Threesology Research Journal: The Scientification of Philosophy by way of a Threes Model
God The Numerologist
God's Tripartite World Reality

God The Numerologist
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God's biblical identity is revealed as "I am" in Exodus 3:14, which also describes the Mathematical designation of Pi. Analogously, it also references the birthday of Einstein which is March 14th.

"'I am' is reportedly the shortest sentence in the English language. Could it be that 'I do' is the longest sentence”?

Because there are numerous (patterns of) "three" in Nature, and God is said to be the originator of Nature, one must ask if God is a Numerologist, since in showing multiple experts in different fields a list of three-patterned references of Nature (as observed and recorded by humans), they claim it is an exercise in Numerology. Every reader has got to see for themselves a compiled list of threes which do not simply focus on religion, mythology, three-part money making schemes, fairy tales, sports, cartoons, contemporary movies, etc... I so often encounter those with extensive academic training unable to make an excursion into the possibility that their professionalized subject area of study and research requires a vision outside the barrier reefs in which they typically cast their nets of examination. Take for example the following short list of threes describing ideas humanity observes and in multiple cases, uses mathematics as a tool of confirmation. Is it numerology, and therefore god is a Numerologist, or is something else going on that so-called professionals become dismissive of because they did not see the simple pattern themselves and that it is a pattern that, when fully analyzed, provides a substantive argument against multiple currencies of ideas in different subject areas?

Here is a handful of 3-patterned ideas offered in a simplified developmental pattern of succession.

  • 3 geometries to the Universe developed by humans and crafted by using mathematics: (flat, spherical, saddle-shaped)
  • 3 families of fundamental particles developed by humans and crafted by using mathematics:
    • Leptons - Quarks - Bosons (according to the Standard Model of particle physics)
    • Electron - Muon - Tau (particles which characterize the 3 families)
    • 3 families of particles based on decay rate: Stable- Unstable- Highly unstable.
  • 3 large particles (Protons- Neutrons- Electrons)
  • 3 X 3 arrangement of quarks for Protons and Neutrons
  • 3 Main forms of radioactive emissions: Alpaha- Beta- Gamma
  • Life originates on the 3rd planet
  • 3rd planet has three basic divisions: core- mantle- crust
  1. RNA single strand with a triplet code (RNA world hypothesis).
    • 3 main types of RNA: Messenger RNA (mRNA)- Transfer RNA (tRNA)- Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
  2. DNA double strand with a triplet code.
    • 3 main types of DNA: A-DNA, B-DNA, Z-DNA
  3. Collagen's triple strandedness (connective tissue protein)
    • 3 main amino acids make collagen: Proline- Glycine- Hydroxyproline. These group together to form protein fibrils in a triple helix structure.
  • 3 main cell types: Prokaryotic cells- Eukaryotic animal cells- Eukaryotic plant cells.
  • Triplet microtubules: Found in the cytoplasm of cells that help maintain cell shape, move organelles, and separate chromosomes during cell division.
    • 3 Types of Microtubules found i centrioles and cilia: Singlet- Doublet- Triplet:
      1. Singlet microtubules: A canonical microtubule with 13 protofilaments.
      2. Doublet microtubules: Made up of two tubules, one complete with 13 protofilaments and one incomplete with 10 protofilaments.
      3. Triplet microtubules: A cellular organelle called the basal body is made up of nine microtubule triplet blades.
  • 3 domains of life: Bacteria- Archaea- Eukaryotes
  • 3 basic forms of Bacteria:
  • 3rd domain gives rise to 3 Germ layers
  • 3 Germ layers give rise to animals from earth worms to humans
  • Multiple 3-part organizations in human anatomy
  • 3 most commonly used anatomical divisions: Coronal - Sagittal - Transverse planes
  • 3- tiered cosmos where god is in the 3rd realm: Underworld- Earth- Heaven
  • 3 roots and 3 wells connected with the Norse Mythology of the Cosmological Yggdrasil tree.
  • 3 roots, 3 wells of ancient Norse cosmology tree called Yggdrasil
  • Humanity seeks the 3rd realm by way of 3 great Monotheistic religions having been born in desert environments.
  • Buddhism has its 3 paths: Mahayana- Theravada- Vajrayana
  • Christianity has its Trinity (Father- Son- Holy spirit/ghost)
  • Daoism (Taoism) has 3 basic virtues: Compassion- Frugality- Humility, which are known as the Three Treasures or Three Jewels.
  • Hinduism has its Triunity (Brahma- Vishnu- Siva)
  • Islam has 3 main dimensions: (The goal of Islam is to have the body, heart, and mind perform optimally, and Muslims believe that these three dimensions lead to that.)
    • Islam: Outward submission to the will of Allah.
    • Iman: Faith, belief, or trust.
    • Ihsan: Perfection or excellence.
  • Jainism has its 3 jewels: Right faith (samyagdarshana)- Right knowledge (samyagjnana)- Right conduct (samyakcharitra)
  • Shintoism has its 3 most important kami: Izanagi- Izanami- Amaterasu Okimaki, (aka as the Three Precious Children)
  • Wicca has its 3-form Hectate and 3-fold Karmanic rule
  • Zoroastrianism has 3 core teachings: Good thoughts- Good words - Good deeds:
    • Humata: Good thoughts, or the intention to follow Asha, the right order of things.
    • Hukhata: Good words, or the communication of that intention.
    • Havarashta: Good deeds, or the realization of that intention in action.
  • Ancient Egypt had multiple triad figures:
    • Osirian (or Abydos) triad of Osiris (husband), Isis (wife), and Horus (son).
    • Theban triad of Amun, Mut and Khonsu.
    • Memphite triad of Ptah, Sekhmet and Nefertem.
    • Elephantine triad of Khnum (god of the source of the Nile river), Satet (the personification of the floods of the Nile river), and Anuket (the Goddess of the nile river).
    • Solar Represntation triad: Sungod Ra, whose form in the morning was Khepri, at noon Re-Horakhty and in the evening Atum.
  • Mythology has its triads: (3 fates, 3 furies, 3 gorgons, 3-headed dog, etc...)
  • Fairy tales has its sets-of-three: (3 bears, 3 pigs, 3 billy goats gruff, 3 kittens, etc..)
  • Thoroughbred horse racing has 3 foundation stallions: Goldolphin barb- Byerly Turk- Darley Arabian.
  • 3s being a common theme among religions is acknowledged by a few (example: Significance of 3)
  • A World War III is a preoccupation for many
  • Etc... etc... etc...
  • Let us question the idea of Numerology: Must Numerology strictly observe the use of numbers, or can numbers be substituted with words, gestures, and symbols, if not other behavioral routines and habits? For example, Mathematical Story Problems are the result of substituting numbers for words and then changing the content back into numbers arranged in a formula from which a result is achieved. The use of Story Problems, just like the use of the 3 basic types of tests: true/false, multiple choice, essay... and the 3-tier grading system (A+ A A-), are tools by which to improve the ability of students to learn. Whereas Professor god has placed a lesson plan involving patterns-of-three, yet only a handful of people are paying attention and many of those get stuck on one subject.

