refers to a family of random variables indexed against some other variable or set of variables. It is one of the most general objects of study in probability. Some basic types of stochastic processes include Markov processes, Poisson processes (such as radioactive decay), and time series, with the index variable referring to time. This indexing can be either discrete or continuous, the interest being in the nature of changes of the variables with respect to time.

"random walk." "Markov process." "stochastic process." Encyclopædia Britannica.

If we continue with the application of Probability theory to the present idea involving the use of monalities, dichotomies, and trichotomies, let us ask the obvious if whether they are due to chance or some other consideration. Likewise, is the recurrence of multiple "threes" examples as a stated value-notation system of Evolutionary change an act of randomness, or something else? If something else, what is this something else? When you encounter the statement in the following article about the collective results of a large number of trials, your mind needs to shift into thinking in terms of a large number of "threes" examples being culled together and averaged. Whereas we can see other patterns as well, it is the "three" and its interaction with other patterns which apparently acquires a higher probability of occurrence, at least in this time period of biological investigation. Whether this remains for decades to come will have to wait. In addition, notice also that when speaking of chance and the use of a coin toss, what is being spoken of is a duality... that is, one side of the coin versus another side. It is an important observation in light of a knowledge concerning the acknowledged existence of trichotomization, and how 1s, 2s, and 3s are intertwined in Evolutionary development, where other patterns can be seen as well, but no systematic effort has been attempted to identify the recurrences with respect to a developmental time where enumerations may be the exhibition of a game of chance that is slowly being contoured within the parameters of a rigged system that is undergoing incremental deteriorations.

Probability Theory: a branch of mathematics concerned with the analysis of random phenomena. The outcome of a random event cannot be determined before it occurs, but it may be any one of several possible outcomes. The actual outcome is considered to be determined by chance.

The word probability has several meanings in ordinary conversation. Two of these are particularly important for the development and applications of the mathematical theory of probability.

One is the interpretation of probabilities as relative frequencies, for which simple games involving coins, cards, dice, and roulette wheels provide examples. The distinctive feature of games of chance is that the outcome of a given trial cannot be predicted with certainty, although the collective results of a large number of trials display some regularity.

For example, the statement that the probability of "heads" in tossing a coin equals one-half, according to the relative frequency interpretation, implies that in a large number of tosses the relative frequency with which "heads" actually occurs will be approximately one-half, although it contains no implication concerning the outcome of any given toss. There are many similar examples involving groups of people, molecules of a gas, genes, and so on.

Actuarial statements about the life expectancy for persons of a certain age describe the collective experience of a large number of individuals but do not purport to say what will happen to any particular person.

Similarly, predictions about the chance of a genetic disease occurring in a child of parents having a known genetic makeup are statements about relative frequencies of occurrence in a large number of cases but are not predictions about a given individual.

Since applications (of probability and statistics) inevitably involve simplifying assumptions that focus on some features of a problem at the expense of others, it is advantageous to begin by thinking about simple experiments, such as tossing a coin or rolling dice, and later to see how these apparently frivolous investigations relate to important scientific questions.

"probability theory." Encyclopædia Britannica, 2013.

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