(The Study of Threes)
This is an Age Of Irrationality. Even though it started even before the present human species came on to the hominid scene, I call it "Age" in an attempt to give it the recognition it deserves. Whereas many of you know there has been recurring moments of social madness before and during recorded history, you don't realize how wide-spread it actually is and the multiple forms it takes. While we all pay witness to one or more forms on a daily basis, most of us overlook it and even call such behavior normal generally based on three criteria:
- We excuse it because the person is a civic leader.
- We may even defend it if the person is part of our family, or social group.
- We may imitate it if the person is a role model.
In short, a person's irrationality, be it intermittently, sporadically or daily expressed; will be overlooked because of its commonality of occurrence or because of a person's social status (ranking).
A recent expression of irrationality-as-usual by a civic leader is Obama's request to Congress for 500 million to aid the presumed "rightful" Iraqis and then 2 billion to address the illegal border immigration problem. The government always tries to cover up irrationality with expressions that appear reasonable, justified, and rational. Yet, imagine now if the sums are reversed. American citizens can not be certain that the sums won't be reversed "under the table" once the money is allocated, and this is the whole point of asking for 2 billion 500 million dollars. The larger the amount, the more difficult it is to keep an honest tally of the funds. Those who are put in charge of keeping track of the money don't know how to keep track of it on behalf of tax payers and far too many tax payers are too gullible to question political leaders who could careless what the public thinks and will do what it wants so long as it can conceal its actual interests through deception or lies; like the bush administration did... and yet they all got away with perpetrating so very many murders.
America wants to re-make the world in its form of Democratic image. But if it's not America trying to do it, then some other country tries to do so from its perspective or some religion with its idiotic mentality, or some self-serving business, or some hypocritical sexual orientation, or some race, etc... So much human nonsense that can be summed up with the word "irrationality"... and yet all the players think themselves sane... at least less irrational than those they oppose.
The Age of Irrationality is becoming more manifest as depicted by the recent
(June 25th, 2014) pronouncement by America's Vice President Joe Biden who said that
Gay Rights takes precedence over culture. Which means your religious, business,
and personal social culture must kowtow to homosexuals and their like-minded bretheren.
The people are not permitted to vote in Referendum for what they believe to be best
for a country or humanity; their so-called political leadership attempt to project
themselves as all-wise, all-knowing, and must be heeded to because they presume to
know what is best... the opinion of the collective public is meaningless to them.
If your religious perspective retains a tradition of anti-homosexuality, then your
religion is wrong, your business ethic is wrong and your way of life is wrong. Little
by little, all social standards will be etched away by more and more irrationality.
Typically, when a government brings to the fore some controversial issue, it is
because they want to distract the public from seeing other questionable activities
that they are, will or are about to engage in.
Another example is the recent (July 21st 2014) Obama speech about pro-Russian separatists shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in which he expressed the right of the world to know the truth about the disaster. Such a speech is hypocrisy when the United States fails to tell the truth about the government's involvement in the 911 tragedy. See the following video: Another truth perspective about what happened on 911... So many in the U.S. government got away with murder. It's no wonder the credibility of the U.S. government and the American people is highly questionable.
When it was claimed that George Bush Jr. was "mad", they were right. And he still is irrational. Laura Bush and their kids may not be able to see it because they have been subjected to it for many years. But such irrationality is not confined to him. It still remains with Cheny, Rumsfeld and many of those in Congress who supported their madness. Their supporters in the public are also irrational. They haven't gone away. The madness remains and no doubt is expressed in different ways. Ways that most people might well say is "normal" behavior. The point is, we all exhibit irrationality at different levels from time to time as a psychological attempt to free ourselves from constraints.
Revolutions, be they political or otherwise, are rebellions which attempt to free ourselves from perceived constraints. Some people break the law. Others go against some perceived social grain and exhibit what they believe to be is unconventional behavior such as what they wear, how they wear it, what they say, or how they say it. In general, they do or do not do what they think is socially expected of them. Many dileberately want to go against a convention because it gives them some personal recognition at least amongst themselves, their peers, or those they want to confront, such as in the case of homosexuality, inter-racial dating, political views, religious observances, etc...
Some in fact want to use others to confirm the appropriateness of their unconventionality by forcing it upon someone, such as depicted in the following images:
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But it should be clear that we might want to consider that such rebelliousness also occurs on the biological/genetic level. They are sometimes referred to as a fluke, a mutation, or even a gift. And, however a person's genius may be denoted in a particular social setting, it too is an expression of rebelliousness. So is creativity in its many forms.
Some people attempt to impose constraints on one or more others if not to assist them in a further development of some desired quality of expression, then to thwart, hamper or otherwise deny a full measure thereof from maturing. However, without constraints to keep some behaviors in check, there would be far more lawlessness than occurs today in business, religion and government. Yet, few recognize the behavior of developing and using constraints as an expression of an environmental effect. In other words, humanity is simply mimicking the behavior of the larger Earth environment it is subjected to.
The recurring rhythms of the Earth in its relation to the solar system and overall galaxy, imposes its "natural laws" that we presume to be laws which are constant throughout the Universe... and even though this may not be true, we accept it because we have no way at present of testing this assumption.