    Let us be very broad and open-minded into our inquiry of Numerology:

    • Are addictions simply different forms of Numerology?
    • Are wars and other conflicts the exercises of unrecognized Numerological schemes and themes?
    • Are Stock Markets Institutions practicing Numerology?
    • Are all subjects different forms of Numerology whose ideologies use words and symbols as substitute enumerations?
    • Is it Numerology when children are taught to count and recite the alphabet?
    • Is it Numerology if a person routinely counts their money or money from cash drawers at a business?
    • Is keeping a checkbook Numerology?
    • Is the binary language of computers a practiced Numerology?
    • If mathematics is not Numerology, why is it based on (2-patterned) repeating dichotomies?
    • Is it a form of Numerology when the same 3 colors are used on multiple National flags? (Despite the rationale of finding a logical explanation, 3 colors are nonetheless used.)
    Numerology expressed by using the same 3 colors?
    • Are all collections types of Numerology, many of which do not use numbers?
    • Is Accounting Numerology?
    • Is Mathematics Numerology?
    • Are Actuaries professional Numerologists whose ties to money and industry provide prestige for their numerologies?

    • Is it Numerology to frequently recite a memorized chapter and verse from a religious text?
    • Is it Numerology to maintain a collection of stats (statistics) for one or more sports teams or players?
    • Is all gambling a form of Numerology?
    • Is it Numerology by concealing a recurring number pattern with words called phrases, anecdotes, expressions?
    • Is it Numerology if numbers are substituted with words and we call such collections story problems?
    • Is it Numerology to identify the memorization and recitation of 3-part phrases such as "To tell the truth- the whole truth, nothing but the truth?
    • Is it Numerology that best helps us distinguish between God and Satan?... or is this dichotomy yet another recurring model of an underlying cognitive pattern developed billions of years ago along a biological trek?... a distinction not between good an evil but between 1 and 2 or 0 and 1?

    Because god is not a religion in the strictest sense, nor is god any religious text... even though religions try to own god by speaking of god and placing the idea of god in a text defined as sacred; then at the very least... an aspect of god expressed in Nature as described by a repeating pattern-of-three, can be interpreted to be the product of a Numerologist, or a crafty and intelligent instructor who uses patterns-of-three much in the manner a mother will count to three to get a child to do something. Use of the "three" is an instructive tool that many people sometimes refer to as a "rule of three". In writing, in speeches, in photography, in sermons, in wardrobe arrangements, in exercise routines, in 3-day holidays, in starting a musical accompaniment, in stage lighting, and multiple other day-to-day applications, we can see patterns-of-three. Most people simply do not make a collection of this recurrence. Nor do they peer into school books or academic journals to find out not only how prevalent a given pattern is, but its absence as well. However, there may be multiple alternative patterns which might be used for the same material... and yet the multiplicity itself may be organized into yet another group-of-three.

    Yet, one might find the same material being expressed as a preferential "2" instead of a preferential "3". Take for example the membrane of a cell. In previous decades we can find that the membrane of a cell was labeled as being Trilaminar. But subsequent researcher choose to call the same images a Bi-lipid layer. If you look at the images you will see three layers. One perspective points out a "2" structural component, while the other perspective points out the overall appearance. Hence, we might consider saying the cell membrane is a bi-lipid Trilaminar structure. Similarly we find some people referencing that stars can be grouped by the 3 labels of "Constellations, Star clusters, Asterisms", while others focus on expressing Binary star systems as being most dominant. Other accounts say single stars are most dominant. (We can see stars being grouped as varying percentages (with different quantities seen in different accounts). However, while percentages are sometimes portrayed for single, double and triple stars, this is not the case for more-than-three star groupings.

    In this account: Binary Stars, we find: "The ratios of binary systems to triplet and quadruplet systems is 46:9:2."

    In this account: Star System, we find: "Most multiple star systems are triple stars. Systems with four or more components are less likely to occur."

    The point needing to be made is that different counts can arise depending on how the same information is being interpreted.

    Note: Though many discoveries have been made by the use of Mathematics, I want to offer the opinion that Mathematics is a crude tool of conceptualization. While it works and has been cited as providing an Unreasonable Effectiveness in the Natural Sciences, it must be understood in terms of human cognitive development.

    Accessing a grasp of Mathematics' place in the development of human cognition requires that we survey human thinking in terms of its namesake, which is enumeration. Because the human brain gets its impetus as a formative biologically-based processing unit from nature, the development of natural events as will be described below with a few examples (though there are others). In short, we can pay witness to development in some instances, exhibiting a 1-2-3 maturational development sequence, with a case in point being the 3 Germ layers labeled the Ectoderm- Endoderm- Mesoderm.

