Physic's Enthusiasts as of 1/6/2023
Entry: February 26th, 2023. I blame myself for being unable to convey a definitive illustrative sense about the images and impressions which at times forcibly awaken me at night. If I were a Physicist coming to this page I would be expecting to see information specifically about conserved numbers being related to the currency of thought taking place in physics. The comments put together over two months ago read like gibberish. You are interested in Physics, not some variation of a meta-physic. However, it is a well-known difficulty of trying to convey an image or impression into some viable representative form that plagues multiple people in different subject areas such as art, music, and mathematics. You may well see the image, but it is not readily transferable into a form to be understood by others, to the degree one is attempting to achieve, or think they have achieved by merely expressing what turns out to be scribbled inferences and allusions. But I have failed. I honestly wanted to convey what are even now the fractions assigned to particles dancing about in my mind that are conveying a sense of being a dot-to-dot, or number-to-number series whose sequentiality traces out a model... a picture where only conserved numbers exist. So, let me try again.
To use yet another analogy, I see that I have been trying to convey what may be described as a 3-tumbler combination lock code, yet this effort comes across as if the lock appears only to be that which gets one into a box (Toy, Tool, etc...), and not any specific box wherein lays the puzzle of some subject. In other words, imagine if you will a large box containing multiple boxes labeled Physics, Mathematics, Biology, sports, Anthropology, Music, etc., In most peoples view they have already gained access to the box and one or more of the subject boxes, but want to uncover some item in the box whose discovery will be akin to a highly valuable treasure. However, what I am seeing is that the combination or key that I am providing is of no need because you have found some other route into the box, which we might call a vehicle. You have learned either to break a window, pick the lock, use a coat hanger, or slim-jim, unless you pay to have a locksmith open the door for you, which is the route many people take by paying to go to school. So at this stage in your life you don't need or even want a different access code or key, because you don't want one. What you want is the Year, Make, and Model Numbers, along with the source code called a VIN number (Vehicle Identification Number). By having such, you will be able to claim it as the owner and receive an en-"title"-meant such as a lucrative and/or prestigious position, widespread recognition, or even the Nobel prize... very much akin to a "Best in Show" ribbon at a car show exhibition.
Another analogy which comes to mind is that I am supply three things that are being alternatively approached from different vantage points, but my intent is being misunderstood. In this analogy I am providing:
- An artist's canvas (or wall),
- A palette (or assortment) of colors,
- An array of painting (or sketching) tools.
The reader is a contestant with different values, but may have a dominant one such as in the case of a religion. Hence, imagine if you will a stage of different individuals with name tags referring to a different religion or if you prefer, a philosophy such as Buddhism. Every single Religious person selects a paint brush (or roller) called God, and then chooses to paint the canvas one color (let us say white). The result is the following sequence of developmental considerations occurring over the passage of time:
One God (Monotheism) idea illustrated with a single-color scheme representing singularity of design, purpose, and intent. ![]() |
Two Gods (Ditheism) idea illustrated with a two-color scheme representing duality of design, purpose, and intent. ![]() |
Three Gods (Tritheism) idea illustrated with a triple-color scheme representing Triplicity of design, purpose, and intent. ![]() |
Multi-God (Polytheism) idea illustrated with multiple- colors representing plurality of design, purpose, and intent. ![]() |
Source for image: Artist painting on canvas.
- 1 canvas called life or existence, 1 paint brush/roller called god, 1 (white...purity) color: Monotheism, 1 god three aspects, qualities
- 1 canvas called life or existence, 1-2 brushes/rollers called god/goddess, 2 colors (black/white): Dualism, Divine pair (not always oppositional)
- 1 canvas called life or existence, 1-2-3 brushes/rollers called god/goddess/son (father/son/holy spirit, etc...), 3 colors (black/white/grey): Tritheism, Triune, Trinity, etc...
