Threesology Research Journal: Evolutionary Psychdynamics
Evolutionary Psychodynamics 11
(Realization of a 3rd Consciousness)
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Detectives of the Mind as of Nov. 22, 2024

If the claim that Psychology is rooted in Neurotic thinking is to be considered, then an analyses of its early thinkers and their teachers must also be surveyed. However, it should be understood that an entire culture if not all of humanity can be neurotic and even psychotic from time to time (in episodic expressions), and be accepted by an entire culture as an accepted fact, because this affords everyone with a scapegoat to blame for one's own perceived craziness or non-normalcy. In other words, it is normal to say that the world is crazy, but crazy to say the world is normal, yet you can say that the world is normally crazy or craziness is the norm. Yep, it's a flip-flop of consciousness termed logic. There are many expressions of flip-flops such as our vision actually being upside down and the reversals of the Earth's polar magneto-spherical emanations as well as cross-dressing experimentations some engage in, as well as a household dog becoming a couch potato and a human barking at their neighbors. But the topic of flip-flopping is not the conversational intent of the present page, except in the context of taking a look at dualities which are called dichotomization but could readily be referred to as patterns-of-two.

One of the problems we encounter in a survey of early thinkers of Conscious for example, is portrayed in this Philosophy article Seventeenth-Century Theories of Consciousness. Simply told, it relates how humans juxtaposed and even integrated the notion of morality with the word. This then brings to mind the concept of "soul", of which there are multiple articles on the topic at the SEP site: Search Query: Soul. However, none apparently address either the soul or consciousness outside the biological context of personhood, which is the newer title for the old mind/body duality concept being viewed from different vantage points along the same ruled gradient (a classroom-used personal ruler that used to be made primarily out of wood but are routinely replaced by plastic versions... though I recall using a slide rule as a toy). The addition of the word "soul" to the duality does little to provide a third option and instead, if nothing else, breeds yet another sillygism. (And yes, I view syllogisms as being silly such as: All ravens are black, Jack is a raven, therefore Jack is Black. The supposed 3-part sentence is a gradient of its dichotomous self.)

The use of flip-flopping in a study of psychology to describe its neurosis may well be taken for granted as a given, if that is the primary intent of the study. However, there is something more profound taking place. While some may say all of society needs to be locked up and treated with medication, laws keep us confined and the habits of everyday people can be viewed as their brand of incarceration, or medication, though they may be called alcohol, tobacco, religion, music, drugs, politics, the news, obsession with gas and food prices, obsession with the weather, and multiple other interests which provide for a distraction or deeper immersion which is an escape from the "crazy" reality we are forced to navigate through and if possible, migrate from on our days off or during a vacation. However, most people have not learned how to take a fruitful and restful vacation from themselves that they have become attached to and dependent on for survival. Viewed as a "personhood", Psychology has not yet learned how to take a vacation from itself so that it might more clearly see the rut of dichotomy it is in.

While Psychology explicitly describes dichotomies, it does not do so with Trichotomies, though its practitioners claim they want patients to find some middle ground (or substitute alternative) between extremes which define multiple mental illnesses. In fact, it appears that the word "Trichotomization" is absent from the go-to dictionary of psychology terms, mainly, I should think, because the type of analysis typically used when researching developmental biology, physiology, and psychology does not come to identify the presence of a recurring 1-2-3 maturational sequence. If researchers did, then they would come to the idea that perhaps the human mind follows a similar path of development... which needs to be recognized in the wardrobes of mental activity that demographics of different populations use according to age, gender, culture, language, era, etc... A rule of thumb in understanding what I am getting at is that because we can see a recurring theme of "three" in biological development such as the triplet code in DNA, the three Germ layers (Ectoderm-Endoderm-Mesoderm), and an anatomy replete with three-part structures; that the properties of ideas we call soul and consciousness may well also exhibit 3-part developmental structures since their ideological presence associated with the brain and its mind counterpart suggests a biological link.