    The realization that Simple life forms used a single Germ layer that we might refer to as being Monoploblastic, followed by more complex life forms using two germ layers labeled Diploblastic, and the most complex animals from earth worms to humans using three germ layers labeled Triploblastic; can be used as a biological reference of similarity when we encounter the development of Mathematics having begun its genesis with some simple model of counting which involved pairing, such as making a mental connection between 1 item and associating it with some symbol, such as a scratch mark on a rock, bone or in the dirt, that we of today recognize as the value of one (1).

    There is no present way of telling how long it was before humanity moved cognitively into the realization of a "2" quantity, and whether or not all values beyond the one were somehow referenced with something that we of today would claim is more-than-one. Nonetheless, after the quantity "1" became established, and putting aside the notion that the human brain is capable of making mental leaps or great strides under certain conditions; there was a moment in time when human conceptualization moved onto a "2" quantity recognition. Whether the cognitive development took as long as a developmental change in the biological example, is speculative at this point. Nonetheless, after the "2" was established, all other quantities beyond this may or may not have been assigned a value that we of today might call many, heap, pile, much, more, etc... In any case, the history of developmental enumeration can use the three-part phrase of "1-2-Many" as a succinct reference towards indicating a development in human cognition did take place, and may very well be taking place on a similar, albeit more complex 3-patterned model.

    The Chinese reference of the Yin/Yang idea can be seen as a single or double entity, as well as a point of expressed transition between a 1 and 2 cognitive formulation. Nonetheless, though many are well aware of the Chinese Yin/Yang and customarily refer to it as an Eastern developed psychological pair (antagonistic and/or Complementary), we do not see any historian speaking about the presence of a counter-part two-patterned ideological framework occurring in the West. This I believe is where Mathematics comes in. Whereas the dualities of the Yin/Yang ideology are well known, this is not the case for the Western developed mathematics. Few know of it because it is not taught in school because it is virtually unknown in the way it is being described here. By using separate lists for the two ideas, one can more easily discern a similar "2" cognitive pattern. Understanding such ideas as expressed cognitive patterns is essential in order to comprehend the later developmental usage of patterns-of-three, some of which are expressed transitional phases that I would term as embellished dichotomies. In other words, they look like a "3-pattern" but retain much of a cognitive two-pattern. The following images come from here: Persistent Dichotomies.

    Dualities comparison between two subjects
    Example of the Dualities code used in Computer language

    Basic Math operations viewed as dichotomies
    The Psychological Scaffolding of Arithmetic
    by Matt Grice, Simon Kemp, Nicola J. Morton, and Randolph C. Grace

    In each of three examples of dualities (called binary or not), we find that the mind of humans as attempted to exceed the "2" by developing some semblance of a "3". In terms of the Yin/Yang profile, we pay witness to the later development of the presumed Triads in the I-Ching. However, the so-called Triads are actually Byads (since no actual 3-part line is used), thus revealing what I call is an Embellished duality using language and pictorial arrangements to describe a desire to "go beyond the two".

    I Ching Bigrams (53K)

    True Trigrams (26K)

    Let it be firmly and emphatically stated that a duality-based Mathematics can only take humanity so far.

    So, is God a Numerologist? Is the use of multiple "threes" by God in his design of nature the act of a Numerologist, or a Mathematician who simplifies his lessons of instruction based on the cognitive ability of the students? Is humanity a class of students who are particularly naive, and like children, form cliques (groups) with their own language vocabulary to give themselves the impression they are intelligent, yet are still unable to understand simple test instructions, and thus require the usage of a dot-to-dot type of curriculum that is sometimes substituted with simple numbers?

    A repetition of "three" (or rule-of-three) appears to be the instructive pattern being used.

    If the reader is someone who is not interested or doesn't believe in god, they should at least note that "god" as a object of thought, has commonly been assigned to the 3rd realm labeled as Heaven, in the old cosmology of Underworld- Earth- Heaven. And if we apply the old Id- Ego- Superego of Sigmund Freud, we can see that the 3rd positioned "superego" speaks... at lest metaphorically, if not analogously to that which is beyond the norm, which is a characteristic assigned to the idea, the object called god. Similarly, we find the Child- Parent- Adult theme of humanistic psychology at the very least a symbolic tell-tale indication of a recurring cognitive schema underlying multiple 3-part organizational formulas such as the lower class- middle class- upper class, as well as the old race divisions of Africans- Asians- Caucasians.

    And it matters not if the reader agrees with any of these three-part sequences, they have nonetheless been used and stand out (at the very least) as "slips of the tongue" (or "slips of the psyche", or "slips of a collective unconscious") in terms of a recurring mental theme. And even if their is a social uprising to alter the design of any such sequence, wherever it may be found but disagreed with, how does one alter an underlying mindset which might otherwise be labeled as an archetype of that (natural event) which became impressed upon human biology and subsequently found its way into the domain of psychic phenomena? No less, granted that some three- (or more) part sequences may not hold to the idea of a sequential hierarchy of importance such as for example if we say "father- mother- child", unless it can be shown that the 3rd entity in this sequencing pattern, when placed into a given cultural setting— does indeed favor the child as that which is highly desirable, particularly (as in ancient cultures) if the child is a male who will become heir and perpetuator of a name, of a clan, of a tribe... with personal names also having developed a 3-part sequence over time in multiple cultures such as described by a first- middle- and last name, with the 3rd reference being highly dominant and sometimes expressed first, such as in China.