- 1 canvas called life or existence, 1-(2-3...many) brushes/rollers called god/goddess/son (father/son/holy spirit, etc...), (3-many) colors (black/white/grey/rainbow): Polytheism, Pluralism, etc...

While the foregoing sequence of ideas is relatively easy to discern as recurring distinctions (of an underlying enumeration related to cognitive activity) in the history of religion, it is sometimes not so easy in different subjects whose vocabulary and compounded borrowing's from other subjects may introduce matrices of cognitive activity which appear to contradict themselves, because either the language used is confusing or the symbols employed for illustration are more on the order of being reminiscent of a doodle one engages in while performing some other task such as talking on the phone.
With respect to the foregoing item of "polytheism", the rule of thumb used by different human cultures does not typically exceed a handful... and thus speaks of a conserved number just as we find in DNA's triplet code and the quantity of elements in the periodic table. In other words, just like we see in particle physics, there is an impose conservation of number. Let us also note the resemblance between this 123... plurality and the place value notation where ones- tens- hundreds are separated by a comma (a pause) before expressing the next point of reference called the "thousands" which we can describe as a plurality, but it is part of another sequence -of- three followed by a comma..., thus coming to distinguish a recurring cognitive sequence in which plurality is followed by a singularity, just as we see the introduction of the idea of a singular monotheism to be used to replace a polytheism, though the replacement may be transitional in which, for example, the introduction of the Jewish singular god was not initially used to go against the practice of polytheism or such a move would have produced a destructive backlash. Instead, the Jews claimed their singular god as the primary one which allowed for the practice of other religious views, thereby giving the Jews a means to slowly get their one-god idea accepted by a majority before imposing stricter demands. Hence, a 1-god theme, becomes typically followed by a dual-god theme that is followed by a triple-god (etc.,) theme which is compounded by the practice of a polytheist or pluralistic theme that is followed once again by a Monotheistic of Single entity or Single idea theme... as if the human mind is engaging in a reconstituted formula of earlier human attempts to develop a numbering sequence.

If this conservation of number theme is a construct of a recurring cognitive pattern under different guises, it may hold the same appearance in other subjects such as physics, though the time scales of occurrence need not be the same. If the (0) 1/3, 1/2, 1 charges represents a tripartite theme, some form of plurality should arise and then the sequence starts over again. Typically, perhaps reinforced by the idea of seeing notches or marks on sticks, bones, etc., left as artifacts of early humans, we tend to think that their fledgling attempts to count involved whole numbers such as 1, 2, 3... But if this is a misconception on our part, that early humans reached the "1" by an unrecorded use of fractions, then the fractions we see being used in particle physics may be a tell-tale sign that Nature is learning to count, and this is why so very many activities of nature use small numbers, because it actually isn't very bright. In fact, for all the intelligence one might think that Nature has in creating life, it may be an expressed model of simple "finger painting" and this is why we see the presence of a Conservation of Number. In other words, Nature is pretty stupid.
Another analogy similar to the foregoing paint on a canvas theme can be used by substituting the religion-oriented person with different individuals who treat their subject (Art, Mathematics, Biology, etc.,) as if it were their religion, complete with a hierarchy of leaders, ceremonial observances, gatherings, etc... In such a scenario what we might see is that instead of painting the whole canvas with a single instrument of coloring called "god", we see one or another figure being drawn on it that describes the current theories and overall views of a given subject, that a particular person might want to color with one or more colors called words, symbols, etc... For example, a physic's individual might illustrate three circles to describe the Proton, Neutron, Electron and then later place three more words, symbols, etc., to represent three quarks and then another three items to represent three anti-quarks, etc... Another physicist might come along and move them to one corner and work on their preferred idea, yet both of whom may not use a technique to draw outside some observed line of reference, though speculation is allowed as long as it is labeled as such. The point is, they don't effect a "white out" approach or "cover all" approach, even though ideas like a Grand Unified Theory or Theory of Everything may be referenced in some fashion. They are using a conservative step-wise methodology to identify one or more specificities, and that typically requires whittling down larger Mathematical equations to some conserved representation; even if to find small answers particle physicists use large colliders.