Here' a simple scenario:

3 part developmental theme

While there are several words in the online APA dictonary which use a "tri" prefix, and there are ideas referencing the word dichotomous, we do not see the explicit terms related to the idea of an appreciated dichotomization/trichotomization pertaining to an evolutionary responsive/guided developmental change in human cognition. Granted that psychology deals with the presumed normally developed mentality and reality lived in by psychology students learning associated ideas reinforced by different subjects to provide a confirmation of the believed-in rationality of craziness taking place as the only real truth to be concerned with; but those having been in practice for awhile should have at least some sense, some whisper, some echo, some internalized voice representing a next-stage in the evolution of human cognitive development trying to feed out small roots of exploration— unless of course everyone that subscribes to the currency of subject topics and their mannerisms of adopted logic as THE foremost expression of human development, will not hear, nor be able to visualize, nor see, nor feel or have some other sensory experience suggesting a trend of future evolutionary development. In other words, those who become attached to psychology are those who have brains which are not close enough to an evolutionary change to even consider it... and if they do, they conceal it from colleagues for fear of being ridiculed by the "top dogs" in the field of psychology who bay at the same moon of their predecessors... and claim a difference or rebelliousness from traditional thinking by wearing a different hair style, having a different wardrobe, or donning some other superficiality.

If the use of dichotomization by Psychology and Mathematics and other Institutions signals a type of mental state that can not begotten out of because it represents a standard of mental development due to a type of brain stuck at a primitive level of development, no amount of coaxing or show and tell will enable them to see trichotomization. While you might create ping pong playing chickens like B.F. Skinner did many decades ago, they will never actually be able to develop beyond the confines of a mental pecking order that they would revert to while in the company of like-minded other chickens involved in their kind of reality.

Even though the problems of dichotomization are acknowledged, they persist without a unified effort on the part of psychologists to proceed to the development of a new perspective involving the use of a simple arithmetical progression from a 2-patterned perspective to a 3-patterned one... perhaps because the majority of those in psychology participate in a collective culture in which two-patterned thinking dominates, and there is no impulse, inclination or instinct to step beyond this. Yet, how can they when the culture and shared language of psychology is heavily based on a usage of two-patterned ideas? Such may thus represent an ongoing neuroses in the field of Psychology.

As the first page highlighted, there are numerous dichotomies that we can alternatively label as dualities. Interestingly, there doesn't seem to be anyone describing the overall list as a practice in Numerology, even though it is a repeating list of two-patterned ideas. In contrast, if I exhibit a list of three-patterned ideas, someone reading the list may at a given point, think to describe it as Numerology. Hence, we are confronted with the situation in which a list of twos is not considered a practice in Numerology, but a list of threes is. How about a list using some other number or series of numbers or series of colors or series of geometric forms?

Interestingly, our use of enumerated money with a system of enumeration paired to a defined value is not viewed as a type of practice in Numerology. And though one might want to say that children's games are a type of numerology involving numbers or at least quantities because they are not to be taken seriously, the idea of Numerology for games of chance (or supposed skill) played by those who take such games seriously, might at the very least be called a game of practiced basic mathematics. Clearly the human ego comes into play when adults are to review their own behavior as opposed to the behavior of children, like the existence of laws for adults and laws for adolescents who are generally viewed as not having the ability to make full adult judgements based on the view that the brains of youth are not yet fully matured.

Neither is our use of numbers paired to days of the week, or the numbering system used on sports jerseys considered to be expressions of Numerology. For that matter, painting by numbers and betting on numbers associated with horses in races does not evoke the view that thousands of people are engaged in an act of Numerology. The same goes for numbers on a clock by which a person's behavior is aligned or headstones in graveyards enumerated with dates of birth and death. And what about street numbers, or house numbers, social security numbers, phone numbers, license plate numbers, or the VIN (vehicle identification number) on vehicles? Let us also include the use of numbers for keeping score in multiple sporting events, or the scorecards in school called grades, where letters are associated with a range of numbers suggesting a connection with the old activity called Arithmomancy (or its present day equivalent which uses only 9 numbers, thus requiring the letters to be condensed into three groups)... though the divination of dreams (Oneiromancy) which may involve the repetition of a number seen in wakefulness is described as a type of Numerology.

But Numerology (defined as a study and use of numbers) takes a decisive turn from its normative application in mathematics and everyday uses of general utility when certain numbers by themselves or in association with other numbers, symbols, words and/or activities are viewed superstitiously. Take for example the numbers 7 as being viewed sacred, or 13 with bad luck, or the number 666 and its association with a purported beast or dualistic counterpart called the anti-Christ. All three examples of which achieve superstitious fame because of their association with some religious context, which has created so very many problems for the mental health of humanity, contrasted with the claims of those who say religion has been their life saver. It should be no wonder then when we hear the reference of the Roulette wheel as the Devil's wheel since in adding up the numbers 1 through 36 which it displays, reveals the value of 666!