    The use of a tripartite Philosophical approach to discussing Religion, Spirituality and God is not new. But please do not misconstrue my application of "threes" to the topics of Religion, Spirituality and God. Examples are examples, they do not necessarily represent an advocacy of a given item. However, using the title of "God's Tripartite World Reality" does require some instructive explanation. I will get to it after providing a few examples of using a "three" pattern in different religious contexts. Please note how the "third" position plays a prominent role in multiple venues of intellectual exploration, often creating the idea that something better is to come (after a period of adjustment to a new reality):

    Three Worlds description of Biblical changes
    1. ...These three great epochs represent three distinct manifestations of divine providence. The first, from creation to the flood, was under the ministration of angels, and is called by Peter "THE WORLD THAT WAS." 2 Pet. 3:6.
    2. The second great epoch, from the flood to the establishment of the kingdom of God, is under the limited control of Satan, "the prince of this world," and is therefore called "THIS PRESENT EVIL WORLD." Gal. 1:4; 2 Pet. 3:7.
    3. The third is to be a "world without end" (Isa. 45:17) under divine administration, the kingdom of God, and is called "THE WORLD TO COME–wherein dwells righteousness." Heb. 2:5; 2 Pet. 3:13.

    The first of these periods, or "worlds," under the ministration of angels, was a failure; the second, under the rule of Satan, the usurper, has been indeed an "evil world"; but the third will be an era of righteousness and of blessing to all the families of the earth. (The Three Worlds, Part 1

    3 Worlds of the Shamin's Journey

    The Three Shamanic Worlds; (Journeying in the 3 Worlds, by Roel Crabb´) [The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. Marcel Proust]

    In shamanism, all over the world, the spirit worlds that the shaman visits in a trance are classified into three categories: the Upper world, the Lower world, and the Middle world. In some traditions, each shamanic world is further subdivided into different sub-worlds, but the 3 main worlds are worldwide the territory of the shamanic trance journey.

    In shamanism, all over the world, the spirit worlds that the shaman visits in a trance are classified into three categories: the Upper world, the Lower world, and the Middle world. In some traditions, each shamanic world is further subdivided into different sub-worlds, but the 3 main worlds are worldwide the territory of the shamanic trance journey.

    Higher, middle and lower spheres of the universe Ancient Greek – Mayan – Sumerian conception of the tree-tiered Universe

    Vedic Cosmology; Loka-traya - the 3 planetary systems:

    "There are three planetary systems, namely the lower worlds, the intermediate worlds and the upper worlds. The human beings on earth are situated at the beginning of the intermediate worlds, but living beings like Brahma and his contemporaries live in the upper worlds, of which the topmost is Satyaloka. In Satyaloka the inhabitants are fully cognizant of Vedic wisdom, and thus the mystic cloud of material energy is cleared." (SB 1.19.23)

    As stated in the Bhagavad-gita, there are three divisions of material spheres in this universe, namely the urdhva-loka (topmost planets), madhya-loka (midway planets) and adho-loka (downward planets). Beyond the urdhva-loka planets, that is to say above the Brahmaloka, are the material coverings of the universes, and above that is the spiritual sky, which is unlimited in expansion, containing unlimited self-illuminated Vaiku??ha planets inhabited by God Himself along with His associates, who are all eternally liberated living entities.

    1. Urdhvaloka — The "upper world" or urdhvaloka is above mount Meru. The celestial world, the realms of the gods or heavens, the svarga-lokas - heavenly planets.
    2. Madhya-loka – the middle planetary system, world of mortals, the realms of the humans, animals and plants.
    3. Adhaloka — The adha-loka (Adholoka) is the lower world, the subterranean heavens, Bila-Swarga, the realms of beings other than humans, like Daityas, Danavas and Nagas etc.

    In this following account there is the view that the Genesis account of reality provides for a 3-world division:

    The three worlds of the Genesis cosmology are the heavens, the earth, and the underworld

    1. Heavens: The skies above
    2. Earth: The land surrounded by water
    3. Underworld: Also known as sheol

    The Three-tiered Universe/Cosmology is a common ancient view that appears throughout the Bible. In the Genesis creation narrative, God separates the heavens from the earth, light from darkness, and the sea from dry land. The Genesis cosmology is often considered mythological. After the 4th century BCE, the Greek scientific cosmology of a spherical Earth surrounded by multiple concentric heavens gradually replaced the Hebrew Bible's three-part world.

    Three-Tiered Universe

    Despite the illustration, I came across an account which refutes the view:

    The Biblical Concept of Cosmology

    ...These examples make it clear that there was no uniform ancient mythical picture of a three-storied universe. The dead could dwell in the West, the gods in various parts of the earth rather than in a heavenly world. The most comprehensive study on Mesopotamian cosmic geography concludes that there was no belief in a three-storied universe with a solid metal vault, but rather, it posits that the Mesopotamians believed in six flat heavens, suspended one above the other by cables. This concept is altogether absent in the biblical cosmology.

    ...The recognition of the nonliteral, metaphorical use of words— pictorial language—in the Bible is important. If the Bible is read and interpreted on its own terms, it is usually not difficult to recognize such language. One writer effectively expressed the idea as follows: "A critical reader a thousand years hence might well think that the twentieth century held the idea of a three-story solid mind, with doors and gates. We know how wrong he would be; but we would still maintain that these phrases are legitimate metaphors, and indeed almost essential metaphors, to translate non-spatial ideas into spatial and comprehensible language."

    On the basis of evidence within the Bible, the widespread assumption that the biblical cosmology is that of a three-storied universe cannot be maintained. The so-called primitive or primeval view turns out to be an "assigned interpretation and not one which was derived from the texts themselves." Even when there is a proximity in time and place between terms in the Bible and in non-biblical texts, it does not necessarily imply that every ancient writer, whether inspired or not, intended the same or even a similar meaning...

    Other Aspects of Contrast and Polemic in the Genesis Creation Account.