Source for image: Character painting on canvas.
I am placing the present topic as a separate web page because it is an important one, and its previous placement in the Language Narrative Series may not be recognized for what it represents in the context to which it is appended. Since the topic deals with the recurring presence of patterns-of-three as a dominant (but not only) theme with respect to numbers in particle physics (and elsewhere), let me first provide a few examples of the theme, assuming that those interested in physics are already aware of the recurring "threeness", but that no one has offered to provide an illustrated rationale for its presence. I have copied the comments from the Language Narrative page, hence the generalization which appears at the beginning:

... One of these clues is the three-patterned "1- 2- Many" model.
It is a clue that we can see in biology and physics. For example, the "1" can be seen in the presence of single-celled life forms. The "2" is in the doubling of cells. The "Many" not only occurs in the representative limited composition of cells compiled to create a living being, but in the composition of the human species. The adage "be fruitful and multiply" advanced by the biblical tradition is a cognitive representation of this cellular activity. However, because it is a cyclicity, when "Many- Manies" (multiple many) are reached by humanity, which is not far away, there will be a rebirth in the sense that a new "1" will began. This has nothing to do with any religious doctrine or philosophy, business or politics currently be practiced as a belief. All beliefs having been created on Earth, particularly those whose adherents want to claim their's is not of Earth but of some superior non-earthly (such as a supposed heavenly) realm, are to be left by the roadside. Humanity's consciousness will have no need of such rationalizations which were born and sustained by an incrementally deteriorating environment. They are rationalizations created as pseudo-survival strategies that will have no place in the future of humanity. The consciousness of humanity will transcend this present stage of developmental affairs, but it will not be in the sphere of any notion regarding a heaven, paradise, or ascendant-being realm of existence. Such ideas are antiquated notions born in an age of superstition and falsifications perpetrated by those whose roles of leadership are coming to an end for the sake of humanity's future. More gifted others will be forthcoming to lead humanity off the planet, out of the solar system and away from the galaxy.
In the present doctrine(s) of particle physics, there are multiple "1- 2- Many" perspectives to be identified as clues of the approaching dawn of a New Age that is not meant to be lived on the Earth. Earth has an expiration date. So does the solar system and Galaxy. Humanity must look beyond itself as a species and begin to perceive itself as a non-embodied consciousness. Its present embodied consciousness does not have much time (in a far-reaching cosmological sense and not a measurement in which current models of geology are used to stratify life's ascendancy— since its inception billions of years ago). The idea of a "Heaven on Earth" is a notion based on motivations by those whose primary interest is the salvation or increase of their position, their belief, and not humanity. The future of humanity will ensure that the course of evolution which brought today's humanity to its present state of being will not occur in the same way. In the realm of particle physics we find the ideas of "Grand Unified Theory" and "Theory of Everything". These are representative views expressing out of a "many" there exists a "1" that is being sought for.
It is symbolic of the same type of pattern being declared in multiple other subjects with their own respective symbology. Both Eastern philosophies and Western religions in their own way, despite individualized self-centered policies for perpetuating themselves, are reflecting this same idea of "Oneness". That from some collection of "many" is the need for a person to seek a "one-ness" with this or that orientation. They are all symbols of the same underlying pattern being repeated over and over and over again in small, medium and large ways, as well as incremental variations along the span of this three-tiered spectrum. The "Many" in the case of particle physics also is being represented by the repetition of "threes" well recognized by multiple people who have not reached the conclusion that they are paying witness to a "Conservation of Number" being used as a clue to be deciphered into the prevailing message that the collectivity of humanity has reached a "Many"... and the cyclicity of the "1- 2- Many" is similar to that seen in the simple arithmetical activity of the place value notation system. It is a formula where after each set of three is placed a comma. The comma is a point of demarcation that is sometimes expressed by war, famine, disease, revolution, industrialization, wide-spread creativity, unexpected and historically important leaderships, innovation, etc... The comma is a symbolic representation of an underlying cognitive acknowledgement that has not reached a stage of verbalized articulation in order to comment that it is a symbol marking the repeat of a transitional occurrence... until humanity learns how to read the repeating code as a signaling device.