In other words, it appears that if the use of numbers provides us with a utility, we tend to downplay any reference to the word numerology and its applied negative connotations, yet no positive connotations are ever attributed. However, for those who have some interest in Mathematics, even on a rudimentary level, the use of numbers does have utility by facilitating comparisons by way of enumeration. Hence, while you may review the previous lists of duality with words representing various binary or two-item situations as an acceptable model of illustration, I am inclined to alternatively label them as patterns-of-two. So if we add up the individual lists on the previous page, we have a particular quantity of two-patterned ideas... though the idea that the authors are engaged in a type of numerology may not come to mind. The expression of two-patterened ideas not difficult to understand and no one would claim I am engaged in a practice of Numerology by repeating the lists.

Yet, at this point we run into the situation where it needs to be pointed out that my listing of examples with three items is frequently met by the accusation that I am engaged in Numerology. However, at what point in a list of three-patterned ideas does Numerology come into play? If I start a list which says that Earth is the 3rd planet from the Sun, is this one item an exercise in Numerology? What if I put two items such as:

  1. 3rd planet from the Sun: Earth
  2. 3 basic divisions to Earth: Core- Mantle- Crust

What about 3 items? Do these three items express an exercise in Numerology?:

  1. 3rd planet from the Sun: Earth
  2. 3 basic divisions to Earth: Core- Mantle- Crust
  3. The Earth is sometimes considered a Triaxial Ellipsoid (looks like a squatted pear)

Let me ask again, at what point in a list of threes does a person consider the list to be an exercise in Numerology, and why do they think this? What to them is a definition of Numerology? The use of numbers in a sequential order? The identfication of one or more numbers claimed or insinuated as a repetition? Or how about a repeating quantity of words or letters used when a person is writing? How about a preferential use of the letter "e" in the game of Scrabble®? How about a repetitious usage of game pieces, billiard balls or bowling pins? How about the 1 -2 or 3 preference for holes in a bowling ball? How about the repetition of printing 3 figures of royalty on decks of cards? Or how about the use of rulers and levels at construction sites? Is the repetitions of measurement used in building codes a type of numerology? How about the repetition of holding a pen or pencil with three fingers? What about the repetition of a triplet code use by Nature or 3s used in particle physics by Nature?

Yet, how about the list of threes in human anatomy by Dr. McNulty? Is that an expressed example of Numerology? Is it not Numerology because all the examples come from one subject but that combining lists of threes from multiple subjects is a practice in Numerology?

As part of the accusation you may encounter someone referencing another number as a pattern such as 4's, 7's, 8's etc.. However, if you agree with them and then ask them to continue providing examples, they come up short and expect you to defer to their judgment as if a solid piece of evidence against a list of threes has been presented to deny it having any importance. Just because there are other patterns, both enumerated and otherwise (such as geometric), does not refute nor discount the fact that it appears to be more than a coincidence — and surely not numerology— for such a recurrence.

Let me offer an alternative idea:

By reviewing a lengthy list of threes from multiple subjects a person can become mentally taxed and cognitively overwhelmed to the point they react defensively and respond with the accusation that it is a practice of Numerology as a means not only to discredit the list from having any value, but to reassure themselves that their way of thinking about the items in terms of the inter-connections their model of memorization and rationale are not only correct, but more valid. Indeed, in another era when religion was heavy handed, such a practice may have been defined as evil, unless one made the case for the "3" being defined in religious terms. Again, at what point does a list become defined as Numerology? Instead of illustrating the character of the person making such a list, it illustrates the mental state of the accuser.

Let's take a look at a list of three-patterned ideas which... when placed in a somewhat chronological order of development over time (though some are placed arbitrarily according to content reference), and illustrates a recurrence of patterns-of-three in an interesting sequential order suggesting a pattern-of-design, if not by some presumed god, then perhaps by an underlying process of occurrences which the human mind is instinctively using, even if the whole of humanity is not tuned into a conscious awareness of. And yes, other patterns could be provided with their own lists, but the quantity and quality of examples needs to be looked at closely in terms of a represented valuation. In addition, one needs to note the presence of only a handful of different numbers being commonly referenced, indicating a Conservation of Number related to an environmentally influenced survival requirement.

However, Again... let me ask, at what point in the following list will some people decide to describe it as an exercise in Numerology? Is it because they become overwhelmed by the quantity and quality of examples which acts like a concentration of information in a small area that has otherwise taken them much of their lives to find, and yet they recognize many of the examples sequenced in a way which discards the accompanying conversational appendages used by writers when introducing bullet points of directed ideas? Analogously, we might say it's like a compacted cell out of which DNA arises like a compressed scaffolding upon which a huge edifice is constructed (like a small acorn from which a very large tree emerges...) that might otherwise be easier to understand if one uses the analogy of a Russian doll set or set of measuring spoons which fit compactly... one into the other, or another example that might be suggested is the multi-tool Swiss Army knife.