    ...A lengthy part of this study has been occupied with the subject of an alleged biblical cosmology, the supposed three-storied picture of the world, because this is the point with which all modern discussions of the biblical cosmology and mythology begin and on which so much else depends. We now turn to other aspects of contrast and polemic in relation to ancient Near Eastern and Egyptian accounts. The exalted and sublime conception of the Genesis account of creation presents, at its center, a transcendent God who, as supreme and unique Creator, speaks the world into existence. The centerpiece of all creation consists of humans as male and female. The Genesis cosmology, which most comprehensively unveils the main pillars upon which the biblical world reality and worldview rest, knows of no three-storied or triple-decked universe...

    However, While the foregoing describes no basis for the idea of a 3-storied Universe, It does however give us an indication about the change in human cognition resorting to the use of a "three" from a possible and probable dichotomous orientation of realit. The idea of a 3-storied Universe is a later-born cognitive activity that we need to account for as an indication that a change in mental processing is taking place, but the transitional points are being overlooked.

    The "Three" theme in catastrophic War concerns:
    (One might also include missiles having been attached with a numerical value of "3").

    World War Three and War of the World's Threes theme

    Three-world model

    The terms First World, Second World, and Third World were originally used to divide the world's nations into three categories. The complete overthrow of the pre–World War II status quo left two superpowers (the United States and the Soviet Union) vying for ultimate global supremacy, a struggle known as the Cold War. They created two camps, known as blocs. These blocs formed the basis of the concepts of the First and Second Worlds.[1] The Third World consisted of those countries that were not closely aligned with either bloc.

    I view a discussion involving the topic of god needs to be presented with a disclaimer that it is an intellectual exercise that needs no apology when placed among materials describing ideas from sources not typically labeled or defined as Religion, Spirituality or God. Contemplatively, it can be associated with the Devil's Advocate Series. Playing the Devil's advocate in an attempt to arrive at a greater objectivity of one's work, is a common exercise found in every subject, including those areas involving extensive hands-on manual manipulation of materials such working on an art project, mechanical project, electrical project, gardening, chemistry, martial arts, boxing, acting, singing, baking, sewing etc... Playing the part of a Devil's Advocate is a model of experimentation that should need no explanation, but alas, often does need to be mentioned so as to diffuse any misinterpretations and thus be subjected to those claiming the presence of hypocrisy. In other words, the more sincere you are in an effort to be true, to be right, you must provide an allowance for engaging in the perspective of being your own critic. You must allow for mistakes and the strength of an enduring humility to not be discouraged by any apparent obstacle. Questioning oneself can help to pinpoint errors which in retrospect might make one feel embarrassed about. In the present case, if the "threes" idea represents some mechanically designed theme for the Earth, the Galaxy, or the entire Universe, then there is a need to strive to refute this intellectualized equation with the intent of improving what one has... or starting fresh from a different premise. Similarly, every single mathematician and scientist wants to ensure their findings are correct, and set up procedures which will serve them best. However, even with all the sincerity and effort one can muster, the end result can still be missing something, can still be incomplete, can still be wrong.

    It would be interesting to see how the world would react if every single so-called religious and spirituality-directed philosophical text vanished one day. Would humans seek to create the old from memory, or permit present day visionaries to share more insightful meditations dealing with the realities of today without the crutch or burden of pre-written material? Indeed, this would make for quite a television series... particularly if every replacement (except for a few?) would also come to vanish. If some producer reads this, I hope they include a "Threes" enthusiast in the cast. I suggest it be titled A Tripartite World Reality.

    while it is true those of us interested in the "threes" idea seek greater objectivity, to bring to the fore every single question we can so as to fashion the better equation, we know that the quote by Einstein about objectivity needs to implemented in some way: "We can not solve the problems of today by the same minds which created them." Hence, the repetition of "threes" presents us with a problem that some will knee-jerkedly respond to by claiming it is the result of some non-god Universal theme, all because god is (wrongly) viewed as a topic of religion and religion has proven itself to be quite faulty on several fronts. Hence the need for divesting the topic of God from religion, because the topic of god typically is referenced in terms of a Biblical god or some other religious text. When it is quite clear that all religious texts are the human proclaimed scriptures written (mostly by) men's interpretations of their respective reality defined by them as being sacred, their lack of education, poor writing skills, lack of wisdom, lack of experience and lack of knowledge shines through their words as producing a rather naive compilation of perspectives of what they claim to be is god. God is not a religious text.

    All so-called sacred texts are written by those whose compiled views reveal their level of ego-centric ignorance... or intelligence... take your pick. Like government Constitutions and the bylaws of S.O.P.- driven Corporations that need to periodically be revised and updated, such is the case more-so required for the presumed sacred texts. Not God, nor Religion nor spirituality are static. They are not specimens to be encased by either glass or the perceptions of humans that have been imprisoned by tradition or cultural practices sometimes based on commercial enterprises featuring the alternations of fads, fantasies and futilities of interest. However, calling the Christian Bible "the living word" does not in any way actually resurrect the perceptions of ancient times into a dynamic figure that breathes and thinks on its own. Like the eventual decadence in which ancient languages were used in the original writing of so-called sacred texts and later succumbed to the ravages of progressive time, so too should the texts themselves be permitted to eventually rest in peace. Yet the habituations of humanity are like an infant clinging to a bottle, binky (pacifier), or blanket. Those who truly seek god, or seek an enlightened spirituality need no such text as a crutch, walker, or wheelchair. For God is not a text that can be accurately memorized. Those who participate in a religious community, however large or small, need texts, need rituals, need set-in-stone observances and practices. This is true for science, business, education and government also. To argue that written religious texts prevent humans from making mistakes in spirituality and god, is tantamount to saying that humanity has not embraced any of the teachings which should be second Nature and be represented by an upgrade in human contemplation, consciousness and practice of a greater truth supposedly inspired by such illustrious words. The differences between Religion, Spirituality, and God need to be distinguished.