Businesses, Governments and Religions have their own rhythms. Even though businesses may call theirs "Business Cycles", and governments may refer to their's as "political trends", or that religions call their's as "religious revelations", they are all talking about rhythms. One might even say that each of these three examples are synonymous with a particular and peculiar form of rhythm. If it is possible for the reader to image a graph, you might well be able to visualize a very jagged illustration of peaks and troughs, even if some would prefer to imagine a steady line... although, I might add, is commensurate with that of a dead person. A perspective frequently seen on television shows when someone is hooked up to a heart monitor. In other words, there is no "steady state" in business, government, religion or Cosmology.
While many of us have routines which seem to border on boredom because it appears nothing every changes in one's life, this actually isn't the case. We have just adopted the usage of an internalized gyroscope which allows us to right ourselves and bend like a tree during moments when social winds are blowing hard in one direction or another.
The rhythms of the larger environment follow a singular, dual and plural formula, with patterns-of-three as the most frequently occurring plurality. It's not that humanity can not imagine or create something greater than a pattern-of-three, to do so goes "against the grain" of the natural rhythm of the environment. Everything biological appears to have been born of, and adopts, by way of adaptation, to the rhythms of the larger environment. Humanity's attempts to circumvent these rhythms, which are constraints, leads to periodically- large expressions of irrationality. No matter what name or by what justification you think they are necessary, they are expressions of irrationality attempting to remove constraints. We rationalize the need for such.
Yet, all the expressions of irrationality, be they called patriotic, god-directed, or by whatever social consciousness one might wish to determine rightfulness and righteousness; they nonetheless contour themselves in-line with the direction which the larger environment is going. And it is heading towards a decay.
Those who harbor a religious mentality claim that there will be an Apocalypse, a Judgement day, or a day of Retribution. Those with a sociological mentality focused on government and business may claim that we are headed towards a doomsday or an unraveling of the social fabric. Each has its own way of interpreting and defining the eventual demise of humanity if it remains on the Earth, in this solar system, and this galaxy. Humanity develops the mentality and associated behavior which will adopt, adapt to and become adept with that which will permit it to best survive in a decaying environment.
As time goes on, self-destruction of business, government and religious "fabrics" will continue. There will even be larger and "poignant" expressions of irrationality in one or more of these institutions as their philosophies change in accordance with the changes in the decaying environment. You can expect larger instances of expressed irrationality that may become outright defined as insanity or madness. There will be more inexplicable occurrences of death such as "pack" suicides, because such individuals are more sensitive to environmental influences. Such people are in fact a means by which we are able to see into the distant future. Such a future, because of the increased population and dwindling resources, will lead many to assess their chances of survival as being negligible... leaving them with either the alternative to strike out and kill others or kill themselves.
The end is coming... coming for this Earth and the solar system... and eventually this galaxy... but not for many billions of years. Nonetheless, humanity began adapting to its eventual demise the day that each of us were born.
There is far more expressions of "Punctuated" Irrationality to come. You might even want to call them overt expressions of "Punctuated Disequilibrium". And the Irrationality will be met by more irrationality by businesses, governments and religions trying to cope with it. And yet, the public will have to do the same when it is confronted by businesses, governments and religions as they begin to express their own forms of irrationality. For example, the "madness" expressed by the Bush Jr. administration and supported by the madness of several government agencies and public businesses, was a drop in the bucket of that yet to come. The public will either have to adopt to the irrationality of its businesses, governments and religions, or overthrow them.
All present day businesses, governments, and religions will be overthrown, that is if they remain by being able to adapt to continuing conditions of environmental diminishment. And for those who think to "save the Earth", however sincere and well-intentioned the efforts; it is a fool-hardy gesture when you don't think in longest of terms with respect to millions of years to come. Yes, you can forestall the diminishment for a life-time or two, but the end result nonetheless presents humanity with a situation of environmental obsolescence. Humanity must direct all its resources towards getting away from this planet, this solar system and eventually this galaxy.
The on-going direction towards an eventual environmental demise breeds small forms of rebelliousness which families must contend with. It may be a son, daughter, parent or live-in relative who expresses some measure of rebelliousness. Such is the case with Homosexuality. It has been, and in many cases still remains "in the closet". In a small community there may or may not exist a small percentage of people engaging in this form of rebelliousness. In a larger community, the percentage may or may not be larger. A larger community of like-minded individuals may exhibit out-spoken forms of the rebelliousness and seek some level of equanimity. And they may get support for this form of irrationality by those who may or may not share in a similar perspective by practicing a similar life-style. Nonetheless, Homosexuality is just one of many different types of Irrationality. There will be others. And some are already being expressed in their own "closets" right below the eyes of the larger society.
And the larger society participates in most forms of Irrationality, either directly or indirectly, by direct participation or non-objection. This is how the Irrationality of Nazism came into being. Not enough of the public voiced an opposition against. Not enough of the public physically fought against it. Such is and will continue to be the case for the present and coming forms of Irrationality.
Page created: Friday, April 25, 2014
Page fist posted: Friday, April 25, 2014 Latest update: Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Herb O. Buckland
And the larger society participates in most forms of Irrationality, either directly or indirectly, by direct participation or non-objection. This is how the Irrationality of Nazism came into being. Not enough of the public voiced an opposition against. Not enough of the public physically fought against it. Such is and will continue to be the case for the present and coming forms of Irrationality.
Page created: Friday, April 25, 2014
Page fist posted: Friday, April 25, 2014 Latest update: Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Herb O. Buckland