A Study of the Threes Phenomena in the presence of Duality
Progressive Thinkers as of 10/16/2023
As part of the "fixins'" that the lottery system is engaged in, one clearly sees that when ticket sales are down in a given area some winner will be announced... very often in the form of a Scratcher. Another method is to permit a winner of a large prize to occur near an area that is in close proximity to multiple players who would consider it worth the time and effort to make a long drive. A case in point is the winning of a million dollar lottery years ago in Beaver Dam, Arizona at the Beaver Dam Lodge which is approximately 30 miles away. Utah by the way, has no state lottery. Arizona can entice more money its way by getting not only those "close by" in Utah but from the nearest town in Nevada called Mesquite, which is about 10 miles away. In addition, let it be known that out of the winnings, particularly those who claim a lump sum, the lottery commission has a reserve with which it uses to pad the amounts of any given game it wants, if ticket sales are down and it wants to entice people to play-and-pay by giving the impression others are participating. Again, let us note that the lottery is considered a tax on the poor. The lottery system is rigged because of the mathematics it is using. Mathematics, like computer language and the Yin/Yang philosophy are binary.
Once again the American Public is faced with yet another Powerball winner in the State of California. The prevailing argument amongst some is that it is due to Population Density generally described as the reason many winner occur in California is because ther is a large concentration of ticket buyers in one very populated area.
One disconcerting issue is the present habit of Lotteries is that "unclaimed prizes are kept by the lottery jurisdiction". In other words, there is a monetary incentive for the Lotteries to cheat. By creating a gaming situation in which a winning lottery number is posted and yet only one dedicated lottery dispensing machine is allocated to print the winning ticket, Lottery officials can get the ticket and simply throw it away. They are not required to have proof since in this particular gaming situation, an absence of proof (meaning the absence of a ticket), means it becomes the winner... instead of allowing the money to be added to the next drawing. Oh no, they can't do that. They can't be fair and look out for the best interests of the playing public. This would be an act of cheating themselves out of a lucrative win. Like casinos whose games are rigged so that the "House" is the primary winner, so too does the lottery system rig their system to favor themselves.
Another disconcerting view is that Lotteries have jumped onto the AI dynamic pricing game where the behavior of consumers allow them to adjust how often a person wins in which location. For example, if they record multiple people buying into the offering of selecting a group dispensing of tickets that may be called a 'lotto combo', such behavior can be interpreted to mean that even if a person does not win a substantial amount, the fact that they bought a combo may well mean they are a returning player and will continue to play even if the return for their investment is negligible or nothing. In another type of display, If one makes multiple purchases in multiple states over extended periods of time, they will encounter recurring number patterns. For example, recurring purchases of tickets by the "quick pick" alternative may provide you with the first numbers being the same such as 1, 2, 7, etc... And then when you make several purchases in a different state, you may find that the first numbers have a different recurring series. Whereas the numbers are supposed to be random, they are... that is, randomly the same.
As a third disconcerting example let me remark about the usage of advertrisement by the National Lottery games in the U.S. called the Powerball and Mega Millions. When ticket sales are poor as has been the case for a number of years except when the amounts reach at least several hundred millions, the sponsors of the games invest in one form or another advertisement. Advertisements to those who watch the games, know well there has been an increased usage of algorithms which defeat the public's ability to win even smaller large sums. It appears those sponsoring the National Lotteries never took basic psychology courses involving reward and punishment. If I mentioned such names as Piaget and Skinner, if not Freud, Adler and Jung, the sponsors would probably argue they have heard of the names but if pressed, lacked any knowledge beyond the preface.
Let us also include the theme of "Keep the amounts high so many more will buy". What this entails is the tactic to keep the potential winning amounts at high values such as the recurring Billion dollar amounts of the Power Ball. Since the general strategy amongst many ticket purchasers is to wait for the power ball to get near or at a billion dollars, there is no need to purchase a ticket sooner. This same rule of thumb appears to be gaining interest not only with the Power Ball but also the Mega Millions as well as in-State games which have risen to unusual heights. Because this is occurring Nation-wide, it is clear that the Lotteries are being manipulated since low values do not entice people to purchase a ticket. The Lottery system is rigged.