    The colloquial question of who would you miss most if garbage is piling up in the streets: The Postman? The Clergyman? Or the Garbage-man? Analogously, while Jesus is said to have been a carpenter, noting is said as to how good of a carpenter he was. Obviously in the context of his era, his skills as a carpenter (or lack thereof) were not needed. Likewise, the typical scriptural discussions of religion, spirituality and god are a deficit to an intellectual examination of these three separate topics. In most cases we find people who want a Christian biblical (or Jewish Torah, or Islamic Koranic) discussion of religion, of spirituality and of god. And let us not forget that neither Jesus, Mohammed, or the Buddha wrote anything down. All we have are compilations of here-say accounts. From this one might assume they were also illiterate. No less, the fact that all of the so-called 3 Great Monotheistic religions were born in deserts is quite suggestive of a psychological disposition needing extensive exploration.

    Seekers of God are a different breed of people. They are to be distinguished from seekers of a religion and seekers of spirituality. Seekers of god, such as Jesus, Mohammed, the Buddha, Moses and multiple spiritualists in different times and places and using different languages, typically do not seek out god in a religion, defined as a social gathering. One's path to god has a destiny shrouded in the necessity of a person making that pilgrimage on their own. The presence of others is not needed nor warranted. To suggest otherwise is the practice of a religion, and for those who seek a religion as their foremost interest and occupation instead of god are like those who seek to have a share in property with a commercial viability. A seeker of god, is one who searches for a deeper and more insightful spirituality, and often does so alone in the company of god, without the need of others to provide a type of confirmation of a personal conviction that has uncertainties, perhaps even fears, and may be wavering in faith. God is not to be feared, but embraced.

    The Patriarchs of Judaism no doubt had their moments of individual reverie and revelation in a desert environment to be awarded with the knowledge of a single god, in contrast to the prevailing views of ancient times where multiple gods garnered the common person's attention. Such were the probable cases of Jesus and Mohammed in relatively similar desert environments; as well as The Buddha and those in more ancient times in their particular settings whose minds traversed realms of contemplation most people living today may not have even begun to contemplate, much less comprehend. The more complex the lifestyle, the more chances for distraction from a diligent effort in seeking god through an individual spirituality... regardless of language and labeling. While descriptive labels in different languages in different eras may appear strange and intellectually inaccessible, they are no doubt the expressions of perceptions surveying the same landscape of spirituality exhibiting differently fragranced flowers, differently colored butterflies, and differently sounding birds, which... when presented to different tastes of curiosity, give rise to similar sensations of body, mind, and spirit but not always in the same sequence nor same intensity. Such is the case for the Triple Word Order of all languages designated Subject- Object- Verb.

    Yet, to speak of a Triple Word order should not keep us from additional correlations related to the 3 forms of language: Speaking- Writing- Thinking, and their correlates:

    • 3 fingers are used by most people to hold a pen or pencil. (The Tripod grip.)
      • Horses hooves have evolved in a preference for using the 3rd, middle finger.
      • 3rd middle finger of humans is a widely recognized symbol of vulgarity.
      • 3rd middle finger is commonly used by men as a vaginal stimulant.
      • Insects use a Tripod gait, that some roboticists have tried to copy. (Viewing a gait as an expression.)
    • 3 punctuations are used to end a sentence: Period- Question mark- Exclamation.
    • 3 genders used in grammar: Masculine- Feminine- Neuter.
    • Rules-of-Three used in speeches, stories, logical thought processing. (Ethos, logos, and pathos: These three Greek words can be used to involve the three main processes of the human brain.)
      • Use of Repetition: Repetition can make a message more memorable, persuasive, and entertaining. such as these Rule of Three examples:
        • "I came; I saw; I conquered"
        • "Government of the people, by the people, for the people".
        • "Tell the Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth".
        • "Been there, Done that, Got the T-shirt"
        • "Sandwich, Drink, Side Order" (3-piece combo-meal.)
      • Ethos: Establish your moral character and credibility. (Often seen in religious discussions.)
      • Logos: Support your argument with logical reasoning and patterns. (Poorly constructed in religious discussions.)
      • Pathos: Appeal to the emotional side of your audience. (Often seen in religious discussions.)
    • 3 patterned ear. (If patterned otherwise, would we speak, write, and think otherwise?)
    • 3 Components of a good Essay: Introduction - Body - Conclusion.
    • etc...

    Different religions try to own god, but god is not to be owned like a piece of property. Searching for God and participating in Religions are separate orientations, though practitioners of each often incorporate references to each other as an indivisible norm. While institutionalized religions recognize one another, with each their own interpretations of which is the proper way to acknowledge god's divinity for the greater blessing and permission to ascend into that realm of the sacred, non-institutionalized forms of non-traditional worship may be off-handedly dismissed with some negative label, even to the point of being subjected to public scorn, ridicule and literal antagonistic offenses. However, let us be reminded that many people inter-change the definitions of religion with atheism, and spirituality with both. In the strictest sense, non-religion is not atheism and spirituality requires multiple forms and formulas for different contexts. Atheism refers to a disbelief in god, and god is not a religion. Let us also be reminded that the definition of god is not owned either by seekers of god, practitioners of religion or those striving to embrace some higher, contemplative spirituality. It doesn't matter if you view god in a traditional sense or in a variant such as an alien (extra-terrestrial), super-natural being, or paranormal being. The basic human cognition remains. The use of substitutions for religion, god and spirituality are not, strictly speaking, anti-religion and anti-god or anti-spirituality. The impulse to believe in something superior to oneself and one's kind is an interesting phenomenon that has not been given the time and credit it deserves as a topic traversing every subject that is both digestible and dialectical, whether you use Monalities/Singularities, Dichotomies/Dualities, Trichotomies/Trialities, or some other Plurality as suits your sensibilities in an effort to interlace both the macroscopic and microscopic minutia of your interests.