Humanity's occupation of creating warning devices for smoke, water, fire, low oxygen, gas, temperature, earthquakes, etc., is due to an underlying impression attempting to exert itself on human consciousness to reach a state of realization to recognize that repetitions such as the "three" in physics and genetics are themselves codes to be applied to a larger context of life's totality of well-being, and not simply as codes to be constrained as expressions solely for the respective subject in which they occur. The repetitions of numbers and other patterns are Conservations being used as survival mechanisms in an environment which is incrementally deteriorating; but that this language is not to be interpreted to mean it is to be equated with systems of measurement to breed complacency of attitude where a "business as usual" frame of mind is adopted. It is educated ignorance to acknowledge the repetition of the "three" pattern in particle physics and not describe it as a "Conservation of Number" when several other recognized repetitions are provided such a status. When we look at a definition pertaining to Laws of Conservation, the value of "three" meets the requirements:
Conservation Law: (also called "Law of Conservation"): In physics, several principles that state that certain physical properties (i.e., measurable quantities) do not change in the course of time within an isolated physical system. ("conservation law." Encyclopædia Britannica, 2013.)
It is incredulous to think that so many brilliant minds in Physics do not consider adopting the recurring presence of "three" as a Conservation Law. What does the public have to do? Hit them over the head with a club to sober them up? Whereas they are permitted to create the rule-of-thumb regarding the adoption of a repetition as a Conservation, but also permitted to exercise a fiat denying it to whatever they want because of some organized underlying superstition of referencing a number pattern that has been used several times in the past to reflect illogicality? Such a practice of intellect is an expressed superstition itself. It represents the attitude of a self-serving witch doctor organization whose personal preference is for something more complex, more difficult to uncover— that the usage of some complex mathematical formula or Einstein-level insight is needed; but that a pattern even grade-school kids can readily see and acknowledge is not an expression of an applied intelligence used to detect some value to be viewed as a grand secrecy; only revealed by those initiated into a particularized orientation akin to a cultish perception that deems that it and only it is favorably positioned to provide insight into the phenomena of particle physics? Even though there is the grand-standing perspective that physicists are uniquely able to conceptualize a search for and establishing some presumed simplicity in some presumed complexity, are we to be led along a path akin to the notion that a child seeing the King has no clothes on is a figment of an untrained, undisciplined, and uncultured mind unable to know how, when, where, why, and what is to be seen and by whom? If not, then let us place the recurring presence of the "threes phenomena" along with the other Laws of Conservation such as:
- Conservation of Energy
- Conservation of Momentum
- Conservation of Angular momentum
In the deepest sense, the three conservation laws express the facts, respectively, that physics does not change with passing time, with displacement in space, or with rotation in space. ("conservation law." Encyclopædia Britannica, 2013.)
Hence, with the statement above, we need to fully recognize that they are governed by a "Conservation of Number" law. Thus, we have another instance of a 3 -to- 1 ratio seen also in the "Classical Mechanics" of DNA, RNA, as well as Proteins. All of which express the "1- 2- Many" model. If the same number associations keep cropping up, then there is the presence of a Conservation of Number.
Incidentally, the following image has information which I think will come to resonate through the coming years:

Origination of Page: Friday, 6th January 2023... 7:21 AM
Date of Initial posting: Friday, 6th January 2023... 7:57 AM
Most Recent Update: Sunday, 26th February 2023... 12:41 PM