And too many people buy into this rather flimsy point of view, all because they do not understand the fundamentals of mathematics as having an underlying binary system of procedural direction just as does the Binary of computing and the Binary system of the Yin/Yang philosophy.
If we are accepting the notion of "Population Density" as a primary factor for determining the higher potential for a win, then the collective Density of all the other States in the U.S. combined is far greater. It is necessary to write an algorithm which services the idea of "Population Density" like a virus or bacterium. However, using the analogy that a lottery win is like a beneficial mutation which serves to combat the ill effects of the viral out-break, history has shown us that mutations do not occur all at once. While I realize the reader may have gotten lost at this point, let me back-track in order to simplify, since the analogy is a generalization anyway.
In the U.S. there are National Lottery games such as the Powerball and Mega Millions, and also lottery games which service Individual states, but not that service individual communities. In each case a different mathematical formula is required to maximize the intentions of those who run the game. If they want a huge amount of money to be available for their own coffers based on proportion, then the lottery mathematical formula must be written in this way to serve their purpose... whereby they can argue that the game generates random numbers. Yet, this remains a fixed activity and a fixed opinion.
In short, the larger population of the United States is being cheated. The Lottery system backed by the government is stealing from the people in what may be called a "volunteer" tax on the poor. Indeed, one must not only question the math formula being used but the person(s) involved. And should anyone say it is a computer program, then those who wrote the computer program based on a mathematics whose foundation is as Binary as the Yin/Yang philosophy. Let me provide some side -by- side examples to which me may include the idea of a Hemispheric duality, all of which can be associated with the the dichotomy of high/low population density with regard to lottery wins:
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Source: Mesologue
When the Lottery was formerly known as a Numbers Racket controlled by those not paying taxes to the government from all the money being taken in by poor people trying to get rich quick as they do today, the government stepped in like it would later do against those who were making and selling booze but also were not paying taxes. The government shut down the Numbers game and the Making of Booze until such time that it too could get a piece of the action. Both the numbers racket and Brewery's of old (such as Moonshine Stills) were forced to pay a tax tribute to the government so that they could operate, albeit with new packaging and presentations.
If the government can convince the public that an institution serves the moral sensibility of the larger public, any type of institution will be legislated into acceptance. Be it a number racket now called a Lottery, Moonshine now called distillation by way of legal distillery, and in some countries, the allowance for prostitution, arms sales, and multiple other activities which could be stopped if their was a legislative intent backed by a Uniformed support group. While in public slavery, child pornography, rape, etc,. are called illegal, the punishments do not fit the purposeful intent of eliminating the occurrences. Indeed, in many cases, a person can promote a bill against some activity all the while being financed by the very activity in a mode and manner that is not easily detected. Let us not forget that there exist numerous responsibly looking social activities headed by very bad people through indirect ties. For example, during the Middle East wars, the U.S. government had people who permitted atrocious sexual acts against women and children by superiors in Fields of Operation, in order that those committing such acts would provide desired information. The usage of the 2-word phrase "collateral damage" was not limited to direct military action.