    Is God a practitioner of Numerology, or the greatest Mathematician who is able to convey complex ideas in simple terms but we are misinterpreting what appears to be a message? Whereas some preferentially see Singularities, others see Dualities, but for some reason they reject the view of a Triparttite Reality and offer some alternative pattern like the habit of a domesticated goat, cow and pig that prefers processed and packaged feed that come with instructions instead of grazing on Natural vegetation. Animals that have become institutionalized in how and when to stand at a feeding trough, are like people who are institutionalized by their religion and are collectively instructed where and when and how and what to wear when praying for god's guidance. For many, to do otherwise is like setting a prisoner free into a reality they are unaccustomed to and ill prepared for, just like actual prisons whose systems of Habilitation and Rehabilitation are appreciably worthless for those whose careers outside the institution inevitably create scenarios which require they return to the place of a proposed penitence called a penitentiary, though their only reflected-on penance is the embarrassment in having been caught performing a sin... yep, not guilt nor shame.

    Many of those who have spent years being incarcerated would prefer committing a sin in order to feel the necessary (albeit superficial) guilt which directs them becoming imprisoned once again in their preferred religious institution, which is made all the worse if such an institution is a socialized cultural expectation. Having lived and breathed the reality of those who preach dichotomies such as Heaven and Hell, god and the devil, righteousness and blasphemy, etc., or cater to the use of old enumerations such as 7, 40, 108, 786, etc., are used to the language and reasoning of an ancient time; as if God is a sentimental old fool that longs for some previous moment in time that humans think to create for god by their use and recitation of made-up inferences, and thus believe in themselves as a chosen one, like a teacher's pet student. If this message is encoded in "threes" like the almost Universal triplet code of RNA and DNA, is this a truth and those that seek to an get closer to god, closer to Jesus, closer to Mohammed, closer to the Buddha, closer to the Trinity, closer to the Trimurti... all find their way to a path of threes such as being advocated by Eastern styles of measured contemplation, and sometimes routinized by adopted customs in Western religion?

    DNA's triplet code is considered "nearly universal," meaning that the same codon sequences generally code for the same amino acids across all living organisms, with only a few minor exceptions found in certain mitochondria and bacteria; essentially, most life on Earth uses the same genetic code to translate DNA into proteins.

    If god can use a triplet code for basic life that is followed by the use of 3 domains of life (Bacteria- Archaea- Eukaryotes) and 3 Germ Layers (Ectoderm- Mesoderm- Endoderm), then this may be why we find Angel (or spiritual) numbers exhibited in patterns-of-three (sometimes 2 or 4 numbers as well for some individuals... hence, 2- or 3- or 4), and a clear means by which the infamous Beast (666) can be recognized as well; not to mention the existence of a World War III orientation in our era. So let us take a look at our existence and participate in the path of understanding laid out for us, if only we would take the time to look at all the many signposts directing our attention to take heed... Unless you believe that God Plays Dice With The Universe, or a 3 shells game or a 3-card Monte or a gambling form of the Triple 777, instead of the Biblical reference of 777 being a reference to god.

    A forewording comment by Dr. Simon Kelsey: A further thought - which is why I generally use the term Triunes (rather than Threes) - is the emphasis on relationship, rather than just number. Three yet One is a compact form of the ancient One-Many, Unity-Diversity dichotomy of the whole universe. Albeit that Buddhists don't make Triune prominent apparently a central idea is that nothing exists out of context or relationship with everything else. And the native African idea of "Ubuntu" (I am because you are) resonates with this. The difference with Trinity (Threes) is that relationship is reduced & tightened up to its irreducible limit... of Three.

    Note: with this disclaimer in mind, let us be mindful that the many different labels of "three" can be viewed in terms of antagonistic or complementary dichotomies such as microscopic/macroscopic, atomistic/holistic, nurture/nature, peace/chaos, static/dynamic, the yin/the yang, etc...

    Does a god exhibiting a tripartite "Omni" or (Om/AUM), or Amen, Amon or Amun characterization, need to use advanced Mathematics to speak to the minds of children? Do you with yours?

    Humans Describe God As Having a Trinity of Attributes;
    Singular and Individualized as well as Complementary and Complete:
    • Omnipotence: God is all-powerful, with unlimited authority and influence.
    • Omniscience: God is all-knowing, with infinite awareness, understanding, and insight.
    • Omnipresence: God is present everywhere at all times.

    Why does the presence of a Tripartite World Reality cause you so much anguish and consternation that your first inclination is to reject it, by using some other number as a helmet, shield, sword and infantry banner? Why are you afraid of God's message if it is being presented in a tripartite formula? What is it about the "three" you are afraid of, to the extent you even reject the idea of a Christian Trinity or Hindu Trimurti, or ancient Egyptian triads? No less, why do you reject the "three" found in Mythology and Fairy tales? Just because the stories themselves may be viewed as make-believe, the recurring pattern-of-three is not.

    If you turn away from your religion god will not reject you because god is not a religion. Religions were started as a means of consolidating the energy of multiple others to search life for a great meaning and purpose than the travails of day-to-day existence. God does not need religion to be god. A people who are lost in their search for god, for spirituality... need a religion, but religions are not a gateway to god; they are a means to assist a person to eventually seek god without an institutionalized crutch. Those who foremost seek out a religion are seeking the fellowship of other humans, not the companionship of god.

    Millions have come to realize that having a relationship with a religion is a poor substitute for a relationship with god, or the intimacy of a divine spirituality however it may be labeled, and is much like a woman who has relied too much on an earthly relationship that has distracted her from identifying those personalized deeper realizations which can not be acquired even if one adopts a lifestyle described as a marriage to god. Who is god? A clue to the identity of God is hinted at in the Universally used 3-number digit called Pi (3.14), which closely resembles a comment found in the Old Testament: I am (Exodus: 3:14). {3.14 also is Einstein's Birthday (March 14th)}.