If I isolated the examples by subject, it is likely a given reader will not interpret the examples as an exercise in Numerology. In fact, the idea of Numerology (as a negative description) may not even come to mind. Yet, it is when two or more seemingly unrelated subjects are used to cull examples from, that the thinking of some turn to the use of the word "Numerology" because they are confronted by a score of information they themselves did not collate in the same manner, though they may be familiar with many of the examples from personal experiences of independent research. However, it is well understood by researchers that making comparisons with other subjects can be a fruitful research option, even if others in their profession do not take the same approach at fining parallels which might prove to be functionally applicable or provide a path of thinking which affords them a trail from which a problematic conundrum is assailed, and they eventually shake their heads at how very simple the answer was from an alternative perspective.

Using a different type of mental filing system than that which they are customarily acquainted with, inclines many to become intellectually defensive whereby they reach for the most familiar shield and weapon they can readily get their "mental hands" on. If not the word "Numerology" then the term "Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder" (OCD). Even though the latter is hugely incorrect unless one wants to humorously refer to the listing as Compulsive Ordering. There is nothing "dis-ordered" about an enumerated list of examples or a list of examples exhibiting a similar enumerated pattern. HA!

Psychology, like philosophy and mathematics, deals not only with fundamentals, but reflections which often lead into avenues bordering metaphysics, or concepts which may appear at first to be irrational; as if at first we are standing or sitting on the edge of a merry-go-round from which we must remove ourselves entirely, or choose to move into the center, much like the calm of a tornadoes eye. However, once trained, either by personal experiences or the circumstances characterized by one's profession, the mind of a physicist, or artist, or mathematician, or philospoher or psychologist, etc., is not caught up in the discordances of their profession's incongruities and are more easily able to walk to and fro from the center of a merry-go-round to outside the parameter noted as normalcy or regularity of typical occurrences, called Natural, Normal, Sane, or congruent... whichever label best suits their profession.

While valuations of perceptions may not readily be viewed in numerical terms, though quality often is measured attibutively with enumeration, it is of value to cite recurrences of Nature and Natural relevancies in order to establish some modicum of utility as a baseline from which to measure that which may not at first to have an associated number value, but can nonetheless be applied with one, if for no other purpose then as an arbitrary point of reference. With this said, let us venture into simple references of recurrent numbers in Nature.

Does Nature count? I mean, does Nature somehow realize it is using... for example, a triplet code in DNA, or does it count in the same manner as animals that are described as using a method called subitizing? Whereas animals and even plants such as the Venus flytrap are said to have a sense of number, do all or even some biological activities have a "sense of number" which limits activities to repeat themselves in a similar manner such as the quantity of Organelles in a cell? Whatever influenced the establishment of a triplet code, it may have also introduced a type of no-man's-land perimeter (guarded with barbed wire and dogs?), so that it (apparently) will not develop the usage of a quadruple, quintuple, sextuple, etc... code. We see this same restriction being imposed on the repeated usage of three Germ layers. And even though we have millions of life form species made possible by a recurrence of a pattern we humans designate as three.

Can the same be said for the recurrence of the three large atomic particles called Protons- Neutrons- Electrons? What about the 3 quarks and 3 anti-quarks? What about Earth as the 3rd planet?

If the idea of "number" or quantity as used by humans is not a necessary vocabulary of Nature, then how do we see the recurrence of the 3 pattern in the way it is being used by Nature? What method is Nature using to limit the growth of fingers, despite instances of there being more than five per hand and five toes per foot? If the "sense of number" in terms of quantity is not being used by Nature, and numbers being used by humans is a mere crude implement for identification and illustration for a similar type of brain activity enabled to understand such symbology; would the established process of using "three" provide us with an insight for the purposes of going beyond it, or ever truncate it as a sort of abbreviation like those who use a short cut when using text messaging?

Is the same process by which a triplet code in DNA is repeated that which is linked to the shelf life of biological matter such as the human life span... and expressed in the limitation of what human physiology is capable of?

Is the limitations being imposed extended to the ability of the human brain to be unable to exceed a plateau of accomplishment or for that matter reach its full potential, because we lack the incentive to realize the existence of a limitation zone and make full use of such a potential, despite some people seeming to have an extra-ordinary ability that defies a presumed threshold, frequently defined by a monetary standard or desired ability by someone else?

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