The foregoing representation of underlying dichotomies related to Mathematics goes hand in hand with the lottery system's usage of an algorithm which provides support for the rationale to justify multiple winnings of a lottery game in a given area claimed to be a "High population Density" as opposed to a "Low population density". In order for there to be recurring lottery wins in a given area, there has to be a math formula which services this unspoken of high and low density dichotomy. Mathematics is biased because it relies on the usage of a duality scaffolding. While we may be generous and say that the one or more mathematicians involved in the creation of the lottery formula is base on "sound" mathematics (with its underlying duality structure) and confirmed by a computer program (which also as an underlying duality called a binary language) are unaware of the inherent biases playing out; the fact that the public can see for itself that there is a repeating occurrence from a supposed lottery system expressed as a "random" operational formula... clearly multiple people become infuriated and begin to claim that "something is wrong" with the system, just as they see occurring in the government itself that claims itself to be a Democracy, but that its three-part government structure often acts as a single entity, with the public itself not permitted to have a collective say so by having its own Legislative branch as the dominant one... which should be the case if the idea of a "government of, by, and for ALL the people" is a truth and not some mere three-part catchy slogan or three-part musical refrain.
If one looks at which states have won the Powerball jackpots, it is necessary to note that this is a total figure and not just the Billion dollar figure.

If we look at the billion dollar figure and to this add a reference to the Mega Millions lottery, we can find the following figures:
- $2.04 billion, Powerball, Nov. 7, 2022: A single ticket won in California.
- $1.73 billion Powerball drawing — Oct. 11, 2023: A single ticket won from California.
- $1.586 billion, Powerball, Jan. 13, 2016: Three tickets won from California, Florida, Tennessee.
- $1.58 billion, Mega Millions, Aug. 8, 2023: A single ticket won in Neptune Beach, Florida
- $1.537 billion, Mega Millions, Oct. 23, 2018: A single ticket won in South Carolina.
- $1.35 billion, Mega Millions, Jan. 13, 2023: A single ticket was purchased in Maine.
- $1.337 billion, Mega Millions, July 29, 2022: A single ticket won in Illinois.
- $1.08 billion, Powerball, July 19, 2023: A single ticket won in California.
- $1.05 billion, Mega Millions, Jan. 22, 2021: A single ticket won in Michigan.
Here is a list of the Top 10 largest Mega Millions jackpots:
According to its website, here are the Top 10 Mega Millions jackpots as of Oct. 14, 2023:- $1.58 billion — Aug. 8, 2023; Florida
- $1.537 billion — Oct. 23, 2018; South Carolina
- $1.35 billion — Jan. 13, 2023; Maine
- $1.337 billion — July 29, 2022; Illinois
- $1.08 billion — July 19, 2023; California
- $1.05 billion — Jan. 22, 2021; Michigan
- $656 million — March 30, 2012; Illinois, Kansas and Maryland
- $648 million — Dec. 17, 2013; California and Georgia
- $543 million — July 24, 2018; California
- $536 million — July 8, 2016; Indiana
When did lotto jackpots hit $1 billion or more?
No matter the outcome of a lottery draw, it can be argued that the overall system is rigged. In order for a particular quantity of tickets sold with a winning number, the place(s) of winning, and how much is to be won... all of these are variables in a fixed system that it organizers want to believe is truly random, or else the promoters and the mathematician(s), and mathematics involved, would be called into question. Due to the stubbornness of people being brought up believing that mathematics is infallible, we overlook the many mathematicians and other number crunchers who have engaged in different types of "fudging the numbers" such as accounts trying to get over on the tax system.
If the lottery system truly is random, then let us account for why some people win more than once. A formula of randomness which includes repetition is based on a closed system of finite numbers and combinations. In other words, the lottery system is a type of board game much like chess, checkers, or poker, or Monopoly, etc... The border parameter is fixed, the rules are fixed and the number of players are fixed. If the entire world was allowed to buy a lottery ticket, the supposed winners in other countries would cause U.S. Americans to find a means to exclude them and call the overall system into question because the game is not serving the desires of those enabled to effect the game's processes.
The presumed randomness that one thinks they see is part of their individual biases which need to support their overall inclinations to agree with the politically correct idea that the government is not backing a rigged system because the government is without prejudice or conflict of interest.
Date of Origination: Monday, 16th October 2023... 4:54 AMDate of Initial posting: Monday, 16th October 2023... 7:52 AM
Updated Posting: Sunday, July 30th, 2024... 5:11 AM