    • I am god. I am not a religion. No religion owns god, nor does god possess a religion nor has a preference for any religion.
    • I am god. I am infinity. Though there is an infinity of numbers, the mind of humanity uses only a handful, with some more prominent than others.
    • I am god. A path lined with a repeating set-of-3 marks should not be that difficult to follow for those claiming themselves to be intelligent.
    • I am god. I am not a King, not a president, not a landlord or any kind of lord, not a chief, not a governor, not a mayor, not a chef, etc... I am god.

    God is God. God is not to be given the attribute of a human title because this is an indication that those who do so are trying to humanize god, be it as a King, Lord, or otherwise. God is not a human. God has no need of human titles. God is neither a He, She, or It. Ancient civilizations that humanized god (which followed those earlier civilizations whose customs first used animals followed by exercises in using 'part animal/part human' attributes that are either called amalgamations or hybrids); are a collective listing of human thought processing making incremental strides in its development towards the preparation to be confronted with a message from god that will enable humanity to reach the next way-station of exploration. Though many of the practices of ancient civilizations are at present labeled as incredulous myths and legends, the people of distantly ancient eras truly believed in what many today describe as the nonsense they held up as being sacred and not to be violated for fear of dire consequences. They humanized their believed-in gods in an effort make themselves more interactively accessible to one or another god— and thereby sought to enable themselves to draw all the more nearer to abilities and achievements which were once again no less interpreted in more human terms, and yet thought to be superior (such as with magic, alchemy, and witchcraft or by secularizing religion [by an association with commerce, the military or government]), just like some people today using words such as creative, talented, gifted, and genius, or the academic counterparts of grade point determined Latin distinctions (which can vary from University to University):

    1. Cum laude: "With distinction," typically 3.5–3.6 GPA or top 16-35% of class.
    2. Magna cum laude: "With great distinction', typically 3.7–3.8 GPA or top 6-15% of class.
    3. Summa cum laude: "With highest honor," typically 3.9–4.0 GPA or top 1-5% of class.

    Attempts to humanize god is a gesture of anthropomorphism engaged in by the mental state of children who play with inanimate dolls and stuffed animals that are given the attributes of something alive and afforded an accommodation of acceptable behavior that will be grown out of when someone matures. Yet, adults who persist in labeling god with a human title of leadership will never obtain the necessary level of cognitive maturity to enter into the next realm of contemplative conceptualizations where god awaits as a non-speaking scarecrow pointing humanity in the direction meant for them.

    • Humans have developed the mathematical assertions there are 3 possible geometries of the Universe:
      • Flat (linear)- Spherical (circular)- Saddle-shaped (triangular).
    • Humans have developed the idea that the Universe contains:
    • 3 families (generations) of fundamental atomic particles:
        (Particle families appear as a set of 3, characterized by the electron, muon and tau families.)
        1. Leptons: These are elementary particles that do not interact via the strong force, with well-known examples being the electron, muon, and tau lepton.
        2. Quarks: These are fundamental particles that make up composite particles like protons and neutrons, and they interact via the strong force.
        3. Bosons: These particles mediate forces, with the most famous example being the photon which carries the electromagnetic force.
      Mnemonic created to assist in identifying the Quarks
      • 3 large sub-atomic particles called the Protons- Neutrons- Electrons.
      • 3 quarks make up Protons and Neutrons, with Electrons said to be indivisible, though this was once thought about atoms as well. (The word atom is derived from the ancient Greek adjective atomos, meaning "uncuttable" or "indivisible.")
      • a 3 X 3 arrangement of quarks detailing fractions by thirds:
        • 2/3rds charge: UP-TOP-CHARMED quarks;
        • 1/3rd charge: DOWN-BOTTOM-STRANGE quarks.

    The Christian Trinity and Hindu Trimurti are alternatively described as "3 in 1" entities. Let us, for the moment, call this the Trinity and Trimurti code. It is a recurring ratio which very few are acknowledging, and therefore not paying attention to the basic Nature of god:

    • 3 spatial dimensions: height- width- depth, and 1 time dimension.
    • 3 Standard Model fundamental forces: Electromagnetism- Strong force- Weak force, and 1 non-standard model force: Gravity.
    • 3 forms of basic matter on Earth: Solids- Liquids- Gases; 1 non-Earth form of matter: Plasma.

    Other 3 -to- 1 ratio examples can be found here: 3 -to- 1 ratios page A

    • 3rd planet from the Sun: Earth
    • 3 basic divisions of the Earth taught to children: Core- Mantle- Crust
    • Triangulations of satellites are used for communications arrays.
    • 3 Basic radioactive emissions: Alpha- Beta- Gamma.
    • 3 major categories of the optical spectrum: Ultraviolet- Visible- Infrared.

    Note: since threes in anatomy are a Big Deal, let me add a reference here, though I will insert it later in the larger context of biological examples:

    List of threes in Anatomy by Dr. McNulty and associates.

    3 -to- 1 ratio of elements in the human body: These four elements make up roughly 96% of the human body mass, with the remaining 4% consisting of elements like calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, and magnesium, considered "trace elements" in smaller quantities.

    • 3 are gases: Oxygen (around 65%)- Hydrogen (around 10%)- Nitrogen (around 3%); 1 is solid: Carbon (around 18%).
    • 3 domains of life: Bacteria- Archea- Eukaryotes.
    • 3 Germ Layers: Ectoderm- Mesoderm - Endoderm.

    Note: I'll be back. I have other chores to attend to.

    Date of Origination: Saturday, 12th October 2024... 9:08 AM
    Date of Initial posting: Saturday, 12th October 2024... 1:19 AM
    Updated Posting: Monday, 17th October 2024... 5:48 AM